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1. Judul : Visual Light Zones

Tahun : 2018

Penulis : Tatiana Kartashova and Huib de Rider, Susan F. te Pas, Sylvia C. Pont

Latar belakang : Human observes are sensitive to the light field in empty space. This sensivity was
named the visual light field. Light fields in natural scenes can contain uniform,
convergent, rotational and deformation patterns. In the architecture field, such
patterns or consistent structures within complex light fields were named light

Tujuan : To investigate the perception of light properties in scenes with two light
(direction) zones.

Metodologi : Observation with two experiment, first created a scene with two illuminated
conditions and second a rotationally symmetric scene was illuminated with three
configurations of light sources, creating physicl light zones.

Hasil : Human observes can distinguish light zones that are determine by a difference in
overall light direction. In the first experiment , show that observes were able to
distinguish the illumination differences between the light zones. This sensivity be
called visual light zones and the result of the scond experiment confirmed the
existence of visual light zone, this experiment found that intraobserver spreads
were larger than intraobserver spreads, indicating idiosyancratic behavior.

Kesimpulan : There are still many unanswered, because the dimensions of the light zones with
respect to the scene determines the relative size and the number of light zones in
natural (usually complex) light fields. It defines, for instance, whether relatively
small parts of a scene are determined to be separate light zone or part of a larger
2. Judul : The Visual Light Field in real Scenes

Tahun : 2014

Penulis : Ling Xia, Sylvia C. Pont and Ingrid Heynderickx

Latar belakang : The interplay between lighting , geometry, and materials in a scene shapes the
architectural space and the light field in it. Depends on the spatial and spectral
characteristic of the light sources. And this mainly concerns the perception of
the light field ; are people able o discern all aspects of the optical light field?

Tujuan : To investigate the visual light field in a real scene by using novel experimental
set up, A “probe” and a scene were mixed optically using a semitransparent

Metodologi : Asked twenty participants to judge wether the probe fitted the scene with
regard to the illumination intensity, direction and diffuseness

Hasil : The results confirmed that observes are sensitive to the intensity, direction, and
diffuseness of the illumination also in real scenes. For some lighting
combinations on scenes and probe, the awareness of a mismatch between the
probe and scene was found to depend on which lighting condition was on the
scene and which on the probe

Kesimpulan : Found that observers are able to detect whether a probe fits a sene with respect
to these light qualities. However in some cases with different lighting on the
probe and scene, the awareness of the mismatch depended on which lighting
condition was on the scene and which on the probe
3. Judul : The Visual Light Field

Tahun : 2007

Penulis : Jan J Koenderink, Sylvia C Pont, Andrea J Van Doorn, Astrid N L Kappers and james
T Todd

Latar belakang : Human observers are sensitive to the physical light field in the sense that they
have expectations of how a given object would appear if it were introduced in
the scene in front of them at some arbitrary location

Tujuan : To visual space considered as a container, the visual light field at any given
pointcan be measured in psychophysical experiments throught the introduction
of a suitable gauge object at that position

Metodologi : 1. Psychopical task ( suggesting based upon generic notion of gauge objects
introduce a gauge object in the scene or a picture of gauge object in a picture of
the scene and let the observers judge its fit.

2. Implementation and instructions (task to the observers was simply “make the
test sphere appear like it fits into the scene”

3. Ground truth (set up the scene in a large studio with walls painted black. This
allow maximum control over the light field)

Hasil : Human observers are quie sensitive to various parameters of the physical light
field and generally arrive at close to veridical settings although a number of
comparatively minor systematic deviation from veridicality can be noted.

Kesimpulan : That visual light field is an entity whose existence is at least as well defined as
that of visual space, despite the fact that the visual light field hardly appears as
prominently in vision science it does in the visual arts.
4. Judul : The Global Structure Of The Visual Light Field and Its Relation To Physical Light Field

Tahun : 2016

Penulis : Tatiana Kartashova, Dragan Sekulovski, Huib de Rider, Susan F. te Pas, and Sylvia C.

Latar belakang : Human observers have been demonstrated to be sensitive to the local (phsycal)
light field, or more precisely, to the primary direction, intensity, and diffuseness
of the light at a point in a space

Tujuan : How an image is perceived depends on the light in the image’s scene but at the
same time, the light can be judged through the object in that scene

Metodologi : With looking the respect of participants, there ara ten observers (five men, five
women) ,observers adjusted the illumination on a probe in order to visually fit it
in three diversely lit scene

Hasil : Visual light fields (individual an averaged) can be visualized and show how they
can be compared to physical measurements in the same scenes.

Kesimpulan : Human observers have a robust impression of the ligh field that is simplified
with respect to the physical light field. Physical light fields are largely neglected
an the visual light fields were more similar o simle diverging fields than to the
actual physical light fields.

5. Judul : Lighting as Integras Part of Architecture

Tahun : 2008

Penulis : Richard Kelly

Latar belakang : A feeling for light and lighting starts with visual imagination, just as painter’s
talent does.

Tujuan : To trained eyes of the impressionist painters have helped our eyes to see the
real appearance of material as revealed by many contrasting kinds of light.

