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University of Economics, HCMC End of Unit Test .U12.

School of Foreign Languages
Division of English for General Purposes


Read the instruction carefully. RECORD your answers on your answer sheets.

Section 1: Language knowledge (30 marks)

I. Choose the words that best fit the blanks in the following passage.

Grow your own vegetables! It’s (1) ……… than you think.
The Bradley Community Allotment Society (2) ……… 10 new allotments available (3) ……… local
residents. We distribute them on a first come, first served basis, (4) ……… if you are interested,
don’t (5) ……… Annual rent for each allotment is $50.You will be able to grow a lot of (6) ………
vegetables you (7) ……… buy, so eventually you will be saving money! The Allotment Society will
be giving lessons (8) ……… how to grow vegetables successfully at the community center this (9)
……… weekend. If you are interested in (10) ……… the allotments, why not come along to the

1. a. easy b. so easy c. the easiest d. easier

2. a. has b. have c. to have d. having
3. a. to b. with c. for d. on
4. a. because b. so c. but d. although
5. a. buy b. delay c. sell d. ask
6. a. the b. 0 c. this d. those
7. a. normal b. abnormal c. normality d. normally
8. a. in b. in c. on d. with
9. a. to come b. coming c. come d. came
10. a. rent b. rented c. to rent d. renting

II. Choose the best answer

11. Have you ever had any …………… of working in micro-electronics before?
      a. degree b. qualification c. certificate d. experience
12. Before I leave, is there anything else you need to know concerning my …………… to do this job?
      a. ability b. personality    c. resume    d. quality
13. What do you consider to be your company's greatest …………… and weaknesses?      
  a. earnings  b. employees  c. profits d. strengths
14. My time management …………… are excellent and I'm organized, efficient, and take pride in
excelling at my work.
      a. applications b. resumes c. jobs   d. skills
15. What happened to the person who …………… held this job?
a. slowly   b. quickly c. previously   d. early
16. I’m afraid I …………… that sales forecast yet. I’ll do it tomorrow.
 a. haven’t done b. didn’t do   c. am not doing d. won’t do
17. Our market share …………… by 11% since we started advertising on TV.
End of unit test.12.HP2 1
   a. increased  b. increases c. has increased d. was increasing
18. What time …………… the meeting …………… ? - About ten minutes ago. It was dreadful,
endless arguments.
a. had / finished b. did / finish c. has / finished d. does / finish 
19. There is a team of highly qualified secretaries available, …………… will help you with your
      a. where b. that c. whom d. who
20. …………… the interview hadn’t gone well, they wouldn’t have given me the job.
a. If   b. Unless c. When   d. Where 
21. We would use them …………… they weren’t so expensive.
a. which   b. if    c. that     d. unless  
22. I want to excel and to be successful …………… my job, both for my own personal satisfaction
and for my employer.
a. in   b. to c. from    d. under
23. I'm good …………… speaking to people and handling cash.
a. between b. about  c. on d. at
24. Are you sure Elena’s the best person …………… the job?
      a. about  b. for c. from d. of
25. What type of position do you think you are suited …………… ?
   a. for   b. in c. at d. with

III. Put the capitalized words in their correct form.

26. talk I’m afraid Herr Seifelt isn’t available at the moment. He ………………… to a
customer on the other phone.
27. take If you do not do this, we ………………… legal steps
28. separate Prepare each visual carefully and …………………
29. research The economists …………… the causes of economic crisis are making progress.
30. arrive We apologize for the late ………………… of the train..

Section 2: Language use (70 marks)

I. Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow (30 marks)

How not to succeed in your job

Many magazines have articles on how to be a success, but here at Business Monthly, the Magazine
for Busy Businesspeople, we thought it would be helpful if our readers know how to fail.

Step One: Don’t come to work on time. If you want to fail at work, then don’t be on time.
Punctuality, or being where you should when you should, is a common trait of successful people. If
you don’t want to succeed, be late for all of your appointments.

Step Two: Don’t ask questions. Successful people often try to learn what they don’t already know.
They ask questions if they are unsure of a situation or a procedure. If you want to fail, make sure you
keep your questions to yourself.

End of unit test.12.HP2 2

Step Three: Never learn new things. In order to get ahead in your career, it is necessary to keep
yourself updated on current information in your field. Information changes quickly; if you want to be
left behind, then don’t keep up with the changes.

Step Four: Don’t mind your own business. MYOB. Or Mind Your Own Business, means not getting
involved in office gossip. If you talk about others behind their backs, then you can expect that others
are talking about you as well. So if you want to fail, stick your nose where it does not belong.

Choose the best answer.

1. According to the article, what does punctuality mean?
a. Having good punctuation when writing
b. Being where you should
c. Being successful
d. Being where you should, when you should
2. According to this article, what is true about successful people?
a. They are late, don’t ask questions, and never learn new things
b. They are late, don’t ask questions, and try to learn new things.
c. They are late, ask questions, and try to learn new things.
d. They aren’t late, ask questions, and try to learn new things.
3. What does MYOB mean?
a. That you should study about business in school
b. That you should not get involved in office gossip
c. That you should prepare to own your own business
d. That you should talk a lot about other people
4. What are the steps of failure?
a. Being late, not asking anything, gossiping, and not learning
b. Being late, asking questions, talking about others, and not learning
c. Being punctual, not asking questions, gossiping, and not learning
d. Being late, not asking questions, not learning, and not gossiping

What does each of the following underlined words / phrases refer to?
5. but here at Business Monthly, the Magazine for Busy Businesspeople, we thought
it would be helpful if our readers know how to fail. (para 1)
6. Successful people often try to learn what they don’t already know. (para 3)

Which words/phrases in the passage mean the following?

