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Introduction and research problem:

The world is witnessing a great development in various sports fields, and I have to
rely on scientific research in sports training results become the basis of access to the top
levels, and perhaps the sports achievements that we see in international forums Olympic
courses best proof of that, and so it became necessary to use the method scientific and applied
to the Egyptian sports environment, especially for rookies stages, where they form the nucleus
and the foundation in the upbringing of Sporting heroes, so that we can access to the
international sporting levels.

It has become important topics that occupy the minds of all employees and those
interested in the field of swimming training around the world is that conflict to break records
for the various swimming competitions and has led this growing interest to guide the methods
of scientific research to analyze a lot of technical performance issues that prevent it, and try to
find the most appropriate solutions to put down modern scientific theories, which included a
digital distinct achievement junior swimmers in the future.

And we should know that there are a lot of factors and elements of fitness that helps
the swimmer to achieve the best results and so must the coaches to get to know the
components and elements of the training that help the swimmer up to the maximum possible
extent in the economy in the effort and the technical performance required to the fullest and is
considered flexibility one of the most physical abilities that require the development of a
swimmer they have an influential role on the outcome of the swimmer, where the technical
performance of the different ways of swimming with machetes motor joints affected, as that
flexibility is working to improve the work of the strong driving forces working reduce the
resistance of the swimmer effect.

Aim of the research:

The research aims to identify the "impact of a training program in a manner resistance
prolongation on the development of digital level in the 50 m free U-13 years" through the
following purposes:

- To identify the differences between the averages of two measurements (pre - and post) for
the control group in variables (physical abilities - Digital Level).

- To identify the differences between the averages of two measurements (pre - and post) for
the experimental group in variables (physical abilities - Digital Level).

- To identify the differences between the averages of two measurements (pre - and post)
between the two groups (experimental - control group) in the variables (physical abilities -
Digital Level).


In the light of the objective of this research the researcher puts the following
-There are significant differences between the average of two measurements (pre - and post)
for the control group in variables (physical abilities-Digital Level) to the post measurement.

-There are significant differences between the average of two measurements (pre - and post)
in the experimental group variables (physical abilities-Digital Level) to the post measurement.

-There are significant differences between the average of two measurements (pre - and post)
between the two groups (experimental - control group) in the variables (physical abilities -
Digital Level) for the experimental group.

Methods and procedures Search:

Research Methodology:
The researcher used the experimental method suits the nature of the search, using the
experimental design of two experimental and one other officer, and by the two measurements
(pre - and post) for each group.

Society and the research sample:

represents the research community an rookies sport of swimming in Damietta stage
age under 13 years old, has been selected sample purposively from arising Damietta area of
the pool where the number of research sample 30 junior were divided into two equal groups
(experimental-control) The number of each them 10 junior were selected number 10 junior
constrained area Damietta pool of the same community of original research and basic research
outside the sample and to conduct surveys.

Means of data collection:

Tools and means of data collection:

The researcher collects data associated with the variables under consideration based on
the following tools:

•Survey Reference:
The researcher within the limits reached familiarized themselves with the scientific
literature of reference and the Arab and foreign communication and international studies
network of electronic information, with the aim of achieving the following:

•forms and personal interview:

The researcher has designed a number of forms, "the poll" where it was presented to
the gentlemen experts in the field of the sport of swimming through a personal interview, with
the following objectives:

•measurements and tests for the variables under consideration:

•Construction of the theoretical framework of the research

Procedures for implementing the experience:

Pre - measurements:
Measurements were made to tribal nascent experimental group - the control of all the
variables used under discussion during the time period 24/4/2015 m to 26/4/2015 AD.

Application experience:
The resistance training program proposed prolongation on the application of the
experimental group, while the program has been taken on the application of both the
experimental and control groups during the time period 2/5/2015 AD to 8/7/2015 AD.

Post - Measurements:
Dimensional measurements were conducted for the nascent experimental group - the
control of all the variables used in the search, and with the same terms and conditions of the
order of tribal measurements during the time period 10/7/2015 m to 12/7/2015 AD.

Statistical treatments:
In light of the objective and the research hypotheses were used statistical program
SPSS for the following statistical treatments :

- average.
- median .
- standard deviation.
- skeweness.
- T-test.
- The correlation.
- The percentage improvement.

Conclusions and recommendations:

In light of the objective and hypotheses researcher reached the following conclusions:
-The most important physical abilities in the field of the sport of swimming and appropriate
to the nature of the age group 10-12 years is (muscle strength, distinctive strengths speed,
motor speed, agility, flexibility(
-Use the style of resistance training prolongation muscle it had a positive impact on the
digital level under discussion
-The program followed showed (traditional) positive impact on variables (physical abilities -
digital level) with an emerging control group.
-The proposed training program showed positive impact on variables (physical abilities -
Digital Level) with an emerging experimental group.
-Improvement rates between the two groups showed differences (experimental -control) in
the variables (physical abilities - Digital Level) for the superiority of the experimental group
used the proposed training program (demo) on the control group used the program followed

In light of the outcome of the search results that have been reached, the researcher
recommends the following:

-Take advantage of the training program in a manner resistance prolongation of the proposed
terms of the different forms of wrenches for the development of flexibility and physical
abilities at the level of youth sector in the sport of swimming.
-The need for attention to the development of the physical abilities own budding stages in
the sport of swimming through the use of various forms of resistors and because of its positive
impact on enhancing the performance of digital skill level and effectiveness.
-The need to use exercises similar to the nature of the field skill at physical capacity
development in the sport of swimming
-Make more similar to the nature of the present research using a different style of resistance
prolongation, which was used in the current study and other studies resistors.
-Make more similar to the nature of the present research on the different stages of dental


The effect of resistance training in a manner prolongation on the

development of the digital level for junior swimmers

The research aims to identify the "effect of a training program in a manner resistance
prolongation on the development of digital level in the 50m free U-13, and has been selected
sample purposively from junior Damietta area of the pool where the number of research
sample 30 junior were divided into two equal groups (experimental, control group) The
number of each of them 10 junior, the researcher used the experimental method for
suitability and the nature of the objectives and hypotheses, and was based on the researcher to
the tools and methods that work to achieve the goal of the research, noted the most important
results to the superiority of the experimental group that used the style of resistance training
proposed prolongation on the control group that were used followed the program (traditional)
in all the variables under consideration, and recommended a researcher benefit from
resistance training program prolongation proposal for the development of physical abilities
and digital level under discussion at the level of youth sector in the sport of swimming, and
the need for attention to the development of flexibility and stretching the muscle and physical
abilities within the special training programs stages rookies in the sport of swimming, because
of its positive impact on development the effectiveness of digital performance level skill.

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