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B6 being present in only one to two copies per cell.

These two features aid in preventing problems 1 and
See: C57BL/6 2 above. The mechanism of deletion of structures
such as cruciforms (problem 3) requires that certain
enzymes, such as nucleases, load onto DNA and may
BAC (Bacterial Artificial also be influenced by DNA superhelicity, both of
Chromosome) which may be different with a replication fork formed
from the F origin of replication than from other repli-
G M Weinstock cons, such as are used in higher copy number vectors.
Copyright ß 2001 Academic Press BAC vectors have been engineered to have other fea-
doi: 10.1006/rwgn.2001.0098 tures such as selectable antibiotic resistance genes and
restriction enzyme cleavage sites for inserting or
removing foreign DNA.
Bacterial artificial chromosomes (BACs) are plasmids BAC vectors have been extremely successful for
used for cloning and stably maintaining large seg- cloning and maintaining mammalian DNA in E. coli.
ments of foreign DNA in Escherichia coli. This is In the Human Genome Project, BAC clones from
important in various types of analyses of mammalian large libraries (105±106 clones) were first carefully
and other genomes. A problem in some recombinant mapped along each chromosome, and then the DNA
DNA experiments is the stable maintenance of large sequences of a subset of these BAC clones were indi-
(>100 kilobase pairs) inserts in E. coli. Typically, most vidually determined and assembled to provide the
plasmid vectors used for cloning foreign DNA into complete human genome sequence.
E. coli can stably carry DNA fragments of 10 kb or
less. When the DNA inserted into a standard cloning See also: DNA Cloning; Plasmids; Vectors
vector exceeds this size, several problems may result:
1. The plasmid clone replicates poorly (due, for
instance, to foreign sequences that adopt structures Bacillus subtilis
that are difficult for the E. coli apparatus to repli- A Danchin
cate, or do not segregate evenly at cell division).
2. The cell grows slowly (due, for example, to toxic Copyright ß 2001 Academic Press
doi: 10.1006/rwgn.2001.0099
products being produced by gene expression from
the foreign DNA).
3. The inserted DNA adopts structures, such as cruci-
Dozens of genomes have been sequenced and many
forms, that are readily deleted in E. coli.
more will soon be added to the list. Unfortunately,
In the first two cases, rare deletions in the insert that most genomes have long runs of nucleotides that
reduce its size and eliminate growth problems will have encode genes with unknown functions. Achieving an
a growth advantage over the parental clone and even- understanding of model bacteria as a means of organ-
tually overgrow the culture. Thus in all these instances izing our biological knowledge (and more generally
the large insert is unstable and hard to maintain. our knowledge about what constitutes life) is there-
In 1992, Shizuya and Simon at Cal Tech developed fore of particular importance. Only two bacterial
vectors capable of maintaining large inserts without models are available: Escherichia coli, which is the
these problems. These vectors were plasmids that con- model for gram-negative bacteria and is the best-
tained the origin of replication from the F factor of known living organism; and Bacillus subtilis, which is
E. coli. The F factor is a large plasmid that is normally the model for gram-positive bacteria. The recent con-
capable of replication of DNA molecules greater than troversial proposal of Gupta to classify bacteria into
100 kb in length. It is a low copy number plasmid, monoderm and diderm cell types places these two
136 B a c i l l u s s u b tilis

