Block Erection Sequencing in Shipbuilding With General Lifting and Joining Times

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Journal of Ship Production and Design, Vol. 29, No. 1, February 2013, pp.


Block Erection Sequencing in Shipbuilding With General Lifting

and Joining Times

Henri Tokola,* Esko Niemi,* and Heikki Remes†

*Department of Engineering Design and Production, Aalto University School of Engineering, Aalto, Finland

Department of Applied Mechanics, Aalto University School of Engineering, Aalto, Finland.

This article studies the scheduling of block erection in shipbuilding. A mathematical

model is formulated to minimize the makespan, i.e., the time between the start and
finish of the erection schedule, when there are different lifting and block joining times.
Structural stability and the no-skipped-blocks property are taken as constraints. The
model is used to study the erection in three special cases. First, the case with a short
lifting time is analyzed. Second, a solution is constructed for the case in which joining
times are short and, third, the case in which the lifting and joining times are the same
is analyzed. The article shows how these three cases can be solved efficiently, and,
in addition, it gives insight into the erection scheduling such as the effects of the
number of blocks in the horizontal and vertical directions on different joining times.

Keywords: block erection; scheduling; optimization; shipbuilding

1. Introduction block sequence generation. They also mention the different strat-
egies for erection used in practice such as starting from the
BLOCK ERECTION is the process in which the hull of a ship is built middle, fore, or aft part of the ship; erecting the ship slice by slice;
by joining blocks together. It is also called hull erection. Blocks or using a pyramidal strategy. Another recent article in which
are large welded steel structures that are typically manufactured as different erection constraints are explored is by Meijer et al. (2009).
single pieces. When a block is ready, it is typically arranged near They focus on risk management and their aim is to find the most
the launching place, lifted to the launching place, and welded to critical blocks in the schedule. Both articles lack further analysis
other blocks there. Block erection in shipbuilding is a unique phase of the effects of the erection parameters on the erection schedule,
when shipbuilding is compared with the normal type of mechanical which is dealt with in this article.
engineering production. It is also typical that block erection is Block erection scheduling is generally considered a hard prob-
a bottleneck for the whole process (Yoon et al. 2006). The block lem and several articles give heuristic solutions to the problem
erection sequence typically defines the production order for the (Okumoto 2002; Varghese & Yoon 2005, 2006; Yoon et al. 2006;
previous stages as well. This all makes the scheduling of a block Chung et al. 2009; Jinsong et al. 2009). In the problem setting,
erection order important. the blocks form a hierarchical succession network, which means,
In the literature, articles about block erection exist. In many e.g., that a block on the second level is a successor of the cor-
articles such as in an article by Lee et al. (Lee et al. 1997), block responding block on the first level. This kind of property with
erection is considered together with the whole production process. the different processing times can make the problem hard to solve
In most of those articles, the erection is typically just mentioned optimally. Because of this, different heuristics such as genetic
briefly as one part of a larger problem. There are some exceptions algorithms are used to solve the problem. An article by Okumoto
to this. In an article by Caprace et al. discrete-event simulation (2002) proposes a solution for positioning a block with dimen-
is used to solve the erection process (Caprace et al. 2011). Their sional errors during the erection. A solution in an article by Yoon
approach gives a list of constraints to be considered during the et al. (2006) optimizes the makespan in the situation with flexi-
ble lifting dates of the blocks. An article by Varghese and Yoon
Manuscript received by JSPD Committee August 21, 2012; accepted (2005) deals with the spatial block arrangement problem, which
November 19, 2012. is the step before the erection. An article by Jinsong et al. (2009)

