JPM January 2014 Newsletter PDF

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Jeremiah Prison Ministry Newsletter

JPM is an outreach of Martinsburg Christian Center, Martinsburg, WV

Celebrated 14 years of Prison Ministry in 2013
We are serving Him by serving them! His mercy endures forever. Psalm 106:1


Revs. Tom & Monica Thankful for 14 years in Prison Ministry……

We have had a great year ministering to those in prison, traveling a lot of miles to
and fro despite our physical trials. We are looking forward to going this coming year
and with you it’s possible, with your financial support and your prayers for with God
all things are possible.
We pray that you will continue to partner with us so we can go to prisons and send
OUR MISSION & VISION out Bibles, greeting cards, our newsletters to inmates in 5 states, families and
Our Mission – to help men in friends in 13 states. We thank you for your support and believing in what we do!
prison reach their fullest in the
What we do – Ministering to their Health Update…..
spirit, soul and body, though one My back is doing well, Praise the Lord! By the time you get our newsletter I will have
on one mentoring as their spiritual
advisor and friend.
had cataract surgery on my R eye (23rd) and the L eye will be done on the 30th. I had
How we began – Jeremiah Prison to start eye drops today… not a good idea to do the newsletter as my eye is dilating.
Ministry began on November 30, So if there are typos please forgive in advance! GOD IS FAITHFUL!
1999, which was birth out of a
bond for a young man that made a
wrong choice in life.. Bill Schuette's crusade against juvenile lifers in Michigan by Brian Dickerson
Our Vision – to be able to go into Cruel and unusual: That’s how the U.S. Supreme Court described the law under
the prison chapels without the which Michigan has condemned some 350 convicts to life in prison without the
inmates having to take us off their
visiting list. “We know with God possibility of parole for crimes committed before their 18th birthdays. It also
ALL things ARE Possible! describes Michigan Attorney General Bill Schuette’s cynical campaign to blunt the
impact of the high court’s 2012 ruling that Michigan’s mandatory sentencing
72 men have been released in 14
years. We still are ministering to
scheme was unconstitutional.
67 inmates in 5 states. Schuette insists the ruling applies to only teenagers sentenced after 2012, and has
sought to block parole hearings for the 350 juvenile lifers already housed in
Michigan’s prisons on grounds that honoring their constitutional rights would
unduly traumatize their victims’ survivors.
“The families of crime victims must come first,” the attorney general’s
spokeswoman explains.
But that’s a political principle, not a legal one. And it’s the law Schuette vowed to
uphold when he was sworn in three years ago as Michigan’s top law enforcement
Last month, in an order signaling his impatience with Schuette’s foot-dragging, an
Please make sure to use
our new address when
exasperated U.S. District Court Judge Corbett O’Meara threatened to appoint a
sending a donation. special master unless the state notified its juvenile lifers that they were entitled to
parole hearings under the Supreme Court’s ruling in Miller v. Alabama.
Schuette, who knows an unpopular foil when he sees one, quickly sought a stay of
O’Meara’s order, and last week a three-judge panel of the U.S. Circuit of Appeals
agreed to delay its implementation at least until Schuette has articulated his legal
objections. The attorney general’s crack public relations staff quickly fired off a news
release in which Schuette described the procedural delay as “an early Christmas gift
for families of murder victims.” It is useful to recall that absolutely no one has
Page 2 Pastor Tom’s Preaching Corner
Keeping you informed
about the PA Courts to
change the sentencing 1st Peter 2:9-10; Look up Jeremiah 29:11; Isaiah 43:18-29
laws for juvenile offender But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His
serving life without own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who
parole. Keep praying it’s
not over yet! called you out of darkness into His marvelous light: who once were not a
people but are now the people of God, who had not obtained mercy but
PRAYER CORNER now have obtained mercy.
~Pray for Kevin, Mike, Domingo,
Michael, & Richard that God blesses God tells us in the book of Isaiah that we are to forget about the things of the past for behold
them financially. God is about to do a new thing.God has great plans for your future. Plans for peace. Plans for
~Pray for Larry, Ricky, Lewis, Corey, success. Plans for a great future and hope.
Bob, Greg, & Eric to receive favor for
commutation and retrials. If you will let go of the past, God will begin to bless you. You will have to get all your failures