model systems in key positions in investigations of recently Francis Crick, relies on the notion that bac-
what constitutes life. In the case of B. subtilis, most terial spores such as those of B. subtilis could travel
of the studies have been devoted to specific processes through space and survive for millions of years. Des-
such as sporulation, competence/transformation/re- pite its appeal to a wild imagination, this hypothesis
combination, or secretion. Until recently, not much essentially puts the investigation of the origin of life
was known about the intermediary metabolism of out of our reach, because exploring the whole Universe
B. subtilis. After the elucidation of its genome is not possible.
sequence, facts and concepts in this area increased
dramatically. Apart from its importance as a model Compartmentalization: Bacillus subtilis
organism, B. subtilis is also widely employed in bio- and its Envelopes
technology, for example in fermentation processes
(secretion of enzymes and processing of plants such Envelope of the Vegetative Cell
as soybean). Because the sequence of its genome is Gram-positive bacteria and, in general, monoderms
now known, it is fast becoming one of the few uni- have complex envelopes comprising one bilayer lipid
versal models for the understanding of the require- membrane separating the cytoplasm from the exterior
ments for life in unicellular organisms. of the cell. The membrane is part of a very complex
structure that comprises many layers (up to 40 in the
case of B. subtilis) of murein, or peptidoglycan, a com-
Bacillus subtilis and its Biotope plex of peptides containing d-amino acids (in par-
The objective of any living organism is to occupy ticular mesodiaminopimelic acid), and amino sugars.
a part of the earth's crust. This means, among other The cell envelope also has several layers of teichoic
ancillary functions, the exploration, colonization, acid (Figure 1).
maintenance and exploitation of the local resources The possible existence of a periplasm in B. subtilis
dealing with congeners and with other organisms, etc. in a distinct cell compartment surrounded by the
As a consequence, one cannot understand an organism cytoplasm membrane and the cell wall is a controver-
if one does not have knowledge of its habitat. Bacillus sial issue. Cytoplasm, membrane, and protoplast
subtilis was first identified in 1872. It is a bacterium that supernatant fractions were prepared from protoplasts
can be routinely obtained in pure culture by soaking generated from phosphate-limited cells. The proto-
hay in water for a few hours at 37 8C, then filtering and plast supernatant fractions was found to include cell
boiling for 1 h at neutral pH. Bacillus subtilis has also wall-bound proteins, exoproteins in transit, and con-
been isolated directly from soil-inoculated nutrient taminating cytoplasmic proteins arising through leak-
agar, where B. subtilis predominates among the out- age from a fraction of protoplasts. By this operational
growing cultures. Spores are more readily obtained in definition, 10% of the proteins of B. subtilis can be
solid media than in liquid media, and they require the considered periplasmic.
presence of manganese ions. The bacteria produce a
complex lipopeptide, surfactin, that permits them to Sporulation
glide very efficiently over the surface of certain types of Upon starvation, B. subtilis stops growing and initi-
media. This property is likely to be related to coloni- ates sporulation. This developmental process involves
zation of the surfaces of leaves (the `phylloplane'), differentiation into two cell types (Figure 1). The
fruits or sometimes roots. Indeed B. subtilis makes up process begins with a reorganization of the cell cycle
the major population of bacteria on flax stems during that leads to the production of cells whose size and
the retting process. Vegetative cells of B. subtilis are chromosome content is appropriate for the develop-
responsible for the early stages of breakdown of plants, mental process. The formation of the two cell types,
and sometimes products of animal origin; some vari- a forespore and a mother cell twice as large as the
ants (e.g., B. amyloliquefaciens) cause potato tubers to
rot. When conditions become unfavorable, the onset of
a differentiation process, sporulation, permits the cells
to generate resistant spores that can be easily dispersed
throughout the environment, where they will germin-
ate if conditions are appropriate.
Unlike most other bacterial species, endospore-
forming bacteria are highly resistant to the lethal
effects of heat, drying, many chemicals, and radiation.
In fact, one fashionable hypothesis of the origin of life Figure 1 (See Plate 2) Electron micrograph of Bacillus
on earth by panspermia by Sven Arrhenius, and more subtilis in the process of sporulation.
B a c i l l u s s u b t i l i s 137

forespore, with differing developmental fates is the Our understanding of sporulation control in
first morphological indication of the early stages of B. subtilis is extensive. The process combines phos-
sporulation in B. subtilis. Endospore formation is a phorylation cascades mediated by kinases and phos-
multistep process that is common among bacilli. This phatases with a network of transcription controls
seemingly simple structure is the product of a very by sigma factors, together with membrane-bound ef-
complex network of interconnected regulatory fector molecules that control compartmentalization
pathways that become activated during late growth (Figure 2). Despite the intensive work of hundreds of
in response to unbalanced nutritional shifts and cell scientists on many of the signals involved in the onset
cycle-related signals. Sporulation starts with stage 0 and control of sporulation, some still remain unknown.
(vegetative growth). Symmetrical cell division, char- The spore coat is a complex envelope comprising
acteristic of vegetative growth, is blocked. Instead, the several layers of spore coat proteins that protect the
cell divides asymmetrically to produce a small polar almost entirely desiccated interior of the spore, where
prespore cell and a much larger mother cell. During DNA is compacted and protected from the harmful
stage I, asymmetrical preseptation starts. The cellular influence of the environment. Under conditions of
DNA takes the shape of an axial filament. At stage II, appropriate moisture, in media that contain alanine,
septation proceeds and the daughter chromosomes glucose, and minerals, spores are able to germinate.
are separated. Spore development follows at stage III This process involves swelling and a complex lytic
(engulfment of the forespore and complete separation process that opens and sometimes degrades the coat-
of the spore membrane from that of the mother cell). ing envelope, during which time metabolism is
Stage IVinvolves formation of the spore cortex. In stage initiated. Cells then resume normal vegetative growth.
V spore coat proteins are synthesized and assembled.
At stage VI the spore becomes highly refractile under Quorum-Sensing and Chemotaxis
the microscope, and it acquires heat and stress resist- It has long been known that bacteria form colonies
ance. Finally, the programmed death of the mother cell on agar plates. If the medium is appropriate these
occurs, leading to lysis and release of the mature spore colonies give rise to bacterial swarming. In the late
(stage VII). Pigments are produced that stain the spores 1960s, it was observed that cultures of Vibrio fischeri
from reddish brown to blackish brown (black in the (a luminescent gram-negative bacterium that colon-
presence of tyrosine). izes squid) remained nonluminescent during the first

