Astrology Language of Life Volume 1 Progressions-Robert P Blaschke

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The language of life
Volume I - Progressions
Robert P Blaschke
... dedicated to all professional astrologers practitioners
who love their customers, and serve them ...
Translated by:
Nina Nikolajević
Belgrade, 2004.
Page 2
First edition printed in 1998 by:
Earthwalk School of Astrology
PO Box 1013
Safety Harbor FL 34695 USA
First printing: December 1998 in 500 copies
Second printing: June 1999 in 2000 copies
Third printing: June 2002 in 1000 copies
Copyright © 1998 by Robert P. Blaschke
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form
or by any means, eletronic or mechanical, including photocopy, without permission in writing
from Earthwalk School of Astrology. Reviewers may be quoting brief passeges, as may scholars
writing astrological journal articles.
Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 98-94839
International Standard Book Number (ISBN): 0-9668978-0-3
Printed in United States of America

Page 3
To my beloved wife, Sally
Our love is my redemption
The road in the past was paved with stones full of sadness
Which cut into my feet, tearing and pounding my bones
Somehow, through the dark nights, our souls persevered in believing in the love that would
heal us
Yes, I give you my heart, and my hands will be your home forever
Because whatever we do, from now on we will do it together
Your love heals me, and my love will fill you
Because when our ship finds a safe harbor and avoids the shallows
Hearing you call me your husband melts my soul in place
Which wipes away all the tears of sadness that have clogged my face
What have we done to deserve each other's love?
And how can we ever give thanks for the grace of the sublime

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Author's birth chart:
Robert P. Blaschke
Nov 15, 1953
01:37:00 AM PST
Santa Monica, CA
118W29'25 "34N01'10"
Porphyry Houses

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I want to especially thank my editor, Patty ("Chainsaw") Laferriere, who is
did a wonderful job making me a better writer. It is very difficult to find the person who is
intelligent, knowledgeable, knowledgeable in astrology, and at the same time a writer and editor.
Anyone can
rules my natal retrograde Mercury in biquintile with Jupiter twisting
delving into long and superfluous sentences and paragraphs, he is a true saint. She and I have a
Venus - Mercury conjunction, on top of Yoda, right on the composite Ascendant.
I also want to express my love and appreciation to Rob Hand for taking the time to
in the midst of his busy schedule, he reads my manuscript and writes a preface to this book.
He sits atop a branch of the tallest tree in an astrological forest, with a view that is incomparable.
When he came to Portland last month for a weekend for my 45th birthday, I experienced a
wonderful one
experience picking him up at the airport and taking him to dinner before his lecture. He is
the person I would love to ride along the earth, talking astrology and metaphysics to
in the morning, with the occasional quick meal or sandwich by the way.
My thanks also go to Therese Magee and Charlene Jensen for editorial assistance at
the very beginning of this project. Roy Jones, Betty Steflik and Helena Wolfe, thank you for
technical expertise and assistance with cover design. To my friends from The
Mountain Astrologer - Tem Tarriktar, Kate Sholly, Linda Puffer, Mary Plumb and Judy
Schwein - thanks for posting my articles over the years. I also owe it to Ray
Grasse, the new deputy editor of The Mountain Astrologer , for an outstanding job
which he did in editing articles derived from my book.
Many thanks go to Judith Larson and Anne Lathrop for their prayers, love and encouragement
during the time I was writing this book.
To my big brother, Jim, who keeps me smiling as he always did while we are
were children, I want to express my love and gratitude. To our father, Dr. Alfred C. Blaschke,
he made us sit down when we were still young boys, and he taught us advanced math,
thank you, Dad, for activating my imagination with numbers and patterns, and for passing on
passionate intelligence on me through our family blood.
Alan Leo and CEO Carter, thank you for whispering in my ear from Heaven as I wrote.
I wish you were both still here with us.
And last but not least to my older daughter, Amy Rose, for her golden heart, tenderness
and compassion. I believe in you, my sweet baby, and I love you from the bottom of my heart.

Page 6
Foreword by Robert Hand
There is something in astrology we have in abundance - these are beginner books. This is
understandable because astrology has grown steadily in modern times precisely because it has
attracted new ones
so it is natural that many texts should be addressed to them. However, it is
caused by the unfortunate condition that now exists. Much of what astrologers actually do is not
documented. We have a good core made up of written material that is mostly
basis. But solid material that really elevates the effectiveness of astrology, as a practical tool
for consultation, it has been reduced mainly to oral transmission from an astrologer to a student,
or to
lectures or seminars. The result is that the material is lost, sometimes reworked by
someone else and sometimes not.
This Robert Blaski book on progressions is quite accessible to astrological readers more
level, however, this is not a beginner's book. It not only provides the basics on progressions; she
goes beyond that to provide a practical and theoretical foundation for integrating the various
method of progression into a unique body of methods in which each method has its place and
where it has
as little overlap as possible.
The core of the method is based on three main forms, the usual secondary, or day-for-year
progression, tertiary, or day-for-lunar-progression cycle, and so-called minor progression that
are based on the lunar-cycle-for-year. Usually these methods are used as
competing techniques to achieve about the same thing. The only question was which one
the most effective technique of the three? Whatever the answer is, it is common practice to use
exclusively secondary progression because it is mostly a learned technique. The Church of Light
(The Church of Light) also teaches that secondary ones should be used together with minor ones.
Minorne se
used to support indications of regular secondary, and possibly improve temporally
determining (timing) events due to the greater movement of planets within that system (I believe
in fact the term "minor progression" is a coin coined by the Church of Light). They are tertiary
the least domesticated of all three types of progressions on this continent, but those who used
they were impressed with their efficiency. Tertiary progressions were invented by the German
astrologer E. H Troinski in the period around World War II.
Blaški's theory is that these three types of progression derive their effectiveness from the
following relationships.
The secondary are the result of the Earth-Sun interaction (day by year) which is in
the reciprocal relationship with Matter and Spirit. Tertiaries are the result of the interaction
Earth and Moon (day and month) which is in relationship with Matter and Soul. And finally,
minors are the result of the reciprocal effect of the moon and the sun (moon and year) which is in
the reciprocal
relationship with the Soul and the Spirit.
Either way, this metaphysical and theoretical framework would be of little use if it were not
related to
practical, applied astrology. Although this book is solidly based on the author’s
metaphysical position, it is not airy, theoretical work devoid of practical application. As he
the logic and applicability of the theoretical position, the book provides much that is useful and
practically, and describes application techniques that may not have occurred to even the most
to astrologers: material about planetary vomiting in different systems, cycles that naturally
arise from different systems and so on. This is a technically very rich and learning book
a particular method that would not be difficult to put into practice, though some readers may
to use different parts of the complete system to examine the global efficiency of the system.
The only caveat I would give the reader is that he can be convinced that in a partial approach

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which system should be careful not to impair the integrity of the whole system. Sometimes
the part of the whole is much smaller than might be expected when the whole is respected.
The question that remains is this: Is the author right, and are his methods of application
progression best there are? At this point, I do not feel qualified to give
the answer. What I do know is that my theoretical and metaphysical positions are somewhat
different from
his. But what I have to say is that I approve of having come up with a comprehensive and
overall so that the astrological community can evaluate it, and what it has done in book form
so that the method cannot be reversed or altered by numerous defective oral transmissions
way. Whatever was my, or anyone's, final assessment of Blaški's methods, this book should
to advance studies of progressions in astrology, both at the practical and theoretical levels, and
for the sake of
we owe it to Robert Blask the voice of praise.
Robert Hand
December 1998

Page 8
Welcome to the world of progression! They are probably the most fascinating and useful area
astrological studies and practices. It is assumed that you already have a background in natal
astrology and
you seek to interpret a natal chart that moves through time.
As the word itself says, progressing a horoscope after birth means moving the sun,
The moon and the planets in real astronomical motion toward different systems of the symbolic,
correlation, time calculations. The natal horoscope represents the inherited spiritual potential
of any human being. The purpose of this book is to define and describe how this life unfolds in
time and how individuals ideally progress through their lives toward a more refined and
an integrated state of love, experience and wisdom.
This book will also define and describe how reality works at three different levels and,
at the same time, at three different speeds through a mystical time of 1:13:27. Skill
an astrologer can use different systems of progressive calculus to identify with which
the level of consciousness is carried by the client at any given moment. This book will not just
the progression theory is also about how to use it with clients in consultations.
In his studies and practice of astrology, esoteric Christianity, Eastern mysticism and
Theosophy of over 27 years, I came to the point of viewing progressions as
integrative spiritual processes and I have a sense of the descent of the Spirit into matter which is
visible within
progression. During my studies and studies of Eastern mysticism, I learned about mental,
emotional and physical bodies that are enveloped in the eternal Spirit. In his studies of
I learned about the sublime struggle of the Self-conscious Spirit who, as he realizes how deep he
has become
established in matter begins to feel a painful longing for his sublime home. From your own
experiences as an esoteric Christian, I saw the flames of Jesus burning in the universal Holy
To the heart and who refines the perception of understanding the mind through intense love and
pain in its own
Progression theory captures the symbolic relationship between the sun, moon, and earth. What
he noticed that the Spirit, on his way down into matter, was undergoing minor progressions
which are in relation to the causal (causal) mental plan. Planetary impressions are
made here in the innermost interior of the mind and, in a holographic sense, produce the mental
the form from which future emotional or physical reality is supplied. These patterns can be found
in the minor progressive lunar phases, and in the minor progressive eclipses,
cells, retrograde, aspects, sign changes and house entrances.
Then these mental impressions pave the way down into tertiary progressions. The tertiary level is
correlate with the astral, or emotional / desire plan. This is where impressions get into the
body and activate love, desire, anger, fear or dreams. When this occurs, it is in direct relation
with corresponding previous minor progressive activities, and holographically, is
carried over a time proportion of 27:13.
Finally, these emotional impressions pave their way further down into secondary progressions.
This level is correlated with the physical body. Now impressions are going down into the brain,
system, bloodstream, senses and muscles, and propel the body either into a positive life effect, or
into a disease, or
disease. When this happens, it is directly related to the corresponding previous one
tertiary progressive activities, and as such it was transmitted through time
13: 1 aspect ratio.

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The stream of consciousness also moves up (up) the path, from secondary to tertiary, and from
tertiary to minor. This happening is a phenomenon of the Spirit in its ascent from
matter, and informs the astrologer of a physical experience that further influences feelings or
thoughts. When
physical or emotional joy or trauma occurs, they are carried up into the emotional body or
the mental body. When this happens, there is a direct relationship with the appropriate future
tertiary or minor progressive activities, which will be holographically transferred to
time ratio of 1:13 or 13:27.
Progression theory suggests that life energy can be observed and is possible
determine in time at three levels of consciousness. We experience it mentally, emotionally and
planetary influences moving up and down from one level to another. The implications are
infinite. Understanding this, we can relate current secondary progressive activities to
their previous or future similar tertiary progressive activities. Even them
we may follow according to previous or future minor progressive activities. I hope so
that this framework of interpretation, which is both metaphysical and practical, will be
used, tested and evaluated by the astrological community. He helps us understand,
for example, how the memory of childhood abuse can be buried for years and then, at
At some point, break out. It also helps us understand how festering
thoughts or feelings, unforgiven and unresolved, become chronic diseases or illnesses.
The practical application of the theory of progression is almost infinite. It can be used as
diagnostic tool in medical astrology for facilitating the treatment of chronic
diseases by associating illnesses in the body with previous emotional or mental traumas.
In therapeutic astrology, previous dates and planetary influences in u can be identified
life affecting the client's well-being emotionally or psychologically. In spiritual astrology,
may provide metaphysical support that explains how time occurs within
1:13:27 and how any current physical experience is directly related, holographically,
with previous or future mental impressions and emotional state.
I wrote this book with the secondary progressive Sun in the natal square
Mars and the progressive Ascendant in conjunction with the natal Saturn. It was a book
completed when my secondary progressive moon left my progressive twelfth
house and entered into conjunction with the natal Saturn and the progressive Ascendant on the
to the Scorpio degree. The Sabian symbol for this degree is “A happy home celebration in a
small village
brings together a neighborhood association. " I feel like every one of my readers is my neighbor
to the collective astrological village we live in. I am sending you this book in the spirit of love
I wrote this book for a professional practitioner astrologer. I sincerely hope yours
knowledge of the theory of progression and the practical methods of interpretation contained
herein, enable i
further you help your clients. It is my desire for this book to make a small contribution
to the existing body of astrological literature on progressions, and in a good way contributes to
the spiritual
integrating your customers.
Robert P. Blaschke
14.December 1998.
Lake Oswego, Oregon

Page 10
Not despising to give an example from a personal and intimate life, but not to engage in
speculation, the author outlines his complete theory of progressions. This, ”to our astrologer
community ”over the required predictive reading, contains explanations for how progressions are
applied in
working with clients. The book gives precise descriptions of the physical, emotional and mental
state of the
certain progressive developments, and the constant interplay of the three levels of reality that
are intertwined in a "holographically" transmitted relationship of a time ratio of 1:13:27.
With a constant reference to esoterics, metaphysics, religion, this professional astrologer and
school owner
astrology, gives us an abundance of information about the development of horoscopes in time
and what
brings. Various progressive techniques, with the additional use of less noticeable, but therefore
and less valuable auxiliary techniques (deans, dvadashamsha), opens the possibility for everyone
an astrologer to use this book to refine his knowledge and refine in time the events that
they come, or have already passed, and thus better integrate them in their own as well as their
spiritual development
Lowering interesting stories from your practice, with a compulsory description of the physical,
mental and mental
states, ongoing and ongoing customer care. and his suffering, and self-compassion
about the emotional depth of the author and reminds us of the astrologers' basic drive to deal
with this
work, so that it can be read between the lines that knowledge and compassion are in contact
the combination it gets, with the often exuding indelible feeling of love for man
(to the client).
In his sincere intent and desire, Robert Blaški also teaches us how and how to work with
clients, as well as responsibilities for people who come for help, giving very much
specific lists and reminders that will make it easier for any astrologer to practice the preparation
What makes this book especially valuable is the fact that the author leaves none
doubt, he already explains in detail all the progressive techniques with picturesque examples of
who uses them himself.
Nina Nikolajević
August 2004 Belgrade

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Transit and Progression considerations
In your astrological practice, you have probably noticed that sometimes, seemingly the main one,
significant transits or progressions, did not noticeably affect your client. On the other side,
you may also notice that some modest transits or progressions trigger major changes,
cause pain, or trigger breakups. It is certain that you have additionally wondered and why you
are determined
transit or progressive planetary activities operate at one particular level
conscious experience, but not on the other. There were also certainly questions about why
planetary activities seem to affect the lives of your clients at different rates and speeds.
Through years of practice, I have been asking these questions, too. This chapter is taken from
my clients, my life experience, and the experience of other astrologers. In them lie the basic
rules, laws, and definitions that describe the links between natal, progressive, and transit
Carter's rules of natal horoscope
A few years ago, I began to seriously appreciate the internal, interplay between
natal and progressive charts, when I first read the famous British astrologer from the beginning
20th Century - Charles EO Carter. I found his "Natal Rule" in
the book The Principles of Astrology which reads:
"The basic rule is that no directorate can bring anything that is not already
shown in the natal. There are virtually no exceptions to this. ”
Carter classifies "directorates" as aspects that make progressive planets progressive, or
progressive to natal planets. Basically he says that unless the planets in the natal are
aspects of one another, then neither aspects of progressive planets to progressive ones, or
progressive to natal, between the same planets, will have no significant effect. And he adds
that there are virtually no exceptions to this.
In other words, activities in progressions that cause significant life changes lead
originate from the natal horoscope, and are merely an extension of pre-existing natal aspects.
means that not all of the potential aspects that planets in progression make relative to natal, or
aspects within the progressive horoscope itself, equally affect a person's life. It's Carter
believed that the birth chart inexorably limits the performance of progressive horoscopes; and
the natal chart shows what can happen, and progression tells when it can happen.
Carter's law of excitation
Thinking about the interplay of transit and progression, I found Carter's "Law
on excitation, again in The Principles of Astrology :

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"If at a time when one progressive body is in aspect with another under direction,
either of these bodies forms a transit aspect with either of these two directives
bodies, then this transit will awaken directionality to immediate action. "
In other words, when one progressive planet is in aspect with another in progression, and either
which of them forms an aspect and towards the transit, then the transit planet will be the trigger
for action
progressive planets, for awakening - the excitation of a given aspect. Inside this astrological
The law states that a "waking" planet, or a transit planet, must be one of two directionals
(or progressive) planets. Carter's law of excitation works in progressions at every level -
secondary, tertiary and minor, and explains why certain transit happens
can act very strongly, while others will have no influence at all.
What the astrologer is now discovering is a three-tiered connection: 1) the natal aspects
determine and limit
significant progressive activities; 2) transits are the trigger for the manifestation of progressive
set them into action; 3) at all levels, only the same two planets that are in aspect are taken
in the natal.
Understanding the interplay between transit and progression leads us to understand the theory
"Sensitive degrees": Degrees of fluid aspects, progressive to natal, or progressive to
progressive planets, at a time when they are very close to application in their exact aspect, or
however, at the very abandonment of the partile aspect (exact in degree and in minute), they
were provoked
to act, from the same planets that form the transit aspect to these degrees.
In practice, the astrologer can find various progressive aspects at any time. Taking very
a small orbit of one degree in the application, and one degree in separation, the time passage will
this way of being created, globally showing the length of potential progressive activity.
Such progressive aspects are called sensitive degrees .
These "sensitive degrees" are usually part of any major transit, whether natal or progressive
aspect, which will have a significant impact on a person's life, whether external or internal.
They should always be kept in mind, along with any transit conjunction or opposition
towards a natal or progressive planet that is not related to the progressive sensitive
In some cases, I have seen other transit planets, which are therefore neither of the two
planets that form a progressive direction as it activates sensitive degrees. Usually it is
disposer of the progressive planet, i. the ruler of the sign she is in. Bearing in mind
traditional rule, that is: Mars for Scorpio, Saturn for Aquarius, Jupiter for Pisces.
A classic example of this type of "trigger" transit happened recently, January 21, 1998, at 6:00
AM EST, the morning when the Clinton-Levinsky scandal erupted. President Clinton has a birth
Sun at 26 ° 00 'Lava, in half with Venus at 11 ° 07' Scales. After the secondary
progressions, that day, his Venus (26 ° 53 'Scorpio) was in a separation square
with his natal Sun. At the same time, transit Mars was at 26 ° 53 '
particle square with secondary Venus, causing a delicate degree from progression. It's Mars
also the disposer of secondary Venus.
Alan Leo transit definition

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In his piece The Progressed Horoscope , Alan Leo officially describes transits:
“The word 'transit', unless otherwise indicated, should be understood as a crossing
a transit body over the exact spot in the horoscope; ie it is a conjunction of transit ”
Leo here speaks of conjunctions as the most significant transits. Also, he claimed to be
planet declination (latitude below or above the celestial equator) at the time of transit
conjunctions, also a factor that acts by weakening or amplifying the effects of conjunction. It
means that
is a transit conjunction, which is an even more powerful conjunction. So is the transit
the opposition, which is also a counter-parallel, much more powerful than the ordinary
Below, Leo writes that the effects of transit aspects on natal planets are all but
conjunctions, under the question mark, with the exception of transit opposition to the natal
The sun, the moon, or the ruler of the Ascendant, or when it is a transit opposition to the current
by the degree of the progressive Sun or Moon.
Leo also refers to the existence of "sensitive degrees" by writing, some 25 to 30 years before
Carter CEO, that when the progressive planet approaches the exact aspect of the birth,
or immediately thereafter, it may be triggered by a planet transiting this
degrees. Leo also had a very clear view that transits were much smaller
of significance from the progressions.
Leo believed that greater importance should be given to transit conjunctions occurring in time
birthdays, or at the time of a progressive birthday, every year. By its effect, each
the conjunction in the solar return horoscope, according to any natal planet, is also
very important. Furthermore, any transit (conjunction) through natal or
progressive planets at a time of year that coincides with the secondary progressive sun.
He believed that such transits maintained their influence throughout the next year. Like Carter, i
Leo argued that transit conjunctions, oppositions, as well as lunations or eclipses that
they fall exactly to current degrees, are the triggers that trigger an active manifestation, be they
it progressive with the natal, or progressive with the progressive aspects.
An astrologer can make good use of these Leo techniques, knowing how to extract current dates
the secondary, tertiary and minor progressions of his client.
For example, my natal Sun is at 22 ° 44 'Scorpio. Right now, my secondary
progressive Sun, is at 08 ° 28 'Capricorn. That would mean I have two this year
birthday, my natal birthday is November 15th and my secondary progressive birthday is
December 30 (the current derived date from my sequential progression is December 30, 1953)
Any transit conjunction from the horoscope of my Solar Return to my natal,
will have an impact throughout next year.
Formerly "against" Sad
British authorities from the early twentieth century, such as Alan Leo and Charles Carter, often
used it
the date and time of the important events they knew when they happened, such as wedding,
the outbreak of war, the taking of the throne, power, accidents, accidents, illnesses, losses, etc.,
researching on a large number of horoscopes, and studying what was happening at the time. Like
the research included: natal, transits, at least two or three types of progression, primary directions

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(moving the MC one degree to the right, or latitude, for each year of life),
declension as well as diurnal chart for the day in question. Based on this kind of fundamental
research, they spoke authoritatively about what techniques worked, how
the different techniques were related, and how often they were precise.
By contrast, books about transits of authority of my generation, published in the mid-1970s, how
they seem to have elevated the transits to a superior, superior position, assuming them
progressions. When I look back at that time when astrological software programs were the first
were written for large computers, these authors no doubt thought all possible permutations and
combinations should be included to produce the computer generated report it is in
each transit aspect with each natal planet was described in detail. This “astrological-
cook's approach to writing, originally intended, I suppose, was intended to be
make a computer program with astrological interpretation but unfortunately only contributed yes
disable true understanding of transit and distinguish between transit that is really important and
importance, and also diminished the ability to understand joint action and interaction
connections between natals, progression, and transit.
The reason some transits produce more effect than others, according to the early British
to the astrological authorities of this century, lies in their relationship (or lack thereof)
of the same) with current progressions in relation to the natal, or in their relation to aspects in
within the progressive horoscope itself. The fact that this astrological rule is usually not
takes note of the fact that the fragmentation of things, their fragmentation and
the crushing, introduced by the technique through the recent computerization of astrology. In the
computer programming and their use since everything has been reduced to
the individual components, the overview, the perspective, and more importantly the connection
and with each other
action between different astrological methods and techniques is disabled.
From my experience as a practitioner astrologer, the research and observations of Alan Leo and
CEO Carter are
resurgent. Like them, I find that the birth chart works directly with the progression,
as well as that transits and progressions act in correlation, giving significant life experiences and
changes, manifesting both internally and externally.
In defense of transit techniques, regardless of their association with progressions, I wish yes
I emphasize that I also used the transit cycles of Mars, Jupiter and Saturn, that is, the return
of these planets to their natal positions. Following them extensively and continuously, I have
found that they are from
invaluable values in my work.
Sensitive Degree Theory - Advanced Definitions
If you move the primary reference points of planetary movements after birth, from transit to
progressions, bearing in mind that all progressive activities as such are natal-related
horoscope, then the natal aspects become the basis for all further interpretations. This would
mean that it would
certain planetary relations, ie. pairs of planets that are in aspect in the natal, held as
prominent aspects throughout the client's life. Planetary couples like this would be a place of
the basics you will lay out in your analysis.
It is true that there can be a significant discrepancy between the formations of exact aspects of
the secondary
progression with respect to the natal, or aspects within the secondary progression itself, because
in principle, one day for one year moves the sun, moon and personal planets relatively slow

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at a rate of one zodiac grade per year (cf. trans .: This is most likely about
overlooked by the author, because the moon in secondary progressions exceeds approximately
one degree
monthly rather than annually). Taking into account ongoing tertiary and minor progressive
the planetary image is radically changing. Using an analog life clock, at a different rate
movements that show three hands, clock, minutes, and seconds, we find that they will
secondary progression to move the planets in relation to one day by one year, (small hand
which tells us the hour), tertiary progression will move the planets in about thirteen days by
year (minute hand), and minor progression will move the planets around
twenty days in one year (represented by a hand that indicates seconds).
This extended scenario, which is made up of three different planetary clock hands, is now
creating quite
a steady flow in the relation between progressions and natals, and the mutual aspects within
progression, counting their motion in a one-degree orbit in an application, in exact
aspect, and in a one-degree orbit in separation. Also, progressive planets are going through
fields of horoscopes, so it is very important and if any of them at a given moment, enters a
or leaving the field, whether it is a field from a natal horoscope or a horoscope
secondary progression. Positions of stationary planets, in the secondary, tertiary, and minor
progressions - that is, rotating them in a progressive direction - will also produce results,
making triple aspects and the potential for prolonged effect of the aspect, towards natal or other
to a progressive planet. Turning the planet in progression is always critical, and these dates
carefully calculate and notate. The variable relations between the three types of the progressive
Sun, i
their correspondences with the three types of progressive moon are also extremely informative,
as well as the Sabian symbols for the last outing of the Young Moon, First Four, or Full Moon,
they should be recorded and explained to the client.
Using multiple analysis of combining progressive horoscopes as the primary reference i
starting point, transits (only transits of the same two planets forming the aspect in
progressions, or the disposer of the progressive planet) have now been pushed into the role of
subordinate, acting
as ignition device - trigger, aspirating (these are usually aspects of the eighth harmonic: 0 °, 45 °,
90 °, 135 °, 180 °) “sensitive degrees” of progression relative to the natal, or within the
progression itself.
The progressive-natal, or progressive-progressive aspects are subordinate to the aspects in
the natal horoscope itself, so only the same pair of planets they make are considered
the natal aspect, who will be qualified to produce important progressive activity. Yes
to summarize: the natal aspects are related to the progressive activity associated with
transit activity. At all levels, only those two planets in between are considered
of which there is an aspect in the natal horoscope .
Final remarks
1. Another area in research work that requires progression is the transition of the orbital
stages of a progressive inferior planet (Mercury or Venus), that is, from inferior conjunction to
heliacal ascension or from heliacal ascension to stationary point by directorate.
The progressive superior planets (Mars, Jupiter and Saturn) can also be explored on the same
2. It should be noted that CEO Carter, when writing about the Law of Awakening, did not refer
to the “Directorate
Solar Arc ”(which is a fixed-magnification, that is, represents the“ artificial ”movement of the
planet, and does not
can be found in ephemeris), but rather on different systems of progression by which the planets
are moved to

Page 16
in relation to one day, or one lunar month, for each year of life, in actual astronomical
3. The diurnal map is calculated for the day under review by using the sidereal time for that one
day and time of birth that is on the birth chart.
4. It is ironic that Alan Leo himself started the trend of writing "astro cooks" in astrology
interpretation. His book The Progressed Horoscope , for the first time
published in 1906 in London, it contained extraordinary and thorough descriptions of various
progressive aspects, and remarkable explanations about planets when changing signs.
5. Birthday of US President Bill Clinton:
Aug 19, 1946.
8:51 AM CST
Hope, Arkansas
33 ° N40 '93 ° W35'
(Source: The time of birth was written by Clinton's mother in a letter to Shelley Ackerman)
6. Transit Mars was in conjunction with Jupiter at 27 ° Aquarius on January 21, 1998.

Page 17
Progression Theory - Time
Birth chart progression systems are derived from natural, celestial timing; ours
The Earth rotates around its axis daily, while the Moon orbits the Earth monthly, and at the same
both the Earth and the Moon cross their paths around the Sun annually. This drives the
Theoretical Question in Astrology: What is the connection between day, month, and year?
This interconnection between different celestial movements is the basis for progressive systems
horoscopes. Secondary progressions - day by year - reflect the motion of planets during one
days for one year of life. Tertiary progressions - day by month - reflect the motion of the planets
during one day, for one lunar month of life. Minor progressions - month for year -
describe the motion of planets during one lunar month for one year of life.
Table 1 - Moving progressive planets
Real movement
Symbolic time
one day
one year of age
one day
one lunar month of life
one lunar month
one year of age
If secondary progression was calculated as one day of planetary motion for one year
of life, then what is the relative rate of tertiary and minor velocity? Tertiary progressions, which
moving the planets one day for each lunar month will then be ± 13.37 planetary days
movements for the year. Minor progressions, which move the planets one lunar month for each
year will then be ± 27.32 days of planetary motion for a year. Therefore, between
secondary, tertiary and minor progression, there is an approximate time scale,
or proportion, as of 1:13:27. It is my belief that this proportion defines how time
it operates at three different speed levels, and how three-dimensional quality of time can be
observed through three different techniques of calculating progressions.
Progressions are compared with clock hands, a small clock that reports hours,
slowest - secondary, mid-range clocking minutes -
tertiary, and the fastest hand that communicates seconds - minor progression. Alan Leo is, at
The book The Progressed Horoscope , written almost a hundred years ago, sketched a similar
using secondary, minor, and diurnal maps.
Progression Theory - Metaphysical

Page 18
There is no doubt that the metaphysician in you has experienced pure intellectual pleasure during
learning and dealing with astrology. One particularly sweet spiritual experience comes from
to planetary symbols and their deeper meaning. They are usually in the literature on esoteric and
Theosophical astrology provides references to the theme of the circle of the Spirit, the semicircle
of the Soul, and the cross of matter. The same
thus, physical, emotional, and mental bodies that encompass a spiritual being were mentioned.
This one
the three symbols - circle, semicircle, and cross - are represented differently in each
planetary symbols and help astrology students master the essence of planetary archetypes.
Extending metaphysical correlations to the theory of progressive time, the Sun is presented
by the circle of the Spirit and is related to the year, the moon is represented by the semicircle of
the soul and is related to the moon,
and the Earth is represented by the cross of Matter, and correlates with the day.
Table 2 - Metaphysical Correspondence I
Spiritual meaning
The heavenly body
A measure of time
The sun
A month
The cross
Digging deeper into the mysteries of these three systems of progression tells us that they are
secondary progressions
Earth-Sun relationship - day by year. Tertiary progressions are the relationship between the Earth
and the moon - day by month. Minor progressions are the relationship between the moon and the
sun - the month for
Table 3 - Metaphysical Correspondence II
The relation of the heavenly bodies
Temporal relationship
Earth - Sun.
Day - Year
Earth - Moon
Day - Month
Moon - Sun.
Month - Year
Further traveling within this theory, he tells us that secondary progressions represent a
between Matter and Spirit (Earth - Sun), tertiary progression the relationship between Matter and
(Earth - Moon), and minor progressions the relationship between Soul and Spirit (Moon - Sun).

