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Flux Chargers Sales Pitch

(This script is not meant to be memorized, just use it as a guide on your pitch). A successful sale will be
one in which the customer feels great afterwards and confident that he has gotten a great deal. Keep it as
conversational as possible.

About the formatting:

● Make sure to hit on all the points in ​bold.
● Sentences in [brackets] can be omitted, they just provide you with more information
should the prospect be interested in learning more.
● Italic points have to be carefully stressed.
● Allow the customer to feel, touch the product and make as many questions as

1. Intro
Hey, would you like to take a look at the product that I am part of?
(have the prospect feel and touch the product)

The ​Flux Charger​ is one the slimmest and ​sleekest​ portable charger on the market. It comes
with ​built-in cords​ for both Apple and Android. (demonstrate the dual attachments and enjoy
the amazement of the prospect)

It charges your phone in ​an hour​ ​and a half (which is better than the wall-plug) ​and it provides ​2
full charges​ for most smartphones.

The battery itself recharges in 2 hours.

You can try it on your phone. ​(have the person pull out their phone and charge it)

2. More info
When we designed the Flux Charger, we thought of the least invasive design that can fit in your
pocket. We didn’t like the lipstick chargers or the ​huge​ brick ones. This one fits nicely in your
pockets or purse and you won’t even feel it.

(Omit this part if necessary) It was part of the StartupUCLA accelerator program, a 10-week
summer program for startups. We all go to UCLA and [our co-founders have background in
Computer Science and Product Design].

We donate $1 from each purchase to charity via

3. Closing
(The customer should have the charger in their hand at all times)
We are now selling this product to consumers. We have some early success with our first batch
of sales. [In fact, we sold out in just 5 days], so we are excited to keep expanding.

They are​ just ​[very important keyword]​ $29​, which is ​a third​ of what other chargers like the
Mophie, which go for $60 to $100 cost at the Apple Store.

(If you have spent more than 15 minutes with the client, try to close at any cost. At this point you have
sunk-cost, and the person is interested enough because he has been with you for a long time, read

[Try to discount or up-sale]

We can give you two for $50 if you want to buy it. This is a great deal you probably won’t find
anywhere else, plus you will be supporting a UCLA startup.

(If the customer is not interested in buying right now, at least try to get them to ​like us on
Facebook​ and while they are doing this inquire why they haven’t bought)

I have a charger already.
- But that one is probably not as nice or sleek, ​isn’t it? ​If you really like the charger, I can
give you a good price for it.

I don’t have money on me right now.

- [Bullshit, they are just trying to get rid of you] We accept credit cards and venmo.

How much is it?

- We have an ​introductory​ ​price​ of $29, which is a ​third​ of the price of what the Mophie
charger retails at the Apple Store. We will probably raise the price in the coming weeks. (Make it
sound like a limited time offer)

What makes you different than the competition?

- When we thought of the design of the Flux Charger, we thought of what the best design would
be that is the least ​invasive​ in your pocket. We didn’t want the l​ ipstick​, not the ​brick​ that is
hard to carry around​. So we designed a slim charger that fits in your pocket and that you won’t
even notice.

How much does it cost to produce?

- [Never reveal how much it costs to produce because then they will hustle you into paying just
that amount. You can say something like:] The cost of produce is probably going to go down
once we start producing units in bigger volumes. [Right now it is on the $15-20 range per unit.]

Where is it produced?
- As with all electronics (like Apple), these chargers are produced in China. It is the most cost
effective method of producing it. [One of our founders had connections in the chinese
manufacturing industry, so he was able to connect us]

How many have you sold so far?

- We have sold over 1000 units so far.

Are you guys funded?

- Right now we are privately funded and trying to bootstrap for as long as possible. We might
take funding in the future if a good opportunity comes.

How old is the startup?

- We started in June 2015. We were incubated at the StartupUCLA program over the summer.
To be a great seller, you yourself have to convinced that the Flux Charger is a great product. If
you are not convinced, how do you expect the prospect to be?

Quick Facts
● Online Price: $39, introductory price: $29 (really stress the discount price)
● Website:
● Technical Specifications:
○ Capacity: 4,000mAh ​(2 full smartphone charges)​ [mAh = miliAmperes hour]
○ Supports: iPhone 5 onwards (lightning) and Android (micro USB)
○ Dimensions: 108 x 62.8 x ​7.8 mm
○ Weight: ​88g / 3.1oz
○ Input 5V/1A
○ Output 5V/2A

Important info:
● official hashtag for social media = ​#fluxwithme

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