Heading For The World Cup, Colombia Vs Argentina: Learning Activity 1 Evidence: Reporting About A Sport Event

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Learning activity 1

Evidence: Reporting about a sport event

Solution by Douglas Beltran

Heading for the World Cup, Colombia vs Argentina

Currently, a pandemic is occurring worldwide (Covid-19). which has postponed all events
around the world. We hope this nightmare will pass very soon and the cure will be found to
start each of the planned events.
For October 11, 2021, before the start of the Copa America 2022 and the qualifications for
Qatar for the World Cup. There will be a sports soccer match between two very large
teams, Colombia vs Argentina. The event will take place at the Roberto Melendez
Metropolitan Stadium, in the city of Barranquilla (Colombia) where more than 8,600
spectators are expected. Colombia is a Top 10 team in the FIFA world.
Soccer is the most outstanding sport in Colombia, so all the affected compatriots are aware
of the result of this game, which awaits how the team will play for the dream of the Copa
America and the World Cup. In Argentina there are many sports, but what is love for soccer
is the same as in our country.
Lionel Scaloni, technical director of the Argentine team, selected in the commitment
against the Colombian team: "When you talk about exciting, the opponents and Colombia
meet all the requirements, they have players in some of the best clubs in the world, they
are fast, physical and skillful, "said the coach in his interview," It will be a difficult game.
After Colombia's performance in the last two World Cups, the national team earned the
respect of its opponents. The event will be a great opportunity for Colombian players to
show their performance before going to the World Cup in Brazil. We hope that covid-19 no
longer affects humanity. Reserve your tickets on TuBoleta.com before it is too late.

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