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Space ,Move, Draw: Workshop and Presentation of Ar.

David Holm

While the whole city of Dhaka was coming out of the slumber of Eid ul Azha vacation, a group of young man and
woman were seen busy shuttling from one spot to the another drawing and sketching vehemently . They were
with Ar. David Holm.

Australian architect and Churchill fellow Architect David Holm has conducted a 7 day workshop of drawing and
recording the public spaces of Dhaka. the workshop is supported by University of Technology
Sydney(UTS),Bangladeshi Architects in Australia (BaA),The Institute of Architects Bangladesh (IAB)and the
Australian Institute of architects(AIA). The walking, drawing ,and recording are all carried out according to the
structure of public place definition set out in Holm's Churchill scholarship. This program covered Holm's
exploration of public place making in dense urban environments throughout Asia.

David Holm: David Holm is Director of Cox Architecture responsible for Transport and Infrastructure projects
working in Australia and internationally. Working on projects such as Sydney's new Barangaroo Ferry Hub, Holm is
primarily known for his contribution towards the transport and urban typologies, both locally and internationally.
Architect David Holm is an adjunct professor at the UTS School of Architecture. Holm is also a director at one of the
largest architectural practices in the Asia-Pacific, Cox Architecture. David’s design focus is in the provision of
memorable and successful public built form driven by the interaction of design philosophies and practical
constraints. His key projects include Singapore’s Changi Terminal 3 and Terminal 1, New Delhi International Airport
India, Sydney Airport International “Forum” development, Hyderabad “Aerotropolis” Exhibition and Convention
Centre and the new North West Rail Link in Sydney. David works regularly with several education institutions.

The Workshop: Under the able guidance of Ar. David Holm, a multidisciplinary team of 12 Australian and 10
Bangladeshi students collaborated in the 7 day Workshop that started on the Sep 28,2015. The main objective of
the workshop is to investigate through drawing, how densely populated urban spaces work across Dhaka. For that
purpose Dhaka has been divided into three areas . North, Central, Old town . Documentation process was carried
out through drawing and fast sketches of street section and one /two point perspective of a spot from various
angle. Emphasis was put to sketching very quickly while on the move. The essence of the real spaces were
attempted to be captured in black and white line drawing, colour pencil sketches and even with experiments such
as single line scribble. Drawing and sketches of Dhaka University Campus, Sadarghat, Shankharibazar, Parliament
Building and diplomatic area of Gulshan and Banani is covered. The experience of the students were really eye
opening for them. As one student shared his experience saying that they have realised that drawing has the
potential to reveal. Give ingredient of deeper.

The Presentation: A presentation was arranged with IAB at the BETS Centre, in the end of the workshop on 3rd
Oct. In the presentation Ar.David Holm said that it was an interaction and words of Dr. Younus the noble prize
winner, is what ignited his interest on Bangladesh, to be more precise Dhaka. At the start of the presentation the
architect emphasised, why it is important for an architect to draw. The drawing and sketching according to Holm
makes an architect to stop, slowdown and think about the city.
The point were emphasized with some black and white sketches by the presenter of different urban locations
around the world. there were also example of works by David Holmes as a partner of the Cox Architects. It was
quite fascinating to see how the schematic ideas of the initial stage were realized with every detail. Ideas of space
from the ancient cities were reinterpreted in projects like Changi Intl. Airport, Singapore and other infrastructural
project. In the later half of the presentation David Holm shared his experience of working in Dhaka and how he
found them to be intriguing. The presentation concluded with some recommendation from the architect to make
Dhaka city a better place. David Holm acknowledged that the streets of Dhaka has a unique character. He
requested the policy makers not to take the metro rail above ground. His observations are all targeted towards
making an egalitarian and vibrant city.

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