Jeremiah Prison Ministry Jeremiah Prison Ministry Jeremiah Prison Ministry Jeremiah Prison Ministry

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Jeremiah Prison Ministry Newsletter

JPM is an outreach of Martinsburg Christian Center, Martinsburg, WV

Celebrating 16 years of Prison Ministry in 2015
We are serving Him by serving them! His mercy endures forever. Psalm 106:1



Revs. Tom & Monica I love the fall time of the year. The tree colors are so vibrant, of
course the leaves fall off and there is work to do. We don’t have
any trees in our yard but the neighbors do so we get their leaves. I
also love the weather as we get a few warm days of weather with
cool nights. I could live with that all year round but the cycle of
seasons was given to us by God. I do pray that we don’t have a lot
of snow for the winter but we will enjoy the days ahead as they are

This month we are celebrating 16 years in prison ministry and we

OUR MISSION & VISION want to thank you for making that possible. Our prison ministry is
Our Mission – to help men in one on one to the inmate while they are in prison. We do minimal
prison reach their fullest in the
aftercare and refer inmates to other ministries that can assist them
What we do – Ministering to their with a home plan and finding a job.
spirit, soul and body, though one October 22nd we had the opportunity to attend the graduation of an
on one mentoring as their spiritual inmate, Ricky Roberts at Camp Hill SCI, which was held in the
advisor and friend.
How we began – Jeremiah Prison Chapel. He received his high school diploma. There were many
Ministry began on November 30, inmates at the graduation that received diplomas and certifications
1999, which was birth out of a in various programs from high school diplomas, graphic arts, hvac,
bond for a young man that made a
wrong choice in life.
etc. Its great seeing the inmates wanting to improve their talents
Our Vision –It hasn’t changed but and education so when they leave prison they have skills to get
security has and won’t allow us to jobs.
go into the Chapels. So we
continue to do one on one to God
Montgomery v. Louisiana The U.S. Supreme Court heard the argument on 10/13/15. In the
91 men have been released in 16
years. We still are ministering to Louisiana case, Henry Montgomery asks that Miller v. Alabama be applied retroactively to him.
60 inmates in 4 states. Montgomery, who has been in prison since 1963, is serving a mandatory life sentence for the
murder of an East Baton Rouge deputy sheriff. The Court set aside seventy-five minutes to
explore Montgomery v. Louisiana, testing who can benefit from a 2012 ruling sharply curbing
judges’ power to sentence youths convicted of murder to life without parole. But the Justices
were far more fascinated with whether they even have the authority to decide that issue in
Henry Montgomery’s case. Indeed, the sentencing issue did not get serious attention until the
lengthened argument was about half over, and frequently got put aside even after that. The
Justice Department sent Deputy Solicitor General Michael R. Dreeben, its most experienced
criminal-law expert, to argue that the Court should rule on the retroactivity issue, and decide it
in favor of inmates like Montgomery. In short, the more the lawyers and the Justices talked,
the more it seemed that the Court would have to spend most of its energy in deliberating
whether it could decide, than in how to decide. There are approximately 2,570 JLWOP in the
US. It will take several months before the SCOTUS makes a decision.

We thank you for your support and prayers for these sustain us!
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Keeping you informed
change the sentencing AN ATTITUDE OF GRATITUDE
laws for juvenile offender
serving life without
Jonah 2:1, 5, 9-10 NKJV Then Jonah prayed to the LORD his God from
parole. Keep praying it’s the fish’s belly…The waters surrounded me, even to my soul; The deep
not over yet! closed around me; Weeds were wrapped around my head…But I will
sacrifice to You with the voice of thanksgiving; I will pay what I have
~Pray for Jeremiah & Val, Harvey,
vowed. Salvation is of the LORD.” So the LORD spoke to the fish, and it
Kevin, Mike, & Richard that God vomited Jonah onto dry land.
continues to bless them spiritually &
~Pray for Larry, Ricky, Lewis, Corey, James said that the tongue is like the rudder of a ship.
Bob, Greg, Eric, Dan & Nathan to It will guide you to victory or defeat. Death and Life are in the power of the tongue.
receive favor for commutation, retrials
& parole. God wants us to have so much faith in Him that we put on an attitude of gratitude
~Pray for continued healing for Bob & no matter what we are going through.
Larry. God is moving!
~Pray for Harvey, he had a mini-
The apostle Paul knew how easy it would be for us to forget our blessings.
stroke. He continually encouraged us to be thankful no matter what we are going through.
~Pray for our granddaughter, Leah, There’s something about an attitude of gratitude that will increase your faith.
she has chronic migraines & fibro.
Leah remains CANCER FREE! PTL Faith comes by hearing and hearing the Word of God.
~Pray for Andy, our grandson finds a God takes it personal when you murmur and complain.
better job.
~Pray for Dale our son-in-law, he has He calls it an evil report. He calls complaining, doubt and unbelief.
melanoma skin cancer. He will be You may not be able to change the situation you are going through.
having surgery in Dec.
~Pray for all our families- spiritually, When you put on an attitude of gratitude, you will have strength to get through it.
physically and financially. Paul said be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with
~Pray for my brother, Norman
Pray for Tom’s mother, Virginia. thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.
~Pray for the salvation of the world. God wants you to quit worrying and pray with thanksgiving. He wants you to trust
Pray for inmates and their families,
our Nation, our leaders, our military Him.
and their families. Heaven’s gates will be closed to you as long as you are complaining.
~Pray for prison reform in our nation.
~Pray for Bill our dear friend & his
You can’t wait any longer to change what you’re saying. You have to put on an
wife Rose for good health. attitude of gratitude today.
~Pray for Dotty & her husband Stan The next time you are tempted to complain, God tells us to find something to be
for good health.
~Pray for us for strength and wisdom thankful for.
in all we do, that we remain cancer If you want the windows of heaven to open up in your life, then quit complaining.
free and healthy to do God’s work, for
our cars to be mechanically sound. Put on an attitude of gratitude.
What are you grateful for today?
You are an Extended Hand
and a vital part of this There’s something about an attitude of gratitude…
ministry. Together we are That keeps you going. That causes abundance to flow towards you. That causes God
making a difference with to help you.
Jesus Christ, taking life to
a dark place! We go Be careful what you say because you can stop God’s plan.
because you send us. Negative confessions can stop the work of God. Jesus said that you will be justified
Thank You so much!
or condemned by your words.
Don’t wait until God moves before you are thankful.
Be thankful now! Thank Him for the things He has already done.

I enjoy all of Pastor Tom’s messages but this one really touched me! We too are
human and when we go through journeys they can get heavy at times. I have a
tendency to take these journeys that I can’t fix personally and it creates stress for
We traveled 13,546 miles in 2014!
Jeremiah Prison Ministry
me which is not healthy. I keep forgetting I serve a BIG God that has it all under
Revs. Tom & Monica Cohee control. In the natural it doesn’t look that way but I have to learn even at the age of
223 Cameo Dr. 67 to lean on God. I am so thankful that I serve God and He allows me to see my
Fayetteville, PA 17222
717-352-0080 (o) (f) flaws and loves me with all my flaws. I’m thankful that God sent His only Son Jesus Christ to the Cross to die for my sins
We’re on the Web! and set me free when I accepted him as my Savior.
Your Editor: Rev. Monica Cohee

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