FEBRUARY 2013 2158-2866/13/2901-0001$00.00/0 JOURNAL OF SHIP PRODUCTION AND DESIGN 1

Fig. 1 Production of blocks in shipbuilding

studies the block erection with multiple cranes and shows how pre-erection area to their place on the hull of the ship. After lifting
the problem can be defined as an identical parallel machines the block, the crane becomes available for other blocks, but the
scheduling problem. There are a few other kinds of solutions to lifted block is positioned in its place and joined to the other
the erection problem. Another article by Varghese and Yoon blocks by welding. To keep the partial construction stable and
(2006) shows that the problem can be formulated as a traveling support the joining work, temporary supporting structures are
salesman problem. The theory of constraints approach is briefly needed. Lifting typically takes several hours, whereas the join-
considered in an article by Chung et al. (2009). All of these ing work can take days. Figure 2 shows an overview of the block
articles typically focus on how a specific method can be used erection process.
to model the problem and the focus of those articles is on the The block erection schedule determines the lifting times for
details of the specific methods rather than the effects of the the blocks. For the schedule to be made, capacity and block pre-
parameters on the whole production, which are explored in this cedence constraints have to be considered. Later in this section,
article. In addition, this article also explores how and when the the constraints of erection scheduling are discussed and a mathe-
problem can be solved analytically. matical notation of block erection scheduling is formed. Using
This article constructs a mathematical model of erection sched- the constructed model, the effects of lifting and joining times are
uling, analyzes the special cases of the model, and shows how studied later in the article, in Section 3.
in many cases the model can be solved analytically using well-
known algorithms. The analysis and algorithms are used to gain 2.1. Constraints of block erection scheduling
important insights into how the lifting time and block joining
time after erection affect the scheduling of the erection. To the Erection scheduling orders the block erection sequence so that
best of our knowledge, this is the first time that a detailed model the makespan, i.e., the length of the whole schedule, is minimized.
for the block erection has been used to study the impact of the Here the block sequence has the following constraints:
lifting time and block joining time, which includes, e.g., the weld- 1. Lifting capacity: only one block can be lifted at a time.
ing time and creation of any support structures for other blocks. Because of this, there has to be a certain time lapse between
The rest of the article is organized as follows. Section 2 two successive blocks.
describes the block erection model. Section 3 shows how joining 2. Joining time of adjacent blocks: there is typically a mini-
times affect the total production time, or makespan, in three dif- mum amount of time between the erection of two adjacent
ferent cases. Section 4 outlines the insights from the earlier results blocks. This includes time for joining the first block to the
of the article and, finally, Section 5 concludes the article. hull and construction of the support structures for the next
block. This article studies a version of this constraint in which
horizontal and vertical joining times are different.
2. Block erection schedule 3. Structural stability: the construction should be stable,
e.g., the construction should have more material horizon-
The shipbuilding process typically consists of the manufactur-
tally than vertically.
ing of blocks, block outfitting, block erection, and final outfitting.
4. No-skipping-blocks property: because of the tolerances,
At first, blocks are typically constructed in a factory-like envi-
blocks should not be inserted between others.
ronment. Then basic outfitting is done for them in the block
outfitting phase. After this the blocks are erected to build the The constraints used here are similar to the ones that were
ship and finally the remaining outfitting is done. Figure 1 shows described in the article by Meijer et al. (2009). However, in that
a simplified overview of the shipbuilding process. article, the descriptions of the constraints were quite brief and the
Block erection is the focus of this study. In it, the blocks are effects were not studied, which is done in this article. This study
typically erected onto the ship hull by a crane. In block erection, concentrates on erecting the blocks as fast as possible, which might
the blocks are first attached to the crane and then lifted from the not be optimal for the whole shipbuilding process in some cases,


H ¼ height of hull p ¼ minimum delay between consequent DH ¼ joining delay in the direction of the height
L ¼ length of hull erections (lifting time) of the hull, i.e., vertically
A ¼ lifting time matrix; Ahl is the lifting time DL ¼ joining delay in the direction of whl ¼ weight for the lifting time of the block at
of the block at level h and column l the length of the hull, i.e., horizontally level h and column l


Fig. 2 Block erection process

Fig. 3 Example of ship block erection schedule, i.e., the lifting time matrix A when H is 4 and L is 9

where, e.g., closing the deck would be useful after most of the Figure 3 shows an example schedule and describes how these
blocks had been erected. The closing deck constraint appears in variables and block structure are related. The ship is built starting
another article by Meijer et al. (2009). In another article by Meijer from the middle at the time 1 and there is a delay of 1 between
et al. (2010), there is a yard-dependent preference as well, which consequent blocks. Because there are no additional delays, the
is not considered here. last block is erected at the time HL ¼ 36.

