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Module 2 Quiz: Clay ANSWER KEY

This 10 question quiz covers the content presented in both the module lecture and readings. You may
only take the practice quiz one time and you must finish it once you open it so be sure you have
adequately prepared by taking notes while you watched the lecture and read the chapter and by
studying before you begin.

1. Which of the following is NOT a property of clay?

a. Plasticity
b. Electrically conductive
c. Opaque
d. Thermally insulating

2. Heating clay to 1000˚C

a. Removes water and forms a ceramic.
b. Melts the clay that then cools into a ceramic.
c. Burns away the silicon and forms a ceramic.
d. Moves oxygen creating a 2-D lattice.

3. What is unique about clay’s formation is that it is defined by its ________________.

a. Impurities, including mica.
b. Size, particles being smaller than two microns.
c. Texture, allowing smooth layers.
d. Amount of silt from weathering.

4. Which of the following is NOT an ancient use of clay?

a. Building material
b. Writing material
c. Harvesting wheat
d. Cement production

5. Kaolinite and montmorillonite are examples of different kinds of clays formed after glaciation that
have opposite properties. Which of the following is true?
a. Kaolinite has a low shrink-swell capacity.
b. Montmorillonite has a low shrink-swell capacity.

6. True or False? Two of Ian Hodder’s four principles of Entanglement are that humans depend on
things, and things depend on humans.

Module 2 Quiz: Clay ANSWER KEY

7. “Affordance” refers to
a. materials that are affordable, based on the laws of supply and demand
b. properties of materials that are of use to a society’s current technology
c. properties of materials that people either ignore or are unaware of
d. properties of materials that become a burden to a society, like the smectitic clay of

8. Which of the following is an impact of clay on Çatalhöyük society?

a. Neolithic peoples began “investing in place” to stay near clay and water,
beginning a more rooted, agrarian society.
b. Neolithic peoples began traveling long distances to locate and trade for clay.
c. Neighboring Neolithic tribes began competing for scare clay resources.
d. The town was subject to regular, devastating flooding, preventing its ongoing development

9. In terms of the use of novel materials, why is the Neolithic period so important to human history?
a. development of clay/earth houses
b. development of ceramic technology for cooking
c. development of ground stone tool technology
d. all of the above

10. How does materials corrosion impact our entanglement with materials?
a. When a material corrodes or degrades, we stop using it in our society.
b. The corrosion of a material suggests new affordances for us to develop new uses of a
c. Because becoming trapped by our current uses of materials, we often try to
repair or replace corroded materials.
d. Materials corrosion has no relationship to entanglement.

Answer key:
1. b
2. a
3. b
4. d
5. a
6. True
7. b
8. a
9. d
10. c

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