Stress in Organisation and Organisation Commitment

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Organisation Commitment and Stress in the organisation at Apply Abroad

Organisation Commitment and Stress in the organisation

at Apply Abroad

Global Business Management

Section 3

Organizational Behaviour, BUS8020

Conestoga College, Downtown Kitchener Campus

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Organisation Commitment and Stress in the organisation at Apply Abroad

Executive Summary

The aim of this report is to detail the interview I conducted on 8/3/2020 with Manish Kanwal
who works at Apply Abroad in Kitchener as Product Manager. The aim of the interview was to
see how organizational behavior concepts (Organization Engagement and Stress in
Organization) were applied to this organizational situation, to recognize existing problems and
to develop both recommendations and an action plan to improve the efficiency of the
organisation. The findings and suggestions were supported by sources which explain
organizational behaviour.

The main problems identified were (describe each problem briefly in one paragraph).

This report recommends the following (describe the recommendations in one paragraph).
The implementation plan would include (overview implementation plan in one paragraph).
The study begins by explaining the interview and discussing how the responses applied to the c
oncepts of organizational behaviour. It then outlines guidelines, and how they should be applie
d. This provides an appendix containing proof of the interview and a complete set of questions 
Organisation Commitment and Stress in the organisation at Apply Abroad

The Interview

I got a chance to interview with Manish Kanwal works as project manager at ApplyBoard which
is situated at Downtown Kitchener. ApplyBoard simplifies the process of study abroad by
integrating international students, recruiting partners and academic institutions on a single
platform. I interviewed Manish Kanwal on whatsapp video call. This was the first interview I had
with an employee who is working in corporate field and was good learning experience. He is a
very experienced person and well versed with the organisation. He showed great interest in
answering all the questions on both the topic topic i.e Stress in organisation and organisation
I conducted this interview for around 20-25 into two phases. In 1 st phase of interview we
discussed on stress in organisation while in another phase we discuss on organisation
commitment. General explanation of what happened interview are as follows :-
During 1st phase I interviewed him about main causes of stress in organisation and also ways to
prevent stress in organisation. In the discussion, he explained that the trick is in identifying
what is a level at which you should ask for help. If you are able to successfully categorise your
level of competence, and the level at which it is beyond your competence, you should ask for
help to avoid it getting too stressful. Successful multitasking is quite difficult can be done, if you
are able to clearly identify the limits of time and energy you need to spend on a particular task.
Stressed that Trying to do these multiple tasks in one shot, is a guarantee of failure.He also said
that It is very easy to let work stress come into personal life, and vice versa. Similarly, it is very
easy to let the success in work make you arrogant in personal life.
During 2nd phase we discuss on employees commitment towards organisation. In this phase we
discuss on what problems organisation faces to retain employees in the organisation and why
employee stays loyal to organisation which will be discuss in further findings. I thought
commitment towards organisation was more related to ones salary,So in curiosity I questioned
Would you take a job with a toxic work culture but a higher salary, or a lower salary with an
ideal work culture? Why? His replied as “This is a very personal question and more dependent
upon a person's life stage. A young person may take up the first option, though mature person
may prefer the second option. This is because as we grow in society, peace of mind becomes
more important”.
(M.Kanwal, Stress in organisation, Organisation commitment, March 4,2020)
Organisation Commitment and Stress in the organisation at Apply Abroad

How Organizational Behaviour Explains My Interview Findings

Interpersonal Conflicts - Organizational limitations apply to situational factors, which constitute
one of four main predictors of individual behavior and results.. It is the only direct influence on
individual performance, beyond the immediate control of the employee. This lack of control is a
strong stressor because it undermines the intrinsic desire of the person to affect their external
Organisation Constraints - Situational variables that comprise one of the four key predictors of
human actions and outcomes contribute to organizational limitations. It is the only direct
impact on the success of people that is beyond their immediate control. Such lack of control is a
strong stressor, because it undermines the individual's intrinsic desire to manipulate the
outside world.
Low Task Control - Workplace tension becomes higher when workers lose power about
whether and when they conduct their tasks, and the speed of work. Employment becomes
probably more difficult when controlled by a computer, when it requires monitoring equipment
or when someone else determines the scheduling of employment. Bad job management is a
stressor as employees face heavy workloads without being able to adjust the load level to their
own energy, attention span and other tools.
Affective commitment - It reflects an employee's emotional attachment and eagerness to
remain in an organisation. These jobs comply with corporate goals. They adhere to the
organisation's culture and behaviour. Those employees feel they are appreciated by the
company. We're staying because they want to stay within the company.
Continuance Commitment - This type of commitment demonstrates an employee's need to stay
with the organization. The reasons for this need may vary, but mostly the lack of alternative
jobs or sufficient remuneration. They remain, because they do not have a better option.
During the interview Manish mentioned that Employees in the ApplyBoard feel stressed and
frustrated at work tend to have more conflicts. Employees are simply more irritable and can get
on each other’s nerves much easier than other times. Misunderstandings are easy to come by.
A huge area that can cause interpersonal conflict due to misunderstandings is having different
expectations on a job, role, process, or anything work related. Also The board expects for
results, while your team expects for guidance this creates low task control.
Organisation Commitment and Stress in the organisation at Apply Abroad

