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Name: _____________________________

Date: ________________

Mens Rea

Read each example. Decide if it describes a crime according to the rules of Mens Rea. If it does,
determine if it requires specific intent (SI) or general intent (GI). If it does not, write no crime.

1. _____________ A person robs a bank.

2. _____________ A person tries to steal a car, but is unsuccessful.

3. _____________ A person attempts to punch another person, but misses and hits someone

4. _____________ A practical joke leads to a person accidentally being in danger. The

person playing the joke records a video of the person in danger.

5. _____________ A person is drugged, and while under the drug’s effects they drive home
and get into a wreck.

6. _____________ A nurse does not help an annoying patient with a breathing mask, and he
ends up dying.

7. _____________ A person voluntarily gets drunk, drives, and gets into a wreck, killing

8. _____________ A person meets with a hitman to have their spouse murdered.

9. _____________ A gang member performs a drive by shooting, killing his target and two
other victims he was not targeting.

10. _____________ A wealthy businessman uses company money to purchase luxury items,
and writes off the purchases as business expenses so the
shareholders don’t know.

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