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Which of the following actions demonstrates the nurse’s understanding of the new-
born’s thermoregulatory ability?

A. Placing the newborn under a radiant warmer.

B. Suctioning with a bulb syringe
C. Obtaining an Apgar score
D. Inspecting the new-born’s umbilical cord

22. Immediately before expulsion, which of the following cardinal movements occur?

A. Descent
B. Flexion
C. Extension
D. External rotation

23. Before birth, which of the following structures connects the right and left auricles of
the heart?

A. Umbilical vein
B. Foramen ovale
C. Ductus arteriosus
D. Ductus venosus

24. Which of the following when present in the urine may cause a reddish stain on the
diaper of a newborn?

A. Mucus
B. Uric acid crystals
C. Bilirubin
D. Excess iron

25. When assessing the new-born’s heart rate, which of the following ranges would be
considered normal if the newborn were sleeping?
A. 80 beats per minute
B. 100 beats per minute
C. 120 beats per minute
D. 140 beats per minute

26. Which of the following is true regarding the fontanels of the newborn?

A. The anterior is triangular shaped; the posterior is diamond shaped.

B. The posterior closes at 18 months; the anterior closes at 8 to 12 weeks.
C. The anterior is large in size when compared to the posterior fontanel.
D. The anterior is bulging; the posterior appears sunken.

27. Which of the following groups of newborn reflexes below are present at birth and
remain unchanged through adulthood?

A. Blink, cough, rooting, and gag

B. Blink, cough, sneeze, gag
C. Rooting, sneeze, swallowing, and cough
D. Stepping, blink, cough, and sneeze

31. Which of the following describes the Babinski reflex?

A. The new-born’s toes will hyperextend and fan apart from dorsiflexion of the big toe
when one side of foot is stroked upward from the ball of the heel and across the ball of
the foot.
B. The newborn abducts and flexes all extremities and may begin to cry when exposed to
sudden movement or loud noise.
C. The newborn turns the head in the direction of stimulus, opens the mouth, and begins to
suck when cheek, lip, or corner of mouth is touched.
D. The newborn will attempt to crawl forward with both arms and legs when he is placed on
his abdomen on a flat surface

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