Stage 0 Stage I Stage II


σA σA pro-σ E pro-σ E pro-σ E

σH σH σF σF σF

Stage III Stage IV

Engulfment Cortex

pro-σE pro-σ E σE pro-σ K

σF σG σG
σE σG pro-σ K σK

Stage V Stages VI −VII

Coat Maturation, lysis Free spore

σK σG

Germination Outgrowth

Figure 2 The stages of sporulation. The various sigma transcription factors that control gene expression processes
during sporulation are indicated within the compartments where they operate.
138 B a c i l l u s s u b tilis

hours of growth, during which time the number of permits the cell to invade and colonize the surface of
cells increased. Luminescence appeared when the leaves where they can find nutrients (especially as
population reached a significant density, at a moment carbon and nitrogen sources as well as micronutrients)
when the bacteria ran out of nutrients. This collective secreted by the plant or decaying leaves. The bacteria
behavior meant that a bacterial function was expressed secrete antibiotics that permit them to outcompete
at a certain cell density: the organisms in the popu- other organisms, for example the products of the pks
lation were sensing each other. This, was termed genes act against Agrobacterium species. This estab-
`quorum sensing.' lishes a cooperation between the plant and the bac-
A variety of processes are regulated in a cell density teria; commensalism rather than symbiosis.
or growth phase-dependent manner in gram-positive
bacteria. In the early 1990s quorum sensing was dis- Protein Secretion
covered in B. subtilis and was certainly linked to spor- Bacillus subtilis is one of the organisms of choice in the
ulation (to swarm or to sporulate, that is the question), study of protein secretion. At the time of this review,
but the functional reason(s) for the existence of the many fundamental aspects of this process are not yet
process are not yet known. Most bacteria that use understood. Several systems enable proteins to be
quorum sensing systems inhabit an animal or plant. inserted into the membrane and/or to be located out-
The microorganisms benefit from the process, but side of the membrane or secreted into the surrounding
the host organism may or may not. Each bacterium medium. In B. subtilis, the Sec-dependent pathway
produces small diffusible molecules that allow cell-to- (one that recognizes signal peptides) has at least five
cell communication. As the population of bacteria different signal peptide peptidases. Proteins that are
increases, so does the concentration of the signaling periplasmic in gram-negative bacteria are also found
molecules. Sensors recognize these molecules. Once in B. subtilis, presumably as lipoproteins (i.e., posses-
the local concentration in the medium has reached a sing a specific signal peptide, cleaved upstream of a
threshold value, the sensor proteins transmit a signal cysteine residue that is covalently coupled to the outer
to a transcriptional regulator. Examples of such lipid layer of the cell membrane upon cleavage).
quorum-sensing modes are the development of The signal recognition particle (SRP) system is an
genetic competence in B. subtilis and Streptococcus oligomeric complex that mediates targeting and inser-
pneumoniae, the virulence response in Staphylococcus tion of proteins into the cytoplasmic membrane. SRP
aureus, and the production of antimicrobial peptides consists of a 4.5S RNA and several protein subunits.
by several species of gram-positive bacteria, including One of these subunits, Ffh, interacts with the signal se-
lactic acid bacteria. quence of nascent polypeptides. The N-terminal resi-
Avariety of ways for bacterial populations to coord- dues of Ffh include a GTP-binding site (G-domain)
inate their activities have been discovered. Cell density- and are evolutionarily related to similar domains in
dependent regulation in these systems appears to other proteins. A second protein, the counterpart of
follow a common theme. First, the signal molecule (a the E. coli FtsY protein, is believed to play a role
posttranslationally processed peptide±pheromone) is similar to that of the docking protein in eukaryotes.
secreted by a dedicated ATP-binding cassette (ABC) Finally, it appears that some B. subtilis secreted
exporter. The role of the secreted peptide pheromone proteins are made of two parts. The first part remains
is to function as the input signal for a specific sensor inserted in the membrane, presumably as a permease,
component of a two-component signal-transduction and the second part is liberated in the surrounding
system. Coexpression of the elements involved in medium after cleavage by an unknown protease.
this process results in self-regulation of peptide±
pheromone production. Peptides are secreted and
processed under various conditions that are further
recognized by the cell. Next, in response to phero- In addition to the need for compartmentalization, liv-
mone, cells swim in a coordinated fashion, thereby ing cells must chemically transform some molecules
forming a kind of wall surrounding rings of bacteria into others. Metabolism is the hallmark of life. Cells
having the same exploration behavior (Figure 3). can be in a dormant state, as is the case with spores, for
Bacillus subtilis is a highly motile bacterium, endowed example, but one cannot be sure that they are living
with a complex flagellar machinery. This permits cells organisms unless, at some point, they initiate metab-
to swim toward nutrients or away from repellents. olism. In general, one distinguishes between primary
Many genes similar to those known in motile bacteria metabolism (the transformation of molecules that sup-
are found in B. subtilis, making it likely that the tum- port cell growth and energy production) and second-
bling and swimming processes function similarly to ary metabolism (transactions involving molecules that
those of E. coli. One can expect that this behavior are not necessary for survival and multiplication, but
B a c i l l u s s u b t i l i s 139

