About Plastic Pollution

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About Plastic Pollution:

        Plastic is one of the few new chemical materials which pose environmental problem. Polyethylene, polyvinyl
chloride, polystyrene is largely used in the manufacture of plastics. Synthetic polymers are easily molded into
complex shapes, have high chemical resistance, and are more or less elastic. Some can be formed into fibers or thin
transparent films. These properties have made them popular in many durable or disposable goods and for packaging
materials. These materials have molecular weight ranging from several thousands to 1,50,000. Excessive molecular
size seems to be mainly responsible for the resistance of these chemicals to biodegradation and their persistence in
soil environment for a long time.
       Plastic in the environment is regarded to be more an aesthetic nuisance than a hazard, since the material is
biologically quite inert. The plastic industry in the US alone is $ 50 billion per year and is obviously a tempting market
for biotechnological enterprises. Biotechnological processes are being developed as an alternative to existing route or
to get new biodegradable biopolymers. 20% of solid municipal wastes in US is plastic. Non-degradable plastics
accumulate at the rate of 25 million tons per year. According to an estimate more than 100 million tones of plastic is
produced every year all over the world. In India it is only 2 million tones. In India use of plastic is 2 kg per person per
year while in European countries it is 60 kg per person per year while that in US it is 80 kg per person per year.

Reasons for Plastic Pollution:

       Plastic is used very commonly in the world because they are cheap, easy to make and they will last long as well.
But sorry to say, these useful qualities make plastic a real menace to the environment. As it is so cheap that people
discards it soon especially carries bags and disposable bottles. As these materials are long lasting and difficult to
decompose, it persists in the earth for many centuries resulting in enormous environment pollution. As a result of
urbanization, most of the pollution is concentrated in cities.
       Synthetic polymers can easily be molded into different shapes, while some can be made into thin film like bits
and pieces, which became very accepted in form of durable and disposable carry bags and packing materials. These
materials when thrown out after use remains in the soil in the same form as it is non-biodegradable.

Causes of Plastic Pollution:

        Plastic causes serious damage to environment both during its production and disposal. So the only way to
reduce the hazards of plastic is to reduce the use of plastic and thereby force a reduction in its production. Plastic
plays the villain right from the stage of its production. The major chemicals that go into the making of plastic are
highly toxic and pose serious threat to living beings of all species on earth.
Some of the constituents of plastic such as benzene and vinyl chloride are known to cause cancer, while many others
are gases and liquid hydrocarbons that vitiate earth and air. Plastic resins themselves are flammable and have
contributed considerably to several accidents worldwide. Recycling of plastic is associated with skin and respiratory
problems, resulting from exposure to and inhalation of toxic fumes, especially hydrocarbons and residues released
during the process. What is worse, the recycled plastic degrades in quality and necessitates the production of more
new plastic to make the original product.
        Plastic wastes clog the drains and thus hit especially urban sewage systems. The plastic wastes being dumped
into rivers, streams and seas contaminate the water, soil, marine life and also the very air we breathe. Choked drains
provide excellent breeding grounds for disease-causing mosquitoes besides causing flooding during the monsoons.

About Prevention of Plastic Pollution:

 The best way to protect ourselves from this lethal hazard is to avoid the usage of non-biodegradable carry
 Instead it can be substituted by durable and re-usable jute bags or canvas bags.
 Manufacturing companies should find brown paper or other alternatives for packaging and wrapping cartons.
 Supermarkets should replace plastic bags with paper or jute bags at checkout counters.
 Reduction of the amount of plastic used in packaging which is usually immediately thrown away. Re-use of
plastics should be encouraged.
 Plastic wrapping and bags should carry a warning label stating the dangers of plastic pollution, and
shoppers should be encouraged to use their own bags, or recycled paper bags.
 Buy products with less Plastic packaging and tell store Personnel why you are doing so. Shoppers should
use their own bags or recycled paper bags.
 Support recycling schemes and promote support for one in your local area.
 Fishermen throughout South Africa should not throw away waste line, net or plastic litter - this causes huge
suffering and many deaths.
 Practice and promote proper disposal of plastics in your home and at the beach. Always remember that litter
generates litter. Never dispose of plastics in the sewage system.
 At the beach dispose of plastics and other litter in the bins provided. If these facilities are inadequate,
contact the local authority responsible and lodge a complaint. Take your litter back home with you if there
are no receptacles on the beach.
  Pick up any plastic litter you may see on the beach or in rock pools in the vicinity in which you are sitting or
walking. Encourage young children to do likewise.
 In the street never throw plastic or other litter out of your car or drop it on the pavement or in the gutter. Set
an example to others and encourage them to help. Plastics are not themselves a problem. They are useful
and popular materials which can be produced with relatively little damage to the environment. The problem
is the excessive use of plastics in one-off applications together with careless disposal.

Plastic Alternatives:
     These are plastics that will decompose in natural aerobic (composting) and anaerobic (landfill) environments.
Biodegradation of plastics can be achieved by enabling microorganisms in the environment to metabolize the
molecular structure of plastic films to produce an inert humus-like material that is less harmful to the environment.
They may be composed of either bio plastics, which are plastics whose components are derived from renewable raw
materials, or petroleum-based plastics which utilize an additive. The use of bio-active compounds compounded with
swelling agents ensures that, when combined with heat and moisture, they expand the plastic's molecular structure
and allow the bio-active compounds to metabolize and neutralize the plastic.

Creating alternatives to plastic bags:

    We are now venturing into production of alternatives to plastic bags. From our experience with the group making
paper Mache products, we are confident that these women will have the creativity to expand the type and range of
paper bags we can make with painting and block printing techniques. The women who can use a sewing machine will
be given the task of making jute and cloth bags. Recently, the Delhi government banned the usage of plastic bags.
We are capitalizing on a movement which has just begun and there will be definitely a larger demand for paper and
cloth/jute bags which will be to our benefit.

Using of Bio Polymers:

    Bio polymers can meet or exceed the specification of their plastic counterparts. Biopolymers are thermoplastic
material which is derived from either plant starch or a new range of biodegradable synthetic material. They can be
processed using the same converting equipment that conventional plastic products are currently made with. ie blown
film, thermoformed, extruded and injection molded. If accidentally left as litter they will still biodegrade via the effects
of rain, sunlight and microbial digestion. If accidentally eaten by wildlife or stock they can be readily digested by most

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