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Licensed Penetration Tester (Master)

The Ultimate Penetration Testing Certification

Licensed Penetration Tester (Master)
About the Certification

Live Online 3 Levels 9 Challenges 18 Hours

LPT (Master) Exam

There are good penetration testers and then there are great penetration testers.

Unless you are bent on being nothing other than the best in penetration testing, don’t bother
registering for this program, as you are probably not cut out for it.

You will be required to make knowledgeable decisions under immense pressure at critical stages
while selecting your approach and exploits.

As you progress along these levels, you will need to maneuver web application, network, and host
penetration testing tools and tricks in an internal and external context to ultimately pwn the hosts
and exfiltrate data required for the completion of the challenges.

Demonstrate the Mastery of Advanced Pen Testing Concepts and Techniques Including:

Multi-level Pivoting Privilege Escalation

OS Vulnerabilities Exploitation RFI/LFI

SQL Injection Exploit and Payload Customization

Host-Based Application Exploitation SSH Tunnelling

You will be facing the ticking clock and there’s no time to hesitate. There’s no time for second-guessing.
Try either of these and be prepared to fail!

Licensed Penetration Tester (Master)

Introducing the World’s Most Advanced Penetration
Testing Program
The Advanced Penetration Testing Course by EC-Council was created as the progression after the
ECSA (Practical) to prepare those that want to challenge the Licensed Penetration Tester (Master)
certification and be recognized as elite penetration testing professionals. Our training has been
designed by the best in the industry and meant to push you to develop the kind of skill that you’ve
been waiting to acquire.

LPT (Master) training is not comfortable (and the exam is even worse!) , but filled with intense
stress meant to illicit the best from you. Those who prevail will have developed an instinctual
and intellectual response to real world penetration testing challenges.

We want to bring out the best in you. Our aim is to push you to your limit while making you solve
complex problems that actual penetration testers solve daily in the real world. For four punishing and
long days, you will have to perform various tasks until it becomes second nature. This is the foundation
of the program.

This program is radically different from the ECSA. In the ECSA course, you are provided guidance on
what machines to attack and an initial starting point. In the Advanced Penetration Testing Course, you
are presented with minimal network information along with a Scope of Work (SOW). The course was
created to provide you with advanced concepts that will help when it comes to attempting the LPT
(Master) Certification exam.

In this course you will learn professional security and penetration testing skills. The course is designed
to show advanced concepts like scanning against defenses, pivoting between networks, deploying
proxy chains, and using web shells. The last module of the course includes an SOW for each of the
various networks we have created for the course. This, combined with the composition of various
ranges, mimics a professional penetration test. Time is limited and you will be required to identify the
attack surface followed by the weaknesses of the machines that are on the network.

In summary, only those who possess the burning desire to succeed will make it.

Licensed Penetration Tester (Master)

The Planet’s Most Advanced Penetration
Testing Range
The Advanced Penetration Testing course from EC-Council is built on the
backbone of the EC-Council’s Advanced Penetration Testing Cyber Range
(ECCAPT) and this was designed by experts who each have more than 25
years of professional security testing across the globe.


100% 180 250 GB

Hands-On Machines RAM

5 to 8 15+
4000+ GB Subnets in Windows
Storage Every & Linux OS
Range Flavors

Mimics Real-Life Pen-Testing

The range is designed to provide challenges across every level of the attack

The ECCAPT consists of entire network segments that replicate an enterprise

network — this is not a computer game simulation, this is an accurate
representation of an enterprise network that will present the latest challenges

Licensed Penetration Tester (Master)

to the pen tester. Since the targets and technology continue to change, the
ECCAPT is dynamic and machines and defenses will be added as they are
observed in the wild. Finally, the targets and segments are progressive in
nature, once you get into one machine and or segment, the next one will
challenge you even more.

The final range consists of challenges that will require the skills and concepts
that have been covered in the course and consist of multiple visible as well as
hidden subnets to prepare you for the possible challenges of the LPT (Master)

Finally, the ranges are designed to teach professional-level skills to identify

the attack surface of targets within a required time frame and, once this has
been accomplished, to gain access to the machines and escalate privileges
as required. The greater the variety of targets you encounter with and without
defenses, the better of a professional penetration tester you will become.

The practical environment ranges progress in difficulty and reflect real

enterprise network architecture. This environment includes defenses and
challenges which you must defeat and overcome.

This is not your typical flat network! As you progress through the range levels,
each encounter will present the top defenses of today and you will learn the
best and latest evasion techniques.

This training format has helped thousands of penetration testers globally and
is proven to be effective. Everything presented in the course is through an
enterprise network environment that must be attacked, exploited, evaded,
and defended.

