Questionnaire - Gangotri Glacier Santosh Kumar MArch16-19

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question detail_answer a_option b_option c_option d_option nswer

Gangotri glacier is in which mountain range? Gangotri Glacier is a part of Himalyas mountain range. Aravalli Himalayas Western ghats Eastern ghats B
Gangotri located in which state? Gangotri located in Uttarakhand State. Nepal Tibeat Uttarakhand Himanchal pradesh c
Gangotri is also known as? Gangotri is also known as Gomukh Gomukh Ice cave Vishnu padh Ganga ghath A

on what height gangotri is located from MSL? Ganagotri is located on 4000m from mean sea level. 4050m 3000m 5000m 4000m D
Which river originate from Gangotri? Bhagirathi river originate from gangotri. Ganga Bhagirathi Mandakini Sarshwati B
Due to rise in global tempreture, gangotri glacier is
How does climate change effect Gangotri glacier? getting retreted. Glacier retret Mountain collapsing Acid rain Water pollution A

First notice of glacier retret at Gangotri was in ? First notic of glacier retret was in 1935. 1925 1935 1945 1955 B
What cause the melting of gangotri glasier. Due to rise in global tempreture. Rise of Tourist Rise in global Temp. Pollution Extraction of ice B

The Gangotri glacier which has the 258.56 sq km of

What is the area of gangotri glasier? glacierized area. 230.5 sq km 258.5 sq km 280.5 sq km 300.5 sq km B
In what direction gangotri glasier flow? It flows to NW direction. SW NW NE SE B

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