He also mentioned that the biggest issue faces related to employee commitment is employee
attrition and how to retain the employee in the organisation. As the time passes it become
difficult to understand the needs of the employees and commitment to organisation depends
upon person to person. Lack of job satisfaction as well as low Remuneration is another issue for
which employee don’t stay loyal to the firm.
Organisation Commitment and Stress in the organisation at Apply Abroad

Recommendations for the Business

 Employee Should Prioritize Their Priorities.

 Employees should Act Rather Than React.

 Organisation should Offer Competitive Benefits And Pay.

 Organisation should Allow Flexible Work Schedules.

Organisation Commitment and Stress in the organisation at Apply Abroad

How the Business Could Implement My Suggestions

 Employee Should Prioritize Their Priorities.

Write Down Tasks on a Master To-do List and Prioritize Work Then Ranking Your Priorities
Cutting Large Tasks on Smaller Pieces By Estimating Time and Being Realistic on What You Can
Do in a Day.

 Employees should Act Rather Than React.

With overlapping timelines and fast-changing expectations, identifying what really counts and
why is crucial. Understanding your position in the organisation, the strategic interests of the
organization, and your personal goals and abilities is crucial. Complete your to - do list by
working on those tasks that will have the greatest impact and are better matched to your goals.

 Organisation should Offer Competitive Benefits And Pay.

Try to Calculate Potential Contributions by Estimating a total position output, both in average
and in best/worse case scenarios then Subtracting Benefits after that Determining the Values to
Work.These numbers give you a good starting rate from which to work from. Once you’ve
established the rate, you should have some idea of what you can offer a competitive applicant.
 Organisation should Allow Flexible Work Schedules.

If necessary, require flexible schedules for the job. Flexible work arrangements allow employees
to change their time and place of job. Workers should create themselves a work-life balance.
Workers are able to pursue stuff outside work, go to meetings and look after their children
Organisation Commitment and Stress in the organisation at Apply Abroad


In Conclusion, I identified after have interview with Manish Kanwal, working as a product
manager in ApplyBoard Kitchener, Ontario that there are various causes that leads to stress as
well platheora of factors that affects organisation commitment. There are several guidelines
along with the solutions given to enhance the organization's productivity that will also resolve
the issues of the employees employed over there. Nonetheless, it can take a month for such
changes to be implemented, because the person concerned must take permissions.
Organisation Commitment and Stress in the organisation at Apply Abroad


Steven McShane, Kevin Tasa, Sandra Steen. (2017) Canadian Organizational Behaviour (10th
Edition) [2.5.6292.0] Retrieved from
Scott,E. (2020), 9 Simple Ways to Deal With Stress at Work. Retrieved March 8, 2020 from

Kapel,M, (2017), 5 Ways To Reduce Employee Turnover. Retrieved March 6, 2020 from

Steven McShane, Kevin Tasa, Sandra Steen. (2017) Canadian Organizational Behaviour (10th Edition)
[2.5.6292.0] Retrieved from
Organisation Commitment and Stress in the organisation at Apply Abroad


Manish Kanwal

Product Manager at ApplyBroad

Phone No. +1 647-333-3159

Email –
Organisation Commitment and Stress in the organisation at Apply Abroad

Email Coversation – Requesting for Interview

Organisation Commitment and Stress in the organisation at Apply Abroad

Stress in Organisation Questions ?

 What are the main causes of stress in organisation?

 What’s the most stressful situation you’ve faced at work so far? How did you handle
 How do you prevent a situation from getting too stressful to manage?
 If assigned with multiple tasks at the same time, how would you organize yourself to
produce quality work under tight deadlines?
 How do you ensure that stressful situations in your personal life don’t affect your
work performance?
 How long you are working with the current company?

Organisation Commitment Questions ?

 What could your current company change about your job, your team or their culture
to keep you on their team?
 Think back to the worst work environment you’ve been a part of. What about it
made it a terrible place to work? How would you make it a better place to work?
 Would you take a job with a toxic work culture but a higher salary, or a lower salary
with an ideal work culture? Why?
 What team bonding activities or out-of-work experiences do you think are necessary
to keep employees motivated and excited?
 What are your future goals?

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