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Jeremiah Prison Ministry Newsletter

JPM is an outreach of Martinsburg Christian Center, Martinsburg, WV

Celebrated 15 years of Prison Ministry in 2014
We are serving Him by serving them! His mercy endures forever. Psalm 106:1



Revs. Tom & Monica
Tom and I are doing well health wise. Just growing older! Ha!!
We got sad news on the July 12th that Tom’s uncle Walter (age 88), his
mother’s (Virginia) only living sibling of 8 had passed. We were headed
to Delaware on the 17th anyway so we changed plans and left on the
14th. The funeral was on the 15th.
On the 17th we visited with his brother, John and Tom was able to pray
with him, he had just come back from dialysis; and we also visited with
his mother at the nursing home.
We celebrated our 30th year anniversary on the 18th of July with family
OUR MISSION & VISION and friends it was a joyous occasion renewing our vows at the
Our Mission – to help men in
prison reach their fullest in the
Hometown Diner in Milford, Delaware.
Lord. On the 20th it was Tom’s birthday (turned 67) and our actual
What we do – Ministering to their anniversary, we went to breakfast and we were going to Rehoboth for
spirit, soul and body, though one
on one mentoring as their spiritual
the day but plans changed. He got a message to call his niece at the
advisor and friend. restaurant. His brother, John (age 64) passed during the night. We had
How we began – Jeremiah Prison to stay in Delaware. Tom was asked to do the funeral which was on
Ministry began on November 30,
1999, which was birth out of a
the 24th. And we had to cancel the 25th anniversary celebration in
bond for a young man that made a Pennsylvania. We came home on the 25th.
wrong choice in life. We would appreciate it if you would keep Virginia, (Tom’s mother),
Our Vision – to be able to go into
the prison chapels without the
Tom, Wanda our sister-in-law, Johanna (her sons J.T. & Nichols) &
inmates having to take us off their Kelly our nieces in your prayers. Grief is a journey and life will be
visiting list. “We know with God different without John known to us as “Buddy Boy”!
ALL things ARE Possible!

88 men have been released in 15 JUVENILE LIFER TO HAVE HIS CASE HEARD by SCOTSU
years. We still are ministering to
61 inmates in 4 states.
Montgomery v. Louisiana The U.S. Supreme Court Set for Argument on Tuesday,
October 13, 2015. Remember on March 23, 2015 he was granted certiorari or review -
of a case out of Louisiana on the retroactivity issue. In the Louisiana case, Henry
Montgomery asks that Miller v. Alabama be applied retroactively to him. Montgomery,
who has been in prison since 1963, is serving a mandatory life sentence for the
murder of an East Baton Rouge deputy sheriff. The murder happened less than two
weeks after Montgomery turned 17.
July 29 2015 - SET FOR ARGUMENT on Tuesday, October 13, 2015.
There were 6 other “brief amicus curiae” filed on the July 29th with this case
by other groups. I will keep you posted on the progress of this case.

Pray for us as we travel the highways going and coming to the prisons.
Please remember we can’t go without your financial support, which we are
ever grateful! We thank you for your support and prayers for these sustain
Keeping you informed
about the Courts to
change the sentencing THOUGHTS OF COMFORT
laws for juvenile offender
serving life without John 14:1-6 Let not your heart be troubled; believe in God,
parole. Keep praying it’s believe also in Me. In My Father’s house are many dwelling
not over yet!
places; if it were not so, I would have told you; for I go to
PRAYER CORNER prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for
~Pray for Jeremiah & Val, Harvey, you, I will come again, and receive you to Myself; that where I am there you may
Kevin, Mike, Domingo, Michael, &
Richard that God continues to bless be also. And you know the way I am going. Thomas said to Him, “Lord, we do not
them financially. know where You are going, how do we know the way?” Jesus said to him, I am the
~Pray for Larry, Ricky, Lewis, Corey,
Bob, Greg, Eric & Dan to receive way, the truth and the life; no one comes to the Father, but through Me.
favor for commutation, retrials &
~Pray for continued healing for Bob & From this passage of scripture I find three thoughts of comfort.
Larry. God is moving!
~Pray for our granddaughter, Leah,
she still has chronic migraines & fibro. The first is that peace is promised. Notice the words “Let not you heart be
Leah remains CANCER FREE! PTL
~Pray for Andy, our grandson finds a
troubled; believe in God, believe also in Me”. Yes, I know that today is a day
better job. of sadness - a day of grief, a day of mourning, yet even in the midst of this
~Pray for all our families- spiritually,
physically and financially. you can have peace. Why? Because we have faith - we believe. We believe
~Pray for my brother, Norman that even in the midst of the storm - even in the valley of the shadow of
Pray for Tom’s mother, Virginia.
~Pray for the salvation of the world. death there can be a peace that passes all understanding - because we know
Pray for inmates and their families,
our Nation, our leaders, our military
that God is with us. The 23rd Psalm says that too, doesn’t it. “Yea though I
and their families. walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil, for thou art
~Pray for prison reform in our nation.
~Pray for Bill our dear friend & his with me.” He is here. He is present. Believe in Him - Trust in Him and God will
wife Rose for good health. grant you his perfect peace.
~Pray for Dotty & her husband Stan
for good health. The second thought of comfort is that God has prepared a place for us. Did
~Pray for us for strength and wisdom
in all we do, that we remain cancer
you notice that in John 14, it says; “I go to prepare a place for you.” The Bible
free and healthy to do God’s work, for tells us that in six days God created the heavens the earth, but just think,
our cars to be mechanically sound.
Jesus has been preparing a place for us for two thousand years. What a place
You are an Extended Hand that must be. The verse tells us that it is The Father’s house and that there
and a vital part of this
ministry. Together we are are many rooms. A room for us, a room for you - a room for me. Isn’t that a
making a difference with comforting thought? God has prepared a place for us.
Jesus Christ, taking life to
a dark place! We go The next thought of comfort is that God has prepared a way for us to get
because you send us. there. Everyone wants to go to heaven, some just don’t know the way. But
Thank You so much!
Jesus tells us in John 14 that, “I am the way, I am the truth, I am the life; no
one comes to the Father, but by me.” We are all travelers on a road called
life. There are many detours and many side streets. We don’t need to be
confused - we don’t need to be lost. All we need to do is follow Jesus. He will
show us the way - in fact He is the way. He will lead us and He will guide us.
That’s comforting.
We traveled 13,546 miles in 2014!

Jeremiah Prison Ministry There is a song that is based on John 14, It goes like this:
Revs. Tom & Monica Cohee I’ve got a mansion just over the hilltop,
223 Cameo Dr.
Fayetteville, PA 17222 In that bright land where we’ll never grow old;
Fax: 717-352-0392
And some day yonder; We’ll never more wonder, But walk the streets of purest gold.
We’re on the Web! Do you see the mansion? It’s just over the hilltop. The lights are on and the
Your Editor: Rev. Monica Cohee door is open. There’s a meal prepared. There are friends and there’s comfort.

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