Outside Oligopeptide

Cell membrane

Modification ?
phosphatase Phr

Spo0F + Pi

+ −

ATP KinA Spo0F −P Spo0B Spo0A −P

ADP KinA −P Spo0F Spo0B −P Spo0A Pi

Figure 3 Competence is triggered when Bacillus subtilis encounters a signal from the environment and when an
appropriate quorum is reached, monitored by phenomones synthesized by the bacteria. The chain of events is
depicted. A sensor controls a regulator which, though a phosphorylation cascade, controls transcription. The onset
of sporulation negatively controls competence under appropriate conditions through the action of the protein

assist in the exploration and occupation of biotopes, but must not reach inhibitory levels. Apart from iron,
e.g., antibiotic synthesis). which is scavenged from the environment with highly
selective siderophores synthesized in response to iron
Transport of Basal Cell Atoms limitation, manganese is the most important transition
Carbon, oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen, sulfur, and metal ion for B. subtilis. It is required for many en-
phosphorus are the core atoms of life. Electron trans- zyme activities, such as superoxide dismutase, agmatin-
fers and catalytic processes, as well as the generation of ase, phosphoglycerate mutase, pyrophosphatase, etc.
electrochemical gradients, require many other atoms Copper is important for electron transfer and cobalt is
in the form of ions. Metabolic processes allow the cell required by the important recycling protein methio-
to concentrate, modify, and excrete ions and molecules nine aminopeptidase. Nickel is required by urease, zinc
that are necessary in energy management, growth and is needed as a cofactor of polymerases and dehydro-
cell division. genases, and magnesium is involved in catalytic com-
Nutrients and ions are transported into cells by plexes with substrate in about one-third of enzyme
a number of more or less specific permeases, most reactions. Potassium is needed to construct the elec-
of which belong to the ABC permease category. In trochemical gradient of the cell's cytoplasm, and is a
B. subtilis these permeases generally comprise a bind- likely cofactor in many reactions. Calcium is probably
ing lipoprotein responsible for part of the specificity, needed in major reactions during the division cycle,
located at the external surface of the membrane, an but the importance of this ion still remains a mystery.
integral membrane channel made of proteins of two Anions are also important, and they need to be
different types, and a dimeric, membrane-bound cyto- imported against a strong electrochemical gradient.
plasmic complex, which binds and hydrolyzes ATP as Phosphate in particular requires a set of highly
the energy source. For positively charged ions, select- involved transport systems. For B. subtilis a main
ivity is the most important feature of the permease, source of phosphate is probably phytic acid, a slowly
because the electrochemical gradient is oriented degraded phosphate-rich molecule. Sulfate is the pre-
toward the interior of the cell (negative inside). Ions cursor of many important coenzymes in addition
must be concentrated from the environment until they to cysteine and methionine, but not much is yet
reach the concentration required for proper activity, known about its transport and metabolism, except
140 B a c i l l u s s u b tilis

by comparison with the counterparts known to be that permit this versatility. Specific transcription con-
present in E. coli. trol processes allow the cell to adapt to changes of
temperature by transiently synthesizing heat shock or
Intermediary Metabolism cold shock proteins, according to the environmental
Carbon and nitrogen metabolism in B. subtilis follow conditions. In addition, gene duplication may permit
the general rules of intermediary metabolism in aerobic adaptation to high temperature, with isozymes having
bacteria, with a complete glycolytic pathway and low and high temperature optima. As a case in point,
a tricarboxylic acid cycle. Electron transfer to oxygen B. subtilis has two thymidylate synthases. The one
is mediated by a set of cytochromes and cytochrome coded by the thyA gene is thermostable (and more
oxidases, allowing efficient respiration in B. subtilis. related to the archebacterial type) and the other, ThyB,
This organism is generally said to be a strict aerobe, is thermosensitive. Bacillus subtilis is also able to adapt
and indeed it respires very efficiently. However, it can to strong osmotic stresses, such as the one that occurs
grow in the absence of molecular oxygen, provided during dehydration and can adapt to high oxygen
that appropriate electron acceptors such as nitrate concentrations and changes in pH. Not much is yet
are present in the environment. Coupled to electron known about the corresponding genes and regulation.
transfer, a proton addition between NAD(P) and Because the ecological niche of B. subtilis is linked
NAD(P)H occurs. Bacillus subtilis does not possess to the plant kingdom it is subjected to rapid alternat-
a transhydrogenase that could equilibrate the pools ing drying and wetting. Accordingly, this organism is
of NADH and NADPH. Therefore, because the very resistant to osmotic stress, and can grow well in
enzymes using NAD and NADP often differ, there media containing 1 m NaCl, and indeed B. subtilis has
must be a means of equilibrating the corresponding been recovered from sea water.
pools of reduced molecules.
As expected from its vegetal biotope, B. subtilis can Secondary Metabolism
grow on many of the carbohydrates synthesized by In Bacillus species, starvation leads to the activation of
plants. In particular, sucrose can function as a major a number of processes that affect the ability to survive
carbon source in this organism, via a very compli- during periods of nutritional stress. Capabilities that
cated set of highly regulated pathways. As in many are induced include competence and sporulation, the
other eubacteria, the phosphoenolpyruvate-dependent synthesis of degradative enzymes, motility, and anti-
(PTS) system plays a major role in carbohydrate trans- biotic production. Some genes in these systems are
port and regulation. Catabolite repression control, activated during the transition from exponential to
mediated by a unique system involving specific factors stationary growth. They are controlled by mechan-
(and no cyclic AMP), exists in this organism. Some isms that operate primarily at the level of transcription
knowledge about nitrogen metabolism in B. subtilis initiation. One class of genes functions in the synthesis
has accumulated, but significantly less than in its E. coli of special metabolites such as peptide antibiotics, as
counterpart. Many nitrogenous compounds, such as well as the cyclic lipopeptide surfactin. These genes
arginine or histidine, can be transported and used by include the srfA operon that codes for the enzymes of
B. subtilis. A specific transcription factor controls the surfactin synthetase complex or the pks operon,
nitrogen availability. Amino acid biosynthesis is not presumably controlling synthesis of polyketides. Sev-
yet well documented, but purine and pyrimidine eral antifungal antibotics, some of which are used in
metabolism is well understood. In B. subtilis, in con- agriculture, are produced by B. subtilis strains, indi-
trast to E. coli, there are two carbamoylphosphate cating that competition with fungi is probably a major
synthases: one specific for arginine synthesis and the feature of the B. subtilis biotope. Peptide or polyketide
other for pyrimidine synthesis. As in other living antibiotic biosynthesis genes are regulated by factors as
organisms, the ubiquitous polyamines putrescine and diverse as the early sporulation gene product Spo0A,
spermidine play a fundamental, yet enigmatic, role. the transition-state regulator AbrB, and gene products
They arise via the decarboxylation of arginine to such as ComA, ComP, and ComQ, required for the
agmatine, coupled to a manganese-containing agmatin- initiation of the competence developmental pathway.
ase, and not from decarboxylation of ornithine, as in
higher eukaryotes.
Information Transfer: B. subtilis Genome
and its Organization
Special Environmental Conditions
Another aspect of the B. subtilis life cycle is that it can The complete sequence (4 214 820 bp) of the B. subtilis
grow over a wide range of different temperatures up to genome (strain 168) was published in November 1997,
54±55 8C. This indicates that its biosynthetic machinery and further corrected after several rounds of se-
comprises control elements and molecular chaperones quence verification. The reference specialized database,
B a c i l l u s s u b t i l i s 141

