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Nama : Meliza Ningsih

Nim : P031914472011

Diruang persediaan rumah sakit, barang sering diberi kode warna

1. Vocabulary
a. Pillow : Bantal
b. Gauze : kain kasa
c. Catheter set : set kateter
d. Disinfectant : disinfektan
e. Surgical Tape : pita/rekaman bedah
f. Steril Cup : cangkir steril
g. Specimen Tube : tabung spesimen/darah
h. Scissors : gunting
i. Hospital gown : gaun rumah sakit
j. IV bag : tas IV/darah
k. Bedpan : pispot
l. Sheet : lembar

Red : Intravenous or blood test Yellow : urinary items Blue : patient room items

- Gauze - Catheter set - Pillow

- Surgical tape - Bedpan - Hospital gown
- Disinfectant
- Steril cup - Sheet
- Specimen tube
- scissors
- IV bag

2. Complete this sentence and question with many, much, any, and enought.
1. Do we have any Gowns? ‘’yes we do,but we don’t have enought . How many do
we need ?
2. How much Blood do I need to take ?
3. How many Gauze do we need ? Do we have any for the rest of the week ?
4. Are there enought Sterile cups in the storage room? “I think so. How many Are
there ?
5. Do we have any Disinfectant in the OR ?” no, we don’t have enought How much
Do we have?
6. How many Surgical tape do I put on this bandage? is this enought

3. Match answer a-f to questions 1-6 in 4

a. Just one specimen tube : (2)
b. yes. About there centimenters is enough : (6)
c. There are about five boxes of 50 : (4)
d. No, we need to order 30 pack : (3)
e. We need 28 : (1)
f. There are two bottles : (5)

4. Match 1-4 to a-d to make phrares

1. A box  c) of bandages
2. A pack  b) of gauze
3. A roll  d) of tape
4. A bottle  a) of disinfectant


(+) -
(-) I don’t have any food in the refrigerator
(?) Do you have any food in the refrigerator ?

(+) we do have enough money
(-) we do not have enough money
(?) do we have enough money ?

(+) I have many new movies
(-) I do not have any new movies
(?) do yo have any new movies ?

(+) she has so much fun
(-) she do not so much fun
(?) do you so much fun ?

M : Nurse: Meliza Ningsih , K: Nurse : Karina

M : Assalamualaikum, Good morning

K : Waalaikumsalam, morning nurse
M : Hello, this is nurse karin? at hospital Indra Sari rengat. I’m nurse meli. i’m
calling to order some supplies.
K : No problem. what do you need ?
M : do we have any surgical tape?
K : yes, we do. But we don’t have enough
M : how many do we need nurse?
K : we need 50 rolls
M : oh okey. Do we have Sterile cups in the storage room ?
K : how much do we need ?
M : we need 10 pack of 100.
K : alright, I understand and I will prepare everything.
M : ok. Thank you nurse karin, Assalamualaikum
K : yes, your wecome nurse indah, Waalaikumsalam.


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