~Pray for Jeremiah as we continue to under the blood of Jesus Christ. Let God do a new thing.
believe for a miracle for his release.
~Pray for continued healing for Bob,
Our spiritual enemy’s plan is: To hold us hostage to our past. To keep us remembering what
Larry, & Harvey. folks did to us. To keep us looking back so we can’t move forward. Paul said, “Forgetting what
~Pray our granddaughter Leah she is lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead.”
still having migraines. Leah is 18!
~Pray for Andy our grandson, he God made you: To soar with the eagles. To be more than a conqueror. To be a giant killer and
carries a 3.96 avg. at DSU. He had to possess the land. Maybe you have failed drastically, but you can get it behind you. All you
surgery & is doing GREAT!. have to do is face your failures, repent and trust God for a new beginning. The Bible says, “If
~Pray for all our family spiritually,
physically and financially. you will diligently obey the Lord, He will command his blessings to come on you.”
~Pray continue to for my brother, God brought Lot and his family out of Sodom and said whatever you do, don’t look back. Lot
Norman. Pray for Tom’s brother,
John, as he is on dialysis.
was trying to follow God but his wife looked back and was turned into a pillar of salt.
~Pray for the salvation of the world. Remember Lot’s wife, God had a great future for her but she was stuck in the past. Don’t look
Pray for inmates and their families, back anytime God delivers you from: A bad situation. From drugs. From a bad marriage.
our Nation, our leaders, our military
and their families. Your destiny will change, when you walk away from your past. You can’t help where you’ve
~Pray for prison reform in our nation. been, but you can help where you’re going. Trust God for a new beginning today
~Pray for Bill our dear friend & his
wife Rose for good health.
~Pray for Dotty & her husband Stan Continued from page 1: recommended that even a single juvenile lifer should be released
for good health. except as a corpse. Nothing in the Supreme Court’s 2012 ruling or Judge O’Meara’s principled
~Pray for us for strength and wisdom
in all we do, that we remain cancer
efforts to enforce it precludes Michigan from sentencing incorrigible juvenile felons to life in
free and healthy to do God’s work, for prison or keeping them there. What the court commanded, and O’Meara seeks to compel, is
our cars to be mechanically sound. simply an opportunity for any teenager sentenced to life without parole under Michigan’s now
You are an Extended Hand invalidated law to tell a parole board why he or she should be released after serving at least 25
and a vital part of this years in prison.
ministry. Together we are Even state Rep. Joe Haveman, a Holland Republican whose west Michigan district is among
making a difference with
Jesus Christ, taking life to
the most conservative in the state, recognizes the unfairness of treating post-2012 juvenile
a dark place! We go felons differently than their predecessors.
because you send us. “I think commonsense says that if you’re going to create a sentencing structure for those
Thank You so much! (juvenile lifers) moving forward, it should apply to those who got life sentences in the past,”
Haveman told MLive’s Jonathan Oosting earlier this month. Haveman, who says he is “not by
any means recommending that we open the doors and let everyone out,” says he thinks as
many as a fifth of the juvenile lifers in Michigan might be able to make the case for leaving
prison before they die.Haveman, who chairs the House Appropriations Committee, sponsored
legislation mandating parole hearings for every juvenile lifer, including those incarcerated
before 2012. But state Sen. Rick Jones, R-Grand Ledge, a former sheriff who has made a
career of grandstanding on law-and-order issues, persuaded his Senate colleagues to exclude
current prisoners, and a version approved by the House would include them only if federal or
state Supreme Court justices insisted.
Jeremiah Prison Ministry
Revs. Tom & Monica Cohee The Michigan Supreme Court could do just that when it takes up the cases of three currently
223 Cameo Dr. incarcerated juvenile lifers sometime in 2014. Justices have already agreed to hear arguments
Fayetteville, PA 17222 by lawyers for Dakota Eliason, Raymond Carp and Cortez Davis. Eliason was convicted at the
Fax: 717-352-0392 age of 14 when he was charged in his grandfather’s murder; Carp and Davis were convicted of participating in killings when they were 16.
We’re on the Web! Schuette has already given notice that he will oppose all three prisoners’ requests for a parole
Your Editor: Rev. Monica Cohee hearing. He says it’s another opportunity to express his support for crime victims — but all he’s
really expressing is his contempt for the constitutional rights of a constituency that can’t vote.

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