SubtiList, updates the genome sequence and annota- usage. If there were no bias, all codons for a given
tion as work on B. subtilis progresses throughout the amino acid should be used more or less equally. The
world. Of the more than 4100 protein-coding genes, genes of B. subtilis have been split into three classes on
53% are represented once. A quarter of the genome the basis of their codon usage bias. One class comprises
corresponds to several gene families that have been the bulk of the proteins, another is made up of genes
greatly expanded by gene duplication, the largest of that are expressed at a high level during exponential
which is a family containing 77 putative ATP-binding growth, and a third class, with A‡T-rich codons, cor-
cassette permeases. responds to portions of the genome that have been
horizontally exchanged. What is the source of such
Features of Genome Sequence biases? Random mutations would be expected to have
Analysis for repeated sequences in the genome smoothed out any differences, but this is not the case.
demonstrated that strain 168 does not contain inser- There are also systematic effects of context, with some
tion sequences. A strict constraint on the spatial dis- DNA sequences being favored or selected against.
tribution of repeats longer than 25 bp was found in the The cytoplasm of a cell is not a tiny test tube. One
genome, in contrast to the situation in E. coli. This was of the most puzzling features of the organization of
interpreted as a hallmark of selective processes leading the cytoplasm is that it accommodates the presence of
to the insertion of new genetic information into the a very long thread-like molecule, DNA, which is tran-
genome. Such insertion appears to rest on the uptake scribed to generate a multitude of RNA threads that
of nonspecific DNA by the competent cell and its usually are as long as the length of the whole cell. If
subsequent integration in the chromosome in a circu- mRNA molecules were left free in the cytoplasm, all
lar form through a Campbell-like mechanism. Similar kinds of knotted structures would arise. There must
patterns are found in other competent genomes of exist therefore, some organizational principles that
gram-negative bacteria as well as Archaea, suggesting prevent mRNA molecules and DNA from becoming
a similar evolutionary mechanism. The correlation of entangled. Several models, supported by experiments,
the spatial distribution of repeats and the absence of postulate an arrangement where transcribed regions
insertion sequences in the genome suggests that are present at the surface of a chromoid, in such a way
mechanisms aiming at their avoidance and/or elimin- that RNA polymerase does not have to circumscribe
ation have been developed. the double helix during transcription. Compartmen-
Knowledge of whole genome sequences allows one talization is important even for small molecules,
to investigate the relationships between gene and gene despite the fact that they can diffuse quickly. In a
products at a global level. Although there is generally B. subtilis cell growing exponentially in rich medium,
no predictable link between the structure and function the ribosomes occupy more than 15% of the cell's
of biological objects, the pressure of natural selection volume. The cytoplasm is therefore a ribosome lattice,
has created some fitness among gene, gene products, in which the local diffusion rates of small molecules,
and survival. Biases in features of predictably unbiased as well as macromolecules, is relatively slow. Along
processes is evidence for prior selective pressure. In the same lines, the calculated protein concentration
the case of B. subtilis one observes a strong bias in the of the cell is ca. 100±200 mg ml 1, a very high concen-
polarity of transcription with respect to replication: tration.
70% of the genes are transcribed in the direction of the The translational machinery requires an appro-
replicating fork movement. Global analysis of oligo- priate pool of elongation factors, aminoacyl-tRNA
nucleotides in the genome demonstrated that there is a synthetases, and tRNAs. Counting the number of
significant bias, not only in the base or codon compos- tRNA molecules adjacent to a given ribosome, one
ition of one DNA strand with respect to the other, but, conceptualizes a small, finite number of molecules. As
quite surprisingly, also at the level of the amino acid a consequence, a translating ribosome is an attractor
content of the proteins. The proteins coded by the that acts upon a limited pool of tRNA molecules. This
leading strand are valine-rich, and those coded by situation provides a form of selective pressure, whose
the lagging strand are threonine ‡ isoleucine-rich. outcome would be adaptation of the codon usage bias
This first law of genomics seems to extend to most of the translated message as a function of its position
bacterial genomes. It must result from a strong selec- within the cytoplasm. If codon usage bias were to
tion pressure of a yet unknown nature. change from mRNA to mRNA, these different mole-
cules would not see the same ribosomes during the life
Codon Usage and Organization of the Cell's cycle. In particular, if two genes had very different
Cytoplasm codon usage patterns, this would predict that the cor-
Because the genetic code is redundant, coding responding mRNAs are not formed within the same
sequences exhibit highly variable patterns of codon sector of the cytoplasm.
142 B a c i l l u s s u b tilis

