The Benefits of Doing Sport

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Watch a video about why everybody, no matter the age, should do sport, Answer the questions

1) 3 of the benefits derived from doing sport are...

2) Our brains also release a ________________when we workout, including endorphins. PhysicaL activity
can ___________________and improve your mood and memory.

3) What extra benefits does playing in a team have?

4) What is a growth mindset?

5)What is one of the long-term benefits of doing exercise?


Preparation time: 2 minutes
Speaking time: 4-5 minutes


Consider the statements below on the topic of children and sports.

1. Talk to each other about how these statements represent different factors prevent children
from doing sport
2. Then decide together which of the statements best reflects how make children exercise
more often
 Environmental barriers, such as extreme weather conditions, limited parks or
yards, and unsafe neighborhoods prevent kids from doing exercise.

 Lack of energy, possibly due to poor sleep, poor nutrition, or medical ailment. If your child
seems low on energy, a trip to the pediatrician may be in order to ensure that your child is
healthy physically. A more well-balanced diet may boost energy level in a healthy child.

 Most kids prefer to play videogames and surf the net rather than go outside and play with
friends. Social media are promoting a kind of sedentary lifestyle in which sport has no

Remember you must both talk about all the three statements.
You needn’t come to an agreement, but you have to support your point.
3of the benefits derived from doing sport are...
 Strengthening our bones
 Clearing out bad cholesterol from our arteries
 Decreasing the risk of stroke, high blood pressure and diabetes
Our brains also release a number of chemicals when we workout, including endorphins. Physica. activity
can sharpen your focus and improve your mood and memory.
What extra benefits does playing in a team have?
Learning to trust others
Accept and give help
Work together towards a common goal
Establish a regular habit of exercise
Higher self-esteem
What is a growth mindset? "Even if I can't do this today, I can improve myself through practice and achieve
it eventually"
What is one of the long-term benefits of doing exercise? Learning through failure/building resilience

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