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Project Title: Archeology Museum of the University of Petra Date: 11/6/2017

Stakeholder Project Role Power Interest Affect/Attitude Strategies for Gaining Support 

or Reducing Obstacles
Donor of funding High Low Without proper funding, there will be no Keep donor informed of building progress. Offer
Sponsor Driver project. individualized tours of the active construction site.

Chancellor/Trustees Driver High High Because a museum will raise the Keep university governance informed of building progress.
prestige of the university, university Offer individualized tours of the construction site.
governance benefits from a high quality
product delivered on time. A well
connected Board of Trustees can also
help with town/gown relations and/or
governmental regulations.
Head of Archaeology Driver High High Help gather and provide initial thoughts Have head of department attend all project meetings.
Department on the design and layout of museum.
Curator of Collection Driver High High Help gather and provide initial thoughts Have curator attend project meetings, and have major input
on the design and layout of museum. into moving the collection into the building and installing the
Members of the public Observer Low High Visitors will be the source of a revenue Publicize a timeline with project milestones on a university
(visitors not affiliated stream for the museum. website. Keep website up to date.
with the university)

Students Observer Low High Students will be primary beneficiaries of Keep students informed about the project. Allow for student
the museum. feedback at the beginning of the project.
Architect Supporter High High Incorporate feedback from Curator and Clearly communicate throughout the project
Archaeology department head to design
the blueprints and structure of building.
Construction company/ Supporter High High Follow blueprints of architect. Clearly communicate throughout the project
Monterey, CA: city Supporter High Low City will provide the regulations and Follow all city and state building codes. Have project
location of the construction codes, and will issue the manager or other high level project team member attend all
University of Petra required business permits. city meetings.
University of Petra Observer Low Low Alumni could be a source of revenue for Publicize a timeline with project milestones on an alumni
Alumni the museum. website. Keep website up to date. Include information about
the project in alumni newsletter/magazine.
Museum Staff, Student Driver/Observer Low High Help gather and provide initial thoughts Have this group consulted at the beginning of the project.
Worker, Volunteers on the design and layout of museum. Keep them updated throughout the project.
Power/Interest Grid
High Power
Sponsor Chancellor/Trustees

Head of Archaeology Department

Curator of Collection
Construction company/contractors

Lower Power University of Petra Alumni Members of the public (visitors not affiliated with the university)


Monterey, CA: city location of the University of Petra

Museum Staff, Student Worker, Volunteers

Low Interest High Interest

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