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Nama : sarmila

Kelas : B

Nim : A.18.10.055

What is that Covid 19?

Corona virus is a that attacks the human respiratory system. Corona virus came from kota wuhan

in china. Corona virus can cause death, if a patient is infected and declared cured he will suffer

permanent lung daniage. Symptoms : flu, faver, cough, and shortnes of breat.

What to do and what not to do with corona virus?

What the hell should be done to prevent covid 19?

1. Stay home

2. If traveling wear a masker

3. Always wash your hands if you to eat food

4. Keep clear

5. Healthy lifa

What sold not be done to prevent covid 19?

1. Do not touch the face

2. Maintain a distance

3. Don’t go to the avoid the covid 19

For example :

- A café

- Super markets
- On crowded places

To improve the system imun of the body preferably :

1. Implementiny a healthy lifestyle

We can :

- Eat vegetables

- Rest

- Exercise

2. Avoiding stress

3. Taking supplements so that the imunne system stays healthy

Kalimat aktif :

1. Stay home

2. If traveling wear a masker

3. Always wash your hands if you to eat food

4. Keep clear

5. Healthy life

4. Do not touch the face

5. Maintain a distance

6. Don’t go to the avoid the covid 19

7. Implementiny a healthy lifestyle

8. Avoiding stress

9. Taking supplements so that the imunne system stays healthy

Kalimat pasif :
1. A café

2. Super markets

3. On crowded places

4. Eat vegetables

5. Rest

6. Exercise

7. Virus corona cn cause death, if patien is infected and declared cured he wil suffer

permanent lung daniage. Symptoms : flu, faver, cough and shortnes og breat

8. Virus corona is a virus that attacks the human respiratory system

Thank you very much for the opportunity that was given, that was what I could


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