2.2. Model 2.2.3. Objective: makespan. The objective of erection schedul-

The mathematical models of the objective function and con- ing is to minimize the length of the schedule, the makespan.
The makespan is calculated by defining the largest Ahl as follows:
straints are described next.
Minimise maxh½1;2;...;H ;l½1;2;...;L Ahl ð2Þ
2.2.1. Block structure. Let us assume that a ship block struc-
ture is a grid of blocks consisting of H levels horizontally and
L blocks vertically. The blocks are assumed to be similar. Note The different blocks have different weights, whl. For example,
that these are simplifications compared with reality, where it is it might beneficial to erect s machine room as fast as possible
typical that there are different numbers of blocks in the aft, fore, and therefore its weight should be large. Makespan minimization
and top parts of the ship. There might also be multiple blocks in can be combined with weight whl as follows:
the direction of the ship’s width, which is not typical, however.
Minimise maxh½1;2;...;H ;l½1;2;...;L  Ahl þ (h¼1 (l¼1 Ahl whl
However, for the middle part of the ship, where most of the ð3Þ
blocks are, this is quite a good approximation and it is used here
to ensure that mathematical formulae can be written clearly and Negative weight can be used to delay the block until as late
the effects on the structure can be analyzed easily without, e.g., as possible. However, to minimize the makespan, the absolute
any need for special handling of different block structures. values of negative weights should be so small that they do not
affect the makespan too much.
2.2.2. Schedule. Let A be a matrix of variables so that for each
combination of level h E ½1; 2;. . . ; H  and position l E ½1; 2;. . . ; L
in the direction of the ship, the value of Ahl denotes the lifting Constraint: lifting capacity. In shipyards, there is typi-
time. This defines the erection schedule. In addition, a starting cally only a single large crane and so it is typical that only one
time x is needed for the first erection, i.e. block can be lifted at a time. Erection preparation capacity or
other capacity restrictions may also lead to a similar situation. As
Ahl  x; 8h  ½1; 2; . . . ; H ; l  ½1; 2; . . . ; L ð1Þ a consequence, there has to be a certain processing time between


