Thesis Immigration

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Hillside High School

Miss. Ogede

Suany Lizzeth Mejia Sauceda

Migrants contribute to the financing of fiscal and security systems social of the receiving
country, despite being immersed in conditions of social exclusion and show off a
precarious citizenship.

Consubstantial to uneven development, international migration takes the configuration, no
longer of undifferentiated population mobility, without structural causes, but more properly a
forced migration. ​From this perspective, the migration forced refers to expulsion processes of
redundant or precarious population emanating from peripheral countries to central countries
that demand labor quotas for reduce their productive processes. The conditions of structural
unemployment, dismantling of the internal market, destruction of productive chains, next to
increased poverty, marginalization and insecurity, generate a breeding ground that threat in
the places of origin the material and subjective conditions for subsistence family and people's
roots. As a correlate, the incessant demand for force from Highly skilled, skilled or
low-skilled work by capital settled in countries Centrals acts as an engine of migratory flows.
However, the conditions prevailing, in most cases, of migratory criminalization,
precariousness employment, social exclusion and discrimination permanently endanger the
lives of immigrants In the meantime, the migratory crossing through the various borders is
accompanied by multiple dangers and risks, which can be partially mitigated by social
In any case, forced migration is an expression of the vulnerability of human life
under the neoliberal strategy, where people are reduced to their merchandise status
human subject to conditions of extreme exploitation.
Thesis: Migrants contribute to the financing of fiscal and security systems social of the
receiving country, despite being immersed in conditions of social exclusion and show off a
precarious citizenship.
It is common to hear in the dominant discourse on migration and development the idea that
Migrants are a fiscal and social burden for host nations. However said argument does not find
sustenance when considering the contribution that this group of the population Performs the
public treasury and the social security system of the country of destination. This without
consider the processes of social exclusion to which these are frequently subjected sectors of
the population by virtue of their undocumented status. In the case of migrants Mexican
residents of the United States, empirical evidence contradicts blunt the arguments before used
and on the contrary give signs that this population group contributed $ 52.8 billion to the US
tax fund for concept of direct labor taxes and indirect taxes via consumption in 2008.1

This amount is little more than double the total amount of remittances sent to Mexico. The
paradoxical of this significant contribution is that it is made in a context of broad economic
and social vulnerability by Mexican migrants, since in their Most are undocumented workers
who do not have access to a wide range of public and assistance services available to the rest
of the population. According Passel2 estimates (2006), in 1990 46.5% of Mexican immigrants
were ​undocumented; in 2000, 52.2%, and in 2005, 56.4%. Associated with this condition,
occupied Mexican migrants lack a wide range of social services: the vast majority do not
have access to the social security scheme or the public assistance programs The bulk of
Mexican migrant workers occupy the lower level of income perception and have the highest
poverty rates.

According to the CPS3 (2008), 2.9 million Mexican migrants residing in States ​United, 1 in 4,
are poor. Access to health services is limited: 3 out of 4 Busy Mexican migrants do not have
access to health insurance. Also however there is a growing selectivity in the migratory
process, the educational levels of Mexicans remain relatively low, compared to migrants from
other nationalities and with the same population of Mexican origin born in the United States:
6 of Every 10 have less than 12 years of schooling.
Labor inclusion accompanied by social exclusion is the way of participation for the
Most Mexicans in the United States, and accuse at least three adverse processes:

The data comes from the Current Population Survey and the tax scheme applied under the US Tax
Law from 1992 to 2008.
Jeffrey Passel is a senior demographer at Pew Research Center. He is a nationally known

expert on immigration to the United States and the demography of racial and ethnic groups.
Passel formerly served as principal research associate at the Urban Institute's Labor, Human
Services and Population Center.
formerly served as principal research associate at the Urban Institute's Labor, Human
US Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), is the primary source of labor force statistics for the
population of the United States.
1. ​Containment social mobility. ​Yes to job insecurity and exclusion
social we add the family commitment acquired to send a fraction of your
income (via remittances), it can be noted that for migrants the ability to
consumption is mined as well as the possibilities of social ascent.
2. ​Stigmatization4 of migrants as human merchandise. ​The migrant is
reduced to its minimum expression, as a cheap labor force, to which we must
exploit to the maximum with the minimum social expense and the minimum labor
compensation. And, if necessary, discard it.
3. ​Grant5 to the state. ​Immigrants, in addition to being subject to conditions of
superexploitation, they finance the State without receiving an endowment equivalent of
public services, benefits and optimal remuneration. In instead, they are stigmatized,
criminalized and segregated. Sometimes the damage is irreparable and the marks impossible
to erase.

​ ​Stigma is a condition that surely born with the first beings humans. Those who suffer from
it are often excluded and often subjected to ostracism.
​ ​Subsidies, one of the main tools of economic policy in history modern, they are usually the
subject of discussion for those of us who study development processes.
Labor force exports involve multiple surplus transfers and material and human resources of
the issuing country to the recipient that are not compensated by the remittance flow.
​In the orbit of uneven development, peripheral countries are reinserted into the
dynamics of global accumulation in the worst conditions. Moreover, the countries that
embrace neoliberal ideology without qualms, they deliver their strategic sectors to foreign
capital and dismantle their limited social welfare systems, at the time when they are on the
brink of increase the transfer of surpluses, natural and human resources to the center of the
system. Countries that have specialized in the export of labor power, in appearance they are
doing a round business because they purify their considered population redundant, cushion
the problem of structural unemployment, reduce the risks of social conflict and build a new
source of foreign exchange represented by wage resources sent by migrants. Remittances
would seem to alleviate the problem of poverty for economic dependents of migrants, which
offers a << human face >> of Neoliberal model, which with it finds a prop. However, deep
down, these countries They are losing precious resources for their own sustainability. In the
first place, They lose the main source of all wealth, the work force. In addition, they transfer
along with export human merchandise educational training costs and expenses Family and
social reproduction. This without taking into account that, on the one hand, the migrants are
permanently exposed to all kinds of risks that endanger the life itself, whether in the entire
migratory crossing or in your stay in places of destination, and, on the other hand, migration
is associated with multiple degradation processes social at the local, regional and national
levels that are not remedied with remittances. Us we refer to phenomena such as
depopulation, dependence on remittances, abandonment productive and social

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