As a hiring manager, LPT (Master) offers more credibility than other
hands on certification, as it is fully proctored

- Josh Tomkiel
Manager, Security Testing and Assessment
Schellman & Company, LLC
CCSK, OSCE, OSCP, Security+, CISSP, LPT (Master)

Licensed Penetration Tester (Master)
Course Outline

Introduction to Vulnerability Assessment and

Module 01
Penetration Testing

Module 02 Information Gathering Methodology

Module 03 Scanning and Enumeration

Module 04 Identify Vulnerabilities

Module 05 Exploitation

Module 06 Post Exploitation

Module 07 Advanced Tips and Techniques

Module 08 Preparing a Report

Module 09 Practice Ranges

Licensed Penetration Tester (Master)

Licensed Penetration Tester (Master)
The LPT (Master) is a fully online, remotely proctored, practical exam, It is categorized into three
practical exams of six-hour duration each, which will test your perseverance and focus by forcing
you to outdo yourself with each new challenge. The exam requires the candidates to demonstrate a
methodical approach to test and validate security defenses. The LPT (Master) exam is developed with
close collaboration with SMEs and practitioners around the world after a thorough job role, job task,
and skills-gap analysis.

LPT (Master) certified professionals can:

Demonstrate a repeatable and measurable approach to Penetration Testing

Perform advanced techniques and attacks to identify SQL injection, Cross site scripting (XSS),
LFI, RFI vulnerabilities in web applications

Get access to proprietary EC-Council Penetration Testing methodologies

Exploit vulnerabilities in Operating systems such as Windows, Linux

Perform privilege escalation to gain root access to a system Demonstrate ‘Out-of-the-box’

and ‘lateral’ thinking

In an enterprise network their will be protections, you will

Identify and bypass learn how to identify the protections in place and bypass
perimeter protections them to extract the data even when protected with IPS
and endpoint protections

Licensed Penetration Tester (Master)

As a practitioner you have to be able to modify and
Perl, Python and
change the methods of attacking an enterprise network,
Ruby scripting for the
this requires custom scripting to defeat signature and
penetration tester
anomaly based protection mechanisms

Gaining access is a small part of a professional penetration

Advanced post exploitation test, once you have the access, the ability to move laterally,
and persistence and exfiltrate the data from the enterprise requires post
exploitation skills

To use open source code in a penetration test requires

Extending Metasploit
knowledge of the modules, and the ability to customize
with custom modules and
them based on the data you have obtained from the

Virtually all enterprise networks have external facing

machines as well as internal intranet machines, the
Pivoting from external into
preferred way to access these is through pivoting and
internal networks
using the initial source of access to leverage your way into
the enterprise intranet

Avoiding the most common

Having skills is one thing, but being able to provide
mistakes when drafting a
tangible findings to the enterprise client is critical for a
professional penetration
professional penetration tester
testing report

Licensed Penetration Tester (Master)

Elements that make LPT (Master) one of a kind

Strictly designed for real life Penetration Testers:

The LPT (Master) exam mimics a real life enterprise network with multiple network segments, firewalls,
Demilitarized Zones (DMZ), varied operating systems, different web technologies, access control
policies, and layers of security controls by putting your Penetration Testing skills to test. The cyber range
has no specific boundaries and forces you to demonstrate your skills across reconnaissance, scanning,
enumeration, gaining access, maintaining access, then exploiting vulnerabilities and seeking out into
a network that only a true professional will be able to break.

Built by the best:

The scenarios witnessed by the candidate during the exam are outcomes of real life experiences
that are put together by the best in the business; the exam development cell involves SMEs and
practitioners who bring in real world Penetration Testing capabilities to achieve consistent results.

Leverage Industry Standard Methodologies:

The LPT (Master) methodology builds on the available open-source penetration testing
methodologies, e.g. - PTES, NIST800-115, PCI DSS, ISSAF, OSSTMM and many others. Some
of these methodologies are (industry) vertical specific while others tend to cover broader
practices. The LPT (Master) certification blends best of breed industry methodology
while challenging you to go deeper into the technical aspects of penetration testing.

We Spoke To Our Customers

Licensed Penetration Tester (Master)

Critical Testing Design Ingredients:
Progressive assessment patterns:
Studies prove that progressive assessment patterns produce higher reliable results
as compared to traditional assessment patterns. The LPT (Master) certification exam
is designed as real-world scenario in a progressive 3 level challenge that includes
defensive and offensive challenges which you must defeat and overcome. This is not
the typical FLAT network! As the candidate progresses through the levels, it challenges
the candidates’ knowledge, skill and ability of compromising different systems while
leveraging on advanced evasion techniques.

Time-bounded gamified design

The reality and essence of a real time penetration testing experience is a blend of time
and stress constraints. A number of psychology studies show that time bounded tests
with a gamified design (vs an open-ended test without simulation) can bring about
higher levels of influences on performance, resulting in invalid outcomes. The LPT
(Master) challenges are designed to push candidates to perform under time pressure,
requiring a demonstration of higher level of skill as candidates move through different
difficult levels of the exam.