When mRNA threads are emerging from DNA for a gradient of codon usage as one goes away from
they become engaged by the lattice of ribosomes, the most biased messages and ribosomes, nesting tran-
and they ratchet from one ribosome to the next, like scripts around central core(s), formed of transcripts
a thread in a wiredrawing machine (note that this is for highly biased genes. Finally, ribosome synthesis
exactly opposite to the view of translation presented in creates a repulsive force that pushes DNA strands
textbooks, where ribosomes are supposed to travel away from each other, in particular from regions
along fixed mRNA molecules). In this process, nas- near the origin of replication. Together these processes
cent proteins are synthesized on each ribosome, and result in a gene gradient along the chromosome, which
spread throughout the cytoplasm by the linear diffu- is an important element of the architecture of the cell.
sion of the mRNA molecule from one ribosome to the
next. However, when mRNA disengages from DNA, Information Transfer
the transcription complex must sometimes break up. The DNA polymerase complex of B. subtilis is
Broken mRNA is likely to be a dangerous molecule attached to the membrane. During replication, the
because, if translated, it would produce a truncated DNA template moves through the polymerase. This
protein. Such protein fragments are often toxic, because might be caused in part by the formation of planar
they can disrupt the architecture of multisubunit com- hexagonal layers of DnaC, the homolog of E. coli
plexes (this explains why many nonsense mutants are DnaB helicase. The B. subtilis chromosome starts
negative dominant, rather than recessive). There exists replicating at a well-defined Ori site, and terminates
a process that copes with this kind of accident in B. in a symmetrical region, probably using a recombin-
subtilis. When a prematurely terminated mRNA mol- ational process to resolve the knotted structure at the
ecule reaches its end, the ribosome stops translating, terminus. This may account for the presence of hori-
does not dissociate, and waits. A specialized RNA, zontally exchanged genetic material (prophages in
tmRNA, which is folded and processed at its 30 end particular) near the terminus.
like a tRNA and charged with alanine, comes in, inserts Transcription in B. subtilis is similar to that in other
its alanine at the C-terminus of the nascent polypep- eubacteria. The major RNA polymerase is a holoen-
tide, then replaces the mRNAwithin a ribosome, where zyme made up of four subunits (two as, b, b0 ) and a
it is translated as ASFNQNVALAA. This tail is a sigma factor. Eighteen sigma factors have been identi-
protein tag that is then used to direct it to a proteolytic fied within the genomic sequence. Apart from s54,
complex (ClpA, ClpX), where it is degraded. which is specialized for the control of nitrogen meta-
The organization of the ribosome lattice, coupled bolism, the other ss specifically control specialized
to the organization of the transcribing surface of the processes such as sporulation, stress response, or che-
chromoid, ensures that mRNA molecules are trans- motaxis and motility.
lated parallel to each other, in such a way that they do Translation in B. subtilis is typical of eubacterial
not make knots. Polycistronic operons ensure that translation. A new type of control of the synthesis
proteins having related functions are coexpressed of aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase was discovered in
locally, permitting channeling of the corresponding B. subtilis. Most aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase genes
pathway intermediates. In this way, the structure of belong to the so-called T-box family of genes. They
mRNA molecules is coupled to their fate in the cell, are regulated by a common mechanism of transcrip-
and to their function in compartmentalization. Genes tional antitermination. Each gene is induced by spe-
translated sequentially in operons are physiologically cific amino acid limitation; the uncharged cognate
and structurally connected. This is also true for tRNA is the effector that induces transcription of the
mRNAs that are translated parallel to each other, full-length message. The mRNA leader regions of
suggesting that several RNA polymerases are engaged the genes in this family share a number of conserved
in the transcription process simultaneously, yoked primary sequence and secondary structural elements,
as draft animals. Indeed, if there is correlation of some of which are involved in binding the charged
function and/or localization in one dimension, there tRNA molecule.
exists a similar constraint in the orthogonal directions.
Because ribosomes attract tRNA molecules, they
bring about a local coupling between these molecules
Horizontal Gene Transfer and Phylogeny
and the codons being translated. This predicts that a Three principal modes of transfer of genetic material,
given ribosome would preferentially translate mRNAs namely transformation, conjugation, and transduction
having similar patterns of codon usage. As a conse- occur naturally in prokaryotes. In B. subtilis there
quence, as one moves away from a strongly biased ribo- is not much evidence for conjugation processes
some, there would be less and less availability of the (although DNA can be conjugated into the organism),
most biased tRNAs. This creates a selection pressure but transformation is an efficient process (at least in
B a c i l l u s s u b t i l i s 143