Page 19
Table 4 - Metaphysical Correspondence III
The relation of the heavenly bodies
Spiritual relationship
Earth - Sun.
Matter - Spirit
Earth - Moon
Matter - Soul
Moon - Sun.
Soul - Spirit
Looking on the other hand, we see that secondary progressions define the experiences of the
of the body (Spirit enters Matter - 1: 1 aspect ratio); tertiary progressions define experiences
emotional / astral body (Soul enters Matter - time ratio 1:13); and minor
progressions define the experiences of the mental / causal body (the Spirit enters the Soul -
proportion 1:27). In the cubic model, we find that reality works at three different levels,
and at the same time at three different speeds .
Table 5 - Metaphysical Correspondence IV
Spiritual relationship
The physical body
The Spirit enters Matter 1: 1
The emotional body
The soul enters Matter 1:13
The mental body
The Spirit enters the Soul
Multidimensional levels of progression
As an astrologer using this kind of interpretation framework in consultations, you can now
secondary, tertiary, and minor client progression, and articulate essential planetary activities
which will affect their physical, emotional or mental bodies. Using this technique
you will distinguish which planetary activity is moving slowly, which is medium speed, and
quickly. What you will find is that thought moves 27 times faster than physical experience, and
feelings / desires occur 13 times faster.
The five types of progressive map interpretation are:
1. Planetary interactions - aspects or movements through astrological houses - between the three
progressive charts and natal charts.
2. Planetary interactions between one progressive map and another.
3. Each of the three progressive maps viewed separately.

Page 20
4. Transit toward progressive charts.
5. Transit to natal chart.
This kind of multiple map analysis then creates several types of planetary activities
which must be reduced in importance to a kind of "short list" of the most significant events
concerning your client. In fact, you will find yourself analyzing the following:
(SP = secondary progression; TP = tertiary progression;
MP = minor progression; N = natal; T = transit)
a) MP to N aspects;
b) MP in N houses;
c) MoJ to SP aspects;
d) MP in SP houses;
e) MP to TP aspects;
f) MP to MP aspects;
g) T to MP aspects;
h) TP to N aspects;
i) TP in N houses;
j) TP to SP aspects;
k) TP in SP houses;
l) TP to TP aspects;
m) T to TP aspects;
n) SP to N aspects;
o) SP in N houses;
p) SP to SP aspects;
r) SP in SP houses;
s) T to SP aspects;
t) T in SP houses;
u) T to N aspects;
v) T in N houses;
The average astrologer-practitioner or student of astrology - except you who have stelliums in
Virgo, or
retrograde Mercury in Scorpio - will look at these 28 categories and say, “Forget about this!
Even with my 'hit list' of computer astrological software, it's simple
too much preparation for consultation ”.
But, my friend, don't despair. Only certain planetary activities will be considered as
relevant, and in Chapters 7 and 8, I will explain how to identify relevant planetary ones
activities from this mess of all possible aspects, and moving through the houses. Apart from the
progressive ones
aspects, and three progressive Sun-Moon phases, eclipses, progressive cells, progressive
retrograde movements, and progressive sign and house changes, will also be incorporated into
consideration by the end of the book.
Progression theory - human life
If the natural human life spans about 82 years, then the secondary progressions of the human life
contained within the first 82 days after birth - day for the year. Tertiary progressions of the
centuries are contained within the first 3 years after birth - day by month. And minor
of the human life are contained within little more than the first six years after birth - the month
year. At the end of the chapter, you'll find accounts that support this.
Getting to know your client's planetary activities in the first three months after birth is
essential to understanding the human life in the context of secondary progressions. Additionally,
looking ahead into the ephemeris for three to six years for planetary movements of the tertiary
and minor
progression, will give retrograde periods, triple progressive aspects, and planetary returns that
they affect the client in a very subtle way. All these planetary activities, including
aspect configurations, sign changes, house entrances, stations, retrograde periods,
the changes of the lunar phases, and eclipses, are quite valuable observations for discovering the
life force i
the potential for spiritual growth of each individual movement through life.

Page 21
Secondary progressions of the human life are planetary activities contained within the first 82
days after
births, and they are the most concentrated seeds of life. Tertiary progressions of the human life
they occur in the first three years after birth, and they are the next most concentrated seed of life.
minor progressions of the human life occur in the first six years after birth, and they are
the least concentrated seed of life.
A skilled astrologer can observe stressful planetary activities, or eclipses formed in minor ones
progressions, which will affect the client's mental plan. By bringing this to conscious attention
client, and by suggesting a positive strategy for integrating them, the energy will not go down
emotional body.
Likewise, a skilled astrologer can notice stressful planetary activities, or eclipses that are forming
in tertiary progressions, which will affect the client's emotional plan. Recalling this
Being aware of the client's attention, and proposing a positive strategy for their integration, is
energy consuming
will not descend into the physical body.
Should an astrologer find that a chronic illness in his client's body corresponds to
activities in secondary progressions, he may investigate prior stress minor or
tertiary activities, to understand the origin of the problem and assist the client in the process
Table 6 - Human life progression
After birth
The seeds of life
82 days
most concentrated
3 years
medium concentrated
6 1/8 years
least concentrated
Final remarks
1. When working with tertiary or minor progressions, the basis of calculating the lunar moon
can be either sidereal (27.32 days - from 0 ° Aries to 0 ° Aries), or synodic (29.53 days - from
Young Moon to Young Moon). My experience in interpreting tertiary or minor
client progression was with the sideral lunar months; I personally didn't have any deeper
experience in investigating synodic tertiary or minor progressions.
2. There does not appear to be a standard within the astrological community for determining the
calculating the lunar month for progressions, though, not too long ago in 1906, when The
Progressive Horoscope first published, Alan Leo called for synod minor
progression, in Appendix I. Among the various astrological software manufacturers, it appears
calculating the sidereal lunar month is more prevalent, probably because programming
lunar return can also be used for tertiary or minor progressions.
Page 22
3. If you assume that the natural length of a human life lasts for three months, returns to
secondary to progression to his natal position, this equates to 82 years
(27.32 years x 3 = 81.96). Therefore, human life is contained within secondary progressions
the first 82 days since your birth (day for the year); the human life is in tertiary progressions
contained within the first three years after your birth (day for month: each year = 13,369
lunar months; 81.96 years = 1095.72 lunar months; 1095.72 days = three years); i
the human life in minor progressions is contained in just over the first six years after yours
births (month for year: each lunar month = 27.32 days; 81.96 lunar months x 27.32
days = 2239.15 days, or about 6 1/8 years).

Page 23
Orbital motion
When working with progressions, you will take the appropriate time correlation they make
The sun, moon and other planets in real astronomical motion according to the current years
your client. There are many irregularities and peculiarities involved in movement
of progressive planets. Progressive planets do not always move through the Zodiac at the same
rate because of
deceleration or acceleration of orbital velocity, depending on whether they approach their
points or away from them. Also, the rates of movement are conditioned by the ecliptic nature
their orbits, which cause planetary motions that are either slightly accelerated or slower in
compared to the mean or average rate of orbital velocity.
Despite these orbital irregularities, it is still important to familiarize yourself with the average
by moving the sun, moon, and other planets, when working with progressions. This daily
the planet represents the standard by which all other orbital conditions are compared. Also,
it is imperative that you learn the lengths of different planetary retrograde periods. Because it's
retrograde movement time converted to progressive time correlation length.
Extra knowledge of progressive planetary vomit will allow you to analyze
progressive life cycles with a greater degree of understanding.
The following table shows the average, or average, daily motion of the planet, along with its
their retrograde periods in real time.
Table 7 - Average daily movement of the planets and retrograde
The planet
Mean daily movement Retrograde movement
The sun
0 ° 59 '08˝
A month
13 ° 10 '35˝
1 ° 23 '
20-24 days three times a year
1 ° 12 '
40-43 days every 1½ years
0 ° 31 '27˝
58-81 days every two years
0 ° 04 '59˝
4 months a year
0 ° 02 '00˝
4 ½ months a year
0 ° 00 '42˝
± 155 days per year
0 ° 00 '24˝
± 158 days per year
0 ° 00 '15˝
± 160 days per year
Progressive planetary returns
Progressive planetary returns will happen several times throughout your client's life. While
most astrologers are familiar with the secondary progressive moon and its cycle

Page 24
return of 27 1/3 years, many do not use enough tertiary or minor progression to make
were also aware of their planetary vomit.
The following table shows the secondary, tertiary and minor planetary returns - progressive
a revolution brought back into conjunction with natal progression. Each progressive is shown
system, every planet within that system, and the length of its duration. Only luminars and
planets that have the ability to complete a progressive cycle within the normal human
Table 8 - Progressive planetary returns
The planet
Cycle length
A month
± 27 years, 3.5 months
The sun
± 27 years, 3.8 months
A month
± 2 years, 13-20 days
± 26 years, 9-10 months
Venus (a)
± 22 years, 5-6 months
Venus (b)
± 29 years, 11 months
± 53 years, 1-2 months
The sun
± 13 years, 4.4 months
A month
1 year
± 13 years, 1-2 months
Venus (a)
± 10 years, 8-11 months
Venus (b)
± 14 years, 8-11 months
± 26 years, 15 days
a = no retrograde; b = with retrograde
There is a particularly synchronized connection between the Sidereal Secondary Moon and the
The sun. Both take approximately 27 years plus three to four months to return to birth
degree. Also, the Saturn transit cycle of 29 and a half years is closely related to length
of the Synodic Secondary Moon (from progressive Young to Young Moon).
In Table 8 you will also notice how Venus can be completed by tertiary or minor
planetary return, with or without passage through the retrograde period. Usually, the client will
be located
between these two values of progressive Venus returns, those involving retrograde
and those who do not.
Progressive retrograde movement
It is also helpful to know the length of progressive retrograde periods. The progressive aspect is
can form three times over many years. The first occurs before progressive retrograde, a
then again during progressive retrograde, and finally by progressive retrograde
retrograde. Obviously, the secondary progressive retrograde Mercury or Venus, moving

Page 25
quite slowly, within the computation day by year, they can remain retrogressive for many years.
Secondary progressive retrograde Mars, Jupiter, or Saturn can remain retrograde throughout
all my life.
It is equally important to know the length of the tertiary and minor progressive retrograde
periods, since
the same kind of triple progressive aspects will also be formed within these calculations
progression. Either way, they will occupy this position for a much shorter period of time than
secondary aspects.
The following table summarizes the progressive retrograde periods of all three systems.
Table 9 - Progressive retrograde
The planet
Duration of retrograde
20 to 24 years
18.5 to 21.5 months
9 to 10.6 months
40 to 43 years
3 to 3.25 years
18 to 19 months
60 to 80 years
4.5 to 5.5 years
2.2 to 2.7 years
± 122 years
± 9 years
± 4.5 years
± 135 years
± 10.5 years
± 5.1 years
Prolonged progressive aspects
One of the primary reasons to learn about irregularities in the progressive planetary
the movement is to become aware of the "prolonged aspects". When a progressive planet
station, stops the zodiacal movement and slowly accelerates in the opposite direction, it can stay
within one degree of its stationary point for days and weeks. In the progressive
calculations, where the days are reciprocal with the months or years, these stationary
planetary periods can result in progressive aspects by staying within one degree
application and separation orbits, for months or years. A progressive moving planet
in the opposite direction is significant enough, but the prolonged progressive aspect that is
the result of a progressive station will also always give instant experiences of life change.

Page 26
Summarized progressive movement of the planet
Now I will walk you through the progressive movement of the sun, moon, and other planets.
the tertiary and minor progressive annual movements are elaborated, as well as
orbital peculiarities of progressive Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn. External
the planets, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto, were treated much shorter, since their progressive
movement in all three systems is significantly slower, so their progressive cells are also smaller
Referring to the analogy of the "life clock" and remembering that the secondary progressions are
the same
one-day planetary motion for the year (clockwise), tertiary
progressions equal to 13.37-day planetary motion for the year (cursor showing
minutes), and minor progressions equal to 27.32-day planetary motion for the year
(hands showing seconds), we can summarize planetary motion within each
system of calculating progression. Note that all calculations are based on the sidereal
lunar month instead of synodic lunar month .
The movement of the progressive sun
a) Secondary progressive Sun:
about 1 ° per year
b) Tertiary progressive Sun:
about 13 1/3 ° per year
c) Minor Progressive Sun:
about 27 1/3 ° per year
d) Secondary progressive Sun - human life:
± 82 °
e) Return of the Tertiary Progressive Sun:
every 27 1/3 years
f) Return of the minor progressive Sun:
every 13 1/3 years
The movement of the progressive moon
a) Secondary progressive moon:
between 11 ° 48 'and 15 ° 14' per year
b) Tertiary progressive moon:
about 163 ° to 189 ° per year
c) Minor Progressive Moon:
360 ° per year
d) Return of the Secondary Progressive Moon:
every 27 1/3 years
e) Return of the Tertiary Progressive Moon:
every 2 years and a half months
f) Return of the Minor Progressive Moon:
once a year
The Movement of Progressive Mercury
a) Fastest daily orbital travel in direct motion: over 2 ° daily
b) Fastest daily orbital travel in retrograde motion: 0 ° 37 'to 1 ° 21'
c) Zodiacal positions when retrograde causes the degree-of-day movement to vary
d) Slowest daily orbital journey in direct or retrograde station: 0 ° 01 '
e) Up to 10 days, it can be within degrees on either side of its stationary point
f) The average daily movement of 1 ° 23 'is significantly exceeded during the 3-month period
g) Fastest secondary progressive direct motion: 2 ° per year
h) Fastest tertiary progressive direct motion: 27 ° per year
i) Fastest minor progressive direct motion: 55 ° per year

Page 27
j) Potential duration of effect of aspects of progressive Mercury remaining within the stack
application or separation orbit:
• Secondary: anywhere, between 11 months and 10 years!

tertiary: anywhere, between 25 days and 9 months!

minor: anywhere, between 12 days and 4 1/3 months!
k) Duration of progressive retrograde:

secondary: 20 to 24 years

tertiary: 1.5 to 1.8 years

minor: 9 to 10 1/2 months
l) Return of tertiary progressive Mercury: every 26 3/4 years
m) Return of minor progressive Mercury: every 13 1/8 years
The movement of progressive Venus
a) Fastest daily orbital travel in direct motion: up to 1 ° 16 'daily
b) Fastest daily orbital travel in retrograde motion: does not exceed 0 ° 38 '
c) Slowest daily orbital journey in direct or retrograde station: 0 ° 00 '
d) Up to 17 days, it can be within degrees on either side of its stationary point
e) The average daily movement of 1 ° 12 'is slightly exceeded during the 19-month period
f) Fastest sequential progressive direct motion: about 1.25 ° per year
g) Fastest tertiary progressive direct motion: about 17 ° per year
h) Fastest minor progressive direct motion: about 35 ° per year
i) The potential duration of action of aspects of progressive Venus remaining within one
degrees of application or separation orbit:
• Secondary: anywhere, between 19 months and 17 years!
• Tertiary: anywhere, between 43 days and 18 months!
• Minor: anywhere, between 21 days and 6 1/2 months!
j) Duration of progressive retrograde:

secondary: 40 to 43 years

tertiary: 3 to 3 1/4 years

minor: 18 to 19 months
k) Return of tertiary progressive Venus: every 22 1/2 years without retrograde
l) Return of minor progressive Venus: every 30 years with retrograde
m) Return of minor pre-aggressive Venus: every 10 3/4 years without retrograde
n) Return of minor progressive Venus: every 14 3/4 years with retrograde
Movement of progressive Mars
a) Fastest daily orbital travel in direct motion: up to 0 ° 45 'daily
b) Fastest daily orbital travel in retrograde motion: does not exceed 0 ° 19 'daily
c) Slowest daily orbital journey in direct or retrograde station: 0 ° 00 '
d) Up to 26 days, it can be within degrees on either side of its stationary point
e) The average daily movement of 0 ° 31 'is significantly exceeded during the two-year period
f) Fastest secondary progressive direct motion: about 0.75 ° per year
Page 28
g) Fastest tertiary progressive direct motion: about 10 ° per year
h) Fastest minor progressive direct motion: about 20.5 ° per year
i) The potential duration of action of aspects of progressive Mars remaining within one
degrees of application or separation orbit:
• Secondary: anywhere, between 32 months and 26 years!
• Tertiary: anywhere, between 73 days and 2 years!
• minor: anywhere, between 36 days and one year!
j) Duration of progressive retrograde:
• Secondary: 58 to 81 years
• Tertiary: 4 1/3 to 6 years
• minor: 2 1/8 to 3 years
k) Return of tertiary progressed Mars: every 53 years
l) Return of the minor progressive Mars: every 26 years
The movement of progressive Jupiter
a) Fastest daily orbital travel in direct motion: up to 0 ° 14 'daily
b) Fastest daily orbital travel in retrograde motion: does not exceed 0 ° 08 'daily
c) Slowest daily orbital journey in direct or retrograde station: 0 ° 00 '
d) Up to 50 days, it can be within degrees on either side of its stationary point
e) The average daily movement of 0 ° 05 'is significantly exceeded during direct motion
f) Fastest secondary progressive direct motion: about 0.23 ° per year
g) Fastest tertiary progressive direct motion: about 3.1 ° per year
h) Fastest minor progressive direct motion: about 6.4 ° per year
i) The potential duration of action of aspects of progressive Jupiter remaining within one
degrees of application or separation orbit:

secondary: anywhere, between 8.6 years and 50 years!

Tertiary: anywhere, between 7.8 months and 3.74 years!

minor: anywhere, between 3.8 months and 1.83 years!
j) Duration of progressive retrograde:

secondary: ± 122 years

tertiary: ± 9 years

minor: ± 4.5 years
Movement of progressive Saturn
a) Fastest daily orbital travel in direct motion: up to 0 ° 08 'daily
b) Fastest daily orbital travel in retrograde motion: does not exceed 0 ° 05 'daily
c) Slowest daily orbital journey in direct or retrograde station: 0 ° 00 '
d) Up to 67 days, it can be within degrees on either side of its stationary point
e) The average daily motion of 0 ° 02 'is significantly exceeded during direct motion
f) Fastest secondary progressive direct motion: about 0.133 ° per year
g) Fastest tertiary progressive direct motion: about 1.78 ° per year
h) Fastest minor progressive direct motion: about 3.64 ° per year
i) The potential duration of action of aspects of progressive Saturn remaining within one
degrees of application or separation orbit:
• Secondary: anywhere, between 15 years and 67 years!

Page 29
• Tertiary: anywhere, between 13.5 months and 5 years!
• minor: anywhere, between 6.6 months and 2.45 years!
j) Duration of progressive retrograde:
• Secondary: ± 135 years
• Tertiary: ± 10.5 years
• minor: ± 5.1 years
Movement of progressive Uranus, Neptune and Pluto
Three outer planets, with an average daily movement of less than one minute (1/60
degrees), will never exceed 0 ° 04 'per day even at full orbital direct speed
movement. Therefore, the outer planets are progressing so slowly that it is only of significance
when the following happens:
a) When the outer planet is stationary (changes direction-turns)
b) The natal aspect with the outer planet progresses into the particle
c) When a steady outer planet from a stationary state changes its direction of motion, i
returns to partil conjunction with its natal position.
Computing progressions
Secondary progressions can be fairly easily manually calculated using ephemeris. There is
a formula called ACD (adjusted calculation date)
which allows you to determine the day of the year in the plane of planetary positions in your
which corresponds to the number of years after the birth of your client. To find ACD (this
just follow these 4 simple steps using midnight ephemeris:
1) Convert your birthday to GMT.
2) Subtract GMT's birth time from the following midnight.
3) Add this number to Greenwich Sidereal Birth Time.
4) Find the day of the year in ephemeris that matches this custom sidereal
It is complicated to manually calculate tertiary or minor progressions. Since most contemporary
The astrologer owns computers and astrological software, rarely anyone who does it manually. If
own a computer, you can order secondary, tertiary, and minor progressive maps and
search aspects, from the publisher of this book.
If you calculate progressions using your computer, take precautions. You won't know
the daily movement of progressive planets, and so does the duration of any of the aspects that
form, unless you do one of two things:
1) Look in the ephemeris for a date derived from progression to determine the orbital
planet speed and check out recent or just-coming stations.
2) Make a dynamic report for a range of several years that includes dates in
within which the aspect remains within one degree, application or separation, since it will
inform you this about the total length of impact time of any aspect.
Final remarks

Page 30
1. In Appendix V, you will find information on a computer map service.

Page 31
Progressive cycles of lunations
As the three progressive suns, and the corresponding progressive moons, move through one's
life, the angular relationship between them is constantly changing. There is an approximate
orbital ratio of 13: 1
between the progressive motion of the moon and the same of the sun. This means that in all three
of computation there should be a measurable synodic cycle of lunation from one New Moon to
the next.
The following table shows the annual relationship between secondary, tertiary, and minor
progressive solar and lunar motion.
Table 10 - Progressive Sun / Moon annual movement
Annual (movement) Annual (movement)
The sun
± 1°
± 13 ° 10 '(varies from 11 ° 48' to 15 ° 14 ')
± 13 1/3 °
± 176 ° (varies from 163 ° to 189 °)
± 27 1/3 °
360 ° (annual return)
Because these measurable synodic cycles of lunations occur within the secondary,
tertiary and minor progressions can be determined at any time of life,
progressive lunar phases Sun / Moon relationships in all three systems. Every time you
The moon reaches the eighth harmonic aspect (conjunction 0 ° - half square 45 ° - square 90 ° -
square and 135 ° each - opposition 180 °) with the progressive Sun changes from one lunar phase
next (Young Moon - Srpoliki - First Quarter - Hunchback - Full Moon - Ascending - Last
Quarter - Balsamic).
The following table shows the duration of the three progressive lunation cycles and their phases.
Table 11 - Progressive cycles of lunations
Cycle length
Phase length
29 1/2 years
varies from 39 to 50 months
26 1/3 months
varies from 90 to 112 days

Page 32
13 months
varies from 43 to 56 days
As you can see from Tables 10 and 11, there is a considerable orbital fluctuation of the moon.
How is it
its actual daily movement time in the range of less than 12 ° to more than 15 °,
the timing of each progressive lunar phase can vary significantly.
Esoteric Definitions of Spirit and Soul
In the complex scenario of secondary, tertiary and minor progressive lunations, there is
a fascinating interaction between Spirit and Soul that works on three different levels
progressive realities and simultaneously at three different levels of speed. Spirit can be defined
the eternal flame of life, astrologically represented by the sun. Timeless and immutable, he is
mysteriously lowered into matter and longing to ascend back to his home, into heaven
the empire. The soul can be defined as a mental / emotional matrix filled with its own
karmic or primal patterns, astrologically represented by the moon. Overflowing
memories, attachments, and emotional vulnerability, is in constant change and lost in
time, helplessly identified in one moment with the divine, and in the next with
In his studies on astrology, esoteric Christianity, Eastern mysticism, and theosophy since
over 27 years, I have come to the conclusion that the theory of karma and reincarnation cannot
be either
proven or disproved. Therefore, I have adopted the net result of philosophy according to natal
cards that represent the "past" and affect the client's "present." These factors from the natal
maps are Moon Nodes, Moon, Saturn, Pluto, Retrograde Planets, Ascendant, and 12th
House. I don’t care if my clients are influenced by past memories, or hereditary ones
with their DNA that causes them embarrassment, confusion, or deep attachment
according to another human being. What is important to me is how I can offer them perspective
to what they are going through, since to me, relief from suffering is the spiritual goal of life.
The soul, as the mediator between Spirit and Matter, is the great cosmic "cauldron" of astrology.
as a symbolic representation of this dimension of consciousness, is the most active and
influential celestial body and
it encourages change in human life. In metaphysical theory of progression, secondary
are the only correspondence between celestial bodies that excludes the moon.
Secondary progressions illustrate the Earth-Sun relationship. This implies that a person can
potentially overcoming karmic or hereditary influences by choosing to act from the Spirit who
it enters the body through its own heart. This is extremely difficult to achieve and can be seen as
the spiritual ideal of life. Further, this implies that the heart is a far stronger means of release
than thought, or, in other words, love is superior to knowledge.
While secondary progressions exclude the Moon in metaphysical correspondence, both tertiary
minor progressions include the moon in their relationships among celestial bodies. Tertiaries
represent the Earth-Moon relationship and inform the astrologer of how the Soul has direct
to physical experience through emotions and desires. The tertiary is probably why they have an
obvious direct one
causation with karma or hereditary effects of DNA.

