Killing of Khawarij and The Mulhidun (Heretics) After The Establishment of Firm Proof Against Them.

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Killing of Khawarij and the Mulhidun (heretics) after the establishment of firm proof against


"And the statement of Allah: 'Allah will not mislead a people after He has guided them, until He
makes clear to them what to avoid.' (9:115) And Ibn Umar used to consider them (the Khawarij and
the Mulhidun) the worst of Allah's creatures and said: "These people took some verses that had
been revealed concerning the disbelievers and interpreted them as describing the believers.” [Ref:
Bukhari, Book 88, Book Apostates, Chapter 6:Killing al-Khawarij and Mulhideen, here.]

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