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Cleo Patra

Once upon a time, there lived a beautiful princess named Cleo.

She lived with his father, the king. She was being a stubborn girl
because her mother had passed away two years ago.

Someday the king told her that she must marry a prince from
another kingdom. But she didn’t want to marry someone that she
didn’t know before. “I don’t want to marry him, I just want to marry
someone that I love and he loves me too”, said Cleo. “Cleo, you are
so different now. It’s not you. Why you don’t want to marry him? He
is good guy, darling”, said the king. “Dad, you must understand me”,
said Cleo. “No matter what you want, you must marry him next
Friday in the church”, said the king. “No matter what you say, dad. I’ll
promise you to bring someone that I love to you”, said Cleo loudly.
“OK, you must bring him before the sunset on Thursday, but if you
couldn’t bring him before the sunset on Thursday. You would marry
the prince from another kingdom” said the king. “Ok, I’ll promise
you”, said Cleo.

In the morning of Monday, Cleo left the kingdom to find her

mate. Then, she chose a small village near the lake for her
destination. In the evening, she arrived in the village. After that, she
found a lake because she felt exhausted and thirsty. Suddenly, she
saw a shiny bottle. Then, she took it because she was curious with
that. When she pulled off the bottle, a little fairy came out from
there. She was afraid and shocked because she never saw a fairy
before. “aaaa, who are you? Why are you live in that bottle?”, said
Cleo nervously. “Hi human’s child, I am a fairy. My name is Snow.
But, because I am white, then the other fairy called me with Snow
White. I trapped in that bottle, because of naughty human’s child.
How about you?”, said a fairy loudly. “Eee, hi, my name is Cleo. I am
a princess in that kingdom. But, I asked by my father to find a boy
that I love. If I can’t bring him before next Friday, I will marry with a
boy that I didn’t know before. Can you help me for it?”, said Cleo
softly. “Hmm, because you are kind and helpful, of course I’ll help
you. But first, I want you to tell me about your wishes. Choose three
wishes that you guess it is beneficial for you now. It just a little
reward for you, because you already safe me from that bottle”, said
Cleo again. “Eee, okay, first, I just want to have a friends like the
others. I always feel lonely because I don’t have a friend before.
Second, I just want to meet a boy who really loves me. And third,
give me the happiness in my life. Actually, I want to feel the real
happiness. Can you help me for it? Especially, please help me for
finding the boy who loves me with my overplus or my sparseness
please” said Cleo

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