Page 33
Minor progressions represent the Moon-Sun relationship and inform the astrologer of the direct
the interconnectedness of the Soul and the Spirit functioning on the mental plane (astral or
causal *) (cf. causal). The mystical axiom of "what do you think you become" pretty
literally refers to mental activity. If this dimension of consciousness originates
hence the law of action and reaction, then the spiritual need for purity can be understood
hearts. This also implies that minor progressions are holographic "seeds" that either fall on
fertile soil or to the fallow soil.
The responsibility of every individual to watch over their thoughts, following positive visions
abstaining from negative urges is the basic lesson of spirituality, though for me it is one on which
I fell repeatedly. However, my "higher self" is constantly encouraging me to keep trying
I climb the mountain to get closer to the Spirit's diluted air. This view suggests that
astrologers who understand the ongoing minor progression of their client can point out when and
be it challenging new forms of thought to be banned, or positive visions to follow,
preparing to enter consciously into the mental plane.
Use of Sabian symbols with progressive lunations
One of the most successful progressive techniques I have used is to explain a specific fluency
progressive lunations using Sabian symbols for the specific degree of the progressive moon in
aspect with the progressive Sun as it changes stages. The reference I use is An Astrological
Mandala: The Cycle of Transformations and Its 360 Symbolic Phases , by Dane Rudhyar .
Sabian symbols are the esoteric definition of 360 degrees of the Zodiac, given by the symbolism
in the images.
At Balboa Park, 1925, in San Diego, astrologer Marc Jones and clairvoyant wife Elsie Wheeler ,
they collaborated on the dangerous endeavor of using astral meanings to understand meaning
of every degree of the Zodiac. Additional details on this story can be found in Dane Rudhyar's
as well as Marc Jones.
The progressive Young Moon and the specific degree it enters, describe the meaning of the entire
cycle. U
secondary progressions, this is unusually important as the client will experience 2 or 3 of them in
since these cycles last almost 30 years.
The specific degree of the Full Moon informs the astrologer what the client has become aware of
during the previous 14 to 16 years. In the progressive First and Last Fourth of the Month,
specific degrees help clients understand the nature of their life crises that they follow
character building.
To a lesser extent, I also paid attention to the Sabian symbols and when entering progressive
Months in Srpolike, Hunchbacks, Ascending and Balsamic stages, but I didn't find that
informative as they were for quarter quarter cycles. Please note that u
Rudhyar's book symbolizes degrees from 1 ° to 30 °, not from 0 ° to 29 °. So if it is progressive
Young Moon at 22 ° 44 ', the symbol for 23 ° should be read. If the progressive Full Moon is on
13 ° 01 ', you will read the symbol 14 °. 00 ° 01 'to 01 ° 00' will mark the first stage of any one
sign, and 01 ° 01 'to 02 ° 00' second, etc.
The secondary progression lunation cycle is a basic tool for understanding how clients
they arrive at their present experiences. If you carefully research the entire life span of secondary
lunar phases, you will notice patterns for each New Moon, Fourth, and Full Moon. What you will

Page 34
find that four, and rarely five, consecutive points of the Fourth (Young Moon, First Quarter, Full
The Moon, and the Last Quarter) of the secondary cycles of lunation fall to cardinal degrees,
the next four fall to fixed degrees, and the last four fall to variable degrees. How
we know that cardinality equates to taking action and being physical, being fixed with
experiencing cravings and dealing with emotions, variability with learning and mental
with development, you can enter into the ongoing thirty-year life chapter of your clients
linking their stages of secondary lunation to a particular mode and specific degree
to be defined on the progressive New Moon.
The secondary progressive Young Moon rotates through life-long modality and informs you
modality is currently prevalent in spiritual development.
If you then calculate the entire life span of the Tertiary Months - Young, Fourth, and Full, yours
client (which will be a pretty long list - the 82-year-old will have some 37-38 cycles), find
you will have the same degrees from the beginning of the list to coincide with the degrees of
secondary lunation. By the sixth
year, the client will experience every degree of tertiary lunation that will occur during the 82-
lifetime of secondary lunations. This link between secondary and tertiary progressions
confirms the facts found in childhood development theory. What children emotionally
by the age of six, it will affect them for the rest of their lives. It is my belief that these are
“Holographic time connections” that inform the astrologer about the connection between the
experiences in childhood (tertiary progression) and physical reality of adulthood (secondary
progressions). The Tertiary Young Moons, which were also Solar Eclipses, are most likely
had a significant impact during childhood. To a lesser extent, tertiary Full Moons in childhood
which were also Lunar eclipses, also had a noticeable effect on emotional development.
All adult life chapters (lasting from 6 1/2 to 8 1/3 years) are so defined by periods
the time between the secondary progressive Young, Fourth, or Full Moon, directly
correspond to the chapters of childhood life (6 to 7 1/2 months long), as defined
by corresponding tertiary lunations. The Sabian symbol for the secondary progressive Young,
The Quarter, or Full Moon, also has its duplicate in the tertiary lunations that occurred
between birth and age six. The astrologer / therapist has a dated relationship between the current
anxiety and / or emotional trauma, which originates in childhood. Comfort, understanding
and healing can be transmitted to the client by an astrologer using this progressive technique
temporal connections, as the Sabian symbol for the degree of lunation tells of a long time ago
happened, and is currently worrying the client.
After the sixth year, there will be some additional degrees of tertiary lunation that coincide with
degrees found in secondary lunations of the human life; some tertiary degrees will
happen in time earlier and the rest will come later in time (compared to secondary)
lunations of the human life). This gives the astrologer insight into the law of cause and effect,
and yes
the two points in time are obviously connected. If tertiary lunations are a physical experience,
then we will notice the law of causality among them. For example, if the degree of secondary
occurs in time before the degree of tertiary lunation, then the client will reap emotionally
what he sowed physically (repentance due to inappropriate actions). If the opposite happens
that the degree of tertiary lunation falls before the same degree of secondary lunation, then the
client will physically
to reap what has been emotionally sown (the disease will be caused by the unsolved
emotional stress). This analytic technique of progressive connection in time is unlimited
application options for medical astrologers and astrologer therapists.

Page 35
What appears in the lifetime of minor progressive lunations is that we will be by the third
years of life to experience every degree of minor progressive lunation that will occur in the
a century of secondary progressive lunations. This astrological link to childhood development
it is even more surprising given that it shows how mental (minor progressions) will develop
affect the rest of life (secondary progression) by the age of three. Parents can
to conclude from these progressive connections in time, that the toddler and infant should be
talked about, read,
sing, and engage him in all forms of positive mental stimulation, from birth to age three.
Likewise, each chapter of an adult's life (6 1/2 to 8 1/3 years) is defined by periods
between the secondary progressive Young, the Fourth, or the Full Moon, is directly connected
with the corresponding chapter of early childhood life (3 to 3 3/4 months) which
defined by corresponding minor progressive lunations. The Sabian symbol for the current
the secondary progression of the Young, Fourth, or Full Moon also has its proper
a duplicate of childhood in minor lunations that occurred between birth and third
years. So the astrologer doctor or psychiatrist knows the temporal relationship between the
current mental
anxiety and / or emotional depression, as well as their origin - due to neglected stimulation in
a time of a particular stage of early childhood.
Similarly, by the age of three, there will be some additional degrees of minor lunation, which
correspond to the degrees found in the secondary lunations of the human life; some minor
degrees will occur earlier in time and some later (compared to secondary lunations
human life). I believe this also informs the astrologer of the law of cause and effect,
since the two points are again visibly connected. If minor lunations are mental
experience, and secondary lunations physical, then one can easily discern the law of causation
them. For example, if the degree of secondary lunation falls in time before the identical degree
minor lunations, then the person may experience to hear in their thoughts the echo of what is
had done before. If not, the degree of minor lunation occurs before the same degree
secondary lunations, then the person can experience physical illness thanks to the previous one
unresolved mental shock, thought pattern, or perception. This scenario illustrates the connection
between thought and body, and how it can be dated in time.
Since minor lunations occur slightly more than twice as fast as tertiary ones, at 27:13,
the minor progressive Young, Fourth, and Full Moon, "prepare the way" for later Tertiaries
lunations that will occur at exactly the same degrees. This progressive scenario is over
astonishing as it reminds us how much the quality of our emotional life
(tertiary progressions) has direct links to the content of our thoughts (minor progressions).
If we understand this, we should make an effort to "sow" thoughts of love, forgiveness and
since we know that one day we will reap the fruits of our mental activity (minor ones)
progression) through their feelings (tertiary progression).
How to calculate the timing of progressive lunations
When preparing for a client consultation on progression, you will need it in advance
the following map and dynamic report calculation, to estimate the Sun-Moon relations
through three progressive techniques.
1. Two-circle chart (in astrological software - bi-wheel chart), with natal
map in the inner circle, and secondary progression to the day scheduled
external circle consultations

Page 36
2. Another card with two circles, with a natal card in the inner circle, i
current tertiary progression in the outer circle
3. Third card with two rounds, with a natal chart in the inner circle, and a current one
minor progression in the outer circle
4. A dynamic report containing secondary progressive lunations of the human life
5. Another dynamic report containing tertiary progressive lunations of the human
6. Third dynamic report containing minor progressive lunations of the human life
If you are using “Solar Fire” software for Windows, follow these calculation steps
of its dynamic reports for secondary, tertiary, and minor lunations of the human life:
1. From the “Dynamic Menu” heading, select “Transits & Progressions”
2. Under "Radix Chart", select the desired natal chart
3. Under “Event Selection”, click on “Progs to Progs”
4. Under “Event Selection”, click on “Solar & Lunar Eclipses”
5. Remove all other selections under “Event Selection”
6. Under "Point Selection" select "sunmoon"
7. Under “Aspect Selection” select “harm08”
8. Under "Location", select "Natal"
9. Under "Period of Report" use birthday as "Start Date"
10. Under "Period of Report" use "82" and "years" as "Period"
11. Under "Dynamic Type", select "Secondary"
12. Click "Save Selection" to save as "Lifetime Secondary Lunations"
13. Click on "View" to start the calculations
14. Print the dynamic report
This dynamic report will show the dates and degrees where the secondary progressive moon is
Partial conjunctions, semi- squares, squares, squares, and oppositions with secondary
by the progressive Sun. These dates are the stages of change of the secondary progressive
lunation (from
The Young Moon in Srpolika, in the First Quarter, etc.).
Remember that the lunar degree is shown in the second column on the right, and this degree will
be the one for
which we will look at the Sabian symbol. The solar degree is shown in the far right column and
we are not looking for him a Sabian symbol.
Next, to calculate tertiary lunations, follow the same steps except:
11. Under "Dynamic Type", select "Tertiary"
12. Click on "Save Selection" as "Lifetime Tertiary Lunations"
Finally, to calculate minor lunations, follow the same steps except:
11. Under "Dynamic Type", select "Minor"
12. Click on "Save Selection" as "Lifetime Minor Lunations"
Your printed Progress Report should only take one page,
for tertiary six pages, and for minor eleven pages.

Page 37
From the secondary report (second column to the right), note the lunar degree and sign of the last
secondary lunations. Highlight the marker with this grade and move on to the tertiary report.
In the date column, in the middle of the first page, find the date that matches when it is
your client was six years old. This degree of lunation should correspond to that of the last one
lunations from the secondary report. Underline this tertiary degree and date. This will get you
inform when your client has completed the human life of secondary tertiary lunations
calculations. These degrees (complete secondary list and first 22 of tertiary lunations) are
the most important time links between secondary and tertiary lunations, and the most important
Sabian ones
symbols that you will refer to throughout your client's life. Any period of life,
adolescence or adulthood, identified by dates between secondary lunations,
now it has its proper childhood chapter, shown in tertiary progressions.
Next, review the rest of the list of tertiary lunations, looking at lunar degrees in another
columns on the right. Look for every degree of secondary lunation that appears afterwards
sixth year. The tertiary lunation must be at the same degree , not within the orbit of the degree, in
was taken into consideration. For example, your client is currently in the Last Fourth phase at
secondary progression, occurring at 06 ° 12 'Libra, September 16, 1996. Identical
Tertiary lunation, corresponding to the age of childhood, occurred on January 28, 1957, at the
age of three
years and two months. You can find that this same degree occurs in other tertiary ones
lunations during the human life, after the sixth year, either before the consultation or whether it
happen only later in life. These dates are timed and help to picture the connections
between then and now.
You can repeat this procedure with a list of minor lunations of the human life.
In the third year, in the list of minor progressions, you will find the degree of the last secondary
of your client's human life.
Final remarks
1. To do these calculations, I recommend you or Solar Fire TM astrological software for
Windows, or Io Edition TM astrological software for the Macintosh. Both of these extraordinary
are available through the publisher of the book. You will find more information about these
programs in the Appendix

Page 38
Overview of retrograde planets
In Chapter Three, I wrote about progressive planetary motion, and included Table 9,
showing the length of progressive retrograde periods, from Mercury to Saturn, u
secondary, tertiary and minor calculations. Progressive retrograde planets, as in
natal charts are very important in astrology, and their progressive stationary points are even more
more significantly.
This chapter will give you some pointers for interpreting progressive retrograde planets, too
as good as it will allow you to analyze progressive cells, and the "triple aspects"
that happen when a progressive planet forms the same aspect three times over a series of years. U
this book includes, in Appendices I - II, also tables of all planetary stations from 1920 to
2010. Using these tables, you will be able to research at what age your client is, or will be
have, progressive cells. They are a guide to finding progressive cells, so be it
you can only focus on the information about the planets you need to define
stationary degrees and dates.
In my experience, retrograde planets produce alienation, introspection, delay,
indiscretion, repetition, and temporal disorientation. Their natal effects are such that
they rotate planetary processes subconsciously, inward, late with their outer
manifestation, and making them more powerful from the point of self-awareness, but making
them less effective,
at least in an earlier period of life, interacting with the world and personal accomplishments.
When natal planets change orbital direction in progression, from direct to retrograde motion,
or from retrograde to direct, people experience a subtle, yet profound change in their own
to the inner being. Shortly after the progressive station, as the planet begins its zodiacal
movement, so their lives begin to change from the outside, suppose due to synchronous
the relationship between the state of the inner being and its connection with the outside world.
The most difficult part of a retrograde experience is, it seems, a sense of alienation from others,
or society as a whole.
Metaphysically, retrograde planets operate at a different frequency from the planets that they do
they move directly, and therefore the individual feels at odds with their surroundings. When they
planets are retrograde, they are in a part of their orbit where they are closer to Earth, and the
impact that is from
receiving them is much more pronounced.
To get an idea of how often natal planets are retrograde, see the following
a table showing what percentage of the population has different retrograde planets on occasion
of birth. The outer planets, in retrograde motion at birth, are less important because of theirs
long-term retrograde movement every year.

Page 39
Table 12 - Frequency of planetary retrograde at birth
The planet
Duration of retrograde
% of the population
40-43 days, every 1.5 years
58-81 day, every 2 years
20-24 days, three times a year
4 months a year
4 1/2 months a year
± 155 days per year
± 158 days per year
± 160 days per year
As you can see, Venus and Mars are the least-found planets in retrograde motion
at birth. Additionally, they are also the least likely to be found in the secondary progression of
turning from direct to retrograde movement, due to the length of their period
direct motion (longer than human life in secondary progression).
Mercury is in retrograde motion in almost every fifth natal chart, while Jupiter and
Saturn retrograde in about a third of natal charts. Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto are retrograde
over five months a year, and therefore not individually significant, unless closely
aspect the sun, in opposition, quincunx, or trigon, or are near the station at birth (in
within one arc minute from its stationary point).
Planets that go into retrograde in progressions
At all three levels of reality, physical, emotional, and mental, at different lengths of duration,
we will experience how planets progress into retrograde motion. Secondary, tertiary, i
minor progressions inform the astrologer at what level of consciousness the client will
experience the effect of
progressive retrograde. Retrograde planets in minor progression primarily affect thought
and, as a precursor to the tertiary and secondary progressions that will occur later, they plant
mental seed for the future harvest in life. Tertiary retrograde planets influence desires and
feelings and, since they manifest as the next after minor, they are part of the cause and the
an effect that connects previous mental content to present emotional experience.
Secondary retrograde planets influence personality through real, concrete life changes,
which are contained in the rulers of the houses and in physical health. Since it is secondary
the last link in the chain of cause and effect, led by tertiary and minor progressions
earlier in life, her experience is similar to the last wagon at the end of a long train going
eye - a person can see how his entire life has led him to this point.
Astrologer able to calculate dates of earlier similar progressive retrograde in
to other systems, it can inform the client of the temporal relationship between past and present.
When the planet is in retrograde progression , the apparent orbital motion of the planet is the
reverse, i
the planet is now pulling back over the same degrees of zodiac that it has already crossed. This
creates two

Page 40
1. The area of consciousness represented by the planet has undergone a transition from “relation
external "to" taking on personal "
2. Earlier life experiences that occurred while the progressive planet was in
direct movement, will now be revisited in the name of revising and understanding the doc
the progressive planet is moving again beyond these same degrees.
When Mercury progresses into retrograde movement, the person suffers a change in personal
perception from
external observation and curiosity about the world's daily news, towards greater internal insight,
thinking, absence in thought, silence, mental self-orientation, or
disinterested in the world around him. This chapter of life will last from 20 to 24 years
secondary progressions, 18.5 to 21.5 months after tertiary progression, and 9 to 10.6
months after minor progressions. This often coincides with important lifestyle changes,
since it takes a lot more time for yourself than before. Since practically
mind work changes, sometimes it happens that clients no longer feel the right kind
the work they did before the progressive station.
People born immediately after Mercury's direct station can live from 85 to 95 years, and yes
does not experience secondary progressive retrograde Mercury. However, this is an exception
rather than
the rule. Most people experience a secondary progressive retrograde Mercury during their
Everyone experiences a few tertiary and minor episodes of Mercury retrograde, at about 7 years
the distance between the tertiary direct and retrograde Mercury stations, and at about 3.5 years
the distance between the minor direct and retrograde Mercury stations. A person 82 years old
will experience nine tertiary Mercury retrograde periods, and 18 minor retrograde ones
Mercury periods. These tertiary and minor progressive retrograde Mercury periods,
should be seen as a time of reflection, rethinking, and re-prioritization. Writers
or researchers will love these chapters of life and will be able to create some of their greatest
during such periods. Those with a more social and extroverted verbal nature will
disturbed by periods like this, feeling as though they had somehow lost their ability
communication with others.
Anyone who experiences Mercury retrograde in progression is sure to be affected, especially in
areas of life marked by the tops of houses beginning in Gemini and Virgo. People who
have an Ascendant in the sign of Gemini or Virgo, they are also completely influenced by this
progressions, and to a lesser extent, those whose Sun is in Virgo or Gemini.
Parents of children who have secondary progressive retrograde Mercury during school,
they will notice that their children's schooling habits are changing, and that their children are
developing at the same time
different interests. The relationship of these children with their brothers and sisters is likely to
change, or some kind of interruption. Young people with secondary progressive retrograde
Mercury, should be encouraged to develop writing skills, to become passionate readers, to
interested in computers, and supporting them in their desire to be left alone
room. A child may be mis-labeled as a child who has trouble learning pa
parents need a basic explanation from an astrologer about the nature of the functioning of the
mind that comes with
by a progressive Mercury retrograde.
When Venus progresses into retrograde movement, the state of emotions is elevated. I discussed
such experiences with clients, and learned that it is much harder for them to fall when
emotionally affected
by loved ones rather than by the station, as well as being subjectively more interested in their
personal ones
needs. Also, this progression seems to affect the social and financial position, and it does

Page 41
a person renounces previously acquired values about friendship and material possessions. This
the chapter of life will last from 40 to 43 years by secondary progressions, from 3 to 3.25
years by tertiary progression, and from 18 to 19 months by minor progression.
Secondary progressive retrograde Venus, is an extremely significant event, especially for
someone over the age of 45, as it will remain so for the rest of their lives.
Partnership and sexual problems are quite common with progressive retrograde
Venus, and therefore the astrologer should be very gentle in describing this influence. You don't
want to
to frighten people by telling them that their love life has collapsed for the next 40 years, 3
years, or one and a half years, but you should not even "twist the rounds" of the complexity of
progression. I tried to give people the need to develop their artistic and
literary preferences, music or creative hobbies, as well as developing the emotional
self-esteem, lest they feel alienated in their existing relationships. In the sexual
life, especially for women, can have complications, so remedial measures are recommended, a
recommended measures would be to advise the client to ask their husband, wife, or
lovers, to pay more attention to the sensual and sensual side of their intimate life. You can
to speculate metaphysically about the meaning of progressive retrograde Venus, but this
most likely, it would not be in the best interests of the client. A more practical way of discussing
it is to
take into account the areas of life covered by the natal tops of houses located in
the sign of Taurus and Libra; these are spheres that are likely to undergo change. To believe that
it will
people then gain insight into their changed feelings and interpret this in their own way
change is desirable so that we can give some kind of karmic statement for explanation
the reason this happens to them.
Clients who have the Ascendant in the sign of Taurus and Libra will be most affected by Venus
progressive retrograde, but no matter what, every person will deeply feel the changes in
personal life. I find the Sabian symbol for the degree of Venus' progressive retrograde
cells, be extremely meaningful to the client.
Many people will never experience secondary progressive retrograde Venus during theirs
unless they were born 2 or 3 months before Venus retrograde station. All people will
experience two tertiary, and four minor episodes of progressive retrograde Venus during
normal human life, with about 40 years of distance between the tertiary Venus direct and
retrograde stations, and with about 20 years distance between the minor Venus direct and
retrograde cells. These tertiary and minor periods of progressive retrograde Venus, should
would be seen as a time to develop emotional confidence, with the possibility of some painful
difficult relationship experiences that will motivate this growth. Artists and musicians will draw
a lot
benefits in these periods of life, and it is possible that they will be extremely creative during this
time. On the other hand, clients who have a more social and extrovert nature will be quite
disturbed by them, feeling as though they were somehow socially cut off from the “good life”.
When Mars progresses into retrograde motion, willpower and vitality are affected. Energetically
the pattern is broken by this progression; people will move forward until they fall, without a
"Heating" or "cooling". Additionally, competitive instinct is now turning inward, to some
way, a person competes with himself rather than with others in order to advance in life.
Also, I noticed that people with this progression no longer know what they want in
life, as if their desires had drained from them, like washed laundry. Tragic, in some
cases, the day when progressive Mars moves retrograde coincides with some violent ones
act in relation to a client, such as rape, abortion, or brawl, often within a week at
to which the station occurred.

Page 42
Like Venus, progressive retrograde Mars is most likely to cause sexual difficulties,
especially in men. At its root, physical intercourse is not what the problem is, it is
the nature of a person's desire, one that stands in the background of things. An astrologer can try
to help
to those who experience decreased sexual desire as a result of this progression by doing so
suggest to a person to try to develop an acceptance of one's sexuality by becoming one
much more receptive to your partner's needs.
This chapter of life when Mars is retrograde will last 60 to 80 years in secondary
progressions, 4.5 to 5.5 years for tertiary progressions, and 2.2 to 2.7 years for minor ones
progressions. When an astrologer finds that a secularly progressed Mars is retrograde, he must
Discuss a positive strategy to integrate changes in the client's will,
sexuality, competing instincts and desires that currently exist.
People who have the Ascendant in the sign of Aries and Scorpio will be most affected by the
Mars in progression. As both tend to act instinctively, usually fearfully
over the cause of its aggressive tendencies, or due to self-defense, this progression will have
effect in a way that will turn them around, where their motives and intentions are very clear
visible. Loss of confidence, or on the contrary, their excessive display of concealment
feelings of vulnerability, is certain for any client with a retrograde Mars in progression. Tops
houses that start in the sign of Aries or Scorpio are the ones that will be most noticed
change when this progression occurs.
Unless a person is born within two to three months preceding Mars
retrograde station, it will never experience the secondary progressive retrograde Mars. Everyone
clients will experience one or two tertiary, and two or three minor progressive episodes
retrograde Mars during normal human life, with about 55 years of space between
tertiary direct and retrograde Mars stations, and with about 27 years of space between the minor
direct and retrograde Mars stations. These tertiary and minor progressive retrograde
Mars periods should be visible to the astrologer as times of agreement with anger, fear,
or by injury. The client will feel as if he is opposing himself in order to achieve more
in life. An astrologer can really help by discussing with the client the concept of emotional
self-mastery during these progressive retrograde Mars periods.
When Jupiter progresses into retrograde movement, we have a redefinition of success and his
meanings. These progressions represent a change from a desire for external expansion and
through achievements in his career, financial prosperity, and social recognition in the internal
exploring the spiritual self and reducing interest in material things in life. Observed
alone clients with this progression who were almost ashamed of their consumer
habits and comfortable lifestyles they have created for themselves. Political views and religious
beliefs will change and old friends may no longer be relevant to
a new vision of a person's life. The client may need to talk about crises of faith in time
these progressive cells, having previously held beliefs that were based on
family religion, or was influenced by others, and now they no longer make sense of it.
Clients with Ascendant in Sagittarius and Pisces will feel like their lives are turned upside down
with Jupiter progressing into retrograde movement, as will, to a lesser extent, people with
The sun in Sagittarius and Pisces can feel it. In all cases, the houses whose tops are in these
the characters will be most affected by this progression. This chapter of life will last over 120
years by secondary progressions, and therefore until the end of life. Tertiary progressive

Page 43
Jupiter will remain retrograde for about nine years and minor progressive Jupiter for about 4.5
The impact of secondary progressive retrograde Jupiter may persist for several years after
cells, before the client senses it consciously, as stationary Jupiter stays on the same
degree and minute three to seven days in real time, which is three to seven years in
secondary time.
Since Jupiter stays in direct motion for eight months in real time, a person never will
experience secondary progressive retrograde Jupiter unless born within two to
three months from the retrograde station. Moreover, each will experience two or three tertiary,
and five or six
minor progressive retrograde Jupiter episodes during normal human life, with
about 21 years between Tertiary Jupiter direct and retrograde cells, and with
about 10 years between minor Jupiter direct and retrograde cells. On these
tertiary and minor progressive retrograde Jupiter periods should be viewed as
a time of discontent with success due to a mismatch between the spiritual and the earthly
values, or as periods when a person consciously chooses to give up career growth in order to
for a richer inner life. In either case, clients will ideally succeed themselves
to define the importance of personal success and satisfaction, during these periods of retrograde
When Saturn progresses into retrograde movement, changes are related to relationships with
Instead of the current state of social position and its goal and ambition, the person is
it changes towards an internal definition of character, of one's own achievements, and of
purpose. This progression
often coincides with a disorienting change in career because these people feel that they are no
longer in
able to suffer orders and oversight by bosses or employers as before. An astologist would
should be wise enough to talk to a client about "self-employment" or someone
the type of private business during this progressive station, since "being your own boss" would
be consistent
with the nature of retrograde Saturn. As with Jupiter retrograde, clients can find it themselves
themselves questioning the meaning of success. Retrograde Saturn, though, has more to do with
inadequacy or defeat due to unfulfilled goals or ambitions. It often happens that, though,
these goals or ambitions were not the intentions of the heart, but only to fulfill the expectations
of others.
Persons with Ascendant in Capricorn and Aquarius will be most affected by Saturn progressing
retrograde movement since it will affect their whole outlook on life. And those with the Sun in
the sign of Capricorn or Aquarius will also be greatly affected by this progression by becoming
more aware of the inner origins of their principles, and of their morals. However, all people with
this one
progression will be defended with mental depression since retrograde Saturn tends to
makes a person extremely self-critical. Areas of life shown to houses whose peaks begin at
Capricorn and Aquarius, will be most affected by this progression. This chapter will last until the
of life by secondary progression, about 10.5 years by tertiary, and about five years by minor
progression. Talking to a client about Saturn's secondary progressive retrograde
to the station, the astrologer should present its meaning as a constant and lasting change. You can
take a few years to make the impact of the secondary progressive retrograde Saturn conscious
felt by the client, as stationary Saturn remains at the same degree and minute three to
eight days in real time, and therefore, three to eight years in secondary time.
Unless she was born within two to three months before the retrograde station, the person never
experience secondary progressive retrograde Saturn. Everyone will experience two or three
tertiary and five
or six minor progressive retrograde episodes of Saturn during normal human life,
with about 18 years of distance between the tertiary direct and retrograde Saturn stations, and
with approx
eight and two-thirds of the gap between the minor direct and retrograde Saturn stations.
These tertiary and minor progressive retrograde periods of Saturn are a time of reflection

Page 44
life goals and / or periods of hard work and effort that will bear fruit later in life.
Also, health complications can occur during these Saturn retrograde
period, especially if the person is rigidly holding the defense armor around their heart, and ego,
defending themselves
thus masking their vulnerability. There is nothing that is as effective as disease and / or
a chronic disease of bringing people to their knees (Saturn) in the name of spiritual surrender.
I don't attach much importance to the progression of Uranus, Neptune, or Pluto into retrograde
movement, except
if the client has a close (less than 2 ° orbit) natal aspect of the sun towards these planets,
or if the client was born on, or near, the station of the outer planet (within a single arc
minutes). In these cases, progressive stationary retrograde Uranium will result
pulling a person into himself or her toward his non-conformist urges. Potentially, a person can
decide to find a serious job to make it look like she fits in like everyone else, while she will
keep internal insurgency intact.
The progressive stationary retrograde Neptune will, or coincide with, a personal spiritual
where clients will reject their worldviews, or fall into the bondage of bad habits to cope
with the confusion and chaos they feel inside. Artists and musicians in particular, often can
leverage Neptune's retrograde to be highly productive.
The progressive stationary retrograde Pluto will result in greater loneliness and secrecy.
With him, a person might be able to transform personal emotional restlessness into an inner one
spiritual strength. The client will probably have to deal with obsessive and compulsive thoughts
or feelings after the station, until it comes to terms with the reason why these primitives
he keeps his survival instincts on alert as if he were involved in some kind of life
Because stationary outer planets remain at the same degree and minute for seven to 16 minutes
days in real time, according to secondary progressions the person will not receive any
retrograde movement by these planets for another four to eight years after the station. Only
looking back 20 years, people can identify with their secondary
to the progressive outer planets that have gone retrograde. However, tertiary and minor
progressive Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto will be retrograde several times over their lifetime, and
these faster
progressive calculations again move the outer planets just after the station. With
all the progressive activities that happen at any given time for the client, personally,
rather, he spent time consulting only discussing the effects of progressive planets since
Mercury to Saturn.
Planets that progress into direct motion
When the planet goes directly in progression , the manifestation of life force comes to the fore.
there is a reliance on the extreme subjectivity associated with the domain of consciousness
a retrograde planet. Feeling social, intellectual, or spiritual alienated can be
amplify, in the time around the direct station. The client may now feel that he is ready for life
work on personal success. The direct station of the planet is, classically, described as a process of
occurring after a period of interior molding. At these stations, clients describe
a sense of release from some vague sense of karmic punishment. They feel the possibility that
they are moving forward towards fulfilling their life hopes.