some B. subtilis species such as the Marburg strain correction. It is therefore interesting to analyze the
168) and transduction with the appropriate carrier proofreading systems at the level of replication. In B.
phages is well understood. subtilis MutS and MutL homologs exist, presumably
for the purpose of recognizing mimatched base pairs.
Bacillus subtilis Phages But no MutH activity could be identified that would
An unexpected result that emerged from an analysis of allow the daughter strand to be distinguished from its
the B. subtilis genome sequence was that it harbors at parent. It is therefore not known yet how long-patch
least 10 prophages or prophage-like elements. While mismatch repair corrects mutations in the proper
the lysogenic SPbeta phage, as well as the defective strand. Excision of misincorporated uracil instead of
PBSX and skin elements, was known to be present, no thymine might be a general process that would not
other phage had been identified. Many phages how- require extra information.
ever can utilize B. subtilis as a host, in particular phi-
29, phi-105, SPO1, SPP1, beta 22 or SF6, but the Restriction±Modification Systems
details of their biology are generally not well docu- Bacillus subtilis strains contain many restriction±
mented. Bacteriophage PBS1, or the phages IG1, IG3, modification systems, mostly of type II, many of
and IG4 can perform specialized transduction. which were probably transferred from phages. The se-
Among the remarkable features of the phage genomes quence specificities of several restriction±modification
are the presence of introns or inteins, especially in systems are known: BsuM (CTCGAG); BsuE
genes involved in modulating DNA synthesis by the (CGCG); BsuF (CCGG); BsuRI (GGCC); and
host. A three-dimensional reconstruction of phage BsuBI, which is similar to the PstI system. BsuC is a
phi-29 and its empty prohead precursor has been per- type I system, which is very similar to the ones found
formed using cryoelectron microscopy. The head±tail in enterobacteria.
connector, which is the central component of the
DNA packaging machine, has been visualized in situ. Phylogeny
The connector, with 12- or 13-fold symmetry, appears Bacillus subtilis is a typical gram-positive eubacter-
to fit loosely into a pentameric vertex of the head, a ium. As such it is significantly more similar to Archaea
symmetry mismatch that may be required to rotate than is E. coli. Many metabolic genes have a distinct
the connector to package DNA. An RNA molecule, archaeal flavour, in particular genes involved in the
pRNA, is required in the form of an hexamer to synthesis of polyamines, but it is rare to find genes in
package DNA in the capsid. B. subtilis that are similar to eukaryotic genes. This led
Gupta to propose that ancestral bacteria comprised
Competence and Transformation a monoderm organism that diverged into gram-
In addition to sporulation, B. subtilis enjoys another positive bacteria and Archaea, and that gram-positive
developmental process, i.e., competence, which can bacteria further led to gram-negative bacteria with
lead to genetic transformation. Interconnected regu- their typical double membrane (diderms). This
latory networks control the initiation of sporulation hypothesis stirred a very heated, but interesting, debate
and the development of genetic competence. These about the origin of the first cell(s). As such, bacilli
two developmental pathways have both common form a heterogenous family of bacteria that can be
and unique features and make use of similar regulatory split into at least five distinct groups. Bacillus subtilis
strategies. This explains why, before the genome of is part of group 1 and is strongly linked to B. licheni-
B. subtilis was sequenced, the vast majority of ex- formis (which is often found on the cuticle of insects),
periments using this organism were dealing with and to the group of animal pathogens formed by B.
these processes. Quorum-sensing, used by cells to thuringiensis, B. cereus, and B. anthracis. In this clas-
monitor local cell density, controls the transformation- sification B. sphaericus is typical of group 2, B. poly-
competence of B. subtilis. This control system is part myxa of group 3, and B. stearothermophilus of group
of the 11 phosphorylation cascades comprising a 5. The pathogen Listeria monocytogenes (in between
regulatory aspartate phosphatase that have been dis- groups 2 and 5) is related to B. subtilis, and, indeed, its
covered in the strain 168 genome. genome has many features in common with that of the
genome of B. subtilis. Accordingly, B. subtilis is an
Recombination excellent model for these groups of bacteria.
The presence in the B. subtilis genome of local repeats,
suggesting Campbell-like integration of foreign
Industrial Processes
DNA, is consistent with a strong involvement
of recombination processes in its evolution. In add- As a model organism, B. subtilis possesses most of the
ition, recombination must be involved in mutation functions that one would expect to find in bacteria.
144 Bac kcross

