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© HyperDocs c​ reated by Heather Jun  


Five W’s:  
Students will watch The Five W’s Song. 
The Five W's Song 

Using Mind Mapping, the students will brainstorm examples of 
the five W’s with the teacher.   

Students will get into pairs to read, discuss, and explain the 5 
W’s from the book, “Katie Takes a Trip to the Grand Canyon.”  
Katie Takes a Trip to the Grand Canyon 
Students will be provided a pre-printed short story. Utilizing 
Pear deck, students will highlight Who in ​yellow​, What in b ​ lue​, 
When in r​ ed​, Where in p
​ urple​, Why in ​green​, and How in 

Ask and answer such questions as who, what, where, when, why, and how to demonstrate 
understanding of key details in a text. 
© HyperDocs c​ reated by Heather Jun  

Utilizing the Pear Deck, students will reflect and evaluate how 
they did identifying the 5 Ws. . Teacher will be able to monitor 
and assess all the student’s understanding of the key concepts 
via Pear Deck.  


Ask and answer such questions as who, what, where, when, why, and how to demonstrate 
understanding of key details in a text. 

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