Page 45
When you think about the importance of the secondary progressive direct station of the planet
that was
retrograde from birth, what comes to mind is that the client never even knew what it meant
to experience a given planet in a “normal” way. There is usually excitement, anticipation, and
joy, in
time around a progressive direct station. The client should be encouraged to believe in
themselves as well as yes
knows deep down in his heart that he is a creative contributor who can make very valuable
For all progressive planets in direct stations, the astrologer should open up a discussion about
which are ruled by planets that go directly in progression, and I recommend using them
the traditional rulers of the tops of the houses: Mercury for Gemini and Virgo, Venus for Taurus
and Libra,
Mars for Aries and Scorpio, Jupiter for Sagittarius and Pisces, Saturn for Capricorn and
Aquarius. These houses
will be activated from a direct station via their planet of rulers, and in the case of corner houses,
they can completely change the structure of life.
A natal retrograde Mercury that secondarily progresses into direct motion but does not
later than the age of 24, it is particularly interesting for parents. Your quiet and shy child now
can become popular, loved and respected for its ability to communicate. Before
direct stations, the young person may have stuttered, feeling less intelligent than his own
peers, or she claimed to be too shy. Now, as if her mind was being re-energized.
Tracy Marks, in the book Art of Chart Interpretation , wisely notes that retrograde planets
represent energies that no one encouraged to manifest during childhood, and therefore must
be developed by the individual himself.
One of the best examples of this concept when it comes to retrograde planets other than my own
experience, is from a cute, soccer star, born in the sign of Gemini, named Joe
Namath, from the television show "celebrity roast". He said he meant it
that his name was “Shut up!” until he was five. It is quite certain that he had a birth
Mercury retrograde at 27 ° Taurus. He progressed to direct movement between his fourth
and the fifth year!
My personal example of a natal retrograde Mercury supports this concept of unsupported
behavior. At my dining table, my dad kept saying, "Be still!" how could he
first to listen to my older brother talk about a day spent at school. So am I
stuttered like a little boy and was obsessed with a sense of worthlessness that had to be worked
before I wrote this book. Either way, when individuals have to develop parts of themselves
without parental support, determination goes much deeper.
When you have a client with a natal retrograde Mercury who went straight on progression
during his youth, it is very helpful to determine the years when this happened and
you discuss it with a client. Generally, this is a time of important turning point. So is it
very therapeutic to consider the effect of lack of support on mental and communicative
abilities and praise the articulation ability that has developed.
Specific consideration must be given to the natal direct motion of Mercury that is prior
progressed to retrograde motion, and now progresses back to direct motion. The client can
to experience the feeling that he was mentally “out of the track” for about 20 to 24 years in
progression, about 20 months after tertiary progression, and about 10 months after minor
When done, he is again ready to continue in the life direction he has previously aspired to.
The astrologer should investigate the dates and degrees of the retrograde station and compare
them with the direct one
station. These dates can be presented to the client in the metaphor of "the ends of different

Page 46
which will help him clarify the long-held perspective of why and when he suffered twice
the transformation of perception.
The most significant progression of Venus into direct motion is when the client has this planet
retrograde and experience a secondary progressive direct station, which happens always before
years. If a client is in their 30s or early 40s when this happens, it is very
probably a history of sexual problems and relationship problems already, so the astrologer
it should run into this territory very subtly and with much care during the consultation.
Customers with natal retrograde Venus describe themselves as "shabby", as if they have come to
the conclusion that they are unsuccessful in relationships and give up on love. Their heart is
resurrected at
direct station of Venus, so they need to be convinced that it is much better to risk love and live
in a state of salvation than being in one's own surrender of defeat in love relationships.
The direct station of secondary progressive Venus, when not retrograde at birth, can
to perform after the age of 44. This is where clients, usually in their 50s or 60s, spend it over
40 years with this retrograde progression and now experiencing a resurgence of the heart.
It is wise to determine the date and grade of the retrograde station and consider the Sabian
symbols for both,
direct and retrograde stationary degrees.
Many clients will experience two tertiary progressives, and four minor progressive direct ones
cells of Venus during the human life. In tertiary cells, which go with the three-year-old
retrograde episode, the client experiences an emotional temporal connection to an earlier period
of life.
The astrologer should investigate when the identical minor progressive direct station occurred
Venus, exactly the same degree, which went along with the retrograde period of one and a half
years, and presented this
minor stationary date to the discussion, linking it to a tertiary stationary date.
These periods in life can happen at any time, with a space between ten and 40
years. There is a direct cause and effect of the relationship between a minor progressive station
precedes the tertiary progressive station. The Sabian symbol for this degree is remarkable
When Mars progresses into direct motion, a person can now work on a powerful inner
an energy reservoir built during the previous retrograde period. Progressive
the direct stop of Mars is the point of a crucial turning point in life, because now the client can
set off for
what he really wants, with the willpower and the drive to do it. Secondary progressive
direct Mars, after a lifetime of retrograde humanity, can occur at any time
client life between the 60s and 80s. The fact that the client is experiencing this progression,
suggests that there is something inside that yearns to go out and be manifested.
Mars is, in my opinion, the most underrated as a creative planet. An astrologer can truly
help a client with a progressive Mars direct station by asking him openly “What do you
want?" The spiritual axiom is that unless people know exactly what their desires are, they never
they can't even fill. The astrologer should be wise and remind the client of this.
Many clients will experience one or two tertiary, and two or three minor progressive direct ones
stations of Mars during his lifetime. At the tertiary station, which goes with a five-year
period, the client will experience exactly the same degree of stationary Mars that occurred earlier
in life
at a minor progressive station, which went along a two-year retrograde period. These two
dates, which can range from 10 to 40 years, will inform the astrologer of the weather

Page 47
relationships in the client's life. The Sabian symbol for this degree is very important as it
the way in which the individual will have to align with the Divine Will.
Jupiter that progresses into direct motion reveals the hidden meaning of the client's next phase
spiritual development. Sabian symbol for the stationary direct degree of Jupiter in the secondary,
Tertiary or minor progression can also be a revelation for the client and cause a sigh
reliefs and tears of deep understanding.
Jupiter, as the ruler of Pisces, represents spiritual synthesis, and therefore, the strength needed to
hidden and deeper universal compassion and emotions that are necessary for further spiritual
Jupiter also rules the arterial blood and this metaphor informs the astrologer how to
love hidden deep in the heart spreads through the body, triggering it and giving it life. Direct
Jupiter is talking about this process.
Because Jupiter stays retrograde for four months in real time every year, which translates
has been in progressive age for over 120 years, clients with natal retrograde Jupiter
they will never experience it directly in secondary progression unless they are born within two
up to three months before the direct station. However, each client will experience two or three
tertiary, and five
or six minor progressive direct Jupiter lifelong stations, which go with
a nine-year tertiary retrograde period, or a four-year minor retrograde period.
An astrologer can be invaluable to the client spiritually, if they research and study the degrees
dates of retrograde and direct stations of Jupiter, and uses Sabian symbols to tell
the story. The astrologer can also inform the client of the time relationship between the minor
the progressive direct stations that have previously happened, and their "couples" that will
later in life occur and fall to identical degrees of tertiary progressive direct cells.
The client can gain a valuable spiritual perspective through this.
Saturn that progresses into direct motion reveals how and when a person reaps what he is
had been sown earlier in life. Saturn's progressive stations are the turning points where the client
the ability to either learn deeply from experience, integrating it into a much more mature and
wiser consciousness, or yes
instead it builds much armor and defense around the truth contained in the heart, which then
extension of false self and possible chronic illnesses and / or illnesses.
Esoterically, Saturn, the ruler of the knees, bones, and apostates, lowers man to his knees in the
humility and repentance for mistakes made. In the absence of humility and repentance, the bone
human beings are endangered which affects their physical health. When this atonement was
achieved spiritually,
Jupiter, which rules the bone marrow, then activates and restores the spiritual forces in the body
by producing
a new and healthy bone marrow.
Since Saturn remains retrograde for four and a half months in real time every year, clients with
natal retrograde Saturn will never experience direct Saturn in the secondary
progression unless they were born within two or three months of the direct station. All people
experience three tertiary and five or six minor progressive direct Saturn stations in
normal human life. With them comes a ten-year retrograde period, or a five-year period
minor progressive retrograde period. The tertiary direct cells of Saturn fall on the same
degrees as previous minor progressive direct cells, showing astrologer
a progressive timeline that connects different periods of a client's life. The dates of these
direct and retrograde stations, together with Sabian symbols for stationary degrees,
should be researched and presented to illustrate the specific lessons of experience that are
necessary for spiritual integration and physical health.

Page 48
As I mentioned earlier, I personally did not find much significance in the progression of Uranus,
Neptune, and Pluto in direct motion, unless the client has close natal aspects
The sun towards these planets (less than 2 ° orbits), or unless the client was born on the eve, or
near, outer planet station (within 1 arc minute). As previously discussed,
the outer planets remain stationary at the same degree and minute for seven to 16 days in real
time, and therefore, in the secondary progression of seven to 16 years. Therefore, the planet
needs a few
year to begin secondary progressive orbital movement after the station. These twists
secondary progressive outer planets are usually only understood when looked at
life backwards 20-30 years later.
Tertiary and minor progressive direct cells of Uranus, Neptune, or Pluto may be
investigated if the client has close natal aspects of the sun to these planets, or if it is
born on the eve of the station. As I mentioned above, I would personally pay more attention to
planets from Mercury to Saturn, not to mention the progressive Sun and Moon, throughout
limited consultation time. Doing your homework correctly about progressives
planets from Sun to Saturn before consultation, you will always be able to consider
progressive planetary influences that speak to your client's heart and soul.
The threefold aspects
Because of progressive retrograde, the same aspects of a progressive planet toward a natal planet
be formed three times over many years with two stations occurring between three aspects.
This experience is akin to "triple transits," when a transit planet makes three, or in a case
Neptune or Pluto, sometimes five exact aspects of the natal planet. Certainly, u
progressive computation, the length of these aspects from the progressive to the natal planet
is much larger, and therefore they represent long life lessons and more gradual processes.
The “soft wood - hardwood” metaphor explains the meaning of the three aspects: one stroke
the hammer will type the nail into the softwood, and yet three or even five strokes may be
needed to
nail nailed into hardwood. Human consciousness has equal parts of receptivity (Jupiter) and
(Saturn) towards growth and spiritual integration, so an esoteric astrologer can easily understand
clients need a few planetary blows to reach a place of spiritual understanding.
Since multiple transit aspects occur within a relatively short period of time, some
clients swing to endure throughout the transit episode without truly being one of them
changed, due to the dense time period in which they occurred.
Because progressive triple aspects occur over a very long period of time,
an astrologer can use these progressive dates as signposts that make it easier for him
understanding the long-lasting spiritual meaning of the events brought about by these transits.
Progressions are
the primary tool for a lifelong perspective.
Many people, when influenced by the heavy, multiple transits of Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, or
Pluto, which lasts between 10 and 20 months, have no idea what it all means until it's gone
for a while. No one can know for sure what the possible lessons will be and the outcome of these
transit be . But clients can be helped by exploring current progressive activities and ways
to which they are related in time to earlier identical progressive lunations,

Page 49
cells, or aspects. These are repeated lessons and they can supply you with a broad
a perspective on the life changes that one is going through.
To get comfortable with these techniques, start calculating, for the entire human life of 82
years, the tertiary and minor progressions of Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn. Limit the choice of
only to conjunctions and oppositions. In doing this, you will find four to six tertiary cells and
six to 12 minor progressive cells of these planets. Pay special attention to retrograde
the degrees beyond which Mars (about 10-16 °), Jupiter (about 10 °), and Saturn (about 6-7 °) in
progression, because you can see from these degrees through which they go over, does any
forms with natal planets.
If it is formed, then there will also be other two identical aspects that are formed
towards the same natal planet, one before the retrograde period, and one after it. For example,
if tertiary progressive direct Jupiter is in conjunction with natal Uranus in January
1976, then Tertiary Jupiter was stationary retrograde in April 1981, further, Tertiary Jupiter
makes a retrograde conjunction with natal Uranium in November 1986, then it is tertiary
Jupiter stationed directly in April 1990, and finally Tertiary Jupiter makes the third and last
conjunction with natal Uranium in September 1993.
As you can see from this example, the whole episode took 17 and a half years from the first one
progressive conjunctions to the third. In the meantime, two stations happened, one retrograde
and one direct one, with about five to six years gap since aspects were formed. Determine
stationary degrees of progressive Jupiter, look at the Sabian symbols for them, and present
this whole scenario to the client in a coherent, long-term perspective.
Knowing that the progressive aspects of Jupiter-Uranus will speak of the client's spiritual
breakthroughs, i
Knowing that tertiary progressions work emotionally, you can tell the complete story of
about what all this means for your client and bring it up for discussion. This technique applies to
dates in life that have already passed but can also be used when the client is still in the middle
a five-part scenario, say, between a retrograde conjunction and a direct station. With this one
timeline, you can help the client by explaining to him when the episode started, how much
it is long in it, and how long it will continue. The benefit to the client is gradual, far reaching
a perspective that can be much more easily integrated and understood, compared to transits
"Condensed in time."
In secondary progressions, the threefold aspects can occur over several decades and they can
literally define a significant dose of global life purpose. Recently, 61-year-old Marie, came
is to visit me for a consultation on progressions. She's just finished negotiating for the series
lectures on spiritual development at a local university. This teaching position is for her
meant fulfilling the life ambition she had dreamed of since her teenage years.
Her natal Mercury is at 27 ° Lava and her natal Neptune is at 18 ° Virgo. At age 15,
her secondary progressive Mercury formed a conjunction with her natal Neptune.
This was when the idea of teaching spirituality was originally conceived in it. Then, u
by the age of 33, the secondary progressive Mercury was stationary 30 ° retrograde
Virgo. It had a retrograde conjunction of progressive Mercury with Natal Neptune in
at the age of 51. Secondary Mercury was stationed directly in its 56th year on
16 ° Virgo. Finally, when I saw her, Progressive Mercury was making the third and final one
conjunction with natal Neptune, at the age of 61. This episode of the triple aspects is

Page 50
now turned 46 years of her personal endeavors so i shared with her the joy of
fulfilling a lifelong aspiration.
For a long time, during a period of progressive retrograde Mercury that lasted 23 years,
Marie says she felt far removed from her original vision. But now he sees that it is
during this time it was shaped and prepared internally. At the age of 56, when she is direct
station performed, she began to show up and train small groups. Now, finally
secured prestigious teaching position at the university confirms and certifies her spiritual
qualities and knowledge. Her story illustrates the power of a personal vision that goes beyond
The profession of consultant astrologer has been developing personal relationships with clients
over the years and bringing them closer
their most intimate hopes and dreams that they carry in their heart. Through thoroughly
lifelong progressive activities of your clients, you will be able to notice the story lines that
flows through their overarching life scenarios. Knowing these progressive story lines, like
are the threefold aspects, the degrees of their progressive cells, and where they are in theirs
with progressive cycles of lunations, puts the astrologer in a rare position to give encouragement,
counseling, and direction, when clients need help and service.
Progressive stationary aspects
The third chapter includes a discussion of the progressive motion of the sun, moon and planets.
The sections for progressive planetary movements contain information on the length of the
potential duration
progressive planets from Mercury to Saturn forming aspects with natal planets
within one degree of orbit of a separation or application. This shows how long it takes
the progressive planet to enter or exit the aspect with the natal planet in full
orbital motion. Also, this shows the length of the aspect when progressive
the planetary station remains within one degree of the orbital aspect with the natal planet much
In the case of a secondary progressive Mercury, for example, moving above 2 ° for the year u
full orbital motion, the aspect with the natal planet can come and pass within 11
months - one degree in application, partial aspect and one degree in separation. Moreover, when
Mercury approaches a progressive station, it can stay within one degree of a stationary point
10 years! If, as a progressive Mercury approaches a direct or retrograde station, so too
forms also an aspect with the natal planet, the duration of the impact of this progressive aspect
may be
eleven times longer than the aspect formed in full orbital motion!
In my practice, I have seen a lot of clients who have a secondary progressive inpatient
Mercury while "holding" conjunction, square, quincunx, or opposition to natal Saturn or
Neptune. Many of them were on medication for clinical depression during this time
prolonged aspect (ten years). After the station, when the progressive Mercury begins again
to move and leave one stage of the separation orbit, clients will inform you that
depression has stopped, and they are able to discontinue medication. Until an astrologer can
neutralize the effects of a stressful prolonged progressive aspect such as this, he can
comfort the client by letting him know how long it will take, and how he can use the positives
strategies to minimize its negative effects.
A few clients born in late 1949 have a secondary progressive Venus that has gone
Retrograde at 18 ° Aquarius "holding" opposition within 1 ° of orbiting with natal Pluto via

Page 51
17 years! Their stories of endings and the pain that goes from there to so long
periods of their lives are heartbreaking, but after all, I could at least predict
a time perspective, give other comforting news, and let them know when it will pass.
Other clients, born in January 1935, had a progressive Mars moving retrograde to
24 ° Scales “holding” a square within 1 ° of a natal Pluto orb for over 26 years! It's superfluous
talk about will transformation in this life!
The tables in Appendices I and II show all planetary stations that occur between 1920 and 2010.
Find a chart for your client's year of birth and keep looking for three months after
birthdays. Record every direct or retrograde station you find, recording the degrees, and
how many days after her birthday does she perform. This will inform you of the year in which he
or in which they will experience, these secondary progressive stations.
Next, look at their natal chart and see if the degree of the planetary station was within 1 °
orbit of conjunction, opposition, trigon, square, sextile, half-square, sesqui-square, or
quinkunks, with a natal planet, a lunar node, an Ascendant, or an MC. If so,
then you will find a prolonged progressive aspect. Aspects of Stationary Secondary Mercury
can last up to 10 years, Venus up to 17 years, Mars up to 26 years, Jupiter up to 50 years, and
Saturn to 67 years!
The tables in Appendices I and II can also be used to locate tertiary and minor ones
progressive cells, but it is much harder to determine the age of the client when they occur than
secondary. If you remember, the entire human life of 82 years in tertiary progressions will
occur the first three years after birth. Therefore, at age 41, the client will have a tertiary
a progressive date of about 18 months after birth. Since the human life of minor progressions
occurs within the first six and one-eighth years after birth, the 40-year-old client will have
a minor progressive date of about 3 years after birth was performed. Precise and thorough
the astrologer will want to "scan" these charts six years after birth and notate any
stationary degrees that would make conjunctions, oppositions, or squares according to the natal
client planets. These dates will inform you of any prolonged tertiary or
minor progressive stationary aspects. Then you can refer back to Thirds
chapter to see the length of these progressive aspects.
Final remarks
1. Transit Mars can form three aspects before, during, and after retrograde in the period from
over five to six months. Transit Neptune or Pluto, can form five aspects before, for
time, and after two retrograde periods over a 19-20 month period.

Page 52
This chapter is an analysis of progressive planets that change degrees, signs, and houses,
along with the progressive Horizon (the Ascendant-Descendent axis) and the progressive
The meridian (MC-IC axis) and their change of degree and sign. Secondary progressive
The moon, moving through natal and secondary progressive houses at the same time, the same as
progressive planets, it becomes angular, which will also be discussed. The use of astrological
deans - divide each sign by 10 °, and dvadashamshi - divide the sign by 2.5 °, there will be
presented as an accurate method of interpretation for determining your current state of mind
client and its progressive planets and angles. When I prepare to consult about
progressions I primarily work with aspects, lunations, cells, retrograde planets,
and the rulers of the houses, but I gained some significant insights and using the sign, the dean's
office, the two-lady,
degree and position of home, my clients ’progressive planets.
Progressive character change & degree analysis
When the secondary, tertiary, or progressive Sun, Moon, or planets, change signs,
subtle transition in the client's personal energy field. In the case of the secondary progressive
Sun, at
an example that will only change the sign two or three times during normal human life,
entering the next sign marks the beginning of a thirty year cycle. An astrologer can help
the client to understand this change by discussing the energy change of fire into the ground,
earth to air, air to water, or water to fire. Change of cardinal to fixed, fixed to
The variable, or variable to cardinal, will also be very informative for the client.
I have found that changing a sign can be a lot easier to understand by a client when im
I clarify the mutation that happens as a change of consciousness based on the elemental and the
natural rhythms. I use the phrase "lifeline" to describe this phenomenon.
When planets from fire signs progress to earth, three creative impulses tend to form,
prudence, and discipline. Creativity can burn physically (Aries), emotionally (Lion), or
intellectually (Sagittarius). The pure, creative physical energy of Aries upon entering the earthly
Taurus, must now learn to develop himself methodically and measuredly or to face exhaustion
risk of injury. The pure, creative emotional energy of the Lion arriving in the earthly state
The virgin must now discover the techniques through which his love can flow. Clean, creative
the Sagittarius ’mental energy reaching the Capricorn’s earth gates must now figure out how to
cultivates abstractions so that they benefit others.
When planets from earth signs progress to air, the three bodily states are now more difficult
social and intellectual connection. Matter can manifest physically (Capricorn),
emotionally (Taurus), and intellectually (Virgo). The pure physical physical energy of the
Capricorn approaching
Aquarius air kingdom must now give up its pursuit of material status because of
knowledge of humane principles. Pure material emotional energy of Taurus arriving in the air
the Gemini dimension must now convey the yoke of self-esteem for interest in others. Clean
the material mental energy of the Virgin reaching the aerial realm of Libra must now surrender
precise analysis and brain categorization for artistic evaluation of beauty and sophistication.

Page 53
When planets from air signs progress to aquatic, the three conceptual spheres now weigh
emotional depth. Ideals can be unloaded physically (Libra), emotionally (Aquarius), or
(Twins). Pure idealistic physical energy Libra enters the Scorpio aquatic area and now
he must relinquish his attachment to the shadowy darkness of irrationality in order to find
purpose. Clean
Aquarius's idealistic emotional energy, approaching the water banks of Pisces, must now be
rigid scientific mental learning in support of the great unknown spiritual sea. Clean
the idealistic mental energy of the Twins reaches the water bed of Cancer and must now leave
naming the surrounding factors to experience emotional layers.
When planets from watermarks progress to fiery, the three sensory territories now search in
expression. Passion and compassion go down physically (Cancer), emotionally (Scorpio), or
intellectual (Pisces). Pure compassionate physical energy A cancer that erupts on the fiery
The lion must now surrender its self-protective armor within the openly expressed flame. Clean
Scorpio's passionate emotional energy turning into the fiery plasma of Sagittarius has been
washed away
the blood of the heart to loss, in preparation for the diluted fuel of spiritual sensation. Purely
mental energy The fish, landing in the blazing port of Aries, must now be disembarked from the
by mysterious imagination and courageously lead others to godly personal conviction.
When planets in cardinal signs progress to fixed, there is a change from physical
of reality toward a conscious plan of desire. Needs, feelings and controlled decisions are
activated, and personal
the center tends to change. Increased resistance to external influences is also felt in the client,
such as increased stubbornness, arbitrariness, and inner strength.
When planets in fixed signs progress into variables, a change from a plan of desire to
mental plan of consciousness. Ideas, conceptual thinking, speculation about
opportunities, and separation from emotional involvement.
When planets in variable signs progress to cardinal, a change from
mental plan into the physical plan of consciousness. Courage activated, defined course of action,
specific goals and a concrete plan.
Three current progressive Sun signs and Sabian symbols for their specific degrees
describe the interaction that occurs between the three esoteric bodies. Sign and degree of
of the progressive Sun is the physical experience, the sign and degree of the tertiary progressive
Sun is
emotional experience, and the sign and degree of a minor progressive Sun is a mental
The relative harmony, or mismatch, of these three signs and their elements, modalities,
deans, bachelor's, degrees, and disposers talk a lot about the degree of integration the client has
can feel at any given moment in life.
For example, as I write this chapter (October 1998), my secondary progressive Sun.
is at 9 ° Capricorn (8 ° 21 'rounded), my terrarially progressive Sun is at 17 ° Cancer, and
my minor progressive sun is at 7 ° Aries. All three suns are in my cardinals now
signs, i'm writing a book too! Not that I was just thinking about the book (variable), or that I was
feeling yes
i want to write my book (fixed), i am just doing my job (cardinal) already. My physical
reality, defined by the secondary sun at 9 ° Capricorn, is full of hard work to succeed in
my ambition to share this astrological knowledge of the progressions I have gained through
professional experience.
Interestingly, the Sabian symbol for the 9 ° Capricorn is "An angel carries a harp". Since I also
the owner of an astrological school, and I have a "full-time" astrological practice, this book was

Page 54
written between client consultations and schoolwork, seminars and public lectures. U
my work with clients, lately i have felt like an angel since i had
joyful experience of a very intimate connection with them. The secondary Sun stays on the same
year round, and the Sabian symbol for this degree announces the current physical pattern
that I encounter.
My sense of reality, determined by the Tertiary Sun at 17 ° Cancer, is my personal emotional
rebirth after an intensely painful relationship and loss of paternity. My strength is growing every
as I move forward in my life and recover from the near past. Sabian symbol for
this degree is "Opening Many Levels of Potentials Originating in the Original Call," described
Rudhyara as "the lifeblood to actualize innate potential." This is exactly what
I feel these days, as I struggle to overcome the emotional immaturity of my South Node in
Cancer, and through responsibility for personal accomplishments that I am capable of through
my North Node in
Capricorn. The Tertiary Sun, which is progressing at about 13 1/3 degrees for the year, will
therefore remain the same
degree for about 27-28 days, and the Sabian symbol for this degree specifically informs the
current one
the emotional pattern I encounter.
My reality of thought, defined by the minor Sun at 7 ° Aries, is the awareness that I can
make a creative contribution to the astrological community through my writing, even as I
struggle to do so
I strengthen again in my personal life through the courage to be alone. The Sabian symbol for
this one
degree is "Man manages to express himself simultaneously in two empires." This symbol speaks
to mine
the current realization that I can travel, as an angel, between the two worlds I live in. When
is writing time, i'm happy to travel again from the realm of client work and usage
of these progressive techniques, into a metaphysical realm that allows me to notice, and explain
to you, how and why progressions work. Minor Sun, which is progressing about 27 and 1/3
degrees by
a year, will remain the same for about two weeks; The Sabian symbol for this degree speaks of
the current mental pattern I encounter.
When an astrologer works with the current progressive signs and degrees of three different sets
of the Sun,
Months and planets should remember the relative importance, based on length,
secondary, tertiary and minor. These degree analysis techniques may be related to someone
a kind of “metaphysical horror” astrology, where the astrologer strives to respond to
the needs of a troubled client who needs a daily, weekly, or monthly spiritual
a perspective that would help him cope with what he’s going through. Minor progressive
The moon, for example, travels about degrees for the day, and therefore, has a Sabian symbol to
memory (the moon) that emerges mentally (minor progressions). By tomorrow, the client will be
to the next degree of the minor moon, and therefore the depth of identification with the symbol
degrees obviously short-lived. If the client is disturbed, depressed, or suicidal, an explanation
these transient spiritual realities can offer solace in the dark moments.
The most important progressive change of sign occurs in secondary progressions, since
a long chapter of life ends and a new one begins. The astrologer should be careful when
estimates the duration of the secondary progressive Mercury, Venus, or Mars in the sign,
since it will be full orbital motion, average orbital motion, or stationary orbital
movement, affect the length of the progressive sign.
The secondary progressive Sun remains in sign for about 30 years, the secondary Moon for about
two to
two and a half years. Secondary Mercury averages 21 years in character (unless stationary!),
secondary Venus remains in character for about 25 years (unless stationary!), and secondary
Mars for about 40 years (unless stationary!). After calculating derived dates for

Page 55
the client's secondary progression, a view of the ephemeris will locate any change in sign
which is to perform. This is advisable to make sure you have a computer-based “bi-
wheel ”or“ three-wheel card ”(charts with two or three circles in which the natal is seen
map, progression, and transit), since the planet may be last-degree and look like it
will change the sign while actually approaching the station and still remain in that sign for years
to come
they come, in retrograde motion.
Recently, I experienced my Venus secondarily progressing from Sagittarius to Capricorn, closing
The 24-year chapter of my life. With the natal Venus-Saturn conjunction in the second house,
i feel i'm home again! I would say it was Venus as it progressed through
Sagittarius' sign, has been linked to the few risky delusions into emotional relationships that have
proved to be catastrophic for me, but no less, it was my advanced education
(Sagittarius) at the school of love (Venus). I also had a common denominator with women with
I was closest to the same religious belief and spiritual path. Now, for example, when
Venus progresses through Capricorn, I find myself fully enjoying the company of older couples,
which I meet at the local association of the Theosophical Society, where I give lectures on
astrology. Listen to the 80-year-old dear spiritual sister playing Mozart on the piano, deft
fingers and with a heart of gold, it must qualify as a paradise for Venus in Capricorn!
I have notated the secondary progressive planets of my clients that have recently changed
and in consultation consulted them about the area of life associated with that particular planet.
My client's secondary Venus recently progressed from Aquarius to Pisces.
Within the first year of this event, her entire social circle had completely changed from
political and environmental activists into artists, poets, musicians, and dancers. She keeps a
boutique of clothes,
here in my city, and right next to her shop, a Middle Eastern Belly studio opened
dance! But wait, there's more. She is now organizing poetry reading nights at her shop!
Another client who came to me recently for a consultation on progressions, right
had a change in sign of the progressive Sun from Gemini to Cancer after a 30 year cycle.
Her natal Sun is in Taurus and her Moon is in Lion. The only significant "water" in her natal
The map, by character, is Saturn in Scorpio. She left a few days before she would
a progressive change of character will be exact, knowing that while on the road, her brother who
released from prison after eight years, coming to her house and picking up furniture she used
all these years. Her husband, meanwhile, ordered new furniture, which was shipped to
her absence. Her secondary Sun left the Gemini and entered Cancer while she was on
way, and when she got home, she had a completely emotional (Cancer) reaction to the new
furniture. She was
a personal reaction she had never experienced before, crying almost in silence. In your own way,
she said she thought the furniture was furniture, mostly useful and functional, and never
she could not imagine that she could react this way. Welcome to the water element,
my friends!
Clients educate me daily about their real life experiences of progressive planets
that change the sign. I couldn't think of stories like this and tried!
To sum up, the astrologer should pay close attention to any change in the sign of the secondary
the progressive Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, or Mars. Three current progressive signs in
who the Sun is to analyze, along with reading the Sabian symbols for each current one
the degree of the progressive Sun. Changing the sign of tertiary planets will affect feelings, and
signs of minor progressive planets will primarily change their minds.

