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Name: Kaisser John P. Acuña

Date: 10/30/2019

Please answer the questions below sincerely. You have exactly before ______ to accomplish
this. You may answer in English or Filipino. Relax. Pray hard. God bless you. 

1. What are the implications on discernment if a.) God was a watchmaker; b.) God was a
puppeteer; and c.) God was a father of adult children? (10 points)

As to God was a watchmaker, discernment is not possible. In this kind of

discernment, God only creates His creation and thenafter, His obligation ceases when
He finished His creation as it is akin to a watchmaker whose only purpose is to make
On God was a puppeteer, discernment is also impossible, in this concept,
everything was based on God who controls, decides the strings of us in this life. Since He
has the control, there is no human freedom, thus humans cannot discern due to
dictates of God.
But, In God as the Father of the Adult Children, discernment is possible for He
emits a kind of a disciplining body and a supportive parent. He allows us to make
decisions in everything we do but He never leaves His eyes on us, and we tend to make
mistakes he makes us to be feel supported by Him. In this case, people have their own
decisions with regard to their life choices thus, people can discern.

2. Of the 6 ways of discerning authentic prophecy in the Old Testament, which one is the
most useful and applicable today? Why? (10 points)
Among the 6 criteria of authentic prophecy, the most useful and applicable
today is the Test of fidelity to the fundamental faith of Israel. It is for the reason that it
shows the credibility of the presumed prophet for he went through thick and thin to
achieve scared which is to be a prophet. Moreover, acquiring such criterion, the person
would also inherit the fourth criterion, the intention of the prophet which is
Nowadays, people are often utilizing deception, deceit, fraud, and craft as to be
considered as an authentic prophet. That being said, the third criterion will ensure
whether or not a presumed prophet is an authentic one.
3. Differentiate discernment in the Old Testament and discernment in the New Testament.
(10 pts)
Discernment the Old Testament is rarely used. During the time of the Old
Testament, it centralizes at God the Father where He was viewed as a watchmaker, a
puppeteer, and the Father of the Adult Children. Whereas, in the New Testament, the
idea of discernment exists and is being used by the people by the epistles of the
Apostles. Moreover, it is now centralized on Jesus Christ as he discerns and grows with
the people.

4. Did Jesus discern? How did He discern? (30 points)

Jesus discerns. He discerns with Infallibility and with lacking error. The former
describes Jesus discernment as a discernment with certainty that He is always sure
about his discernment as he decides without hesitation. As with the latter which is
unerring, His discernments are always right all the time and it did not went wrong.
Moreover, Jesus tendency when He discerns is that when he becomes tempted but he
did not sin which posits His divinity. Also, He grows as we do, and with that, he never
refused to grow.

5. What is the difference between Jesus’ discernment and the disciples’ discernment? How
can we discern like Jesus? (20 points)
Jesus is 100% Human, and 100% Divine. His Divinity contemplates with his
Humane nature thus, His discernments are infallible and unerring. The difference with
regard to the disciples’ discernment is they failed in openness for they are only
composed of a part human and a part of soul thus, they tend to be selfish towards their
decisions, attached to material possessions through which it is arduous to sacrifice, and
they are easily frightened when fear strikes. Moreover, they are uncertain which posits
fallibility having the propensity to having a hard time making decisions.
We can discern like Jesus not only through the means of prayer and doing good
deeds but also we should also be united with the divine word through the means of
attending the Holy Eucharist, and by reading the Sacred Scriptures in order for us to
discern like Jesus and aim to be like Jesus.

6. Explain the statement “Discernment is the meeting point of prayer and action”. (15
Discernment is the meeting point of prayer and action that entails trial and error
which forms as an art. In order to discern, man must be in touch with the Spirit of God
at work in us. Hence, in order to incorporate God’s will into our actions as discernment,
we should start through prayers seeking for God’s will and direction. Therefore, if
discernment is the meeting point between prayer and action, thus, it is the essential link
between an active Christian life and Apostolic Action.

7. What do you mean by the statement “Discernment is the union of God’s will and our
will.”? (15 points)
A genuine discernment requires a genuine connection between man and God
through prayers. Through prayers, discernment is ensured if human will is with
accordance of God’s will which shall be executed through action.

How do I prepare my heart for discernment? What qualities should my heart have for me to
have a fruitful discernment? (10 points)
To have a heart for discernment, one must have a heart like Jesus through the means of
incorporating ourselves with the Divine Word where we should have a prayerful and religious life.
Moreover, despite of this means, I cannot achieve a discerning heart if I am not truthful to myself
through the tendency to be judged by other people. In order to have a fruitful discernment, I must be
true to myself and be candid to other people so that I can cast my fears aside in order to be courageous.
By being truthful, My discernment will become not only from my mind but also from my heart. Also, one
can ensure discernment by having a genuine prayer time to God. The reason is because through prayer, I
can ensure that my discernment is genuine is in accord with God’s will.

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