two successive blocks. The simplest way to model this is to make kind of defined horizontal order is used, then the no-skipped-blocks
this duration fixed, p, as is done in the following equations. constraint is always feasible.
Ah1 l1  Ah2 l2 þ pkAh1 l1 þ p  Ah2 l2
8h1 ν1; 2; . . . ; H ; h2 ν1; 2; . . . ; H ; l1 ν1; 2; . . . ; L; ð4Þ 3. Effects of horizontal joining time and vertical
joining time
l2 ν1; 2; . . . ; L; h1 6¼ h2 ; l1 6¼ l2
In this section, using the model formulated in Section 2, the Constraint: joining time of adjacent blocks. There must be effects of the horizontal joining time DL and vertical joining time
a minimum amount of time between the erection of two adjacent DH are studied. First, the case with a short lifting time is consid-
blocks as a result of the joining and preparation of the adjacent ered and a formula for the makespan in that case is constructed.
block that was erected earlier. This joining time includes all the Second, the case in which the joining times are short is analyzed
work that must be done before one block can be erected next by finding the minimum levels that give the minimum makespan.
to another, including, e.g., welding and the creation of structures Third, the case with arbitrary lifting times and similar DL and
for another block (i.e., staging/scaffolding). In this article, this DH is analyzed and used to study the effects of the constraints.
time can be different horizontally and vertically.
Horizontally, a delay of DL could be taken into account as follows: 3.1. Short lifting time
Ahðlþ1Þ > Ahl þ DL kAhðlþ1Þ þ DL < Ahl ;
ð5Þ If the block lifting time is short compared with the joining
8h ν1; 2; . . . ; H ; l ν1; 2; . . . ; L  1 times, it can be assumed to be zero, i.e., p ¼ 0. After that, it
is quite straightforward to construct a plan for building the ship
A delay of DH in the vertical direction can be modeled as follows: and analyze its makespan. This is all done next. For the sake of
Aðhþ1Þl  Ahl þ DH ; 8h ν1; 2; . . . ; H  1; l ν1; 2; . . . ; L ð6Þ simplicity of analysis, let us assume that L is odd.
Because of the no-skipped-blocks constraint, the building has
In practice, the joining time in the vertical direction, DH, is to be started from a single block. After inserting that, we can insert
different from the joining time in horizontal direction, DL, because at most DH/DL blocks on each side of the first block before it is
of the different welding amounts and support work. For example, possible to insert a block on the second level. In addition, we have
the staging and scaffolding may be needed for the top of the to add at least one block to each side of the first level to satisfy
block below. In addition, many of the support utilities inside the the stability constraint of the block on the second level. There-
blocks, e.g., pipes, run in the horizontal direction, which can fore, the number of blocks on the level below the top level is
make horizontal joining harder. 2*max(DH /DL, 1) þ 1. When the construction is raised by one
level, the levels below can have max(DH /DL, 1) more blocks on Constraint: structural stability. The hull should be more each side of the construction. Therefore, when there are h levels,
horizontal than vertical at all times because otherwise, the con- the number of blocks on a level i is 2(h-i-1) max(DH /DL, 1) þ 1.
struction may become unstable. The stability of the structure This rule works until the aft or fore part of the ship has been reached.
is modeled here as follows: if a block is inserted, the adjacent By using this setting and before hitting the top, aft, and
blocks on the level below should be in place. This can be modeled fore parts, the blocks form a pyramid. It is possible to calcu-
mathematically as follows. late the angle of the pyramid rising, a, from the equation tan
a ¼ max (DH /(2DL), 1). A high DH /DL ratio makes the shape
Aðhþ1Þl  Ahðlþ1Þ ; 8h ν1; 2; . . . ; H  1; l ν1; 2; . . . ; L  1 ð7Þ of the building flat, whereas 45 is the maximum angle, which is
achieved if DH /DL  2. An illustration of the pyramid rising is
Aðhþ1Þl  Ahðl1Þ ; 8h ν1; 2; . . . ; H  1; l ν1; 2; . . . ; L ð8Þ shown in Fig. 4.
To build the next level, we need at least DH waiting time
There are more ways to model structural stability, but this if DH  DL or DL waiting time if DH < DL. Therefore, the
approach is taken here because of its simplicity. Another way could makespan for a growing pyramid, m1, is the following.
be to restrict the number of adjacent blocks on the level below so
m1 ¼ ðH  1Þ maxðDL ; DH Þ ð10Þ
that it would be greater than that of the adjacent blocks on the
current level. In practice, some kind of complex stability calcula- This formula works when the pyramid is growing or when
tions could be done for each of the possibilities to calculate its the aft and fore parts are reached as well. However, it does not
feasibility. However, they are harder to analyze than this approach. work when the top level of the ship has a block, i.e., the top-level
h becomes H. Constraint: no skipped blocks. As a result of the placing Whenever a block has been inserted into the top level, the
tolerances, blocks should not be inserted between others. This can building continues toward the corners. In that case, we can use
be modeled as follows. similar formulae, but we take into account the building speed
toward the corner as well. If DH  DL, it again takes DH to add
Ahl >Ahðlþ1Þ >Ahðlþ2Þ k Ahl < Ahðlþ1Þ < Ahðlþ2Þ k Ahl >Ahðlþ1Þ < Ahðlþ2Þ ;
the next level (without the top blocks), where the ship grows
8h ν1;2;...;H ;l ν1;2;...;L2 ð9Þ by 2DH/DL blocks horizontally. Thus, at least (L-1)/(2DH /DL)
“levels” have to be built to complete the building after the first
In practice, the building is typically started from aft or fore or block is erected on the top level of the ship, which will take
from a certain position of the ship, e.g., from the middle. If this (L-1) DL /2 time steps. If DH < DL, it takes at least (L-1)/2 blocks


Fig. 4 When the lifting time is fast (i.e., it can be considered immediate), it is optimal to erect the blocks so that they form a triangle with two a angles
(an isosceles triangle)

