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The sweat was still dripping from her forehead.
“Phew.......WTF ?”

She could feel the wetness in her cleavage. It was a pink

tank top, but nothing more than that.
Her eyes glazing, she could not take her eyes of the Pokemon
toy that she kept on her table.

“Is it moving? Or am I still in the dream?”

“Fuck you fucking pokemon!”
But that was her favorite toy. It was a gift from her friend
She could feel her head weighing tons right now. She has
never felt this before. There had been nightmares, but
nothing like this one. She liked it.

“Gimme that you slime...”, she said to Benny.
“Eeeewwwwwwwww..... this stinks. Where did you get such a
tan solution?”

Marilyn was already applying it on her arm pits. The sweat

on her butt dint smell shit, but this one, well, scared the
shit out of a skunk.
“Get out of this place right now!”, shouted Evelyn.

“Fuck you whores”

“Yes... get th..!”, Benny went head down splashing into the
pool like a half toasted bread thrown into a glass of water.
The remaining tan solution has started to mix with the water
in the pool.
All of them were out of the pool, except Benny who had to
come out only after washing away the rest of the brown
cream. They were staring at this girl Marilyn, age 15,
petite, black hair, black eyes and skin glowing like the
Yes, she wants to glow like the golden Sun. She is of dark
brown complexion, and this every weekend tan would

supposedly make her glow like the gold. Wouldn’t it?

Not one of them was standing in front Marilyn who was on the
chair, semi naked, frying like the golden brown nugget. For,
she had just put down her middle finger from the air which
made the crowd to leave.

“Did you do that again?”, Lydia went shouting behind her
daughter who had just arrived from the pool.

“I have been hearing this complaint for past two weeks”, she
was desperate for a fight with her daughter now. This has to
end now. Now.
“Marilyn, come her now. Come down now.”

Lydia was so stern in her posture. Her voice must have

echoed throughout the neighborhood.
“Mom..”, yelled Marilyn from upstairs.

The cry had sounded as if she wanted to tell something to

her mother.
Mothers know their children. Their sounds, mothers have
mastered them.

“Yes my little angel. Yes.”

“Mom......”, she cried out again. The voice had grown
stronger. No feebleness could be noticed.
“Yes my little child. Your mom is here for you.”. She
ascended the stairs that lead to her daughter’s bedroom.
“You need your mom right now my dear?”
She was about to place her fingers upon the knob.

It twisted on its own. A creak sound followed by the sound

of the door being opened.
Lydia now folded her arms. She wants to say, “Now, tell me

But that all such thoughts ended even before it sprang up in

her mind.
“Go fuck yourself you filthy whore”
Then there was the same door. Shut. Again.

It all happened in 3 seconds.

Lydia was dumb struck. She yelled out,
“That was 382nd time I am hearing the F word in this house
since you came back from that scout camp”

“Are they teaching you new words beyond the F word, coz
mommy heard a new one today? Come out you little brat.”
Yes. The neighborhood had been hearing to this little
conversation between a mom and her lovely daughter.
The yelling did not stop.

The bullets screamed through her ears.

She speeds up the hill.
Chunks of bodies were lying on the steep way to the top

She dodged a grenade attack, and hurried towards the cliff

with her CYMA CM023 KP5.
Japanese made air gun in the hands of a 15 year old American

This combination has triumphed. It took her 2 seconds to

complete the task of killing 18 Nazi soldiers in that
Her military uniform drenched in sweat, blood of her
comrades dripping from her forehead, her breathing increases
steadily as she ascends the stairs of the church on the top
the hill which she conquered recently.
One of her boot’s laces was undone. As if she cared?

She lacked the skill of looking back. She knew that for one
good reason, that her CYMA CM023 KP5 is much powerful than
her instinct to look back for any other NMF!!!
The sandstone staircase, elevated up to the dome of the
church where the church bell is supposed to be present. It
is missing. Thanks to the native mother fuckers who wrecked
it by messing up with the mightiest bitch on this planet,
Marilyn’s breathing was disturbed by the metallic sound of
the loading lever of a sniper rifle.

She looked above her head for the first time after her
childhood, once when she looked up in the air for a Hawk.
Before her eye lashes could respond and make their contact,
her helmet met with an asteroid.

The sniper rifle bullet hit her hard exactly near her
forehead on the helmet.
She could feel the force building up on her neck to plunge
below her back by thrusting up her thorax in the air. All
these in 1 millionth of a second.
Her attacker was a boy in his 20s. She could see him pulling
himself upwards directly opposite to her fall down the
stairs. Her head first, dashing into the staircases towards
the floor.
But she felt new warm blood splattering on her face now.
Very warm!!
For a second, she could not believe her titanium helmet had
failed her.
Of course, it did not.
She could now see her attacker’s head racing towards her,
like an apple which fell on Newton’s head.

She saw the human vocal cords for the first time in her
Blood oozed out from the upside down head. She smiled as the
rest of the NMF’s body fell right beside her.

Her helmet now had a small lump inwards near the forehead
She is not dead. Yet! be continued

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