Genetics Pre Finals Learning Task No.4: Significance of Polyploidy

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1. Compare and contrast the following:

A. Haploid vs. Diploid


 Diploid = 2(n)  Haploid = n

 In humans:  In humans:
– n = 23 Chromosomes – N = 23 Chromosomes
– 2(n) = 46 Total Chromosomes – Only 23 chromosome in total
 2 Sets of each chromosomes  1 Set of each chromosome
 Somatic cells are diploid  Gametes are haploid
– Body cells (Nerve, Muscle, Bone – Sex Cells ( Sperm and Egg)

B. Polyploid vs. Aneuploid

A condition when an organism A condition when an organism
DEFINITION contains an abnormal number contains an abnormal number
of total chromosomes in its of chromosome sets.
IN HUMANS Common Rare
IN PLANTS Rare Common
Monosomy (2n-1) Triploidy (3n)
DIFFERENT TYPES Disomy (n+1) Tetraploidy (4n)
Trisomy (2n+1) Pentaploidy (5n), etc.
Nullisomy (2n-2)

2. Explain the Significance of polyploidy.

Cells that have more than two sets of chromosomes present in them are called Polyploid cells. This cells
play a significant role in the evolution of the higher plats (Leitch and Bennett 1997), having helped in
tremendously increasing the number of species and sometimes of genera on the planet Earth. It is the
most rapid method known of producing radically different but vigorous and well-adapted genotypes
(Stebbins 1950). Thus, Polyploids play a great value when it comes to plant breeding. Polyploid plants
exists with generally large flowers, seeds and fruits. In addition to that, it also acts as a conservative
process and stabilizes interspecific hybrids. Polyploids also facilitates gene exchange between distant
related species.

3. Describe the changes that can happen in the Chromosomes.

Changes in Chromosomes

1. Changes in number of Deletion or Deficiency It is due to loss of a part of a

genes in a chromosome chromosome. The chromosome
becomes shorter due to loss of
one or more genes

Duplication of chromosome May take place due to

attachment of some deleted
part of another chromosome
with it. This brings addition of
some new genes not belonging
to it.

2. Changes involving Inversion Is produced when there are

arrangement of genes. two breaks in a chromosome
and the intercalary segment
reunites in reverse order i.e.,
the segment rotate by 180°. For
example, if the gene sequence
in the original chromosome is
ABCDEFGH, it may change to

Translocation Involves transfer of a segment
of a chromosome to a different
part of the same chromosome
or to a different chromosome.
In the later case the transfer
may take place between non-
homologous chromosomes.
The chromosomal aberrations
described above are the
outcome of defective meiotic
division and result in changed
sequence of genes. The genes
in new or changed location
may alter the phenotypic
expression or may even cause
death of the individual.

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