in each direction to finish the ship, each of which has to wait If the joining times are zero, then there are no precedence
DL time units. Thus, it takes at least (L-1) DL /2 time units to delays in the problem. This case is also applicable if the joining
finish the corner part of the ship. This is the same as with the times are short compared with the lifting times (i.e., DL << p,
previous case in which DH  DL. From this part, it is easy to DH << p). The problem can be solved efficiently, because all
see that starting from the middle of the ship minimizes the feasible solutions have a minimum makespan. Because there is
makespan, because it would take more time to fill the larger corner no waiting after lifting, the makespan, m, is clearly the time that
than two equal, but smaller, corners. Therefore, the makespan it takes to lift all blocks, i.e.
for filling the corners of the ship when work is started from the m ¼ HLp ð13Þ
middle of the ship is
L1 This approach can be adapted for block completion times with
m2 ¼ DL ð11Þ a nondecreasing cost function C(l, h, t) for the time t and a block
in the position l, h. To do that, the first block on each level has
Now the makespan can be calculated from these equations. to be fixed, because it defines the relative precedence order
By summing up the previous equations, (10) and (11), for m1 and of the blocks on a single level. Now, when there are only fixed
m2, we get a formula for the makespan m, which is precedence constraints between the blocks, the problem can be
L1 arranged as a single machine problem with the precedence con-
m ¼ ðH1Þ maxðDL ; DH Þ þ DL ð12Þ straints of zero delay (In the theory of scheduling, the formal
definition of the problem is n j1 j prec j Cmax [Conway et al. 1967])
From equation (12), it is easy to see that in general, H has a and solved using the algorithm in Lawler (1973). The structure of
larger effect than L and DL has a larger impact than DH. Figure 5 the algorithm is the following.
shows how DH and DL affect the makespan with different H and
1. Let the time t be the sum of the lifting times of all the blocks.
L values.
2. Consider the blocks which do not have any predecessors
among the blocks that are not scheduled. Schedule the one
3.2. Short joining times with the lowest cost if done at the time t to the time t.
Reduce t by the lifting time of the block.
If the joining times are short compared with the lifting time,
3. Repeat Step 2 until all the blocks are scheduled.
the problem of scheduling becomes quite simple. This model
becomes practical, e.g., if the joining times of the blocks are parts For a practical model, the considered lifting time has to be the
of the lifting times and there are no actual joining constraints. sum of the lifting time and the maximum of the joining times.

Fig. 5 Effect of DH and DL on the makespan, m. The results are generated using equation (12)


This rule can also be used as an approximate solution with short the case of ties by selecting the one with the largest L*(i), where
joining times. L*(i) means the longest path to the completion of the final task,
where the execution times and precedence delays are taken into
account, as was done in an article by Moukrim et al. (1999).
3.3. Similar lifting and joining times
The Coffman-Graham algorithm is used to study the effects
If the joining times are the same horizontally and vertically of the size of the ship on the decision to build the ship starting
and the lifting times are multiples of that, the problem becomes from aft (which is the same as starting the ship from its fore part)
easy to analyze. From the literature we can see that the problem or from the middle block (i.e., the block at the position L/2
becomes easy to solve if there are unit precedence delays between rounded to the nearest integer). The results are calculated in a
the processing of the items and the execution time is a multiple of case in which stability is taken into account with the precedence
that (Finta & Liu 1996). In the model in this article, this means delay and in a case in which there is no stability constraint.
that the precedence delays, i.e., the joining times of the blocks, Figure 6 shows the value of the makespan when L is varied and
all have to be the same fixed length, but the lifting time can be a Fig. 7 when H is varied.
multiple of that. Like with the case with zero precedence delays,
the first block on each level has to be fixed for this solution to be 3.4. General case
used with no-skipped-blocks constraints.
These solutions give efficient solutions for erection scheduling
Such a problem can be solved optimally using the Coffman-
in specific cases. However, they do not cover the case in which the
Graham algorithm. It was first implemented for another problem
joining times are longer than the lifting times, which can arise
(Coffman & Graham 1972) but later found out to be useful in this
quite often in practice. To find a solution for this case, the model
case as well (Finta & Liu 1996). The structure of the algorithm
in Section 2 can be quite straightforwardly used as a mixed-
is the following:
integer-linear-programming (MILP) model and solved optimally.
1. Remove transitive constraints. The constraint from a to c However, as is often the case with complex MILP models, solv-
is transitive if there are already constraints from a to b ing industrial-scale problems optimally takes time and some kind
and from b to c. In our model, this applies to some of the of heuristics are probably needed to solve the problem. The advan-
stability constraints. tage of the MILP model is that it can quite easily be expanded to
2. Let there be f final blocks, i.e., the blocks that do not have more detailed models. Models with more constraints can be even
any successors. Assign labels 1,. . . , f for these final blocks. easier to solve.
3. Let there be k unlabeled blocks. Consider the unlabeled
blocks whose predecessors are all labeled. Assign k þ 1 to
the block for which the decreasing sequence of the imme- 4. Insights from the models
diate successor’s labels is lexicographically lowest.
In this section, insights are drawn from the models of Section 3.
4. Repeat Step 3 until all blocks have a label.
First, a short lifting time allows us to see the effects of different
5. Schedule the jobs using the decreasing order of labels as a
parameters on the makespan. Second, a short joining time makes
priority. Note that this can make the actual schedule dif-
the problem of makespan minimalization easy. Third, with similar
ferent from the decreasing order of labels.
lifting and joining times, the problems are the first and the last
The algorithm can be used as an approximation in a situation blocks. Finally, the validity of the models is discussed.
where there are different delays, e.g., by using the maximum of In the case of short lifting times, we can deliver some insights
delays. If maximum delay is used but there are several delays, from equation (12). In a flat ship, the horizontal joining times,
the Coffman-Graham algorithm could be further improved in i.e., the value of DL, can be more important than the vertical

