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Writing task

They were well aware of the risks but decided to go ahead anyway. Harry, Peter, Sophie, Glenn and
Mary felt they were obliged to resolve the mystery of the recent disappearances of persons from the
town not for praiseworthy reasons but for amoral and avaricious ones since if success would be
achieved then the rewards could be incommensurable since all of the leads were converging to the old
castle: all of the victims were seen for the last time in places near the castle whose origins dated from
more than 300 years and that had been abandoned for 50 years and stories that a treasure was lying in
the depths were pretty common among inhabitants along with a story of the ghosts of the old guards
that were there to protect the castle of anyone trying invade it.

First thing they noticed when they trespassed the door threshold of the was that the main hall was
being illuminated by an odd blue light pending from a musty chandelier; despite the strangeness of the
situation that this blue light was radiating glowingly made the fact that this was the only thing alive in
the room even stronger. This got the group to be slightly afraid but still confident of their resolution.

They headed towards a door where they saw a staircase conducting to a lower floor. At some point,
they realized that an unlocked wooden door was blocking their way so they regretted entering the castle
equipped alone with nothing but their bare hands and braveness mainly because they had no idea what
kind of hardships they would encounter.

Despite of this problem, Harry, who had a robust body, managed to break the door so they could
continue. What they encountered ahead was the staircase continuing down so they needed to walk
down again but this time for a far longer period of time.

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