Page 56
If you have daily contact with clients who are experiencing pain, depression, or confusion,
I recommend calculating a minor progressive moon. He changes degrees daily and
A Sabian symbol for any degree change can offer comfort and advice.
If you are doing more extensive work with a client, such as a series of weekly meetings where
you present a retrospective account of his life (watermarks adore this!), which is seen
through the history of their progression, then, with additional exploration of the lunation cycles,
the cells,
retrograde and aspects, be sure to calculate all the dates of change of sign
secondary, tertiary, and minor progressive Sun, Moon (exclude
tertiary / minor), Mercury, Venus, and Mars. Sort them in chronological order and
explain them through changes in the personal energy field that the client experienced. These
sign, it will be like scrolling through pages of a story about a client's life.
Progressive Angularity & House Changes
As with all other astrological calculations, progressive angular planets are given
greatest importance. This is because when a planet transits or progresses from a cadence to a
angular house (Prim. transl. - Angular / Angular - 1st, 4th, 7th, 10th house; Successive / Which
next - 2nd, 5th, 8th, 11th house; Cadence / Falling - 3rd, 6th, 9th, 12th house), that which existed
in thought form (cadent), it now enters a physical manifestation (angular), and "the thing is
happening ”. The only exceptions to this astrological rule I have observed are the transit lunar
Nodes, which, as you know, go retrograde through the Zodiac in 18-and-a-year cycles.
Therefore, transit lunar nodes, moving from angular houses to cadences, and I noticed, often
represent lost opportunities. If the client did not act on the spiritual urge to grow and
making changes while the Transit Nodes were in angular homes, I watched the impulse
declines through cadent and successive houses, to reappear when transit nodes
they become angular again.
Secondary progressive planets that become angular will coincide with the most visible
structural changes in life. Especially the secondary moon when it is angular almost always
coincides, within a month or two, with major life changes. It is also important for
observation and tertiary progressive moon when it is angular, and it has a 24-month cycle
passing through zodiac houses. What is also very worth exploring is when they are
progressive planets angular, use of secondary progressive angles . I used to be
thought natal homes were the only ones that mattered in the progression, but now I'm deeply
convinced that clients
experience life on two levels of home reality - natal and progressive homes represent
different spheres.
The basic metaphysical rule for understanding this phenomenon is that when we work with
by progressions, natal homes describe exterior, concrete areas of life, while secondary
progressive houses describe the inner, spiritual progress that takes place. In the book The
Horoscope Alan Leo makes the same remark, stating:
"Natus can be considered to have, effectively, two personalities - hereditary or root
temperament and disposition, with which he was born, and modification or outgrowth, so that
evolved from the past by playing his mind to find his place in the physical
environment. The first personality will remain unchanged, except in the case of influences that
upset the natus,
the other will be submissive (more or less, according to the progressive character of the soul) to
any modification of a progressive horoscope. "

Page 57
In my opinion, what Alan Leo was talking about is that progressive houses represent
the client's current state of spiritual evolution as a result of experience for a further life, while
houses are more of a routine environmental impact on life.
For example, currently my secondary progressive moon is in my second natal home, i
at the same time in my progressive twelfth house. I experience my life on these two
levels, like this: my natal second home of the progressive moon requires me to again
build up my cash income in my astrological business (school and practice) since I was away
from the area of two and a half years. My progressive moon was in the progressive twelfth house
the last two and a half years, which has resulted in my thorough emotional and spiritual
cleansing, with the deepest loss and pain I have ever experienced in my life, yet, into the same
time, being my deepest emotions of compassion, universal love for others, and what is more
more importantly, it led me through a heart into a spiritual rebirth I could never have imagined.
Planets that progress from a natal or progressive 12th house and cross the Ascendant by entering
natal or progressive 1st house, are experienced as a successful passage through long, dark nights
souls, who are illuminated at dawn. Minor or tertiary progressive planets leaving
The 12th house and becoming angular on the Ascendant are usually in a relationship with the
or an emotional dilemma that is overcome, such as depression, despair, or paralyzing fear,
anxiety and worry. These angular progressions represent a journey from a water element into
the fiery element, and therefore, normally produce two spiritual baptisms: one aquatic, where
is purified through sorrow and repentance, and other fiery, where the descent of the Holy Spirit is
received into
the fire of a personal heart, which gives the courage to be strong now for the sake of others.
The Minor Progressive Sun, which travels about 27-28 degrees in a year, will usually spend
over a year in the 12th house, while the tertiary progressive Sun, which moves about 13 °
for a year, usually spend over two years in a 12th house. This will test a person's faith in
the deepest levels. After the passing of the Ascendant, ideally, restored
self-confidence will result in greater spiritual integration given that the person has experienced
the whole
a series of mental and emotional doubts and going through them came out.
Unlike the moon, secondary progressive planets leaving the 12th house and becoming
angular ones on the Ascendant do not necessarily coincide with a momentary change in quality
of life. There must be several attempts to find the best way to reach the goal,
before the client to leave behind residue insulation, osamljeništvo and loneliness, and complete
discovered in the "real" world. An astrologer can look at this as an alcoholic in recovery,
who one day feels strong and the next day is on the verge of collapse. Clients need it
the encouragement to change the 12th houses into the 1st, approach gradually , and be honored
they were led by their spiritual journey.
Progressive planets crossing the natal or progressive IC from 3rd house to 4th will often
coincide with some, more karmic, family events such as finding
a lost parent, as they were adopted, or the birth of a child, the death of a parent, or the
recollection of
childhood trauma they were previously unaware of. These angular progressions represent
travel from the air element to the water element, and therefore, usually produce initiation into
emotional self. It is as if the inherited genetic DNA code symbolically crossed into the soul via
a, these angular progressions sometimes coincide with the detection of a hereditary disease,
mental or physiological.

Page 58
Progressive planets that transcend natal or progressive Descendent from 6th house to 7th house,
very often they coincide with starting or ending a relationship. How progressive
planets climb above the Horizon, the client may feel as though they are stepping out of the
internal development phase into
a much more visible global (worldly) role. These angular progressions represent
travel from the earth element to the air element, and therefore, generally produce elevated
objective self-awareness, usually through feedback with others, or fully illuminated
reach greater life purpose.
Progressive planets crossing the natal or progressive MC from 9th house to 10th house will often
match some professional accomplishments or honors, or get started
job or professional practice, a significant promotion, or job change. How
progressive planets culminate, the client may experience the feeling that he has reached the top
of the mountain afterwards
a long and painful climb. I also saw that the progressive moon, when angular at
To MC, it coincides with graduation or the beginning of a client's new career. These
angular progressions represent the journey from the fiery element to the earth element, and
building form around vision.
Whereas planets that progress from natal or progressive angular houses to successive houses,
or from natal or progressive successive houses to cadence houses, are not as significant as when
progressive planets become angular; in the case of secondary planets, they represent a long one
a period of life that ends, and a new one begins. When this happens, the astrologer should
record and explain to the client.
Metaphysically speaking, from the angular to the successive, it is very similar to the transition
from the cardinal to the
fixed, where it transitions from physical reality to an eager plan of consciousness. The astrologer
can understand better
this esoteric phenomenon by exploring the four gates in its own
the natal charts that led to this plan of desire, and these are the specific degrees they are at
the summits of the successive 2nd, 5th, 8th, and 11th houses. Studying the Sabian symbols of
these degrees for their own
natal chart, the astrologer is in a better position to articulate this transition to the client. This
technique does
can also apply to the degrees of the tops of the cadent 3rd, 6th, 9th, and 12th houses, which are
between the eager plan of consciousness and the mental plan.
Progressive Horizon & Meridian
When working with progressive angles in astrology, birth time is obviously essential
for accuracy. The progression of Ascendant and MC may actually serve to rectify the natal one
as well
cards when the time of birth is unknown or suspected. As you know it, corners
they move about 1 degree every four minutes, even when the horoscope is
inaccurate in just ten minutes, it can result in a progressive MC in two and a half
degrees, or two and a half years, incorrect. Unless the astrologer masters the skill of rectification
incorrect birth time, should limit his work with progressions to the planets and not deal
Personally, I only have experience working with secondary progressive angles. I'm not
explored more extensively the Quotidial, or diurnal, angles commonly used with tertiary and
minor progressive calculations as they only reflect the angularity of the derivative
progressive date and time, and they do not seem to me to be directly related to the spiritual
by the evolution of the client’s natal Ascendant or MC. I've seen such exact matches
life experience with secondary progressive angles in close aspects with natal

Page 59
planets, that I never found it necessary to search beyond the secondary progressed
Ascendant or MC.
I have researched various methods of MC progression in my work with clients, such as Solar
onion, Naibod onion, Ptolemaic onion, and Massey onion. The Solar Arc method moves the natal
one forward
MC for the same number of degrees and minutes per longitude as the secondary progressive Sun.
There is
a variation on this method, which is moving forward the MC of the Solar Arc by rectascension,
instead of longitude. Rectascension is a measurement in the east direction of the 0 ° Aries
The difference between them is often insignificant (a few arc minutes).
The naibod arch method moves the pre-natal MC 0 ° 59 '08 "in longitude for the year, which is
the movement of the sun. There is also an optional calculation for Naibod onions in
rectascension. Between
Naibod and Solar Arc (by longitude) progression of the natal MC, there may be a difference of
several degrees (± 5 °) to the 60s for a client born around the winter solstice when
The sun is moving in its largest daily orbital motion. This degree difference is
critical, since the progressive Ascendant is derived from the progressive MC.
The Ptolemy arch method moves forward the natal MC by 1 ° rectascens for the year, and does
corresponds to neither the current nor the average daily motion of the sun. Massey method
MC progression is a variation on this, where the MC moves 1 ° forward in longitude for the year.
Earlier in my practice, when I was confronted with not only progressive calculus
of MC progression to use but also with the choice between natal or rescaled latitude and
longitude, I was wondering how to prove to myself which one is correct? I began to notice
that the start dates of my clients ’most important relationships almost always coincide with
occurs with the progressive Ascendant (aspect or change of sign).
Given the astounding number of ways to calculate the secondary progressive Ascendant,
I decided to test these calculations once and for all. I progressed the MC to six different ones
modes (two Solar ports, two Naibods, one Ptolemaic, one Massey), using both natal and
relocated latitude, means twelve (!) different progressive Ascendants. I found the correct one
the correlation between the date of starting a new relationship (the day they first met their
the wife, or true love) of the client, and the progressive Ascendant when she changes character,
or is near
particle aspect with the natal planet, using the Solar Arc longitudinal method for MC, and
natal latitude for determining the progressive Ascendant . In some cases I found
matching up in the day!
The significance of the progressive Ascendant cannot be overstated in astrology. Metaphysically,
represents changing the Personal Horizon as the client goes through life, separating the inner
from the external being, the lower world of darkness, from the higher world of light. I consider
him to be the Ascendant
the most spiritual point in a horoscope, simply because it is so sensitive to the passage of time
(moving an average of one degree, every four minutes).
The Sabian symbol for the Native Ascendant is, I personally think, the one with which clients are
most concerned
identify. The degree of the progressive Ascendant, and its Sabian symbol, illustrate the current
spiritual integration that happens to the client. This integration can be symbolically observed
as the wedding of a shadowy being (below the Horizon) with a conscious being (above the
Horizon). Only
this is the reason I exclusively worked with Secondary Progressive Ascendant, not
with Quotidial angles.

Page 60
An astrologer should be extra careful when intending to evaluate a progressive Ascendant.
You can get away with adding client years to your natal MC degree, and be pretty
close to a progressive MC, but you'll make a fool of yourself if you try to do this with either
by the progressive Ascendant! The reason for this is the slope of 23 1/2 ° of the Earth's polar
axis, and therefore
there are slow rising characters and long rising characters. The natal MC and the Ascendant are
rarely when
at right angles to each other, and rarely when the progressive Ascendant advances at the same
speeds as a progressive MC. The net result of all this is that it will sometimes be progressive
The ascendant go higher by degrees than the progressive MC, and sometimes smaller.
For example, my natal MC is at 20 ° 45 'Gemini and my natal Ascendant is at 21 ° 30'
Virgo. As I write this, my progressive MC is at 6 ° 23 'Lion, and my progressive Ascendant
at 2 ° 28 'Scorpio. As you can see, at my age (45 in 1998), my MC progressed
nearly 46 ° and my Ascendant progressed almost 41 °. This is a difference of only 5 ° but alone
counted progressive client charts that had a difference of over 25-35 ° between MCs and
Ascendant at my age!
I recently had a client whose natal Ascendant was at 16 ° Pisces, and the natal MC at 22 °
Sagittarius. At 46, the Ascendant progressed to 28 ° Taurus, some 72 °, while MC
progressed to 7 ° Aquarius, only 45 °, with a difference of 27 °! The other client had a natal one
Ascendant at 5 ° Aquarius, and natal MC at 28 ° Scorpio. The ascendant progressed to 25 °
A ram at 45, some 80 °, while the progressive MC was at 13 ° Capricorn, only 45 °, which gives
35 ° difference! The point is not to try "defiantly" to determine the progressive Ascendant
adding client years to the natal Ascendant because, in the case of a short-rising outbound
(Aquarius, Pisces, and Aries in the Northern Hemisphere), you can exceed by over 30 ° for the
middle years,
and comment on some supposed progressive conjunction of the Ascendant with the natal
a planet (which I saw several astrologers do) that didn't even exist in the map!
Progressive MC is extremely important in astrology, since it also relates to the development of
the spiritual
client integration, as well as progressive Ascendant, only more socially and professionally.
Metaphysically, it is the changing of the personal Meridian (north-south axis) as one goes
through life,
separating the self-conscious “I” from the projection “not I” or “You”, the consciousness of
others. Every year,
the client receives a new pair of degrees for both secondary progressive MC and IC. Sabian
symbols for these
degrees represent the spiritual polarity that falls between the development of the personal
(progressive IC) and the evolution of one's place in the world (progressive MC). Current degree
a progressive MC can be described as a projection on the screen of one's social reputation,
the upbringing, training and genetic inheritance of the fruit-bearing family, and also of every
strength of character
obtained through personal emotional chaos, loss and recovery.
The astrologer should also make a note if the client's secondary progressive Acendent or MC
changes sign This will happen at least three times, at all angles, during normal human
century (four or five times in the case of an outgoing character that is short-circuited), and is
therefore as important as
a change in the sign of the secondary Sun. What is important to remember is that since
progressive angles change sign, get new planetary rulers , and natal state
(dignity in character, retrograde, position in the house, or aspect) of these planetary rulers is
essential for correct analysis of progressive angles. I kept seeing that date
of the progressive Ascendant when he changes sign, or makes conjunction or opposition to the
natal one
planet, coincides with an important intimate relationship that begins in life. As I am
noted earlier, this was a technique I used to test all the different methods
of MC progression, since the progressive Ascendant is derived from the progressive MC, using
either natal or relocated latitude.

Page 61
When a progressive MC changes sign - which happens to be around 30 - clients will change
towards the outside world, while retaining his personality. An astrologer can look at
progressive MC as to the fate that was destined for the client at any given moment
life, and from the response that the client has about the meaning contained within the Sabian
symbol for
current degree of progressive MC, the astrologer can tell what spiritual plane the client is with
by his “higher self”.
Having sent this little book out into the world to you, my progressive MC is at 7 ° The Lion, of
which it is
The Sabian symbol "Star Constellations shines brilliantly in the night sky." As a professional
an astrologer, one who has been trying to write this book for years, I see how things depend on
timing. Deep in my heart, I am happy that now is the right time for me to make mine
creative contribution to the astrological community.
Use of deans & dvadashamsha in progressions
A valuable technique to help understand the meaning of current progressive planets or angles is
division of the sign into 10 ° decanates, or 2.5 ° dvadamsha. Dvadashamsha is a Hindu sign-
splitting technique,
"Imported" west of India. Their use is by no means limited to the sidereal
Zodiac. Tropical astrologers can certainly use this sign-splitting system as well
as effective as any Vedic astrologer.
The esoteric concept behind the sign-sharing system is that each sign contains within itself the
entire Zodiac.
This is close to a fractal theory in which the entire pattern is contained within any part of it.
In Chapter Four, I wrote about the "holographic connections of time" and explained how they are
secondary progressive lunations directly related to, in time earlier, tertiary or
minor progressive lunations. These links reflect how specific periods of childhood are
coincide with specific periods of life from adulthood. In the twelve days between Christmas
and the Epiphany holidays, for example, followers of Rudolph Steiner's Anthroposophical
they believe that each month of the new year is contained in a miniature of each of these twelve
According to this theory, in these holy days, from December 25 to January 6, everyone should be
to make spiritual decisions to improve the year.
What is spiritually revealed to the esoteric astrologer through the deanery and
dvadashamshamsha is
the mystery of hidden planetary governments. As planets move beyond degrees of sign,
there is a constant change in the hidden governments that emerge. The deans, dividing the 30 °
signs into three
10 ° divisions, determine the sub-influence of two other signs of the same element, together with
planetary ones
to rulers of influence.
The Damsams go one step further by breaking every 10 ° decanter into four 2.5 ° divisions. On
example, 00 ° 01 'to 10 ° 00' Aries is the dean of Aries, and has pure Mars rule. 10 ° 01 'to
20 ° 00 'Aries is the Dean of the Lion (the next fire sign), and has a Mars-Sun reign. 20 ° 01 'to
30 ° 00 'Aries is the Dean of Sagittarius, with Mars-Jupiter rule. The Aries dean in Aries contains
the dvamsashams of Aries, Taurus, Gemini, and Cancer. The Dean of Lions in Aries contains the
dvadashamsha Lava,
Virgo, Libra, and Scorpio. The Dean of Sagittarius in Aries contains the two-bamboo Sagittarius,
Aquarius, and Pisces.

Page 62
When an astrologer tries to interpret the progressive Ascendant and MC of his client, he always
look at the Sabian symbols for the current degrees of these two angles. But there is additional
insight that
can gain by exploring deans, dvadashamsha, and planetary rule.
For example, my progressive MC is currently at 6 ° 23 'Lava. This degree accommodates mine
progressive MC to the Dean of the Lion, dvadashamsha Libra (5 ° 01 'to 7 ° 30'), which gives
the subjugation of the Sun-Venus. For the last 10 and a half months, I have been trying to put
everything on
my love (Venus) that I have in my heart (the Sun) in writing this book, and the creative spark of
the beginning was the birth of a daughter (Venus), which I kept while she was a baby, since
her mother taught ballet (Venus) a group of children (the Sun) while my daughter slept in
pink (Venus) battery-operated pajamas in a shed that I used as an office on
Oregon coast when I started writing!
At that moment, there was nothing better I could do than read Progressive Horoscope
Alan Leah, where in Chapter XII he writes extensively about the progressive Ascendant, using
techniques to describe the three divisions of each progressive exit character, decomposed into
You will find that he used the traditional rule of Mars for Scorpio, Jupiter for Pisces, and
Aquarius Saturn, to arrive at his interpretation of the deans of Scorpio, Pisces, or
Aquarius, any outgoing character in the same these elements. I would be in a lot of trouble yes
i reach anything close to the level of insight he had while subtly determining each one
progressive Ascendants.
I want to encourage all my readers to use these character-sharing techniques when working with
progressive angles. To activate your perception, I recommend the following
experiential exercise: Get three clients who have the same exit sign, but in different deans.
For example, one has the Ascendant at 6 ° Virgo, the other at 16 ° Virgo, and the third at 26 °
Then determine the deans, dvadamsams, and planetary rulers of these natal Ascendants; i.e
6 ° Device = Mercury-Mars (Dean of the Virgin, Scorpio dvadashamsha), 16 ° Device =
Saturn-Jupiter (Dean of Capricorn, dvadashamsha Pisces), and 26 ° Virgo = Mercury-Venus-
(Dean of Taurus, dvadashamsha Raka).
Next, remember their energy mentally, or call them on the phone, tell them to work
research, and talk to them for a while. Or better yet, invite them to lunch, wherever
you can observe directly. Paying attention to their personal energy field, see if
you can notice the different planetary subplots interacting. I assure you, with the trained
by perception, you can especially see these impacts at work. Of course, the ruler of the map by
sign, home,
and aspect, it is also clearly visible through the Ascendant, but so are the deans, dvadashamsha,
planetary subjugators, only if you look for them.
The following table shows each of the twelve signs, together with their decanals i

Page 63
Table 13 - Dean's office and dvadashamsha
The sign

0 ° to 10 °

0 ° to 2.5 °

2.5 ° to 5 °

5 ° to 7.5 °

7.5 ° to 10 °

10 ° to 20 °

10 ° to 12.5 °

12.5 ° to 15 °

15 ° to 17.5 °

17.5 ° to 20 °

20 ° to 30 °

20 ° to 22.5 °

22.5 ° to 25 °

25 ° to 27.5 °

27.5 ° to 30 °

Final remarks
1. I recommend using geocentric, instead of geographical, latutuds for natal and
progressive budgets. You will find these options in your astrology software in the “atlas
preferences ”.

Page 64
Preparation for consultation with the client
As I mentioned in Chapter One, the preparation of a consultation on progressions is confronting
astrologers with many different progressive-natal, progressive-progressive, transit-
natal, and transit-progressive aspects. In addition, house positions, activation of house rulers,
lunations, eclipses, cells, retrograde, angles, decanates, dvamsams, and degrees, extend this
list even more. From this huge mess of planetary activities, an experienced astrologer knows
exactly what to do
looks at, and therefore how to recognize which of the progressive or transit aspects are much
more important,
and which less so. This chapter is the techniques I use to get the most out of it
planetary activities happening to the client.
In all cases of progressive or transit activities, I recommend using a very narrow one
orbisa . This means 1 ° in the application, and 1/2 ° to 1 ° in the separation. You will be much
more successful in yours
working with progressions if you discipline yourself to consider only aspects within this
of the allowed orb. To be as brief as possible, explanations of progressive homes in this one
the chapters are about secondary progressive homes counting MC progression, using
Solar arc by longitude, and natal latitude to obtain the progressive Ascendant.
I recommend Porphyry's house division system for working with progressions. In this system
the quadrants are divided into three parts, so they produce houses of equal size within each
of the quadrant. Before the consultation, I calculate the following charts and reports:
1. natal-secondary progressive-transit "three-wheel" map
2. Secondary progressive map with progressive houses
3. natal-tertiary progressive bi-wheel map
4. Native-minor progressive bi-wheel map
5. Report with secondary progressive-natal aspects
6. Report with transit-secondary progressive aspects
7. Transit-natal aspects report
Focusing on clients' longer cycles
Starting with a three-wheel map, I note the various progressive and transit activities that
I see. In order to orient myself to the client's lengthy cycles, I record the current one
secondary progressive phase Sun-Moon (29.5-year cycle), current phase of Saturn
transit cycle (29.5 years) relative to its natal position, and its current phase
Jupiter's transit cycle (12 years) relative to its natal position. Next,
I note the position of transit Jupiter and Saturn in the house, hemisphere, and quadrant. Then
I record the position of the secondary moon, both in the natal and in the progressive house.
Next, I explore the entering degree of the current secondary progressive phase of the Sun-Moon.
For example,
if the client is in the "Hunchback" secondary phase of lunation, I find the correct degree of
Months when he makes a rising sesquiquadrat with the secondary Sun. Then I explore the
the degree of the previous progressive New Moon, and if the lunation cycle is declining, the

Page 65
the previous progressive Full Moon. I also note the extent of the previous Moon
Fourth. After that, I make notes of Sabian symbols for these degrees of lunations.
If the Young Moon or the Full Moon were in eclipse, then I emphasize that.
Aspects of the Progressive Moon
Continuing my exploration of the secondary moon, I look for any progressive-natal
aspect to be formed within six months from the date of consultation together with any
by changing the sign or house. If the natal moon aspects any of the same planets
that will be aspecting the secondary moon, then underline it. For example, if the client has a natal
trigon Moon-Saturn and secondary moon moves towards conjunction with natal Saturn, this
should be specially marked. Should the secondary moon cross over, or be in opposition with
degree of progressive-natal aspect, transit-natal aspect, or transit-progressive aspect
aspect, and this should be underlined. I also note if the secondary moon is approaching
Next, I make notes of the current phase of the Tertiary and Minor Moon. The tertiary cycle
the lunation lasts 24 and a half months, and the minor lunation cycle lasts one year. I do the
the specific degree and Sabian symbol of the previous Tertiary and minor New Moon, i
if it decreases, I also record the extent of the previous Full Moon. Again, as with
secondary moon, I note if Young or Full Moon was in eclipse. I also turn
attention if the degree of Tertiary or Minor, Young, Fourth, or Full Moon coincides with
by the degree of any of the secondary lunations of a lifetime.
Aspects of the Progressive Sun.
Next, I turn to the analysis of the three progressive Suns. I note secondary, tertiary, and minor
progressive Sun sign, dean's office, dvadashamshu, and individual degrees, making a special one
note if a change of sign or house occurs. If there are aspects between someone
from the progressive Suns and the natal Suns, then I note that too. For example, the natal sun is
22 ° Scorpio, and Tertiary Sun at 21 ° Cancer moves toward descending trigon with natal
With the sun, so we will add the date of this event to the list. Also, I research where they are
tertiary and minor Sun, regarding the phase with the natal Sun. The Tertiary Sun has a cycle
from 27 1/3 years old, moving through natal homes before returning to conjunction with natal
By the sun. I note the phase it is currently in, as well as when the next aspect will occur
eighth harmonic (phase change). The Minor Sun has a cycle of 13 1/3 years through the natal
home, so I also make notes of his current phase, as well as when the next one will perform
aspect of the eighth harmonic to the natal Sun.
Next, I look at whether the secondary Sun forms some aspect with the natal planet or
angle. Any aspect! In my opinion, these aspects of the secondary progressive Sun.
are the most important of all the progressive activities that happen at any given time.
Obviously, there are any aspects of the "A" team (conjunction, opposition, trigon, or square)
the most important. The “B” aspects of a team (half-sextile, half-squared, sextile, sesqui-square,
or quincunx) are
next in importance. Any of the aspects of the "C" team (undecil, decile, novil, septil, quintile, or
their derived multiplied biquintil, triseptil, etc.) will be of lesser importance, but since
embrace the secondary Sun, they can of course inform the astrologer of any subtle
spiritual evolution that is happening.

Page 66
Continuing on, I study the tertiary and minor progressive Sun, making notes on
his current positions in natal and progressive homes. I note every one
conjunction or opposition from the tertiary or minor Sun to any natal planet, and
if either of these two suns approaches angularity.
Aspects of Progressive Ascendant & MC
From here, I direct my attention to Progressive Ascendant and MC. I'm recording the current
degrees of Progressive Horizon (Asc-Desc) and Progressive Meridian (MC-IC), together with
their Sabian symbols. I also note the current dean's office, and I do both, i
the progressive outburst sign and the progressive MC sign, along with their subordinates.
When working with planetary deanery subjugates and dvadashamshi, I recommend using one
traditional rulers: Mars for Scorpio, Jupiter for Pisces, Saturn for Aquarius.
Following this, I look for any aspects that will form between progressive angles and
natal planets. Personally, I consider conjunctions and oppositions together since the conjunction
of the progressive Ascendant towards the natal Saturn also makes opposition at the same time
of the progressive Descendant towards the natal Saturn. I have noticed that there are progressive
which make squares with natal planets significant, while trigons and sextiles are generally not.
Moreover, I find that the quincunxes of the progressive Ascendant or MC towards the natal
be of great influence, usually in terms of some stress related health problems, which
have resulted from relationship tensions (progressive Asc-Desc) or family-business dilemmas
I also note if there is any paranoia where progressive angularity occurs with
two planets. For example, a progressive MC conjuncts natal Uranium while
the progressive Ascendant conjuncts natal Neptune. If the astrologer finds steam
in progression, it is almost certain that the entire structure of the client's life will be transformed
in terms of the planets included in it.
Aspects & retrograde of progressive Mercury, Venus & Mars
Further, I look for any aspects between secondary progressive personal planets and natal ones
planets or corners. I put conjunctions, oppositions, and squares at the top of this list, with
trigons and quincunxes as next in importance. Having listed these aspects,
I add all other aspects, such as sextiles, semi-squares, etc. into a separate category.
From here, I examine the retrograde nature of secondary, tertiary, and minor progressive
Venus, or Mars. If it exists, I investigate the retrograde stationary date and degree, and, when
there will be a progressive direct station, and to what degree. Exploring the range of the
degree, I look for any aspect between a natal planet or an angle during retrograde. If
there is, it will be a “triple aspect” so I explore the dates of the first and third aspects of the set. I
most importantly, I'm looking for any progressive planetary station that will then happen within
degrees of orbital aspect with a natal planet or angle. This phenomenon produces prolonged
the stationary aspect mentioned in Chapter Three and Fifth.

