Writing Lesson Plan E-Unit

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Indiana Wesleyan University

Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template

Social Studies--2018
Student: Kyle Shirley School: Eastbrook South
IWU Supervisor: Dr. Soptelean Co-op Teacher: Mrs. Dillion
Grade Level: Kindergarten
Through out my unit I have taught my students how to use directional words and how to read and make maps. I know I’ll be having my
students combined these skills to tell me the path I should take to get from one part of a map to another part of the map. This is important
because if my students were ever handed a map and asked to direct someone to get to a certain place. They need to have the skills to be able
to tell that person which way to go and should be able to read the map that they were handed to the best of their abilities.

A. Goal: Using the Map that is provided, students will be able to show me and tell me the best course to get from one place on the map
to another place.
B. Objective:
a) Students will use directional words such as right, left, here, and there.
b) Students will be able to identify the different marked areas on the map for a starting and ending point.
C. Standards: K.W.3.1 Use words and pictures to provide logical reasons for suggesting that others follow a particular course of
II. Management Plan
a. Materials: Map for students to use and follow along with during whole group instruction.
b. Time: 30 minutes
c. Space: Tables and white board, Carpet
d. Behavior: Many of my students struggle with saying answers out loud and staying in their seats. Before we start the whole
group instruction, I will remind them of what my expectations are and that if they do not meet those expectations they will
be required to go back to their seats and possibly flip their cards. I will also be looking for smiles instead of hand raises.
That will prevent students from yelling out the answers.
III. Adaptation to Individual Differences and Diverse Learners—Some of my students will need reminders to the other lessons that I
have already taught. For this I went with the approach that all students could benefit from this, so I reminded the whole class. Another
one of my students will need a visual to be able to follow along with the whole group instruction and to know what to do on their own.
I decided that once again the whole group could benefit from this not just the one student.


IV. Anticipatory Set
• Okay boys and girls, please join me on the carpet. Remember that when we are all at the carpet it is important to make sure that we
keep all of our voices at a level zero which means we can’t be talking to our other friends, not even in a whisper. We also must make
sure that we stay in our spots at the carpet and not get in other people’s personal spaces. If we can follow all these expectations, then
we can stay at the carpet and maybe even move some of our cards to purple. However, if we do not follow these expectations, then we
might have to go back to our seats and possibly flip our cards to yellow. Do we all know what my expectations are? Let students
 Now today I wanted to start by telling you a story of a time my family got lost in downtown Indianapolis. I had to use a map like we
have been learning about to explain to my dad how to get back to the hotel. Now if you would ever meet my dad, he would swear that
he was the best with directions and never needed to ask for help and never needed to look at a map or GPS. He says he can just know
exactly where to go and be able to get back to where we want to be. Well, on this day, we had been walking all day and we were all
super tired and just wanted to go back and fall asleep. When we started walking, I remember asking my dad “are you sure you know
where you are going”. Of course, he told me he did and that he wasn’t going to get us lost. Well after about 30 minutes of walking he
turns to my brother and I and says “well I believe that I am lost now guys” kind of looking embarrassed. Me thinking quickly I went to a
food stand that was near us who just so happened to have maps of the city as well. I got the map out and showed my dad the course
that I thought was right and said this is the way we should go. He unfortunately disagreed and said” no we should go this way”. This of
course then resulted in us getting more lost and walking another 30 minutes until he admitted I was right. We then looked at the map
again and I got us all the way back to the hotel where we could then fall to sleep. Has there ever been a time where your parents have
had to ask for your help with something and you had to show your parents the way? Let a few students answer the question
i. Purpose: The reason I told you that story boys and girls is because today we will be looking at a map and we will have to give
directions to get from one part of the map to another part. This is important because just as when I was lost with my dad, we need to
be able to look at a map and tell someone how to get from one part to the next. This way we can be a big help and hopefully not be lost

V.Lesson Presentation (Input/Output)

 Now to do this boys and girls we are going to go back to our seats. Remember we need to keep our voices at level zeros and when I ask
you a question, I will be looking for smiles to answer my questions. Now, if you remember, we have been looking at maps and how
different symbols can represent things on a map such as a school or a park. We also went over some directional words that we can use
to tell someone how to get to a certain place. These words were right, left, here and there. Do you all remember these words? Allow
students to answer the question and if they do not remember give them a brief description to jog their memory. So, let’s look at the
Map that I have for us. Show the map blown up on the white board so all students can see it. Now for this map I will be starting at
Indiana Wesleyan University
Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template
Social Studies--2018
the school and I want to get to the library. Who can tell me what the first step is to get there? Remember I am looking for smiles. Let
student tell you how to start. That’s right I go up a little and then I go left all the way to the street that is right here. Okay so, what do I
do from here? Call on a student for them to tell you where to go from there. That’s right we go up or you could also say we go right,
and we go up the street until we are right next to the library which is right here. What do I do now? Do I just keep going straight? Let
students answer you. That’s correct, we go to the right and we are now at the library. Do you see how we have the line that goes all
the way to the library, and it starts at the school?
 Okay now it is going to be your turn to draw the line! We are going to start at the school, and I want you to draw a line following the
streets just like we did up here, to get to the park. I will pass out your papers and you can get started as soon as you get the paper.
When you are done, I want you to bring it up to me to check and then you can get on your iPad and wok on math seeds.

VI. Check for understanding. How do you know students have learned? What strategies will you implement if all students have not met
lesson outcomes? Employ one or more strategies to determine student learning.
 I will first be looking to see if my students recall how to first read a map and how to use the directional words that they were
 I then will be looking to see if my students can tell me how to get from the school to the library using directional words and objects
on the map.
 I then will see if the students can draw the path independently and check it once they are done.

VIII. Review learning outcomes / Closure – My closure will be when I check my student’s papers to see if they were successful in
drawing the path they need to take and can explain it


Develop a plan for assessing the degree to which your students have mastered the learning outcomes from this lesson. Your plan should
include formal and informal assessment strategies to evaluate and strengthen instruction that will promote continuous intellectual, social,
emotional, and physical development of each student. (CAEP K-6 3.a)


1. How many students achieved the lesson objective(s)? For those who did not, why not?
2. What were my strengths and weaknesses?
3. How should I alter this lesson?
4. How would I pace it differently?
5. Were all students actively participating? If not, why not?
6. What adjustments did I make to reach varied learning styles and ability levels?
7. Were students able to tell me how to draw the path using directional words during the whole group instructions?
8. Were students able to complete the path on their own and then explain it to me when I check it?
Include additional self-answer questions that specifically address unique lesson content, methodology, and assessment.
Indiana Wesleyan University
Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template
Social Studies--2018

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