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To: Governor Ralph Northam

From: Emily Wilson CNA, PCT

Date: 3/25/2019
Subject: H.R. 490-Heartbeat Protection Act of 2019

The name of the bill says it all, Heartbeat Protection Act of 2019. The Physician is accountable for
informing the mother about any health complications the human fetus has that could delay development
or even put the mother in harm’s way. Before performing an abortion the Physician must inform the
mother that her baby has a heartbeat. This Bill will address the issue at hand by helping the mother not
have any gray areas for her decision and prevent any miscommunication or regret in the near future. For
this particular bill, I am for prohibiting abortion in cases where a fetal heartbeat is detectable.

Iowa Governor, Kim Reynolds has signed a law that bans the procedure of abortion if a fetal heart beat
can be detected as early as 6 weeks (Rodriguez, B. 2018). We must have a bill for every unresolved
agreement within the House of Representatives, which includes if a life should be “allowed” to live.
Unfortunately, this decision has many different opinions and viewpoints that seem to throw shade on the
pertinent player. The life of a human. The survivors of not being a product of abortion are the ones that
get to have a say in a whether or not human life is viable. The baby does not have “counted vote” in
whether or not it can continue to live, even with its own heartbeat.

 Today, the Supreme Court can view the fact that a human embryo is not a “potential life,”
however a continuous growing life with all the prospective that a human has outside the womb is
somehow still up for debate (AAPLOG, Issues in Law & Medicine, 33(1), 113–131).
 Now, 45 years after Roe vs. Wade, we need to unveil the proven scientific findings of the
development of human life and to protect the life in vitro (in glass) and in vivo (in uterus)
(AAPLOG, Issues in Law & Medicine, 33(1), 113–131).
 In just hours after fertilization of the embryo, the blastocyst formed did not have cell aggregation
(loosely lethargic grouped cells), but a “coordinated organismic program to reveal the body plan
and supportive structures” (AAPLOG, Issues in Law & Medicine, 33(1), 113–131).
Recommendation: Vote to pass the H.R. 490 Heartbeat-Protection Act of 2019. In regards to the
information above, Americans cannot ignore the facts that even before a heartbeat there is a life.
American Association of Pro-Life Obstetrics & Gynecologists (AAPLOG) has proven that through
scientific data. Republican Governor of Iowa signed the law last year along with the Governor of
Mississippi (Gershman, J. 2019, March 22), and we should follow suit.

The Heartbeat-Protection Act of 2019 should be taken seriously in the stance to promote American life.
Life during the first hours after conception, up to the first decibel sound of a baby’s heartbeat, will be
honored if The Governor of Virginia Ralph S. Northam, signs this bill.

Amicus Curiae Brief of the American Association of Pro-Life Obstetricians & Gynecologists:

Gloria Kato Karungi, Plaintiff-Appellant vs. Ronaldlee Ejalu, Defendant-Appellee.

(2018). Issues in Law & Medicine, 33(1), 113–131. Retrieved from


Gershman, J. (2019, March 22). Mississippi Bill Outlaws Abortion When Heartbeat of Fetus Is

Detected. Wall Street Journal - Online Edition, p. 1. Retrieved from


Rodriguez, B. (2018). Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds Signs “Heartbeat” Bill Into Law, Banning

Abortions After 6 Weeks. Time.Com, 1. Retrieved from


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