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Basic of java

• class and objects

• java data types,
• java variables (class variable, instance variable, local variable, parameter variables)
• why java is platform independence?
• jdk, jre, jvm,
• bytecode, path, classpath
• public static void main(String[] args) → Explain the significance of each words in it.
• java method
• java constructor
• java program internal working
• java vs javac command
• Also learn few basic programs (click the link for programs)
Decision making statements
• if,
• if-else,
• if-else-if, and
• switch statement
• Basic programs on decision making
Loop controls
• for loop,
• while loop
• do-while loop
• break and continue
• enhanced for loop
• Loop control programs
Object Oriented Programming concepts
• Polymorphism → Overloading and Overriding
• Encapsulation → How to achieve encapsulation?
• Abstraction → Ways to achieve partial and complete abstraction using abstract
• Inheritance → Different types of inheritance
• Why multiple inheritance not supported by java classes?
Java Strings
• ways to create string objects
• why string is immutable?
• == vs equals
• string buffer, string builder and their difference
• split method, String tokenizer
• various methods of String like length, substring, concat, tochararray, toupper, tolower,

Collection interface and classes

• Lists like Arraylist, Linkedlist, Vector and difference between them
• Sets like Hashset, LinkedHashSet, TreeSet and differences between them
• Maps like HashMap, LinkedHashMap, TreeMap and differences between them
• List vs Set vs Map
• Collection vs Collections
• Hashtable and hashing technique
• hashcode and equals contract
• using different Collection, storing elements in them, fetching elements, sorting and
searching elements.
Generics in java
• advantages of using generics
• How to use generics in java program?
Exception Handling mechanism
• exception vs error
• exception hierarchy and what is parent class of all exception
• try-catch
• finally
• correct sequential order of java try with multiple catch and a finally
• checked vs unchecked exception
• throw, throws and their difference
• custom exception
Multithreading concepts
• ways of creating java thread
• thread life cycle
• methods like sleep, wait, notify, notifyall
• synchronization
• deadlock
Date-time concepts in java
• DateFormat
• SimpleDateFormat
• convert from String to Date
• convert from Date to String
• convert java.util.Date to java.sql.Date
• Establishing jdbc connection
• different statements like statement, prepared statement, callable statement
Important keywords
• super,
• this,
• final,
• finally,
• finalize,
• static

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