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Lupons are evaluated on the basis of the following activities with corresponding assigned point scores:
1. Efficiency in operations discernible through: 35
 Observance of settlement procedures and settlement deadlines 15
 Conduct of monthly meetings exclusively on KP 10
 Systematic maintenance of records (complaints filed/settled;
minutes of meetings; transmittal reports; records of settlements
or awards, etc) 5
 Timely submission of reports 5
2. Effectiveness in securing the objectives of the KP program
measurable through : 30
 Quantity of settled cases against cases filed
(at least 90% of cases settled out of the no. of cases filed) 10
 Quality of settlement of cases
- zero case repudiated 5
- non-recurrence of cases settled 5
 At least 80% compliance with the terms of settlement or awards 10
3. Creativity and resourcefulness of Lupong Tagapamayapa in terms of: 35
 Innovative mediation techniques/methods initiated 5
 Active coordination with concerned agencies i.e. DSWD, PNP,
DAR, DEPEd,. DOJ and the Courts 5
 Sustained advocacy effort in the promotion of KP through
the Lupong Tagapamayapa to include mentoring of other LTs 5
 KP trainings initiated and conducted with funding support from
either the barangay, municipality, province or other agencies
within the assessment period 6
 KP trainings attended by lupons upon invitation of sponsoring
agencies within the assessment period 4
 Exclusive area or facility within the barangay hall or a separate
structure for settlement proceedings, meetings and related
KP activities 5
 Mobilization of budgetary support from the city government
and NGO’s and community participation in KP activities 5


To ensure common understanding, the above criteria are further explained to mean:
Efficiency in Operations
 Observance of settlement procedures and deadlines, proper recording of complaints and serving of summons
to parties
 Conduct of monthly meetings exclusively on KP matters
 Systematic maintenance of records of all complaints filed and actions taken, minutes of meetings, transmittal
reports and records on the execution of settlements or awards
 Timely submission of reports to concerned agencies in accordance with the KP Monitoring Guidelines
(monthly/Quarterly to MTC, DILG and other agencies/offices)

Effectiveness in Securing the Objectives of the KP Program

 At least 90% of cases settled against the total number of cases filed
 No repudiated nor recurred case after settlement
 At least 80% compliance with the terms of settlement or award.

Creativity and Resourcefulness

 Introduce innovative mediation methods/techniques that are outside those provided in the KP law without
diminishing or altering the concept of the KP
 Establish active coordination with concerned agencies i.e. DWSD, PNP, DAR, DEPEd, DOJ, the Courts, in
terms of :
o Updating knowledge on KP Laws to avoid misinterpretation thereof’
o Seeking advice to enhance conciliation/mediation skills; and
o Referring to concerned agencies, cases that require actions from the appropriate agency
 Conduct sustained advocacy efforts in the promotion of the KP through the lupons, to include mentoring
other lupons
 Initiate and conduct KP trainings with funding support from either the barangay, municiplaity, province or
other agencies within the reporting period
 Attended KP trainings upon invitation of sponsoring agencies within the assessment period
 Designate an area or facility within the barangay hall or a separate structure exclusively for KP activities
 Mobilize budgetary support from city government, national government agencies, NGO’s and community
participation in KP activities

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