Fig. 6 The effect of L on the makespan with different constraints when the Coffman-Graham algorithm is used to calculate the makespan. H is
set to 3. DL ¼ DH ¼ p ¼ 1. L varies from 1 to 8


Fig. 7 The effect of H on the makespan with different constraints when the Coffman-Graham algorithm is used to calculate the makespan. L is
set to 6. DL ¼ DH ¼ p ¼ 1. H varies from 1 to 4

joining time DH. It is better to reduce one unit from the horizontal In the case of similar lifting and joining times, it is easily seen
joining time, DL, than one unit from the vertical joining time, that the starting of the building and ending of the building are the
DH, when (L – 1)/2  2H þ 1 (flat ship), even if DL > DH. cases in which the joining times have an effect. After the first
If DH > DL, reducing DH does not give any benefit. However, couple of blocks, there are always blocks that can be erected and
although horizontal joining times have a greater effect than verti- joined to the blocks of which the joining times have passed. The
cal ones, the number of blocks in the length of a ship does have a same can occur when the last blocks are inserted. From the results
smaller effect than the number of blocks in the height of a ship. in Fig. 6 and Fig. 7 we can see that starting from the middle of
The reason for this is the no-skipped-blocks constraint, which was the ship is the better solution. The reason for this is that it allows
used when the equation was being formulated. the ship to be built in two different directions, and blocks can be
If the joining times are short, the scheduling is shown to be erected in one direction while the joining in the other direction
easy because all feasible solutions give a minimal or near-minimal is completed, which reduces the effect of the joining time at the
makespan. In that case, we should clearly focus on other things beginning and end of the erection schedule. Stability does have
than the makespan. However, if the joining times can be made a significant impact with ships with a small number of horizontal
short, the result shows that the scheduling has significant flexi- or vertical blocks.
bility, because changes in the schedule do not incur any penalty if It should be noted that the solutions do not cover all possible
the schedule is feasible after the changes. joining time and lifting time combinations. Figure 8 shows the
areas where the analysis of the article is valid and where the
algorithms described should be used. The equations with short
lifting times, which make the construction form a pyramid, are
valid if the lifting times are short compared with the joining times.
All schedules give a good makespan if the lifting time is the
bottleneck. The Coffman-Graham algorithm can be used when
the lifting and joining times are equal or the lifting times are
multiples of the joining times. If both times are short, then it is
unlikely that the erection scheduling is the problem in the ship-
building and other things should be optimized.
As shown in Fig. 8 and stated in Section 3.4., there exists a
significant area where the algorithms do not work, which is when
the lifting time is significant but shorter than the joining times.
For these cases, the model in Section 2 can be used as a MILP
model and solved optimally or a suitable heuristic could be used.
The algorithms in this article that are optimal for the other cases
could also be used as heuristics for that case.

5. Conclusion

This article studies the dynamics of block erection in ship-

building. To do that, a mathematical model was formed for
Fig. 8 The areas of erection time and joining time where the proposed the multiple constraints with the makespan because the objective
algorithms should be used for erection scheduling and the effects of the lifting and joining times were studied.


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