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Excellent Achieved Competent Unsatisfactory

Content Can recall the Can recall content Whilst they can Students cannot
Knowledge content accurately that has been recall some of the recall content
that has been taught accurately content that has knowledge
taught without the with little been taught, they accurately, even with
assistance from assistance from depend heavily on the assistance of
their notes to their notes to their notes for their notes.
answer notes. answer questions. answers.

Research Students have Students have Students have used Students have not
collected collected collected one or two extra used other resources
information using information using resources from the for extra
multiple sources multiple sources Symbaloo to collect information. The
from the from Symbaloo. information. The information
Symbaloo. The The is between information is presented is below
information is all 99% to 90% between 89% to 80% accurate.
accurate. accurate. 80% accurate.

Presentation The video The video was The video was well The video
presentation was creative and organized and had presentation was
exceptionally entertaining. The good transitions. confusing and abrupt
creative and video was well transitions.
entertaining. The organized and had
video was well good transitions.
organized and had

Group Work Students worked Students worked Students worked in Students were
exceptionally well well in pairs and pairs, however, unable to work in
in pairs and attempted to struggled to pairs and could not
shared share delegate delegate their
responsibilities responsibilities responsibilities responsibilities
equally. equally. equally. equally.

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