It is an organism Generally Recognized As Safe reconstructed pathway (i.e., no missing reaction) is

(GRAS). This explains why it is a source of many an indicator of the correctness of the initial functional
products synthesized by the agro-food industry. assignment. The core biosynthetic pathways of all
Bacillus subtilis has often been thought to be a desir- 20 amino acids have been completely reconstructed
able host for foreign gene expression or fermentation in B. subtilis. However, many satellite or recycling
and it is commonly used at the industrial level for both pathways have not been identified yet. Finally, there
enzyme production (amylase, proteases, etc.) and food remains at least 800 completely unknown genes in the
supply fermentation (Bacillus natto, a close parent of genome of strain 168. Functional genomics is aimed at
B. subtilis, is used in Japan to ferment soybean, produ- identifying their role.
cing the popular `natto'). Riboflavin is derived from
genetically modified B. subtilis using fermentation Further Reading
techniques. For some time, high levels of heterologous Bron S, Bolhuis A, Tjalsma H et al. (1998) Protein secretion and
gene expression in B. subtilis was difficult to achieve. possible roles for multiple signal peptidases for precursor
Knowledge of the genome allowed identification of processing in bacilli. Journal of Biotechnology 64: 3±13.
one of the major bottlenecks in this process: Although Gupta RS (1998) Protein phylogenies and signature sequences: a
it has a counterpart of the rpsA gene, this organism reappraisal of evolutionary relationships among archaebac-
lacks the function of the corresponding ribosomal S1 teria, eubacteria, and eukaryotes. Microbiology and Molecular
protein that permits recognition of the ribosome bind- Biology Reviews 62: 1435±1491.
ing site upstream of the translation start codons. In Kunst F, Ogasawara N, Moszer I et al. (1997) The complete
general gram-positive bacteria have transcription and genome sequence of the gram-positive bacterium Bacillus
translation signals that must comply with rules much subtilis. Nature 390: 249±256.
more stringent than do gram-negative bacteria. Trad- Perego M (1998) Kinase±phosphatase competition regulates
itional techniques (e.g., random mutagenesis followed Bacillus subtilis development. Trends in Microbiology 6: 366±370.
by screening; ad hoc optimization of poorly defined Sonenshein AL, Hoch JA and Losick R (eds) (1993) Bacillus
culture media) are important and will continue to be subtilis and Other Gram-Positive Bacteria: Biochemistry, Physi-
utilized in the food industry. But modern biotechnol- ology and Molecular Genetics. Washington, DC: ASM Press.
ogy now includes genomics, which adds the possi-
bility to target genes constructed in vitro at precise Reference
position, as well as to modify intermediary metabol- Subti List Database.
ism. As a complement to standard genetic engineering
and transgenic technology, this has opened up a whole See also: Archaea, Genetics of; Bacterial Genetics;
new range of possibilities in food product develop- Bacterial Transcription Factors; Codon Usage
ment, in particular allowing `humanization' (i.e., adapt- Bias; Escherichia coli
ation to the human metabolism and even adaptation to
sickness or health) of the content of food products.
These techniques provide an attractive means of pro-
ducing healthier food ingredients and products that are
presently not available or are very expensive. Bacillus L Silver
subtilis will remain a tool of choice in this respect. Copyright ß 2001 Academic Press
doi: 10.1006/rwgn.2001.0100

Conclusion: Open Questions

The complete genome sequence of B. subtilis contains Backcross is the term for a cross between a class of
information that remains underutilized in the current organisms that is heterozygous for alternative alleles
prediction methods applied to gene functions, most of at a particular locus under investigation and a second
which are based on similarity searches of individual class that is homozygous for one of these alleles.
genes. Methods that utilize higher level information The term is often used by itself to describe a two-
on molecular pathways to reconstruct a complete generation breeding protocol that begins with a cross
functional unit from a set of genes have been devel- between two inbred strains to produce F1 hybrid off-
oped. The reconstruction of selected portions of the spring (see F1 Hybrid). These F1 hybrid offspring are
metabolic pathways using the existing biochemical heterozygous atnumerousloci throughoutthe genome.
knowledge of similar gene products has been under- The F1 organisms are `backcrossed' to organisms from
taken. But it often remains necessary to validate such one of the original parental strains to obtain a second-
in silico (using computers) reconstruction by in vivo generation population of organisms in which segrega-
and in vitro experiments. The completeness of a tion and assortment of alleles occurs independently

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