Page 67
Next, I observe whether secondary, tertiary, or minor progressive Mercury, Venus, or Mars
do they experience rapid sign-in, become angular, or average across the tops of homes? If so
some of that being the case, I research the dates and jot them down.
Exploring the tertiary and monorail progressive Mercury cycles, I note the stages of the
relationship between
progressive Mercury and natal Mercury. Tertiary Mercury has a 26 3/4 year cycle
through natal homes, while minor Mercury has a cycle of 13 1/8 years. I also note the date
the next aspect of the eighth harmonic that happens between progressive and natal Mercury.
Then, I repeat these steps for Venus and Mars. Tertiary Venus is either 22 and a half years old or
30-year cycle through natal homes, depending on whether retrograde occurs during
cycles. Minor Venus has either a 10 3/4 year or 14 3/4 year cycle through natal homes,
which again depends on whether retrograde is occurring. Tertiary Mars has a cycle of 53
and a minor Mars cycle of 26 years through natal homes. As with Mercury, I make a note
the four current stages of the relationship between the progressive Venus and Mars with their
Aspects & retrograde of Jupiter & Saturn
While the client will not live long enough to experience the complete progressive cycle of Jupiter
Saturn through natal homes, in the average life span he will experience several tertiary or
minor progressive cells and retrograde periods of these planets. If these retrograde
the degree ranges are real aspects with the natal planets, then the phenomenon of the “triple
aspect ”. If the stationary degree of progressive Jupiter or Saturn makes an aspect with the natal
planet or angle, then the phenomenon of prolonged stationary aspect will occur.
After observing the secondary progressive Jupiter and Saturn, and determining whether they are
some aspects or cells, I also pay attention to whether natal Jupiter or Saturn are turned
direction earlier in life. If so, I research at what age it happened and when
the progressive planet formed a conjunction with the natal position. For example, I recently did
had a client whose natal Jupiter was retrograde to 11 ° Taurus. At 19, secondary
progressive Jupiter moved stationary directly and his family moved from the US to
Australia! At the age of 38, progressive Jupiter is in direct motion at last
arrived in conjunction with natal Jupiter. I explained this "delayed reaction" to the client
as a turning point in his life, which gives him the freedom to stand alone and on his own
the way it defines success (at the time, it separated itself from involvement in the family
business). Similarly, if
was natal Jupiter, or Saturn, direct, then progressed into retrograde motion, date
retrograde conjunctions with the natal position would also be significant as a focal point
the turning point in life.
I also make notes as to whether they are tertiary or minor progressive Jupiter and Saturn
currently direct or retrograde, when was the last station, to what degree, and which was
The Sabian symbol. As I mentioned earlier, Tertiary Jupiter remains retrograde around 9
years, with about a 20-21 year span between retrograde periods. Minor Jupiter remains
retrograde about 4 and a half years, with about 10 years of range between retrograde. Tertiary
Saturn remains retrograde for about 10 and a half years, with about 18 years of range between
retrograde ones
period, and the minor Saturn remains retrograde for about 5 years, with about 8 and a half years
between retrograde.

Page 68
These direct and retrograde periods of tertiary and minor progressive Jupiter or Saturn,
can be seen as the metaphysical equivalents of the blood and spine of life. An astrologer can look
direct and retrograde cells as at the ends of different chapters in life. Personal growth,
taking risks, pursuing aspirations, self-improvement, spiritual pursuits and journeys
constantly keep in balance from failure, loss, rejection, pain, experience, limitations and
of forgiveness. Retrograde self-learning has been successfully tested by social
approving or disapproving direct motion. This inner and outer dance of Jupiter and
Saturn in tertiary and minor progression can be viewed by astrologers as
the spiritual tide of all life. It is my opinion that these are progressive cycles
significantly more informative than the transits of the outer planets, but some subtlety is required
perceptions in order to appreciate their relevance.
Transition to progressive planets
After recording all the progressive activities, I explore the transit aspects, the positions of the
houses and
activation of houses. From my experience, transit to progressive planets work in one sphere
realities, while transit to natal planets work in another. I found it to transit
conjunctions, oppositions, or squares against natal planets often function as activators
a house where a natal planet under transit, through its ruler of the sign at the top of the house,
interruption or change in that area of life. The transit-to-natal client experience is about
reaction to what is happening . Of greater importance, in my opinion, are transit to
progressive planets that seek to assist in the spiritual integration of what is already
happened outside.
In many cases, I have found that when a couple of planets are natalising each other
they move into the next progressive aspect while simultaneously undergoing a transit-natal or
transit-progressive episode, it coincides with the longest lasting major changes i
transformations in life.
For example, I recently had a client, a 66-year-old doctor, whose natal Mercury is at 22 ° 57 '
Lava in almost partile ascending semi-textile aspect with natal Pluto at 22 ° 56 '
Cancer. By secondary progression, his Mercury, now at 7 ° 59 'Sagittarius, is in separation
from the growing sesquiquadrate with natal Pluto. Transit Pluto was in the middle of formation
me (!) conjunctions with progressive Mercury for over 32 months. It was Mercury
ruler of his 7th and 9th house (Cancer inserted in 7th house). He and his wife parted ways for a
days before, and in order for the marriage to continue, his form had to change (the ruler of the
7. houses under the transit of Pluto). He reconciled himself to the fact, and because it is still
loves his wife, he was ready to try a new form of marriage for the first time in his life, the one in
to whom they would sometimes live separately and sometimes together. Since the 9th house was
also activated
this combination of a natal-progressive-transit episode, a return to his Catholicism
faith on a deeper level, was what gave him the inner strength to accept change.
An astrologer will find, when calculating transit to progressive planets or corners, some
funny events, such as having a client receive 9, 11, 13, or even 21 exact aspects of it
they are made over a period of three to ten years. This happens because there is a walking target!
If, on
the example of transit Pluto is about 2.3 ° in the day, and the secondary progressive Mercury is
moving about 1.25 ° for the year, the same aspect will be made again and again and again as the
Pluto goes back and forth through its direct and retrograde step-motion, while
the progressive Mercury moves forward, thus making more partisan aspects. To quote the

Page 69
Chales of EO Carter, whom I love and deeply respect, as he wrote in The Zodiac and the
The 1953 Eclipse Soul , "such a remarkable bombing" would surely bring changes to the
client life, both inside and out.
Recently, in the case of another client involved in transit-progressive aspects, I saw the same
aspect of making it 21 times (!) over a period of over 9 3/4 years (transit Neptune square
the progressive Ascendant), 13 times over a period of over 68 months (transit Pluto square
secondary Mercury), or 9 times over a period of over 46 months (transit Pluto square
progressive Ascendant). From my point of view, the astrologer should pay more attention to
these transits, which take much longer and represent a gradual spiritual integration for the client,
but to stay on transits to natal planets that happen over a period of 10
up to 20 months. As the client goes through the later episodes, he usually feels pretty
helpless to do anything about it. At least with the transit-progressive episodes,
the astrologer can honestly and reliably inform the client that he or she will integrate this
experience, grow into
spiritual qualities, and be better about it. My experience is that the progressive map is many
more easily integrated into 'More Me', while transits-to-natals are often only those who tell us
"Endure and stand out."
Table 14 - List-reminder before consultation on progressions
A. Long-lasting cycles
1. Secondary progressive phase Sun-Moon
2. Phase of the Saturn transit cycle
3. Jupiter transit cycle phase
4. Transit Saturn in the house, hemisphere, quadrant
5. Transient Jupiter in the house, hemisphere, quadrant
6. Secondary progressive moon in natal home
7. Secondary progressive moon in progressive house
B. Secondary Progressive Lunar Degrees & Sabian Symbols
1. Entering the degree of the current progressive phase Sun-Moon
2. A Sabian symbol for this degree
3. Degree of the previous progressive New Moon
4. A Sabian symbol for this degree
5. The degree of the previous Full Moon
6. A Sabian symbol for this degree
7. Degree of the previous progressive Moon Quarter
8. A Sabian symbol for this degree
9. Young Moon Solar Eclipse?
10. Full Moon Lunar eclipse?
C. Aspects of the Secondary Progressive Moon
1. Aspects of Progressive Moon with natal pl. to be made within the next 6 months
2. Aspect of progressive moon with natal moon?
3. Progressive Moon - change of sign or house?

Page 70
4. Progressive Moon - the trigger for the progressive-natal aspects?
5. Progressive Moon - the trigger for transit-progressive aspects?
6. Progressive Moon - the trigger for transit-natal aspects?
7. Progressive Moon approaches angularity?
D. Tertiary & minor progressive moon
1. Tertiary progressive Sun-Moon phase
2. Minor progressive Sun-Moon phase
3. Degree of the last Tertiary Young or Full Moon
4. A Sabian symbol for this degree
5. Degree of the last minor Young or Full Moon
6. A Sabian symbol for this degree
7. Young Moon Solar eclipses?
8. Full Moon Lunar eclipse?
9. Matching Degrees with Secondary Lunations of Life?
E. Secondary Progressive Sun.
1. Progressive Sun - Sign and Degree
2. Progressive Sun - Dean
3. Progressive Sun - dvadashamsha
4. Planetary subjugators
5. A Sabian symbol for this degree
6. Progressive Sun - Changing Sign or House?
7. Progressive Sun-natal Aspects
F. Tertiary progressive Sun.
1. Phase of the Tertiary Sun versus the natal Sun.
2. The next phase of aspect change
3. Tertiary Sun in the natal home
4. Tertiary Sun - change of sign or house?
5. Tertiary Sun-natal - Aspects
G. Minor progressive Sun.
1. Minor Sun Phase versus Natal Sun.
2. The next phase of aspect change
3. Minor Sun in the natal home
4. Minor Sun - change of sign or house?
5. Minor Sun-natal - Aspects
H. Progressive Ascendant & MC
1. Current degrees of progressive Horizon
2. Sabian symbols for these degrees
3. Three-degree degrees of the progressive Meridian
4. Sabian symbols for these degrees
5. Dean of the Progressive Ascendant

Page 71
6. The dvadashamsha of the progressive Ascendant
7. Planetary subjugators
8. Dean of Progressive MC
9. A progressive MC dvadashamsha
10. Planetary subjugators
11. Aspects of Progressive Ascendant-natal
12. Aspects of progressive MC-natal
13. Pairs of progressive angles?
I. Secondary Progressive Mercury, Venus & Mars
1. Aspects secondary to Mercury-natal
2. Aspects secondary to Venus-natal
3. Aspects secondary to Mars-natal
4. Secondary retrograde?
5. Rx stationary date & degree
6. Direct Station Date & Degree
7. Triple aspects? Dates 1, 2, 3
8. Stationary aspects? How long is within the 1 ° orbit?
9. Secondary character change?
10. Secondary angularity?
11. Secondary house change?
J. Tertiary & minor progressive Mercury, Venus & Mars
1. TP or MP retrograde?
2. Rx stationary date & degree
3. Direct Station Date & Degree
4. Triple aspects? Dates 1, 2, 3
5. Stationary aspects? How long is within the 1 ° orbit?
6. TP or MP character change?
7. TP or MP angularity?
8. TP or MP change house?
9. TP Mercury phase versus natal Mercury
10. MP Mercury phase versus natal Mercury
11. TP Venus phase versus natal Venus
12. Phase of Venus MP in relation to natal Venus
13. TP Mars phase versus natal Mars
14. MP Mars phase versus natal Mars
K. Secondary Progressive Jupiter & Saturn
1. Aspects or cells of secondary Jupiter?
2. Aspects or cells of secondary Saturn?
3. History of Secondary Jupiter
4. History of Secondary Saturn
L. Tertiary & minor progressive Jupiter & Saturn
1. Current Tertiary Jupiter - Rx or Direct?

Page 72
2. Date & degree of Rx station
3. Direct Station Date & Degree
4. Sabian symbols for these degrees
5. Triple aspects? Dates 1, 2, 3
6. Stationary aspects? How long is within the 1 ° orbit?
7. Current Minor Jupiter - Rx or Direct?
8. Date & degree of Rx station
9. Direct Station Date & Degree
10. Sabian symbols for these degrees
11. Triple aspects? Dates 1, 2, 3
12. Stationary aspects? How long is within the 1 ° orbit?
13. Current Tertiary Saturn - Rx or Direct?
14. Date & degree of Rx station
15. Direct Station Date & Degree
16. Sabian symbols for these degrees
17. Triple aspects? Dates 1, 2, 3
18. Stationary aspects? How long is within the 1 ° orbit?
19. Current Minor Saturn - Rx or Direct?
20. Date & degree of Rx station
21. Direct Station Date & Degree
22. Sabian symbols for these degrees
23. Triple aspects? Dates 1, 2, 3
24. Stationary aspects? How long is within the 1 ° orbit?
M. Transits and progressive planets / angles
1. Transit Pluto with secondary planets / angles of lengths & how many times
2. Transit Neptune with secondary planets / angles of lengths & how many times
3. Transit Uranus with secondary planets / angles of length & how many times
4. Transit Saturn with secondary planets / angles of lengths & how many times
N. Transits and natal planets / angles
1. Transit Pluto - conjunctions, oppositions, or squares
2. Transit Neptune - conjunctions, oppositions, or squares
3. Transit Uranium - conjunctions, oppositions, or squares
4. Transit Saturn - conjunctions, oppositions, or squares
A. Progressive-progressive aspects
1. Secondary-Secondary Conjunctions
2. Secondary-secondary oppositions
3. Secondary-Secondary Squares
4. Tertiary-tertiary conjunctions of the outer five planets
5. Minor-minor conjunctions of the outer five planets
(for 4th or 5th - Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto)
P. Natal-progressive-transit links
1. Current secondary progressive-natal aspects

Page 73
between planets that are in a natal relationship?
2. Sensitive degrees of these progressions
3. The dates when two of the same planets trigger transit triggers according to these degrees

Page 74
Sinastric progressions
Over the years of working with progressions, I have seen numerous partiles (exactly the same
degree and minute)
conjunctions between my natal or progressive chart and natal or progressive charts
clients, calculated on the day of the consultation. Since I noticed this phenomenon as it happens
over and over, I began to think about its meaning. I would receive a client whose, at
example, the secondary progressive moon was at 6 ° 38 'Fish on the day of consultation, which is
degree and minute of my natal moon! Other clients would have progressive planets in the
conjunction with the current degree and minute of my progressive Ascendant or MC. Out
of my practice, I met a woman in the mail the day her secondary progressive Venus was
at 22 ° 44 'Scorpio, in partial conjunction with my natal Sun! We have become very
close friends.
Due to the repetition of such episodes, I began to observe the synastric progressions from
metaphysical perspectives. It looks like a time window, coupled with a degree connection,
worked between two horoscopes. Do these progressive connections in synastry produce transient
lasting relationships between people is still a question I have not answered myself. I saw them
how they perform at the beginning of long-lasting relationships between people, just as well as
between me and
clients that, although these links can last for years, I only saw once or twice
per year.
After this excitement of my third house (Mercury) curiosity, I began to ask of my own
clients' dates when they first met their husband or wife. What I found, yes almost
i didn't even expect it was an exact conjunction or opposition between one natal chart and
one progressive map, or between two progressive maps. In many cases, the aspects are
were exact to the degree and minute! I observe this phenomenon so there are many opportunities
for us throughout life, so certain people come to this specific time, when there are two
connected by exact degrees.
Choosing to get involved or not to get involved is ours, of course, but the opportunity is, I
provided when the time is right. You can almost rely on it to flow
months when your secondary progressive moon is 2 ° Scorpio, for example, several
clients with natal planets to that degree come to you. The only other meaningful guideline
that I can give you to interpret these events, would be to study two connected planets
sinister progression, their rulers of houses, and which planets they dispose of. Specific
the nature of the relationship, I find, can be understood in this way.
Progressive composite horoscope
Progressions can also be used to track the movement of a relationship over time. I worked with
various techniques on this, mostly significant composite map transits or transits
according to the time-place map of relationships. Composite map, which is derived from close
the midpoints of the two sets of natal planets and angles, there is neither in time nor in space, so
is therefore not found in ephemeris. On the other hand, a time-to-place map, which is

Page 75
also known as Davison's map, was calculated by taking midpoints between the two
natal latutude and longitude, and the mean date and time between two birthdays. This one
horoscope exists in time and space, so it can easily be assumed that transits in relation
they may be more reliable than those of an artificially made composite horoscope. Still,
my experience is just the opposite. I found the transits to the composite map activated
a change in relationship when simultaneous joint (relative) progressions occur.
In order to produce a progressive composite chart, you must first progress two natal charts,
then produce a composite map from two progressive maps. I used this technique with
secondary, tertiary, and minor progressions, and found that the same levels of reality associated
three different progressive natal calculations work equally when applied to relationships. Change
the mental dimensions of the relationship can be seen through a minor progressive composite
The physical and structural mutations that the relationship goes through are revealed in the
progressive composite map.
Compared to progressive natal calculus, planetary motion in progressive
the composite map is identical. For example, the secondary progressive composite moon is
about one degree per month, and the secondary progressive composite Sun moves about one
degree for the year.
I will share with you a personal example from my life. When we are my ex-wife (who has a natal
opposition Sun-Uranus) and I lived in Seattle in 1986, and were both there for years, she was
announced one February day, returning from vacation in Hawaii, that she would move there!
With or without me! Of course, in our secondary progressive composite map
(physical / structural changes), calculated on the day we left the plane while our car was
boarded an ocean-going freighter, we had a partial conjunction of the Sun and Mercury at 21 °
03 'Capricorn, both in partisan opposition to Uranus at 21 ° 03' Cancer in progressive composite
The secondary progressive composite moon, late in the second dean of Aries, was also moving
toward the position to make a progressive cardinal great cross, with a progressive composite
Neptune in Libra charging in the fourth corner. Needless to say, the rest of the year was
pretty upside down for us since we only lived in Hawaii for five months then moved the code
of friends in North Idaho. Then I went on a trip around the Western States for a month
days, looking for the next place we would live (stopping in Napa, California), then we did
went to India, and finally, exhausted, we settled again some seven months later.
If you see a pair with an upcoming dynamic (0 ° -90 ° -180 °) secondary progressive
composite aspects among planets in cardinal signs, or planets in angular ones
home , you can be almost certain that the connection will undergo some kind of structural
Progressive temporal twins
If one was born within three months of the other person's birth chart, one older person's birth
days will secondary to a younger person's birth chart. Additionally, the birth chart is younger
people will progressively progress to the elderly map. I have observed this phenomenon in my
practice several times at the beginning of an intimate relationship between two people very close
by age. They met
at the time of life when the birth chart of one was identical to the progressive map of one
the other. In my opinion, this is especially karmic, and suggests a bond that is re-forming
again during this human life.

Page 76
Converse progressions
Progressive planets and angles can also be counted back in time from birth, using
the same speed of movement of the planets as for the progressions going forward. Therefore, in
the recalculation
of the reversed secondary progression, the 45-year-old will have secondary planetary positions of
days before birth. I did not use conversion progressions enough to be able to
i write reasonably about them but i will share with you my limited understanding of this
I have seen that conversion progressions are used in rectifying a birth chart, for the unknown, or
the time of birth that is doubted. Because the astrologer has been given eight or more important
significant in life - marriage, child birth, parent death, serious illness, or accident -
various rectification techniques usually require angular progression or transits. If so
some degrees keep repeating for each of these dates, in each different method of calculation,
there is a good chance it is a degree of either an Ascendant or an MC.
Converse progressions are a check technique that confirms the extreme importance of angularity
astrology . Converted tertiary progressions, in particular, seem to work precisely in rectification.
Newer astrological software has an extremely sophisticated rectification process, since they are
in the
able to make, forwards and backwards, some progressive calculations over several
minutes, shortening the hours and even days of work of what used to be expensive and arduous
In my practice, I have noticed that the convertible secondary progressive moon is in conjunction
the ruler of the 7th natal house just in time for the wedding. I also saw that it was conversational
the secondary progressive Sun conjunct Saturn at the time of the wedding (this is the only
possible in natal charts where the natal Sun is no more than 20-70 degrees ahead of the natal one
Of Saturn). At the time of the birth of the children, I noticed a convertible tertiary progressive
moon in the
conjunction with Venus when it was a daughter, and conjunction with Mars when it was a son.
I also saw a converse minor progressive Northern Node conjunction with a natal one
Months at birth.
It seems tempting to dive into some metaphysical or karmic speculation about it
which is why the progressions produce such exact aspects in the days in which they are acquired
significant life experiences. But rather than parting with my "two cents worth"
by investing in the existing good of astrological knowledge, I will sail with gratitude and joy
to refer readers to Alan Leo's The Progressed Horoscope . He writes very clearly about the
which he saw behind the reverse progressions and directions, referring to the turning of the Earth
its axis, and shifting the angles of the horoscope to aspects with natal planets.
End of life horoscope
From an ideal perspective, it is a progressive horoscope that represents spiritual growth and
that can happen during this lifetime . This map is calculated for the third secondary lunar
a comeback occurring at age 81 and some nine to ten months. This planetary image,
the state of the solar system 82 days after your birth, suggests to the esoteric astrologer the
end of life. This map does not in any way or form refer to the prediction of the date of death, i
the astrologer is obliged to discuss it only in abstract terms with the client.

Page 77
The end-of-life horoscope can be seen as the other end of a missing book on the shelf
of life, which supplements the map of life and contains attempts at spiritual aspiration during this
To calculate this map, determine the exact date and time of the third secondary progressive
conjunctions of the moon with the natal moon. Then specify the derived date and time for
the secondary progression of that day. This derived date should be ± 82 days from the day
of your birth. Use natal latitude and longitude. This is also the third lunar return
after birth. This map can be interpreted as the spiritual goal of life.
I have aspects of "Billy Graham" in my end-of-life horoscope, and these are the conjunction of
the Sun-
Venus trigon Jupiter. Eighty-two days after my birth, they bring me to February 5th
1954 The Sun in Aquarius is in conjunction with Venus, and both in descending trigon with
stationary direct Jupiter in Gemini. When I feel bad, I remember the map
spiritual concept of my life, and that reminds me that I love others, be creative, and not
regret to share my knowledge. I can only hope that by the age of 82 I will be loved and loved
as priest Graham. If I were not an astrologer, with that great Jupiter on my MC, I know yes
I would choose to be a preacher!
Metaphysical intersection of the time vector
Because of the algebraic basis of three different progressive calculations, in which days, lunar
months, and
years alternate between three systems, fascinating metaphysical turning occurs (intertwining)
time. If you specify derived dates and times for life expectancy (81.96 years - three
secondary lunar return) for tertiary and minor progressions, you will find that you are in the third
you have reached the tertiary life, and have reached the age of just over six
a century of minor progressions. Then, tertiary progress your natal chart by the end date
minor , and you will arrive at a secondary progressive derived end of life horoscope date!
Wait, there's more! Minor progress the natal chart to the end date of the tertiary , i
you arrive again at a secondary derived date of 82 days after birth.
This is due to the mathematical inseparable action within the mystical
time proportions 1:13:27. The tertiary secondary progressive return of the Sun is happening
every ± 27 years, 3.8 months, which is the annual planetary movement in the minor days
progression. Minor progressive return of the Sun occurs every ± 13 years, 4.4 months, which
is the annual planetary movement in days for tertiary progressions.
An esoteric astrologer will enjoy contemplation about this temporal crossing of vectors.
According to mine
in opinion, this implies that at a certain point in time, all three planets of consciousness intersect
in the bliss of complete spiritual harmony.
The progressive idle of the moon
Those astrologers who work more extensively with the idle of the moon, as is done in horror or
to elec- tronic astrology, they can have a meaningful connection between the real time of the idle
the moon's walk and the progressive periods of the moon's idle. It is common to see radical
varying lengths of time during the moon's idle, which depend on current degrees
other planets and the sign that the moon is in.

Page 78
The lunar motion of the moon occurs between the moment when the moon makes its last
aspect (0 °, 60 °, 90 °, 120 ° or 180 °) in the sign it is currently in and the moment it enters
the next character. In real time, this can vary from a few minutes to over two days!
Recently, Neptune was on the last degree of Capricorn just before he entered Aquarius.
When the moon was in the sign where he made the Ptolemaic aspect with Capricorn, the last
the aspect in that sign occurred at 29 ° and minutes. Therefore, it is an idle period
was rather short, as in some cases, lasted less than half an hour until the moon entered
into the next character.
We know that the quality of "lack of directness" follows the idle of the moon, as well as bad
decisions and
unresolved outcomes. When exploring periods in which the secondary progressive moon moves
idle, you will find that they explain periods of life where nothing was
concluded, or generally experienced a lack of aspirations, aimlessness, etc. Some periods of
Moon walks last over two days in real time, and this translates into over two years in
secondary progressive time! An astrologer can help and comfort the client who is
frustrated by the lack of achievement in his life, telling him the dates and length of time
episode of the progressive idle of the moon., and suggesting a strategy for patience and timing
which would coincide with the entry of the secondary moon into the next sign.
Physical reality
One of the basic themes of my book is that reality works on three different levels and
simultaneously with
three different rates of speed, and that three different systems of progressive calculus enable
astrologer to notice at what level the client is experiencing any planetary influence. In this book,
i also outlined the holographic time link theory, which explains how lunations and
childhood eclipses occurring in tertiary or minor progressions, directly
associated with secondary lunations or eclipses that occur during adulthood.
Now I have to admit that I understand that astrologers like me are predominantly water-air
(thank God for my Ascendant in Virgo!), they work on a much more subtle and ethereal level
perceptions, from many astrologers who, say, have several planets in earth signs.
But in a large family of progressive calculus, there is something for everyone! If you have
with the acceptance of some of the metaphysical concepts presented here, or you think they are
nothing true, then be sure to stick to the secondary progressions; you will get extraordinary
The most important thing to remember when working with secondary progressions is physical
connection between natal aspects and progressive aspects. If your client has two planets in
natal in aspect and those same two planets move towards different aspects in secondary
progression, this instantly tells you that it is a priority progression . When these same
two planets , in transit, make aspects of the eighth harmonic (0 °, 45 °, 90 °, 135 °, or 180 °) with
with progressive degrees, you can be almost entirely sure that your client will experience
progression, inside or out, in the most visible way. These transit trigger dates do not have to
be used for prediction by astrologers, but in cases of certain progressive ones
aspects, where some kind of danger or incident is possible, such as Mars square Pluto or
Mars opposition Uranus, then I consider it a spiritual obligation of the astrologer to warn the
client yes
be extremely careful on days when the same planets form a stressful transit aspect to
progressive degrees. There is a significant difference between worrying a client and giving
precautionary statements; the astrologer only needs to be careful when choosing words in order
to succeed
performed this task.

Page 79
For the reason that secondary progressions are so obviously correlated with life experience at
physically, astrologers can use them widely to advise clients on issues
health and recommended compensatory strategies. Even if you do not have a medical
astrology, you can still advise a client to see a doctor and have their blood analyzed if
you see progressions related to health or illness. I have seen many times,
for example, that secondary progressive Mars quincunx natal Neptune or Saturn result
iron deficiency. This leads to depression because iron supplies blood with oxygen, and
iron reduces the flow of oxygen to the brain, which leads to a loss of mental perspective.
Secondary progressive Sun moving towards unfavorable aspect with Saturn or
Neptune will almost always bring the client to a state of exhaustion, no matter what
he is in a state of health. Pregnant women will almost always have a difficult quarter when
their secondary progressive moon is moving towards a difficult aspect with natal Mars or
Saturn. The lightest births occur when the mother's secondary progressive moon is in
sextile or trigone with Jupiter.
Emotional reality
The first is that I do not always use tertiary progressions when working with all my clients.
If the client came to help him choose the right time to expand the business, or for
aesthetic surgery, it is certain that I will not deal with his relationship with his mother! Moreover,
the big one
a percentage of my clientele has done a great deal on spirituality and healing, and working with
it gives clients the pure joy of being able to enter subtle areas with them, using
my "aquatic" astrological skills to define and describe the progressive activities that drive
their emotional bodies in the plane of desire. Many clients with a slightly more sophisticated
intellect will
to appreciate the astrological interpretations that span the scope from Jung's theory through the
mysticism to esoteric heart-centered Christianity. And enough clients
simpler and more straightforward in their approach to life, however, they should talk about their
while struggling with painful circumstances. In either case, the astrologer may use tertiary
progressions to help the client deal with any type of emotional
the unrest he is going through.
In the preventative medical model, the mind-body connection is where physical problems are the
thought that is
derived from previous unresolved emotional trauma, using tertiary skill progression
the astrologer can identify stress aspects, cells, retrograde or lunations, and advise
client how to awaken these feelings associated with planetary activity. For example, I have
a client whose tertiary progressive Sun was moving in opposition to natal Pluto and who
he began to have frightening dreams about his father. When I explained to him that these dreams
were a precipitate
emotional impressions left from childhood, it became easier for the client to perceive objectively
what used to be a troubled emotional episode and laughing at the use of it
the therapeutic powers of humor and love.
Specific tertiary progressive aspects will always occur earlier in life than theirs
secondary progressive duplicates, because of the 13: 1 time proportion that exists between this
two calculations. The temporal links between them reveal a lot and can offer good insight.
For example, if the client experiences a growing square between the secondary progressive Sun
natal Mars astrologer investigating when this aspect occurred earlier in life by tertiary
progression, can help the client immensely by pinpointing the earlier period of life where it is
it existed only on the plane of desire, and now it goes into its physical manifestation.

