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1a) Compounds with the same molecular formula but different structural formulae.

b) √(1mk) √(1mk)


2 a) √(1mk)

b) Calibrate/put a scale/graduate the gas jar before the start of experiment √(1mk)

80 ×50 TSO2 RMM SO 2

3. 80cm3of O2 =
= 66.67 sec √(1mk)
√ RMM O 2

TSO2 =
√ 32
× 66.67 = 94.29 sec √(1mk)

60 RSO 2 RMM O 2 32
OR Rate of O2 =
= 1.2cm3/sec RO 2
√ RMM SO 2
RSO2 =
√ 64
× 1.2 = 0.8485cm3/sec

80 80
RSO2 = TSO2 = = 94.28 sec
TSO 2 0.8485
37 37 0
4 a) ) 17 B 18 A + −1 e √(1mk)

b) i) Studying rate of absorption of phosphorus from a fertilizer. √(1mk)

ii) -May result to babies with deformities √(1mk) (any one)

-May cause cancer

5 a) In solid state - Does not conduct √(½mk)

Ions are fixed √(1mk)

b) Aquaous solution - Conducts √(½mk)

Ions are mobile √(1mk)

6. a) C(s) +2H2SO4(l) 2H2O (l) + 2SO2(g) + CO2(g) √(1mk)

b)Carbon changes its oxidation number from 0 to +4. Oxidation has taken place √(1mk)

Sulphur changes its oxidation number from +6 to +4. Reduction has occurred √(1mk)

7. a) Refrigeration √(1mk)

b) - They deplete the ozone layer. √(1mk) (any one)

- They cause green house effect.

8. Mass of water 94.5 – 51.3 = 43.2

compound Ba(OH)2 H2O
R.M.M. of Ba(OH)2 = 171
No. of 51.3 43.2
=0.3 √ (½ mk) =2.4 √(½ mk )
R.M.M of H2O = 18 moles 171 18
Mole ratio 0.3 2.4
=1 √(½ mk) =8 √(½mk)
Empirical formula = Ba(OH)2 .8H2O √(1mk) 0.3 0.3

9. a) -Pale yellow intensifies. √ (½ mk ), - Forward reaction is exothermic √ (½ mk )

-Lowering temperature shifts the equilibrium to the right. √ (½ mk )

b) -Pale yellow intensifies √ (½ mk )

-Reducing the volume of syringe increases the pressure √ (½ mk )

-The equilibrium shifts to the rights. √ ¿

10. a) sublimation √ (1 mk)

b) Bleaching.√ (1 mk), c)Polymerization √ (1 mk)


11 a) -Add aqueous(solution) lead nitrate / silver nitrate.√ (½ mk )

-Formation of white precipitate/ppt shows presence of Chloride ions √ (½ mk )

b)provides essential minerals e.g Ca2+/ hardening of bones due to presence of calcium √ (1 mk)

62.93× 69.09+64.93 ×30.91 6354.8

12. √ (1 mk)= √ (1 mk) = 63.55 √ (1 mk)
100 100

13. a) It is a drying agent.√ (1 mk)

b) Fe(s) + 2HCl (g) FeCl2(s) +H2(g) √ (1 mk)

c) Pickling of metals √ (1 mk)

14. a) N2O √ (1 mk) ,b)K2O √ (1 mk) , c)Al2O3√ (1 mk)

15. a) N √ (½ mk )- it is the strongest reducing agent/ most easily loses electrons √ (½ mk )

b) Eø =0.80 +0.76 √ (1 mk)

= 1.56 volts √ (1 mk)

16 a) Hydrogen sulphide gas is oxidized to yellow sulphur while iron (iii) chloride is reduced to
green iron (ii) chloride. √ (1 mk)

b) 2FeCl3(aq) + H2S(g) 2FeCl2(aq) +2HCl(aq) +S (s) √ (1 mk)

c) Oxidation √ (1 mk)

17. add anhydrous copper(II) Sulphate to substance S. It changes from white to blue √ (1 mk)or

Dip anhydrous cobalt chloride paper into Substance s. It changes from blue to pink.