Deep-dive analytical approach:

If you think you can “wing it”, think again. The LPT (Master) challenges are designed
to test your skills on key aspects of penetration testing at various intervals, each in a
different scenario. There is no way to memorize the answers or “wing it”. This process
ensures that you have the required analytical eye to capture important data and use
this to proceed towards the end goal of completing the task. With this, we will be able
to certify your skills of being able to exploit vulnerabilities as a world class penetration

Virtual Lab Environment:

EC-Council will provide the entire cyber-range through its cloud based cyber range, iLabs.
The LPT (Master) labs are designed to give the user the ultimate hands-on experience.
Each exercise category has its own Virtual Private Cloud that comes preconfigured
with vulnerable websites, Victim Machines, and the environment is LOADED with tools.
This also includes all the supporting tools required to explore and launch your attacks.

Remote Live Proctoring:

EC-Council launches the world’s first remotely proctored, online penetration testing
exam as a critical industry requirement to verify the identity of candidates while
providing a controlled environment to protect the sanctity of such a high stake exams.
This process ensures the credibility to the LPT (Master) credential by eliminating external
influences that can affect exam results. While this exam does not limit the candidate to
leverage their research skills and take advantage of documented resources available,
the proctored exam maintains a close monitoring of the exam session to ensure
complete compliance to examination requirements.

Licensed Penetration Tester (Master)

Report Writing:
To successfully earn the LPT (Master) credential, candidates are expected to fully
document their Penetration Test outcomes in a professional Penetration Test report.
This is an important requirement as many Penetration Testers are unable to prepare
professional reports to management or clients hence reducing drastically the value of
the Penetration Test exercise, since the outcomes and proposed remediation are not
properly documented and communicated. The report will be reviewed and scored by
an assessment rubric built by subject matter experts in the Penetration Testing domain.

My overall experience was really
good and taught me great skills. LPT
(Master) is a must for every cyber
security specialist and I guarantee
it’s worth a try
- Adithya Naresh
Cyber Security Consultant - SAP Labs

Licensed Penetration Tester (Master)

Attaining Industry Trusted and Preferred Credentials LPT (Master)

The Exam

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3

6 Hours 6 Hours 6 Hours 18 Hours

3 Challenges 3 Challenges 3 Challenges 9 Challenges

1 to Qualify 1 to Qualify 1 to Qualify 5 to Pass

Who can take the LPT (Master) exam?

To be eligible to apply to attempt the LPT (Master) Exam, candidate must either:

Be an ECSA member in good standing (Your USD100 application fee will be waived);

Or, Attend the Advanced Penetration Testing course.

Or, possess a minimum of 2 years of Penetration Testing work experience in Penetration Testing
(You will need to pay USD100 as a non-refundable application fee);

Or, possess any other industry equivalent certifications such as OSCP or GPEN cert (You will need
to pay USD100 as a non-refundable application fee).

Recommended For:

Penetration Testers Information Security Engineers

Network Administrators Security Consultants

IT Auditors

Licensed Penetration Tester (Master)

For more information on:
Application process
Renewal Cycle, Certification Fees & ECE Scheme
How is the exam conducted?

Eligibility Criteria
There is no predefined eligibility criteria for those interested in attempting the LPT (Master) exam. You can purchase
the exam dashboard code here.

Clause: Age Requirements and Policies Concerning Minors

The age requirement for attending the training or attempting the exam is restricted to any candidate that is at least
18 years old.

Application Process
In order to proceed with the exam the below steps will need to be completed:
• The exam dashboard code can be purchased here.
• Upon successful purchase, the candidate will be sent the exam dashboard code with instructions to schedule
the exam.

Note: The exam dashboard code is valid for 1 year from date of receipt.
Should you require the exam dashboard code validity to be extended, kindly contact before
the expiry date. Only valid/ active codes can be extended.

A certification is always a nice thing to show to other parties, but
when you have a credential like the LPT (Master), you can proudly say
that this is just not another multiple-choice exam. It proves that you
can actually do an end-to-end penetration test of world-class quality!

- Ali Isikli
Sr. Cybersecurity R&D Advisor
Symbiontronic Technologies Corp.

Licensed Penetration Tester (Master)
LPT (Master) Credential

1. Successful candidates will receive the LPT (Master) Welcome Kit consisting of:

Printed Certificate Welcome Letter

Lapel Pin EC-Council LPT (Master)


2. The LPT (Master) license is valid for 2 years. After the initial 2 years, members will have to
renew their LPT (Master) license by remitting the annual USD250 renewal fee.

3. Members are required to fulfil their ECE requirements to remain in good standing.

This Exam Has One Purpose:

To Differentiate The Experts From The Novices In
Penetration Testing!

Licensed Penetration Tester (Master)

w w w . e cco u n c i l . o r g

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