LAB 02 - Installation of FTP Server

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1) How to install FTP Server

2) How to install FTP Client
3) How Configure FTP Server
4) How to create a user account and give access to a directory in FTP server
5) How to download file from FTP server and upload the file on FTP server


1) Installation of FTP server

Double Click on the installation file “FileZilla_Server_0_9_41.exe”

2) Installation of FTP Client

Double Click on the installation file “FileZilla_Client.exe”

3) Configure the FTP server

Step-1: Go to FTP Server PC

Step-2: Start  All Programs  FileZilla Server  FileZilla Server Interface

Click OK (Administration password is not required)

Step-3: Edit  Settings

Step-4: Make sure the FTP server is running on port 21.

Click OK

4) Create the user and share the folder

Step-1: Go to FTP Client PC

Step-2: Create the folder/directory(c:/ftp)), e.g. ftp on the FTP server
Step-3: Click Edit  Users. Create the user by selecting Page General and Users  Add

Under Account setting, give the Password. Make sure the boxes “Enable account” and “Password” are

Step-4: Share the folder by selecting Page Shared folders and Shared folders  Add and select the
directory ftp.
Make sure the boxes under Files “Read” and “Write” are checked.

Step-5: Click on “Set as home dir”.

Click OK

5) How to download from FTP Server and upload on FTP server

Step-1: Ping the server from client PC for checking the rechability.

Step-2: Start  All Programs  FileZilla FTP Clientr  FileZilla

Give the flowing details to connect to FTP server

Host: IP address of FTP server
Username: name
Passoword: passowrd

Port: 21

For Download: Select the file from FTP Server i.e. Remote Site and drag & drop to your PC i.e. Local Site

For Upload: Select the file from your PC i.e. Local Site and drag & drop to FTP Server i.e. Remote Sire

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