Page 80
Mental reality
In my experience, only a small fraction of my clients can fully relate to theirs
minor progressions. But what a praiseworthy group they are! The reason for this is because
minor progressions define planetary influences by working on a mental level, also known as
causal, or causal level. At this level of reality, thought activity is the seed for the future
emotional and physical harvest. An individual usually needs to experience several years of
practices or contemplative prayers in order to be able to sufficiently develop subtle perceptions
awareness that would allow self-observation at this level of complexity. Supervising
His own thoughts are such an advanced level of spiritual practice that, indeed, the astrologer
does not even need to
hopes to use this progressive technique with most clients.
Moreover, with those clients who do shamanic work with others, such as purification
souls, an astrologer can be a truly sweet and important protective factor in their lives, which they
to follow their minor progressions along with them. The job these individuals do with
to others it is extremely difficult because it entails contact with the spirit world that is being
different types of hazards. Just as Jesus drove the demons out of the miserable souls so
tormented in
His time, therefore, on His behalf, some shamanic and angelic healers heal spiritually
diseased in modern times. These healers, according to whom I have the ultimate love and
respect, they seem to have received their gift recently from the opposition of Chiron and Uranus,
long-lasting aspect that began in the early 1950s. This is an alternative treatment sign, if it is
ever some existed.
Chiron traveled within 5 ° orbits of the opposition with Uranus from February 1951 to May
some 39 years! This aspect was in operation at the time of the discovery of Chiron in 1977. We
just now
we only see the tip of the iceberg of alternative medicine and spiritual healing practitioners who,
in my opinion, be at its peak during the Neptune Age in Pisces from April 2011 to January
2026. This prolonged aspect was possible because of the extremely ellipsoidal nature of Chiron
orbit, which spends less than two years in Libra, and yet remains in Aries for over nine years.
As such, Chiron travels between the seen and unseen worlds, within the orbit of Saturn on
perihelion, and beyond the orbit of Uranus on the afhel. In this metaphor, Chiron can be equated
with the Holy One
Keeping in mind this particularity of Chiron, as we recall (Chapter Two) minor
the progression metaphysically corresponds to -the Spirit entering the Soul-, like computation
-lunar month for the year- represents the Moon-Sun relationship, an astrologer can help these
healers by informing them when they need to take temporary leave from their jobs, or by them
to inform when they can continue to work full steam and deal with soul purification or expulsion
ghosts. This can be achieved if the astrologer correctly interprets their minor progressives
aspects, lunations, eclipses, retrograde, cells, and planetary returns.
Heavy planetary activity occurring in minor progressions can result in spiritual
a war in the kingdom of heaven through which these healers move. Minor progressions reveal
subtle activities that take place at the mental level, where all kinds of electrical treatments
(Chiron-Uranus) are happening. If an astrologer enters deep water trying to spiritual
interpretations beyond their own experience and beyond the level of skill they master, not to
his level of spiritual protection, let's hope he has a good feeling about getting his work done until
he does
gain sufficient training to accept this level of astrological subtlety.

Page 81
Planetary contact between levels of consciousness
The most difficult progressive aspects to interpret, and at the same time the most fascinating, are
the minor ones
tertiary, minor with secondary, and tertiary with secondary. These planetary contacts are
occur between different levels of consciousness as opposed to the holographic temporal relation
includes aspects, lunations, eclipses, and cells that precede each other . This mutual
the effect of the mental level, the emotional level, and the physical level of planetary activities is
of utmost importance to esoteric astrologers as it can inform them how the seed thinks or
feelings shrink their way down to a concrete, physical manifestation. It happens sometimes yes
clients reach spiritual alignment with their “Higher Self” so aspects such as minor
Sun in trigon with secondary Sun or ruler of tertiary Ascendant in trigon with ruler
secondary Ascendant to inform the esoteric astrologer when this is happening.
Progressive planetary returns, like a minor progressive sun that completes the cycle of each
13 1/3 years, or the Tertiary Sun that completes its cycle every 27 1/3 years and returns
in conjunction with the natal Sun, they can also be calculated between different systems
progression. In this case, the astrologer should look when the Sun is minor or tertiary
either in conjunction with the secondary Sun, with a difference similar to the sidereal ones
synodic lunations.
If any of my readers are in favor, I would recommend the following research. Because of
that the minor progressions are at 27:13 in proportion compared to
tertiary, there will be some conjunctions of the same planets that occur between two levels of
(mental-emotional). For example, you know that Mars has about two years orbital
cycles in real time. In multidimensional progressive work, this informs you
that when the derived date of the client's minor progression is about two years ahead of the
of the date of its tertiary progression, will be the minor Mars in conjunction with the tertiary
I have found that these conjunctions between the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, and
Mars to be very significant in the process of spiritual integration. The mental and emotional body
aligning can produce feelings of spiritual communion that are palpably blissful. When
these alignments are brought to the attention of the client, a subtle communion between thoughts
and feelings
plays. In a similar manner, when the same planets are in conjunction between minor and tertiary
progression, or tertiary and secondary progression, the client experiences a mental or physical
or emotional-physical level of alignment.
Preparation of a “reminder list” before the consultation
Some of my readers, after going through the reminder list before consulting on progressions,
from Chapter Seven, I may despair at the very thought of so much preparation work
before consulting the client. Ideally, a professional astrologer consultant would
he should have been able to schedule a series of three to five meetings of ninety minutes each
to adequately and thoroughly interpret the whole scenario of progressive activities for anyone
client. Unfortunately, since this is not an ideal world, many of my client meetings are
one ninety-minute vision every six months or one year. In this limited
time, my clients expect me to provide them with a concise overview of the most important
striking activities.

Page 82
I recommend professional astrologers to the following content of the consultation. I use this
for years and, being based on my professional experience, he constantly gives
the most significant planetary activities.
1. Current Secondary Sun-Moon Phase
2. The Sabian symbol for the degree of initiation of this phase; length of phase
3. The preceding date and the Sabian symbol for the current Young Moon lunation cycle
4. If it falls, the date and the Sabian symbol of the current Full Moon cycle
5. Secondary Moon - where the natal home is; to check for angularity
6. Secondary Moon - In which progressive house; to check for angularity
7. Secondary Moon - conjunctions or oppositions with natal planets in the last six
months; accentuation of natal aspects of planetary pairs, and degree triggers for
transit-progressive or progressive-natal aspects
8. Secondary Sun - Aspects (All!) To natal planets or corners
9. Secondary Sun - sign, dean, dvadashamsha, current degree & Sabian symbol
10. Secondary Sun - any entry into a sign, angularity, or entry into a house
11. Secondary Ascendant or MC - natal aspects (conjunction only, opposition,
square, and quincunx)
12.Current Degree, Sabian Symbol, Deanery & Dvadashamsha of Progressive Sign
Ascendant and MC (note planetary subplots as well)
13.Secondary Mercury, Venus, Mars - Aspects by natal planets / angles;
check sign change, angularity, house change
14.Secondary Mercury, Venus, Mars - retrograde, stationary dates and degrees,
triple aspects or stationary aspects
15. Secondary Jupiter and Saturn - history: cells, conjunctions to the natal
Transit Pluto, Neptune, Uranus, Saturn, Jupiter to Secondary
progressive planets / corners (conjunctions, oppositions, squares, quincunxes only)
17. Transit Pluto, Neptune, Uranus, Saturn, Jupiter - conjunctions, oppositions or squares
towards natal planets / corners
18. Cycles of transit Mars, Jupiter, Saturn (planetary cycle and home cycle)
19. Lunations or eclipses that fall to progressive "sensitive degrees"
20. Solar return of planets in conjunction with natal or progressive planets
I assure you that by following this guide-list you will be consistently in touch with your current
experiences of your client. This preparation system, after some experience, will require about an
hour and
by research time.
Final thoughts
In the sincere hope and prayer that this book will help you help your clients yes
gain perspective on the life changes they are going through using progressions in their work.
For you astrologer practitioners, this book is written. I know it takes years and years yes
an astrological practice would be maintained. It takes a spiritual effort that precedes the
consultation in order for you to
loving and serving your client is something that is sometimes very difficult to do. I send to each
you your love, admiration and respect for the good work you do in a world that doesn't
always our profession. Please keep the faith because the work you are doing is truly worthwhile
and needed
would be proud of you for committing yourself to becoming a professional astrologer. God you
bless, my friend.

Page 83
Appendix I
These tables were calculated using Solar Fire for Windows, v. 4.12
© 1994-1998 Esoteric Technologies Pty. Ltd.
Time given is PDT (7 hours west of Greenwich)
Table 15 - Planet Stations 1920-2010
Mar Retrograde Mar 10 1920
04 ° Ar 41 'R
Mar Retrograde Mar 14 1920
09 ° Sc 06 'R
Mer Direct
Apr 02 1920
21 ° Pi 39 'D
Apr 03 1920
08 ° Le 06 'D
Sat Direct
May 06 1920
04 ° You 49 'D
Mar Direct
May 31 1920
21 ° Li 15 'D
Retrograde Mer Jul 13 1920
10 ° Le 18 'R
Mer Direct
Aug 06 1920
29 ° Cn 15 'D
Mer Retrograde Nov 05 1920
01 ° Sg 11 'R
Mer Direct
Nov 25 1920
16 ° Sc 06 'D
Retrograde Jan 03 1921
18 ° You 55 'R
Retrograde Hour Jan 04 1921
24 ° E 48 'R
Retrograde Mer Feb 21 1921
17 ° Pi 45 'R
Mer Direct
Mar 16 1921
03 ° Pi 29 'E
Ven Retrograde Apr 01 1921
10 ° Ta 16 'R
May 05 1921
08 ° You 56 'D
Ven Direct
May 13, 1921
23 ° Ar 52 'D
Sat Direct
May 20 1921
17 ° You 58 'D
Retrograde Mer Jun 24 1921
20 ° Cn 51 'R
Mer Direct
Jul 18 1921
11 ° Cn 10 'D
Mar Retrograde Oct 19 1921
16 ° Sc 17 'R
Mer Direct
Nov 09 1921
00 ° Sc 26 'D
Retrograde Hour Jan 16 1922
07 ° Li 36 'R
Retrograde Feb 02 1922
18 ° Li 54 'R
Retrograde Mer Feb 05 1922
01 ° Pi 13 'R
Mer Direct
Feb 26 1922
16 ° Aq 03 'D
Mar Retrograde May 07 1922
25 ° Sg 16 'R
Sat Direct
June 03, 1922
00 ° Li 49 'D
Retrograde Mer Jun 05 1922
00 ° Cn 53 'R
June 05 1922
08 ° Li 58 'D
Mer Direct
June 29, 1922
22 ° Ge 08 'D
Mer Dorect
Jul 16 1922
11 ° Sg 06 'D
Mar Retrograde Oct 02 1922
00 ° Sc 11 'R
Mer Direct
Oct 24 1922
14 ° Li 41 'D
Ven Retrograde Nov 04 1922
09 ° N 50 'R
Ven Direct
Dec 15 1922
24 ° Sc. 30 'D
Retrograde Mer Jan 19 1923
14˘ Aq 58 ′ R
Retrograde Hour Jan 29 1923
20 ° Li 07 'R
Mer Direct
Feb 09 1923
29 ° Cp 12 'D

Page 84
Retrograde Mar 05 1923
18 ° Sc 56 'R
May Retrograde May 17 1923
10 ° Ge 53 'R
Mer Direct
June 10, 1923
02 ° Ge 18 'N
Sat Direct
June 16, 1923
13 ° Li 21 'D
Jul 07 1923
09 ° Sc 04 'D
Mar Retrograde Sep 16 1923
13 ° Li 47 'R
Mer Direct
Oct 07 1923
28 ° E 49 'D
Retrograde Mer Jan 03 1924
28 ° Cp 56 'R
Mer Direct
Jan 24, 1924
04: 17
12 ° Cp 49 'D
Retrograde Hour Feb 10 1924
02 ° Sc 20 'R
Retrograde Apr 05 1924
19 ° S 54 'R
Mar Retrograde Apr 26 1924
21 ° Ta 22 'R
Mer Direct
May 20 1924
12 ° Ta 04 'D
Ven Retrograde Jun 09 1924
17 ° Cn 35 'R
Sat Direct
June 28, 1924
25 ° Li 37 'D
Ven Direct
Jul 22 1924
01 ° Cn 03 'D
Mar Retrograde Jul 24 1924
05 ° Pi 19 'R
Aug 06 1924
10 ° Sg 03 'D
Mar Retrograde Aug 28 1924
26 ° E 55 'R
Mer Direct
Sep 20 1924
12 ° You 42 'D
Mar Direct
Sep 22 1924
25 ° Aq 20 'E
Mer Retrograde Dec 17 1924
13 ° Cp 02 'R
Mer Direct
Jan 06 1925
26 ° N 46 'D
Retrograde Hour Feb 21 1925
14 ° Sc 19 'R
Mar Retrograde Apr 08 1925
02 ° Ta 39 'R
Mer Direct
May 01 1925
22 ° Ar 01 'D
Retrograde May 10 1925
22 ° Cp 31 'R
Sat Direct
Jul 11 1925
07 ° Sc 38 'D
Mar Retrograde Aug 11 1925
09 ° Vi 27 'R
Mer Direct
Sep 03 1925
26 ° Le 18 'N
Sep 08 1925
12 ° Cp 41 'D
Mer Retrograde Dec 01 1925
27 ° Sg 12 'R
Mer Direct
Dec 21 1925
10 ° N 55 'D
Ven Retrograde Jan 17 1926
26 ° Aq 04 'R
Ven Direct
Feb 27 1926
21: 43
10 ° Aq 20 'D
Retrograde Hour Mar 05 1926
26 ° Sc 05 'R
Mar Retrograde Mar 21 1926
14 ° Ar 45 'R
Mer Direct
Apr 13 1926
02 ° Ar 34 'N
Retrograde Jun 16 1926
27 ° Aq 10 'R
Sat Direct
Jul 24 1926
19 ° Sc. 25 'D
Retrograde Mer Jul 24 1926
21 ° Le 14 'R
Mer Direct
Aug 17 1926
09 ° Le 23 'N
Mar Retrograde Sep 28 1926
19 ° Ta 28 'R
Oct 13 1926
17 ° Aq 19 'D
Retrograde Mer Nov 15 1926
08: 11
11 ° Sg 23 'R
Mer Direct
Dec 05, 1926
25 ° Sc 12 'D
Mar Direct
Dec 061926
04 ° Ta 32 'N

Page 85
Mar Retrograde Mar 04 1927
00: 27
27 ° Pi 30 'R
Retrograde Hour Mar 17 1927
17: 02
07 ° Sg 40 'R
Mer Direct
Mar 26, 1927
19: 27
13 ° Pi 55 'D
Retrograde Mer Jul 06 1927
02 ° Le 13 'R
Retrograde Jul 24 1927
03 ° Ar 31 'R
Mer Direct
Jul 30, 1927
21 ° Cn 46 'D
Sat Direct
Aug 05 1927
01 ° Sg 01 'D
Ven Retrograde Aug 20 1927
24 ° Vi 59 'R
Ven Direct
Oct 01 1927
08 ° Vi 51 'D
Retrograde Mer Oct 29 1927
25 ° Sc 32 'R
Mer Direct
Nov 19 1927
09 ° Sc. 32 'D
Nov 19 1927
23 ° Pi 37 'E
Mar Retrograde Feb 15 1928
10 ° Pi 46 'R
Mer Direct
Mar 08 1928
26 ° Aq 04 'D
Retrograde Hour Mar 28 1928
19 ° Sg 08 'R
Retrograde Mer Jun 16 1928
12 ° Cn 30 'R
Mer Direct
Jul 10 1928
03 ° Cn 16 'D
Sat Direct
Aug 16 1928
12 ° N 30 'D
Retrograde Aug 30 1928
10 ° Ta 25'R
Retrograde Mer Oct 12 1928
09 ° Sc 33 'R
Mer Direct
Nov 02 1928
23 ° Li 50 'D
Mar Retrograde Nov 11 1928
09 ° Cn 17 'R
Dec 25 1928
00 ° Ta 26 'E
Mar Direct
Jan 27, 1929
20 ° Ge 59 'N
Retrograde Mer Jan 28 1929
24 ° Aq 22 'R
Mer Direct
Feb 19 1929
08 ° Aq 54 'D
Ven Retrograde Mar 29 1929
08 ° Ta 03 'R
Sat Retrograde Apr 09 1929
00 ° Cp 31 'R
Ven Direct
May 11 1929
21 ° Ar 39 'D
Retrograde May May 1929
22 ° Ge 26 'R
Mer Direct
Jun 21, 1929
13 ° Ge 53 'N
Sat Direct
Aug 28 1929
23 ° N 54 'D
Mar Retrograde Sep 25 1929
23 ° Li 22 'R
Retrograde Oct 05 1929
16 ° Ge 24 'R
Mer Direct
Oct 16 1929
08 ° Li 03 'D
Mar Retrograde Jan 12 1930
08 ° Aq 14 'R
Jan 31 1930
06 ° Ge 21 'N
Mer Direct
Feb 02 1930
22 ° Cp 17 'D
Retrograde Hour Apr 21 1930
11 ° Cp 53 'R
May Retrograde May 08 1930
02 ° Ge 35 'R
Mer Direct
Jun 01 1930
23 ° Ta 48 'N
Mar Retrograde Sep 08 1930
06 ° Li 47 'R
Sat Direct
Sep 09 1930
05 ° Cp 15 'D
Mer Direct
Sep 30 1930
22 ° You 06 'D
Ven Retrograde Nov 01 1930
07 ° Sg 23 'R
Retrograde Nov 07 1930
25 ° C

Page 86
Ven Direct
Dec 12 1930
22 ° Sc 02 'D
Mar Retrograde Dec 18 1930
16 ° Le 49 'R
Mar Retrograde Dec 27 1930
22 ° Cp 16 'R
Mer Direct
Jan 16 1931
06 ° Cp 04 'D
Mar 07 1931
10 ° Cn 27 'D
Mar Direct
Mar 08 1931
27 ° Cn 26 'D
Mar Retrograde Apr 19 1931
13 ° Ta 24 'R
Sat Retrograde May 03 1931
23 ° Cp 17 'R
Mer Direct
May 13 1931
03 ° Ta 35 'N
Mar Retrograde Aug 22 1931
19 ° Vi 41 'R
Mer Direct
Sep 14 1931
05 ° You 54 'D
Sat Direct
Sep 21, 1931
16 ° Cp 39 'D
Retrograde Dec 09 1931
22 ° Le 38 'R
Mer Retrograde Dec 11 1931
06 ° Cp 24 'R
Mer Direct
Dec 31 1931
20 ° S 06 'D
Mar Retrograde Mar 31 1932
25 ° Ar 02 'R
Apr 08 1932
12 ° Le 36 'E
Mer Direct
Apr 23 1932
13 ° Ar 45 'D
Retrograde Hour May 14 1932
04 ° Aq 46 'R
Ven Retrograde Jun 17 1932
15 ° C
Ven Direct
Jul 20 1932
28 ° Ge 55 'N
Mar Retrograde Aug 03 1932
01 ° You 54 'R
Mer Direct
Aug 27 1932
19 ° Le 17 'N
Sat Direct
Oct 02 1932
28 ° Cp 07 'D
Retrograde Mer Nov 24 1932
20 ° N 35 'R
Mer Direct
Dec 14 1932
04 ° N 20 'D
Retrograde Jan 07 1933
23 ° Vi 16 'R
Mar Retrograde Jan 20 1933
20 ° Vi 17 'R
Mar Retrograde Mar 13 1933
07 ° Ar 27 'R
Mer Direct
Apr 05 1933
24 ° Pi 38 'E
Mar Direct
Apr 11 1933
00 ° You 52 'D
May 10 1933
13 ° You 17 'D
Retrograde Hour May 26 1933
16 ° Aq 23 'R
Retrograde Mer Jul 16 1933
13 ° Le 20 'R
Mer Direct
Aug 09 1933
02 ° Le 04 'D
Sat Direct
Oct 14 1933
09 ° Aq 43 'D
Mer Retrograde Nov 08 1933
04 ° Sg 45 'R
Mer Direct
Nov 28, 1933
18 ° Sc 39 'D
Ven Retrograde Jan 15 1934
23 ° Aq 38 'R
Retrograde Feb 06 1934
23 ° Li 12 'R
Retrograde Mer Feb 24 1934
20 ° Pi 27 'R
Ven Direct
Feb 25 1934
07 ° Aq 57 'D
Mer Direct
Mar 19 1934
06 ° Pi 21 'E
Retrograde Hour Jun 08 1934
28 ° Aq 11 'R
Jun 10 1934
13 ° Li 16 'D
Retrograde Mer Jun 27 1934
23 ° Cn 59 'R

Page 87
Mer Direct
Jul 22, 1934
14 ° Cn 08 'D
Mar Retrograde Oct 22 1934
18 ° Sc 53 'R
Sat Direct
Oct 26 1934
21 ° Aq 30 'E
Mer Direct
Nov 11 1934
02 ° Sc. 58 'D
Mar Retrograde Feb 08 1935
03 ° Pi 51 'R
Mar Retrograde Feb 27 1935
24 ° Li 37 'R
Mer Direct
Mar 01 1935
18 ° Aq 48 'D
Retrograde Mar 09 1935
23 ° Sc 18 'R
Mar Direct
May 17 1935
06 ° Li 03 'D
Retrograde Mer Jun 08 1935
04 ° Cn 05 'R
Retrograde Hour Jun 21 1935
10 ° Pi 13 'R
Mer Direct
Jul 02 1935
25 ° Ge 14 'N
Jul 11 1935
13 ° Sc 25 'D
Ven Retrograde Aug 17 1935
22 ° Vi 46 'R
Ven Direct
Sep 29 1935
06 ° You 36 'D
Mer Retrograde Oct 05 1935
02 ° Sc 48 'R
Mer Direct
Oct 26 1935
17 ° Li 14 'D
Sat Direct
Nov 07 1935
03 ° Pi 30 'E
Retrograde Mer Jan 22 1936
17 ° Aq 35 'R
Mer Direct
Feb 12 1936
01 ° Aq 53 'D
Retrograde Apr 10 1936
24 ° Sg 26 'R
May Retrograde May 19 1936
14 ° Ge 03 'R
Mer Direct
Jun 12, 1936
05 ° Ge 30 'N
Retrograde Hour Jul 03 1936
22 ° Pi 32 'R
Aug 11 1936
14 ° N 35 'D
Mar Retrograde Sep 17 1936
16 ° Li 27 'R
Mer Direct
Oct 09 1936
01 ° Li 23 'D
Sat Direct
Nov 18, 1936
15 ° Pi 47 'D
Mar Retrograde Jan 05 1937
01 ° Aq 32 'R
Mer Direct
Jan 26 1937
15 ° Cp 27 'D
Ven Retrograde Mar 27 1937
05 ° Ta 50 'R
Mar Retrograde Apr 14 1937
05 ° Sg 32 'R
Mar Retrograde Apr 30 1937
24 ° Ta 26 'R
Ven Direct
May 08 1937
19 ° Ar 27 'N
Retrograde May 15 1937
27 ° Cp 19 'R
Mer Direct
May 23 1937
15 ° Ta 18 'N
Mar Direct
June 27, 1937
19 ° Sc. 32 'D
Retrograde Hour Jul 16 1937
05 ° Ar 08 'R
Mar Retrograde Aug 31 1937
29 ° Vi 41 'R
Sep 13 1937
17 ° Cp 29 'D
Mer Direct
Sep 23 1937
15 ° E 21 'D
Sat Direct
Dec 01 1937
28 ° Pi 21 'E
Retrograde Mer Dec 20 1937
15 ° Cp 37 'R
Mer Direct
Jan 09 1938
29 ° N 21 'D
Mar Retrograde Apr 11 1938
05 ° Ta 36 'R
Mer Direct
May 05 1938
25 ° Ar 11 'D

Page 88
Retrograde Jun 21 1938
07: 59
02 ° Pi 15 'R
Retrograde Hour Jul 30 1938
18 ° Ar 03 'R
Mar Retrograde Aug 14 1938
12 ° Vi 19 'R
Mer Direct
Sep 06 1938
28 ° Le 59 'E
Oct 18 1938
22 ° Aq 24 'E
Ven Retrograde Oct 30 1938
04 ° N 56 'R
Mer Retrograde Dec 04 1938
29 ° Sg 46 'R
Ven Direct
Dec 10 1938
19 ° Sc 34 'D
Sat Direct
Dec 14 1938
11 ° Ar 14 'D
Mer Direct
Dec 24 1938
13 ° N 29 'D
Mar Retrograde Mar 24 1939
17 ° Ar 34 'R
Mer Direct
Apr 16 1939
05 ° Ar 37 'N
Mar Retrograde Jun 22 1939
04 ° Aq 42 'R
Retrograde Mer Jul 27 1939
24 ° Le 13 'R
Retrograde Jul 29 1939
08 ° Ar 48 'R
Retrograde Hour Aug 13 1939
01 ° Ta 16 'R
Mer Direct
Aug 20 1939
12 ° Le 09 'N
Mar Direct
Aug 23 1939
23 ° Cp 55 D
Retrograde Mer Nov 18 1939
13 ° Sg 57 'R
Nov 24, 1939
28 ° Pi 52 'D
Mer Direct
Dec 07 1939
27 ° Sc 45 'D
Sat Direct
Dec 27, 1939
24 ° Ar 25 'N
Mar Retrograde Mar 05 1940
00 ° Ar 14 'R
Mer Direct
Mar 28, 1940
16 ° Pi 51 'D
Ven Retrograde Jun 05 1940
13 ° Cn 18 'R
Retrograde Mer Jul 08 1940
05 ° Le 18 'R
Ven Direct
Jul 18 1940
26 ° Ge 47 'N
Mer Direct
Aug 01 1940
24 ° Cn 38 'D
Retrograde Hour Aug 26 1940
14 ° Ta 47 'R
Retrograde Sep 04 1940
15 ° Ta 41 'R
Retrograde Mer Oct 31 1940
28 ° Sc 06 'R
Mer Direct
Nov 20, 1940
12 ° Sc 04 'D
Dec 30, 1940
05 ° Ta 41 'N
Sat Direct
Jan 09 1941
07 ° Ta 54 'D
Retrograde Mer Feb 17 1941
13 ° Pi 26 'R
Mer Direct
Mar 11 1941
28 ° Aq 53 'D
Retrograde Mer Jun 19 1941
15 ° Cn 40 'R
Mer Direct
Jul 13, 1941
06 ° Cn 17 'D
Mar Retrograde Sep 06 1941
23 ° Ar 43 'R
Retrograde Hour Sep 10 1941
28 ° Ta 33 'R
Retrograde Oct 10 1941
21 ° Ge 27 'R
Retrograde Mer Oct 15 1941
12 ° Sc 09 'R
Mer Direct
Nov 04, 1941
26 ° Li 23 'D
Mar Direct
Nov 10, 1941
11 ° Ar 04 'D
Ven Retrograde Jan 12 1942
21 ° Aq 11 'R
Sat Direct
Jan 22 1942
21 ° Ta 38 'D