18. a)To MgO, add excess of dilute HCl or H2SO4 or HNO3.√ (½ mk ) Add NaOH or KOH to the
mixture.√ (½ mk ) Filter√ (½ mk ) to obtain magnesium hydroxide as the residue√ (½ mk ) rinse
the residue with distilled water. √ (½ mk ) Dry the residue between filterpapers.√ (½ mk )

b) Anti-acid (treatment of acid indigestion √ (1 mk)

19. a) Covalent bond is formed by equal contribution of the shared electrons by theatoms. √ (½ mk )
Co-ordinate bond is where the shared electrons are contributed by one atom √ (½ mk )

b) √ (1 mk) (-½ if no dative bond) (-½ if no charge)

20. a) They have delocalized valency electrons √ (1 mk)

b)-Aluminium has three delocalized electrons while magnesium has two hence aluminium is a
better conductor than magnesium.√ (½ mk )

- Aluminium is resistant to corrosion as it forms resistant insoluble layer of aluminium oxide

unlike magnesium.√ (½ mk )

21. a) Carbon (ii) oxide √ (1 mk), reject CO

b) 2 KOH(aq) + CO2(g) K2CO3(aq)+H2O(l) √ (1 mk)

c) CO is odourless/has no smell √ (½ mk ), Co is colourless √ (½ mk )

22. In addition to weak van der waals forces in hexane, stronger hydrogen bonds exist in ethanol
which require more energy to break√ (1 mk)

23. a) Indicator Colour in

Acid solution Basic solution

Methyl orange Pink √ (½ mk ) Yellow

Phenolpthalein Colourless Pink √ (½ mk )

b) The PH of 0.1 M KOH is higher than that 0.1 M aqueous ammonia. √ (1 mk)

KOH is strongly dissociate in solution to form high concentration of hydroxide ions

compared to ammonia that dissociates partially √ (1 mk)

24. a) V1 √ (½ mk ) and V3 √ (½ mk )

b)Add petrol to the mixture to dissolve V4 √ (½ mk ), filter, V2 is the residue,filtrate is V4 √(½mk)

Heat the filtrate to evaporate petrol √ (1 mk)

25. a)They gain energy heat increasing kinetic energy and move faster. √ (½ mk ) The intermolecular
distance increases.√ (½ mk )

b) XY √ (1 mk)

c)The heat energy supplied breaks intermolecular forces changing molecules of water from
liquid to Gaseous state. √ (1 mk)

26. a) Concentrated sulphuric (vi) acid √ (1 mk)

b)Heat the solution to concentrate it to saturation level. √ (1 mk) Cool and allow for crystal to
form. √ (½ mk ) Filter out the crystals.√ (½ mk )

C) Anhydrous copper(II) Sulphate/ anhydrous CuSO 4 √ (1 mk)

27. a) H1 = Lattice energy √ (1 mk)

H2 =Hydration energy √ (1 mk)

b) H3 = H1 + ΔH2 √ (1 mk)

28. (i) potassium bromide/ KBr √ (1 mk)

(ii) 60 – 55 = 5g √ (1 mk), (iii) Fractional crystallization √ (½ mk )

(iv) Extraction of trona or sodium chloride in sea water/salty lake √ (½ mk )

29. (a) (i) graphite/ titanium√(½ mk)

They do not react with chlorine gas/they are inert(unreactive) electrodes √( ½ mk)

(ii) A steel diaphragm is suspended between the electrodes (½ mk )

(iii) 2Cl-(aq) Cl 2(g) + 2e- √(1mk)

(b) (i) calcium chloride √(½ mk) ( reject CaCl2)

(ii) It is economical/reducing cost of production√(½ mk)

(c) hydrogen is preferentially discharged instead of sodium at cathode√( ½ mk)

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