Metodologi : The gradual production of stronger light sources has, through habit, actually
made greater intensity of artiical light necessary for simple seeing and reading.

Hasil : If the eye is subjected to pure red light and no other light at all for even a fairly
short time.

Kesimpulan : A fifth light quality is the direction of major apparent light areas relative to
eyelevel. Predominant light areas above eyelevel produce a feeling of restraint.

6. Judul : Lighting Design Workplaces : A Case Study of Modern Library Building in Sheffied, UK
Tahun : 2008

Penulis : Dr Hasim Altan, Yuan Zhang and Hasim Altan

Latar belakang : Using natural light has always been a desirable building feature and a hallmark
of a good design.

Tujuan : Daylighting ca be alternaive to use artificial lighting in workplaces in buildings

Metodologi : Based on the assumption tht while ignoring direct sunlight.

Hasil : Effective use of daylight in such a modern library design is bith an art and a

Kesimpulan : Human factor is the most important aspect in lighthing design, the lighting
quality and energy efficiency that can not be achieved without considering such

7. Judul : A Study of How Lighting Can Affect a guest Dining Experience

Tahun : 2010

Penulis : Amy Elizabeth Ciani

Latar belakang : Lighting makes a significant contribution on how a guest experiences a space.

Tujuan : To see if restaurant patrons sub-consciously notice a difference in the lighting

design of an area as it slowly changes throughout a meal

Metodologi : Analysis to look at and compare the results were comparing differents
variable’s mean value in order to see if there was a significant difference in the
results from the beginning of the meal to the end of meal.

Hasil : Guests could enjoy a meal with their friend or acquaintance where at the same
time the color temperature of the space was changing from a cool coloe
temperature a warm to color be supported in terms that the lighting design
within the restaurant setting added to the guest’s overall dining experience.

Kesimpulan : The lighting design experiment completed at the Oakwood Road Community
Center played a valuable role within the business, design and research
communities because it looked at how the lighting color, from blue to red, could
affect a guest within a restaurant setting at a subconscious level.

8. Judul : Effect of Lighting Quality on Working Efficiency of Workers in Office Building in

Tahun : 2019

Penulis : Justine Mushobozi Katabaro and Yongyong Yan

Latar belakang :In this era of information Communication Tecnology, a high-quality working
environment is essential to the occupants. Providing quantity rather the quality of
work environments is very common in most of the least developed countries,
including Tanzania. Existing research asserts that poor indoor environmental
quality such as lighting has a detrimental effect on human health, and in case of
the office working population, it also their work performance.

Tujuan : To analyze the effects of the lighting quality on working efficiency of workers
in Tanzania.

Metodologi : Investigated four representative offices from the administration building at

Mbeya University of Science and Tecnology from june until September 2018.
The costumized questionnaire survey tool was administered to the randomly
selected occupants to survey their perceptions about the quality of lighting in
their workplace and its influence in their health and work efficiency. Physical
observation and illuminance distribution measurements were also conducted.

Hasil : Indicates that the majority of the occupants are less satisfied with the lighting
quality in their working environment, and some respondents reported that is
significantly affected their work efficiency and wellbeing.

Kesimpulan : That poorly articulated work environment can adversely affect the productivity
and work efficiency of the workers in such condition are also exposed to
occupantional diseases.

9. Judul : Perception is Reality : Visibility in Architectural Lighting Research

Tahun : 2011
Penulis : Mary Ben Bonham

Latar belakang : Human perception of light is ostensibly the reason why space are illuminated,
yet primary lighting guidelines used by architecs measure how much light is
falling on a surface, not distribution of light to the human eye.

Tujuan : Related to human visual perception introduces new ideas that, while they
challenge the status quo of lighting practice, build on decates of respected.

Metodologi : Developing new methologied and tools to study luminance distribution in built

Hasil : The use of illuminance and luminance metrics in contemporary architectural

lighting practice and research contexts, exposing the objective and subjective
aspects of light that these terms measure.

Kesimpulan : Examination of this research and knowledge tools reveals a shift to a cross-
disciplinary, user-centered approach to architectural lighting where realities of
human visual perception and surrounding physica; contexts enjoy renewed

10. Judul : Daylighting and Visual Performance : Evaluation of Classroom Design Issues in the UAE

Tahun : 2010
Penulis : Khaled A. Al-Sallal

Latar belakang : In teaching zones of school, lighting requrements are most strict. Problem
arise when lateral illumination results in non-uniform distribution of light

Tujuan : To focuses on analysis of visual performance and quality issues in classroom

located in the UAE

Metodologi : Depended on data collection ana analysis of design information obtained from
architectural drawing of standard schools, design compliance documents set by
the relevant governmental bodies, and site visits and photography.

Hasil : Important design issues that have significant impact on visual quality,
including space size and depth to height ratio, windows orientation, lighting
ddirection and desk position.

Kesimpulan : The simulation runs showed three important problems that caused the
visualndiscomfort; acuate contrasing luminance between the task surface and
other near surfaces, high brightness coming from the windows and uneven
distribution of daylight in the space.

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