Page 89
Retrograde Mer Jan 31 1942
27 ° Aq 00 'R
Feb 05 1942
11 ° Ge 23 'N
Mer Direct
Feb 22 1942
11 ° Aq 38 'D
Ven Direct
Feb 22 1942
05 ° Aq 32 'D
May Retrograde May 31 1942
25 ° Ge 38 'R
Mer Direct
June 24, 1942
17 ° Ge 01 'D
Retrograde Hour Sep 24 1942
12 ° Ge 31 'R
Mar Retrograde Sep 28 1942
26 ° Li 00 'R
Mer Direct
Oct 19 1942
10 ° Li 37 'D
Retrograde Nov 12 1942
25 ° Cn 14 'R
Retrograde Mer Jan 15 1943
10 ° Aq 50 'R
Mer Direct
Feb 05 1943
24 ° Cp 56 'D
Sat Direct
Feb 05 1943
05 ° Ge 35 'N
Mar 11 1943
18: 29
15 ° C 10 'D
May Retrograde May 11 1943
05 ° Ge 43 'R
Mer Direct
June 04 1943
27 ° Ta 01 'D
Ven Retrograde Aug 15 1943
20 ° Vi 33 'R
Mar Retrograde Sep 11 1943
09 ° Li 29 'R
Ven Direct
Sep 27, 1943
04 ° You 21 'D
Mer Direct
Oct 03 1943
24 ° E 41 'D
Retrograde Hour Oct 09 1943
26 ° Ge 38 'R
Mar Retrograde Oct 27 1943
22 ° Ge 14 'R
Retrograde Dec 13 1943
27 ° Le 04 'R
Retrograde Mer Dec 30 1943
24˘ Cp 51 'R
Mar Direct
Jan 07 1944
04 ° Ge 51 'N
Mer Direct
Jan 19 1944
08 ° Cp 39 'D
Sat Direct
Feb 20 1944
19 ° Ge 41 'N
Apr 12 1944
17 ° Le 02 'D
Mar Retrograde Apr 21 1944
16 ° Ta 24 'R
Mer Direct
May 15 1944
06 ° Ta 47 'N
Retrograde Mer Aug 24 1944
22 ° Vi 28 'R
Mer Direct
Sep 15 1944
08 ° You 32 'D
Retrograde Hour Oct 22 1944
10 ° Cn 47 'R
Retrograde Mer Dec 13 1944
08 ° Cp 57 'R
Mer Direct
Jan 02 1945
22 ° N 40 'D
Retrograde Jan 10 1945
27 ° Vi 30 'R
Sat Direct
Mar 05 1945
03 ° Cn 50 'D
Ven Retrograde Mar 25 1945
03 ° Ta 35 'R
Mer Retrograde Apr 03 1945
27 ° Ar 55 'R
Mer Direct
Apr 26 1945
16 ° Ar 52 'D
Ven Direct
May 06 1945
16 ° Ar 12 'D
May 14 1945
17 ° You 31 'D
Mar Retrograde Aug 06 1945
04 ° Vi 48 'R
Mer Direct
Aug 30 1945
21 ° Le 59 'E
Retrograde Hour Nov 06 1945
24 ° Cn 54 'R
Retrograde Mer Nov 27, 1945
23 ° Sg 07 'R
Mar Retrograde Dec 04 1945
03 ° Le 14 'R

Page 90
Mer Direct
Dec 16 1945
06 ° N 53 'D
Retrograde Feb 11 1946
27 ° Li 22 'R
Mar Direct
Feb 21 1946
14 ° Cn 06 'D
Mar Retrograde Mar 16 1946
10 ° Ar 13 'R
Sat Direct
Mar 20 1946
17 ° Cn 57 'D
Mer Direct
Apr 08 1946
27 ° Pi 38 'E
June 14, 1946
17 ° Li 27 'D
Retrograde Mer Jul 29 1946
16 ° Le 21 'R
Mer Direct
Aug 12 1946
04 ° Le 53 'D
Ven Retrograde Oct 27 1946
02 ° Sg 29 'R
Retrograde Mer Nov 10 1946
07 ° Sg 18 'R
Retrograde Hour Nov 20 1946
08 ° Le 53 'R
Mer Direct
Nov 30, 1946
21 ° Sc 10 'E
Ven Direct
Dec 08 1946
17 ° Sc 07 'D
Retrograde Mer Feb 27 1947
23 ° Pi 09 'R
Retrograde Mar 14 1947
27 ° Sc 34 'R
Mer Direct
Mar 22 1947
09 ° Pi 13 'D
Sat Direct
Apr 03 1947
01 ° Le 57 'D
Retrograde Mer Jul 01 1947
27 ° Cn 07 'R
Jul 15, 1947
17 ° Sc 42 'D
Mer Direct
Jul 25, 1947
16 ° Cn 03 'D
Retrograde Mer Oct 25 1947
21 ° Sc 26 'R
Mer Direct
Nov 14, 1947
05 ° Sc. 29 'D
Sat Retrograde Dec 04 1947
22 ° Le 41 'R
Mar Retrograde Jan 08 1948
07 ° Vi 37 'R
Mar Retrograde Feb 10 1948
06 ° Pi 30 'R
Mer Direct
Mar 03 1948
21 ° Aq 33 'D
Mar Direct
Mar 29, 1948
18 ° Le 06 'D
Retrograde Apr 15 1948
28 ° N 56 'R
Sat Direct
Apr 16 1948
15 ° Le 45 'D
Ven Retrograde Jun 02 1948
11 ° Cn 09 'R
Retrograde Mer Jun 11 1948
07 ° Cn 16 'R
Mer Direct
Jul 15, 1948
28 ° Ge 18 'N
Ven Direct
Jul 15, 1948
24 ° Ge 38 'N
Aug 15 1948
19 ° Ng 06 'D
Mer Retrograde Oct 07 1948
05 ° Sc 24 'R
Mer Direct
Oct 28 1948
19 ° Li 46 'D
Retrograde Hour Dec 16 1948
06 ° Vi 12 'R
Retrograde Mer Jan 24 1949
20 ° Aq 12 'R
Mer Direct
Feb 14 1949
04 ° Aq 34 'D
Sat Direct
May 01 1949
29 ° Le 19 'N
Retrograde May 20 1949
02 ° Aq 10 'R
May Retrograde May 22 1949
17 ° Ge 13 'R
Mer Direct
Jun 15, 1949
08 ° Ge 40 'N
Sep 18 1949
22 ° Cp 20 'D
Mar Retrograde Sep 20 1949
19 ° Li 06 'R

Page 91
Mer Direct
Oct 12 1949
03 ° Li 57 'D
Retrograde Hour Dec 29 1949
19 ° Vi 26 'R.
Mar Retrograde Jan 08 1950
04 ° Aq 07 'R
Ven Retrograde Jan 10 1950
18 ° Aq 44 'R
Mer Direct
Jan 28 1950
18 ° Cp 04 'D
Mar Retrograde Feb 11 1950
11 ° Li 02 'R
Ven Direct
Feb 20 1950
03 ° Aq 06 'D
Mar Direct
May 03 1950
22 ° Vi 00 'D
May Retrograde May 03 1950
27 ° Ta 31 'R
Sat Direct
May 15 1950
12 ° E 35 'D
Mer Direct
May 27 1950
18 ° Ta 31 'N
Retrograde Jun 26 1950
07 ° Pi 27 'R
Mar Retrograde Sep 03 1950
02 ° Li 25 'R
Mer Direct
Sep 26 1950
17 ° You 58 'D
Oct 23 1950
27 ° Aq 35 'D
Mer Retrograde Dec 23 1950
18 ° Cp 10 'R
Retrograde Hour Jan 11 1951
02 ° Li 22 'R
Mer Direct
Jan 12 1951
01 ° Cp 56 'D
Mar Retrograde Apr 14 1951
08 ° Ta 33 'R
Mer Direct
May 08 1951
28 ° Ar 21 'D
Sat Direct
May 28, 1951
25 ° You 32 'D
Retrograde Aug 03 1951
14 ° Ar 11 'R
Ven Retrograde Aug 13 1951
18 ° Vi 20 'R.
Retrograde Mer Aug 17 1951
15 ° Vi 09 'R
Mer Direct
Sep 09 1951
01 ° You 39 'D
Ven Direct
Sep 24, 1951
02 ° You 06 'D
Nov 29, 1951
04 ° Ar. 15 'D
Mer Retrograde Dec 07 1951
02 ° Cp 19 'R
Mer Direct
Dec 26 1951
16 ° Sg 02 'D
Retrograde Hour Jan 24 1952
14 ° Li 59 'R
Mar Retrograde Mar 25 1952
18 ° Sc 28 'R
Mar Retrograde Mar 26 1952
20 ° Ar 24 'R
Mer Direct
Apr 18 1952
08 ° Ar 41 'D
Mar Direct
Jun 09 1952
01 ° Sc 10 'D
Sat Direct
Jun 10 1952
08 ° F 12 'D
Retrograde Mer Jul 29 1952
27 ° Le 10 'R
Mer Direct
Aug 22 1952
09: 48
14 ° Le 54 'D
Retrograde Sep 09 1952
20 ° Ta 59 'R
Retrograde Mer Nov 19 1952
16 ° Sg 30 'R
Mer Direct
Dec 09 1952
00 ° N 17 'D
Jan 05 1953
10 ° Ta 59 'D
Retrograde Hour Feb 04 1953
27 ° Li 18 'R
Mar Retrograde Mar 08 1953
02 ° Ar 59 'R
Ven Retrograde Mar 22 1953
01 ° Ta 21 'R
Mer Direct
Mar 31 1953
19 ° Pi 48 'E
Ven Direct
May 04 1953
14 ° Ar 58 'E

Page 92
Sat Direct
Jun 23, 1953
20 ° Li 33 'D
Retrograde Mer Jul 11 1953
08 ° Le 22 'R
Mer Direct
Aug 04 1953
27 ° Cn 30 'D
Retrograde Oct 14 1953
26 ° Ge 29 'R
Mer Retrograde Nov 03 1953
00 ° Sg 41 'R
Mer Direct
Nov 23, 1953
14 ° Sc 36 'D
Feb 10 1954
16 ° Ge 25 'N
Retrograde Hour Feb 16 1954
09 ° Sc 21 'R
Retrograde Mer Feb 20 1954
16 ° Pi 06 'R
Mer Direct
Mar 14 1954
01 ° Pi 43 D
Mar Retrograde May 23 1954
08 ° Cp 32 'R
Retrograde Mer Jun 22 1954
18 ° Cn 50 'R
Sat Direct
Jul 06 1954
02 ° Sc 39 'D
Mer Direct
Jul 16 1954
09 ° Cn 18 'D
Mar Direct
Jul 29 1954
25 ° N 35 'D
Retrograde Mer Oct 18 1954
14 ° Sc 45 'R
Ven Retrograde Oct 25 1954
00 ° Sg 04 'R
Mer Direct
Nov 07 1954
28 ° Li 55 'D
Retrograde Nov 16 1954
29 ° Cn 57 'R
Ven Direct
Dec 05 1954
14 ° Sc 40 'D
Mar Retrograde Feb 03 1955
29 ° Aq 39 'R
Mer Direct
Feb 25 1955
14 ° Aq 22 'D
Retrograde Hour Feb 28 1955
21 ° Sc 11 'R
Mar 16 1955
19 ° Cn 53 'D
Retrograde Mer Jun 03 1955
28 ° Ge 50 'R
Mer Direct
June 27, 1955
20 ° Ge 10 'N
Sat Direct
Jul 18 1955
14 ° Sc 30 'D
Retrograde Mer Oct 01 1955
28 ° Li 38 'R
Mer Direct
Oct 22 1955
13 ° Li 10 'N
Retrograde Dec 17 1955
01 ° You 30 R
Retrograde Mer Jan 18 1956
13 ° Aq 26 'R
Mer Direct
Feb 08 1956
27 ° Cp 36 'D
Retrograde Hour Mar 11 1956
02 ° Sg 49 'R
Apr 17 1956
21 ° Le 29 'N
May Retrograde May 14 1956
08 ° Ge 52 'R
Ven Retrograde May 31 1956
09 ° Cn 01 'R
Mer Direct
June 07 1956
00 ° Ge 14 'N
Ven Direct
Jul 13, 1956
22 ° Ge 30 'N
Sat Direct
Jul 30, 1956
26 ° Sc 10 'E
Mar Retrograde Aug 10 1956
23 ° Pi 39 'R
Mar Retrograde Sep 13 1956
12 ° Li 11 'R
Mer Direct
Oct 05 1956
27 ° F 17 'D
Mar Direct
Oct 10 1956
13 ° Pi 09 'D
Retrograde Mer Jan 01 1957
27 ° Cp 25 'R
Retrograde Jan 16 1957
01 ° Li 48 'R
Mer Direct
Jan 21 1957
11 ° Cp 16 'D

Page 93
Retrograde Hour Mar 23 1957
14 ° Sg 18 'R
Mar Retrograde Apr 24 1957
19 ° Ta 26 'R
Mer Direct
May 18 1957
10 ° Ta 00 'D
May 18 1957
21 ° You 50 'D
Sat Direct
Aug 11 1957
07 ° Sg 41 'D
Mar Retrograde Aug 27 1957
25 ° Vi 14 'R
Mer Direct
Sep 18 1957
11 ° You 10 'D
Retrograde Mer Dec 16 1957
11 ° Cp 31 'R
Mer Direct
Jan 05 1958
25 ° N 15 'D
Ven Retrograde Jan 07 1958
16 ° Aq 18 'R
Retrograde Feb 15 1958
01 ° Sc 40 'R
Ven Direct
Feb 17 1958
00 ° Aq 42 'D
Sat Retrograde Apr 04 1958
25 ° Sg 42 'R
Mar Retrograde Apr 06 1958
00 ° Ta 50 'R
Mer Direct
Apr 29 1958
20 ° Ar 00 'D
June 18, 1958
21 ° Li 45 'D
Mar Retrograde Aug 09 1958
07 ° Vi 41 'R
Sat Direct
Aug 23 1958
19 ° Ng 06 'D
Mer Direct
Sep 02 1958
24 ° Le 42 'D
Mar Retrograde Oct 10 1958
02 ° Ge 32 'R
Retrograde Mer Nov 30, 1958
25 ° Sg 41 'R
Mer Direct
Dec 19 1958
09 ° N 26 'D
Mar Direct
Dec 19 1958
16 ° Ta 35 'N
Retrograde Mar 18 1959
01 ° N 59 'R
Mar Retrograde Mar 19 1959
13 ° Ar 01 'R
Mer Direct
Apr 11 1959
00 ° Ar 39 'E
Sat Retrograde Apr 16 1959
07 ° Cp 04 'R
Jul 20 1959
22 ° Sc 08 'D
Retrograde Mer Jul 22 1959
19 ° Le 22 'R
Ven Retrograde Aug 10 1959
16 ° Vi 07 'R
Mer Direct
Aug 15 1959
07 ° Le 41 'N
Sat Direct
Sep 04 1959
00 ° Cp 28 'D
Ven Direct
Sep 22 1959
29 ° Le 52 'E
Retrograde Mer Nov 13 1959
09 ° Sg 53 'R
Mer Direct
Dec 03 1959
23 ° N 42 'D
Mar Retrograde Mar 01 1960
25 ° Pi 51 'R
Mer Direct
Mar 24 1960
12 ° Pi 07 'D
Retrograde Apr 19 1960
03 ° Cp 37 'R
Sat Retrograde Apr 27 1960
18 ° Cp 26 'R
Retrograde Mer Jul 03 1960
00 ° Le 14 'R
Mer Direct
Jul 27 1960
19 ° Cn 58 'D
Aug 20 1960
23 ° N 47 'D
Sat Direct
Sep 15 1960
11 ° Cp 49 'D
Retrograde Mer Oct 27 1960
24˘ Sc 01 'R
Mer Direct
Nov 16 1960
08 ° Sc 01 'D
Mar Retrograde Nov 20 1960
18 ° Cn 39 'R

Page 94
Mar Direct
Feb 05 1961
00 ° Cn 00 'D
Retrograde Mer Feb 12 1961
09 ° Pi 10 'R
Mer Direct
Mar 06 1961
24 ° Aq21 'D
Ven Retrograde Mar 20 1961
29 ° Ar 05 'R
Ven Direct
May 01 1961
12 ° Ar 45 'D
Retrograde Hour May 09 1961
29 ° Cp 51 'R
Retrograde May 25 1961
07 ° Aq 09 'R
Retrograde Mer Jun 14 1961
10 ° Cn 27 'R
Mer Direct
Jul 08 1961
01 ° Cn 21 'D
Sep 23 1961
27 ° Cp 19 'D
Sat Direct
Sep 27, 1961
23 ° Cp 14 'D
Retrograde Mer Oct 10 1961
08 ° Sc 01 'R
Mer Direct
Oct 31 1961
22 ° Li 19 'D
Retrograde Mer Jan 27 1962
22 ° Aq 48 'R
Mer Direct
Feb 17 1962
07 ° Aq 15 'D
Retrograde Hour May 21 1962
11 ° Aq 24 'R
May Retrograde May 26 1962
20 ° Ge 23 'R
Mer Direct
June 19 1962
11 ° Ge 51 'N
Retrograde Jul 02 1962
12 ° Pi 41 'R
Mar Retrograde Sep 23 1962
21 ° Li 46 'R
Sat Direct
Oct 09 1962
04 ° Aq 46 'D
Mer Direct
Oct 15 1962
06 ° Li 31 'D
Ven Retrograde Oct 22 1962
27 ° Sc 37 'R
Oct 29 1962
02 ° Pi 49 'E
Ven Direct
Dec 03 1962
12 ° Sc 13 'D
Mar Retrograde Dec 25 1962
24 ° Le 48 'R
Retrograde Mer Jan 11 1963
06 ° Aq 41 'R
Mer Direct
Jan 31 1963
20 ° Cp 42 'D
Mar Direct
Mar 16 1963
05 ° Le 20 'W
Page 95
Appendix II
These tables were calculated using Solar Fire for Windows, v. 4.12
© 1994-1998 Esoteric Technologies Pty. Ltd.
Time given is PDT (7 hours west of Greenwich)
Table 16 - Outer Planet Stations 1920-2010
Mar 19 1920 11:11 05 ° Cn 40 'D
Nep Direct
Apr 19 1920 02:06 08 ° Le 45 'D
Clock Retrograde Jun 09 1920 18:55 05 ° Pi 40 'R
Retrograde Oct 09 1920 03:43 08 ° Cn 55 'R
Clock Direct
Nov 10 1920 21:43 01 ° Pi 45 'D
Nep Retrograde Nov 15 1920 20:56 13 ° Le 46 'R
Mar 20 1921 19:19 06 ° Cn 48 'D
Page 96
Appendix III
Lecture, Class & Workshop Tapes by the Author
Vision '94 Conference San Diego • “ Solar System Model of Planetary Consciousness ” • Lecture $ 8.95
Vision '94 Conference San Diego • “ Partners Who Activate Our Shadows ” • Lecture $ 8.95
UAC '95 Conference Monterey • “ Multiple Levels of the Outer Planets ” • Lecture $ 8.95
Western Canada Astrological Conference 1996 • “ Secondary Progressions ” • Lecture $ 8.95
Western Canada Astrological Conference 1997 • “ The Ascendant ” • Lecture $ 8.95
Vancouver Society of Astrologers 1999 • “ Foundations of Progression Theory ” • Lecture $ 10.95
ISAR 2000 • “ Progression Theory & Transit Triggers ” • Lecture $ 8.95
ISAR 2000 • “ Secondary, Tertiary & Minor Progressive Client Counseling ” • Lecture $ 8.95
Astrological Conference of Western Canada 1997 • “Astrology & Anger” • Workshop (2 tapes) $ 14.95
Examines the four patterns of anger as defined by the stressful aspects of Mars, Saturn, Uranus & Pluto
Earthwalk Astrology 1998 • “ Neptune in Aquarius (1998-2012) ” • Workshop (2 tapes) $ 14.95
Previous Neptune and Aquarius periods (1506-1520, 1670-1684, 1834-1848); plus a generational effect
Earthwalk Astrology 1998 • “ The Ascendant ” • Workshop (2 tapes) $ 14.95
12 versions of each rising sign; chart ruler; prog. Ascendant; transits to the Ascendant; Sabian symbols
Earthwalk Astrology 1998 • “ Karmic Astrology ” • Workshop (2 tapes) $ 14.95
Nodes; retrograde planets; twelfth house; interceptions; eclipses; Ascendant; the Moon; Saturn; Cork
Earthwalk Astrology 1998 • “ Jupiter & Saturn ” • Workshop (2 tapes) $ 14.95
Realms of social and spiritual involvement; by sign, house, aspect, house rulership, transit and prog.
Earthwalk Astrology 1998 • “ Transforming Loss to Gain ” • Workshop (2 tapes) $ 14.95
Cork; Scorpio; 8 th house; loss, death and renewal in life; emotionally ravaged soul coming back to life
Earthwalk Astrology 1998 • “ The Lunar Nodes ” • Workshop (2 tapes) $ 14.95
Patterns from past lives; soul purpose; transiting nodes in synastry and composite charts
Earthwalk Astrology 1998 • “ Electional Astrology ” • Workshop (2 tapes) $ 14.95
Techniques for picking a wedding date; scheduling medical surgery; starting a business & more
Earthwalk Astrology 1999 • “ Esoteric Astrology ” • Workshop (2 tapes) $ 14.95
Spiritual meanings of different levels of planetary intelligence revealed to us through their glyphs
Earthwalk Astrology 1999 • “ Sabian Aspect Orb ” • Workshop (2 tapes) $ 14.95
Sabian Symbols define angular separation between planets; waxing, applying and separating
Earthwalk Astrology 1999 • “ Sabian Symbols ” • Workshop (2 tapes) $ 14.95
Origin and history; significant natal degrees; meaningful current progressed degrees
Earthwalk Astrology 1999 • “ Medical Astrology ” • Workshop (2 tapes) $ 14.95
Constitutional analysis; body-mind connection; planetary weakness; Yods; hard natal aspects
San Diego Astrological Society 2001 • “ Progressions Workshop ” • Workshop (3 tapes) $ 14.95
Secondary, Tertiary & Minor inter-relationship with natal & transits; lunations; retrogradation; stations

Page 97
ARG of Orlando 2001 • “ Partners Who Activate Our Shadows ” • Workshop (3 tapes) $ 14.95
Karmic relationship theory; relationship as transformation; Chiron and healing dimensions of love
Astrology: A Language of Life • Complete Set Of Seven Two - Hours Beginning Class Tapes $ 69.95
Week 1: Elements, Modes & Zodiac Signs • Week 2: Planets • Week 3: Houses • Week 4: Aspects I • Week 5:
Aspects II • Week 6: Planetary Patterns & Aspect Configurations • Week 7: Chart Synthesis
Chart Interpretation Handbook by Stephen Arroyo • Beginning Class Textbook $ 10.95
Intermediate Astrology Class • Complete Set Of Eight Two - Hours Class Tapes $ 89.95
Week 1: Retrogrades • Week 2: Transits • Week 3: Progressions • Week 4: Lunar Nodes & Life Purpose • Week
5: Relationship Analysis Techniques • Week 6: Aspects & 360 ° Cycle Analysis • Week 7: Solar Returns • Week
8: House Rulerships & Dispositors
Class Tapes Include Handouts, Reading Assignments, Written Essays & Recommended Book List
To Order by Mail or Phone:
Add $ 1.50 postage per lecture; $ 3.00 per workshop; or $ 5.20 per class up to a maximum of $ 8 postage
Earthwalk School of Astrology PO Box 1013 Safety Harbor FL 34695 USA 1.800.778.8490 • MasterCard / VISA accepted • Email for a postage quotation abroad

Page 98
Appendix IV
Astrology Software Programs
For Windows
Solar Fire 4 : The Complete Professional Calculation Program
call for current price
ACS PC Atlas : American & International
call for current price
Order Solar Fire 4 & PC Atlas together - ½ Off of Atlas price
call for current price
Solar Maps : Relocation Interpretations; Eclipse Paths
call for current price
JigSaw 2 : Rectification; Research; Family Patterns
call for current price
For Macintosh
Io Edition : The Complete Professional Calculation Program
call for
current price
Star * Sprite : Time Machine; Research; Event Searching; Color Charts
call for current price
Io Detective : Search Chart Files For Like Criteria (signs, houses, aspects) call for current price
Io Atlas : American & International Atlas For Macintosh
call for current price
Io Series Interpreters :
Io Horoscope (natal); Io Forecast (transits);
Io Relationship (synastry & composite)
call for current price
Specially Priced Packages : Multiple Programs @ Substantial Savings call for current price
To Order Programs or Request Catalogs:
call or write
Earthwalk School of Astrology
PO Box 1013
Safety Harbor FL 34695 USA
MasterCard / VISA accepted

Page 99
Appendix V
Computer Chart Services
Natal Chart + Data Page
Yearly Transit Search (Mars thru Pluto)
Yearly Progressed Hit List
Progressed Chart
Monthly Transit Search (Sun thru Mars) 6-Month Graphic Ephemeris
90 ° or 360 ° Midpoint Sort
Natal / Progressed / Transit Tri-Wheel
Natal / Transit Bi-Wheel
Solar Return (Standard or Precessed)
Lunar Return (Standard or Precessed)
End of Life Chart
Synastry Table (Interchart Aspects)
Time-Space Relationship Chart
Composite Chart
Lifetime Secondary Lunations
1 or 2 charts ordered - $ 5.00 ea. • 3 or more charts ordered - $ 4.00 ea. + $ 1.00
postage / order
Lifetime Tertiary Lunations
Lifetime Minor Lunations
$ 10.00 ea. + $ 1.00 postage
Specify Options
House Division System: Placidus Koch Equal Porphyry Campanus Natural
Planets / Chiron / Asteroids: PlanetsOnly Planets & Chiron Planets, Asteroids & Chiron
Aspect Lines: PtolemaicOnly (Conjunction, Sextile, Square, Trine, Opposition)
Add Quincunxes; Add Semi-Squares; Add Sesquiquadrates; No Aspect Lines (Hub Chart)
Chartwheel Style: American (house equally sized) European (house shown in actual size)
Lunar Nodes: True Node Mean Node
Other Options: Add Part of Fortune Add Node Aspects Add ASC & MC Aspects
To Order Charts:
call or write
Earthwalk School of Astrology
PO Box 1013
Safety Harbor FL 34695 USA
MasterCard / VISA accepted

Page 100
Appendix VI
Contacting The Author
To Write The Author
Correspondence may be sent to:
Earthwalk School of Astrology
PO Box 1013
Safety Harbor FL 34695 USA
Author Avialability For Lectures / Workshops
Mr. Blaschke is avialable to teach and teach workshops on Progressions and
many other astrological techniques and topics.
To request a lecture / workshop synopses for your local astrological association,
conference faculty or symposium, please write the publisher.
Author Avialability For Telephone Consultation
Mr. Blaschke is avialable for personal consultation over the telephone. One-hour
progression analysis appiontments can be scheduled through the publisher.
Call 1.800.778.8490 for appointment scheduling.

Page 101
Astrology, Psychology & The Four Elements • Stephen Arroyo • CRCS • 1975
Astrology, Karma & Transformation • Stephen Arroyo • CRCS • 1978
Relationships & Life Cycles • Stephen Arroyo • CRCS • 1979
Chart Interpretation Handbook • Stephen Arroyo • CRCS • 1989
The Rulershiip Book • Rex E. Bills • Macoy Publishing • 1971
Astrology: A Language of Life; Volume I - Progressions
Robert P. Blaschke • Earthwalk School of Astrology • 1998
The Principles of Astrology • Charles EO Carter • Theosophical Publishing House • 1925
The Zodiac and the Soul • Charles EO Carter • Theosophical Pubishing House • 1928
The Astrological Aspects • Charles EO Carter • Theosophical Pubishing House • 1930
The Degree of the Zodiac Symbolized • Charubel [John Thomas] • LN Fowler & Co. • 1898
Encyclopedia of Astrology • Nicholas de Vore • Philosophical Library • 1957
Skymates • Jodie & Steven Forrest • Seven Paws Press • 2002
Pluto: The Evolutionary Journey of the Soul • Jeff Green • Llewellyn • 1985
The Outer Planets & Their Cycles • Liz Green • CRCS • 1983
Planets In Composite • Robert Hand • Whitford Press • 1975
Planets In Transit • Robert Hand • Whitford Press • 1976
Secondary Progressions • Nancy Hastings • Samuel Weiser • 1984
The Sabian Symbols in Astrology • Marc Edmund Jones • Aurora Press • 1993
The Progressive Horoscope • Alan Leo • Astrologer's Library • 1906
Esoteric Astrology • Alan Leo • LN Fowler & Co. Ltd. • 1967
Mars: the War Lord • Alan Leo • Samuel Weiser • 1970
Jupiter: the Preserver • Alan Leo • Samuel Weiser • 1970
Saturn: the Reaper • Alan Leo • Samuel Weiser • 1970
The Astrology of Self-Discovery • Tracy Marks • CRCS • 1985
The Art Of Chart Interpretation • Tracy Marks • CRCS • 1986
The Astrologer's Astronomical Handbook • Jeff Mayo • LN Fowler & Co. Ltd. • 1965
The Solar Return Book of Prediction • Raymond A. Merriman • Seek-It Publishing • 1977
Astrology, The Divine Science • Marcia Moore & Mark Douglas • Arcane • 1971

Page 102
Planets In House • Robert Pelletier • Whitford Press • 1978
Modern Transits • Lois M. Rodden • AFA • 1978
An Astrological Mandala: The Cycle of Transformations and Its 360 Symbolic Phases
Dane Ruhyar • Random House • 1973
Cycles of Becomong • Alexander Ruperti • CRCS • 1978
Karmic Astrology, Volume I: The Moon's Nodes and Reincarnation
Martin Schulman • Samuel Weiser • 1975
Karmic Astrology, Volume II: Retrogrades & Reincarnation
Martin Schulman • Samuel Weiser • 1977
Karmic Relationship • Martin Schulman • Samuel Weiser • 1984
Dynamic Of Aspect Analysis • Bill Tierney • CRCS • 1983

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