Experiment V4: Torsional Vibration of A Two Degree of Freedom System

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Experiment V4: Torsional Vibration of a Two Degree of Freedom


1. Introduction

The objectives of this experiment are:

1. Determine natural frequencies of a two degree of freedom torsional system
2. Derive equations of motion for the same system.
3. Use these equations to find natural frequencies and mode shapes.
4. Compare these results.
The torsional system, as shown in Figure 1, consists of steel ball bearings mounted on
mild steel rods. The rods are attached to the torsional springs by means of a piece of steel
used for coupling. The steel balls, steel rods and the steel couplings comprise the mass
moments of inertia of the system. The torsional springs consist of a taut piece of steel
piano wire.
2. Procedure
A. Measure the complete geometry of the structural model using a micrometer,
vernier caliper, and a steel scale. The size and location of the steel balls need to be
measured. The complete dimensions of the steel rods, including the cone shaped
end, need to be measured as well as the dimensions of the steel couplings. Using
these dimensions, we can determine the two mass moments of inertia for the
system. Also, the diameter and the various lengths of the steel piano wire need to
be measured in order to determine the three torsional spring constants for the
B. Using a stopwatch and a digital strobe, determine the natural frequencies of
vibration of the torsional model. In order to do this, let us assume that the system
is symmetric. This means that the two mass moments of inertia are the same and
the torsional spring constants of the three torsional springs are identical. For this
case, the amplitude ratios for the system should be plus and minus one. Try
releasing the two rotary masses using these amplitude ratios as initial conditions
in order to force the system to vibrate freely at a single natural frequency.
Examine the resulting motion very carefully to be sure each mass is vibrating at a
natural frequency. This will require some practice on your part, but once you get
the system to vibrate freely at a natural frequency, determine the time required to
complete a finite number of cycles. Repeat this procedure several times and
average your results to determine the experimental values of the natural
frequencies of vibration.
3. Analysis and discussion:
A. Develop the equations of motion for the torsional model in detail in the appendix.
Determine the natural frequencies (in symbolic form) and amplitude ratios for the
case of equal mass moments of inertia and equal torsional springs.
B. For the torsional model, calculate the mass moment of inertia having units of
(in.lbf.sec2/rad) and the torsional spring stiffness having units of (in.lbf/rad).
These calculations are to appear in detail in the appendix and are to be as accurate
as possible. Use the average values of the measured dimensions to calculate the
mass moment of inertia accounting for the balls, all portions of the steel rod,
including the cone shaped end and the steel coupling. Use the average values of
the measured spring length and diameter to calculate the torsional spring constant.
To aid in the calculations, you are referred to the attached table of various
moments of inertia. These values can then be used with the information obtained
in item A to determine the analytical values of the natural frequencies of
C. Compare the analytical and experimental values of the natural frequencies of
vibration for the torsional model. Tabulate percentage differences using the
theoretical values as the basis for the percent difference. (The percent difference
is defined as the absolute value of the difference between the two times 100
divided by the base value).
Lab Report Grade Sheet: Torsional Vibration of a Two Degree of Freedom System

STUDENT’S NAME _____________________________________________________



Title Page …………………………………………………………………. (3) ______

Executive Summary…….…………………………………………………. (5) ______

Objective .…………………………………………………………………. (4) ______

Procedure …………………………………………………………………. (5) ______

Analysis and Discussion…………………………………………………... (60) ______

Derivation of Equations of Motion 10

Determination of nat. freq’s & ampl. ratios in symbolic form 10
Calculation of mass moment of inertia 10
Calculation of torsional spring constant 5
Analytical determination of natural frequencies 5
Experimental determination of natural frequencies 5
Table of % differences between analytical and experimental values 5
Discussion on sources of discrepancy 10

Original Data Sheet (in appendix) ………………………………………… (3) ______

Neatness (entire report) ……………………………………………………. (10) ______

Spelling and Grammar (entire report) ……………………………………... (10) ______

TOTAL ……………………………………………………………………. (100) ______

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