7. to achieve something that you have been trying to do or get ………………
8. a particular quality in your personality ………………

Fill in each blank with ONE suitable word from the passage. Put it in its correct form or tense if
9. We are continually ………………… our computer systems.
10. I was ………………… how to reply to these questions.

II. Writing (20 marks)

End of unit test.12.HP2 3
A . Write complete sentences by putting the words into the correct order. Begin each sentence
with the underlined word(s).
1. We / are / a / looking / person / for / talented / the / marketing / position / of / manager / for.
2. In / present / you / job / your / deal / customers, / their / suppliers / problems / with / and.
3. I / good / am / at / organizing / for / seminars / customers.
4. Cristina / worked / three / has / companies / different / for.
5. I / would like / my skills / to / in / use / as / a trainer / a / more / environment / challenging.

B. Combine the following pairs of simple sentences (a&b) using appropriate joining words.
Punctuate the sentence if necessary.
6a. The people are very nice. 6b. I work with them.
7a. I often go to visit my customers in Bristol. 7b. It is not very far away.
8a. I didn’t know that you had a problem. 8b. I didn’t offer to help you.
9a. I don’t consider the job with the electronics 9b. I receive a good job offer from the oil
firm. company.
10a. Sally answers the phone. 10b. She is in her office.

III. Listening (20 marks)

Part 1 Listen to the question and choose the best response. The recording will be played twice.
1. A B C
2. A B C
3. A B C
4. A B C
5. A B C

Part 2
You will hear a telephone conversation between a man who is interested in a job and a woman
who works for a recruitment agency.

Job title: (6) ……………………………………………………………

Salary range: (7) ……………………………………………………….
Experience: (8) 2 years in a …...……………………….……. position
Essential skills: (9)……………………………………………………..
Deadline for application: (10)…………………………………………..

This is the end of the exam paper ☺

End of unit test.12.HP2 4

KEYS - End of Unit Test.U12.M1
Section I
1. d 2. a 3. c 4. b 5. b 6. a 7. d 8. c 9. b 10. d

11. d 12. a 13. d 14. d 15. c
16. a 17. c 18. b 19. d 20. a
21. b 22. a 23. d 24. b 25. a

26 27 28 29 30
Is talking Will arrive separately researching arrival

Section 2
1. d 6. successful people
2. d 7. to succeed
3. b 8. a trait
4. a 9. updating
5. Of Business Monthly 10. unsure


1. We are looking for a talented person for the position of marketing manager.
2. In your present job you deal with customers, suppliers and their problems.
3. I am good at organizing seminars for customer.
4. Cristina has worked for three different companies.
5. I would like to use my skills as a trainer in a more challenging environment
6. The people who / that / 0 I work with are very nice.
7. I often go to visit my customers in Bristol, which is not very far away.
8. If I had known that you had a problem, I would have offered to help you.
9. If I didn’t receive a good job offer from the oil company. I would consider taking the job with
the electronics firm
10. If Sally is in her office, she will answers the phone.

Part 1
1. B 2. A 3. A 4. C 5. C
Part 2
6. Project Manager
7. £25,000 – £29,000
8. junior management
9. good communication
10. June 21st

End of unit test.12.HP2 5

AUDIO SCRIPT - End-of-Unit Test.U12.M1

Part 1
1. We went to the concert last night.
A. It is very late.
B. You did? So did we.
C. She’s singing now.
2. When are you going on vacation?
A. I leave in two weeks.
B. I’m going for one month.
C. I’ll spend it at the lake.
3. Doesn’t your brother have a pet dog?
A. No, he has a cat.
B. She has a sister too.
C. I don’t like animals.
4. Do you want to go on a bicycle ride?
A. It’s a 30-kilometer race.
B. Sure, I can ride a horse.
C. I can’t. I don’t have a bike.
5. Where is the meeting?
A. Next year’s budget.
B. At 8 o’clock.
C. In Room 401.

Part 2
Sarah: Hughes Recruitment Services. Sarah Matthews speaking. How can I help you?
Jon: Oh hello. My name’s Jon Brant. I’m calling about the job advertisement in the Daily News.
Jon: Yes, I was wondering if you could give me some more information about it.
Sarah: Of course. The job is based in London but it involves a lot of travel, mainly in Europe.
Jon: And what about the salary?
Sarah: It’s a band G which means you could earn 25 to 29,000 depending on experience.
Jon: I see. What sort of experience is required?
Sarah: The basic requirement is four years relevant experience with at least two years in a junior
management position.
Jon: Right. And are there any other requirements?
Sarah: You must have good communication skills. Knowledge of a European language is
Jon: OK. And when do applications have to be in by?
Sarah: The closing date is June 21st. Interviews are scheduled for July 5th. I’ll send you an
application form and you should also include a covering letter. Please quote this reference number
on the envelope: PM914J. Alternatively you can apply online.
Jon: No, I’ll apply by post. Who should I address it to?
Sarah: Ms Vaughn. That’s V-A-U-G-H-N.

End of unit test.12.HP2 6

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