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science [generalist | hematology | blood banking]

Cellular Sedimentation and Barrier Formation

under Centrifugal Force in Blood Collection Tubes
Fu-Chung Lin, PhD, Richmond Cohen, PhD, Robert Losada, Valerie Bush, PhD
Becton Dickinson, Vacutainer Systems, Preanalytical Solutions

왘 Human blood separation dynamics in properties (such that it is semi-solid observations to common laboratory
different separator tubes under static conditions and becomes less practice.
왘 Cell sedimentation and gel movement viscous when a force is applied), Becton Dickinson has extensively
affects serum clarity enabling it to flow during centrifugation. studied gel movement in clotted and anti-
왘 Plasma yield, spin times, and plasma Separator gels are designed with a spe- coagulated blood. The best method of de-
cell interface cific density that falls between those of termining gel movement is by visual
the serum or plasma and the cells, thus inspection with continuous monitoring
BD Vacutainer™ Systems M determining the location of the interface. during centrifugation. This is accomp-
introduced the serum separator tubes These characteristics make it an ideal lished by using a strobe centrifuge and a
(BD SST™) to laboratories material for separating 2 phases of differ- video camera that records blood separa-
approximately 25 years ago, and they ent densities by centrifugation. Despite tion and gel movement during centrifuga-
remain the prevailing standard for blood the prevalence and utility of separator gel tion. Our studies have characterized
collection tubes for clinical diagnostics. tubes for blood collection, the human blood separation dynamics during
In recent years, laboratories have been mechanism of gel movement in the tube centrifugation of BD Vacutainer tubes
striving for improved efficiencies and during centrifugation is not clearly un- under the manufacturer’s recommended
reduced turn-around-time (TAT) of re- derstood by many laboratory profession- handling conditions. This article describes
sults. BD Vacutainer™ SST™ tubes pro- als. Forces applied to the gel can be blood separation in tubes with and with-
vide a means for improving laboratory designated, and initiation of movement out gel using clotted and anticoagulated
efficiency by using a single tube for of the gel can be calculated, but the way blood and offers insight as to how labora-
multiple chemistry analyses, improving the gel moves cannot be calculated. An tory efficiency and specimen quality can
sample purity and analyte stability. This understanding of how the gel moves to be managed.
primary tube can be used for instrument the interface and forms a barrier is im-
sampling and storage, thereby reducing portant as laboratories seek to improve Methods
the need for aliquot tubes. Frequently, efficiency and specimen quality. Blood was collected from 18
laboratory professionals centrifuge blood Winkelman and Tanasijevic1 donors into 4 different types of tubes: a
collection tubes under a variety of condi- recently described RBC movement serum tube without gel, a BD SST tube,
tions to shorten TAT or to preserve tem- through thixotropic gels. However, a lithium heparin tube without gel, and
perature sensitive analytes. Associated some of the terminology used in the a plasma separator tube (BD PST). All
with this practice are limitations with article was confusing.2 It was not clear tubes were collected from donors
588 respect to specimen quality and product if the authors used clotted blood or an- according to a randomized schedule. All
performance. ticoagulated blood, as the gel tubes were 16x100 mm plastic BD
In a gel barrier tube, an inert gel movement differs between the two. Ad- Vacutainer blood collection tubes.
moves to the serum clot, or plasma ditionally, the authors recorded cell Blood collected in the serum tubes with-
packed cell interface under centrifugation movement at intermittent time intervals out gel was allowed to clot for 60 min-
thereby providing a mechanical and and under high centrifugal forces utes while blood in BD SST tubes was
chemical barrier between the supernatant (much higher than are normally used). allowed to clot for 30 minutes. The
and the cells. The gel exhibits thixotropic This made it difficult to translate their manufacturer recommends centrifugal

laboratorymedicine> october 2001> number 10> volume 32 ©

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free red cell layer


Volume (%)

Time (minutes)

free red cell layer

Volume (%)


Time (minutes)

[F1] (A) Measurements of plain serum tube during centrifugation. Serum volume was calculated from D-C. (B) Percent volume versus time for serum tube
without gel. (C) Measurement of BD SST tube during two stages of centrifugation (before and after the gel has moved to the interface). Serum volume was
calculated from either D-C or D-B; the free RBC layer volume from C-A; and gel volume from (B-A). (D) Percent volume versus time for BD SST tubes.

forces for these tubes of 1000-1300 for the first minute, every 30 seconds agulated specimen, different mechanisms
RCF. Each tube was placed into a hori- from 1-5 minutes, 7.5 minutes and 10 of gel movement occur. As shown in
zontal head centrifuge (International minutes. The percent volumes of the F1B, F1D, F2B, and F2D, the centrifugal
Equipment M) with a strobe attachment components were plotted versus time to force applied to blood tubes has differing
(GenRad 1546 Strobotac). The strobe display blood separation graphically effects on phase movement depending
light was synchronized with the acceler- [F1B, F1D, F2B, F2D]. The total per- upon the tube type (gel vs. non-gel) and
ation (1000 RCF) of the centrifuge to centages in the gel tubes are greater the state of the blood (clotted vs. antico-
facilitate video recording and continu- than 100% because the volume of the agulated). These observations indicate
ous monitoring of blood separation and gel that has not reached the interface is similar cell sedimentation but different
gel movement. The positions of cells always included the clot phase [F1D, mechanisms of gel movement in a clotted
and gel at selected time intervals were F2D]. The total volume percentage in- specimen compared with an anticoagu-
measured with a ruler placed within the cludes all of the gel regardless of its lo- lated specimen. 589
view of the video-recording camera. cation.
Column heights were converted to vol- Centrifugation of serum tubes
umes based on known tube dimensions. Results and Discussion without gel and BD SST tube
The Column heights for the different Our observations of experiments in As shown in F1, sedimentation of
phases of blood separation are shown in the strobe centrifuge indicate that cells in both serum tubes without gel
F1A, F1C, F2A, and F2C. The time in- although cell and gel movement are re- and BD SST tubes begins immediately
tervals recorded were every 10 seconds lated in a clotted specimen and an antico- after the centrifugal force is applied. In a

© laboratorymedicine> october 2001> number 10> volume 32

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Volume (%)
packed cells

Time (minutes)


Volume (%)


packed cells

Time (minutes)

[F2] (A) Measurements of plain plasma tube during centrifugation. Plasma volume was calculated from (D-A). (B) Percent volume versus time for plasma
tube without gel. (C) Measurement of BD PST tube after centrifugation. Plasma volume was calculated from D-B, and gel volume from (B-A). (D)
Percent volume versus time for BD PST tubes.

serum tube, the clot begins to compress minutes to improve barrier formation, wall of the tube in a BD SST tube. On
followed by the sedimentation of some serum clarity and yield. average, the initiation of gel movement
free red blood cells (RBCs) not In BD SST tubes, cells sediment in the BD SST tube is delayed approxi-
entrapped in the clot. The free RBCs just as those do in clotted blood without mately 1 to 1.5 minutes after centrifu-
settle at a slightly slower rate than the gel. The clot begins to compress, gation begins [F1D]. An entire layer of
clot because of relative differences in followed by sedimentation of free gel covers the cells after about 3 to 5
density and size. Simultaneous to cell RBCs within the first minute of minutes. Because the sedimentation is
sedimentation is the expression of serum centrifugation. Within 20 seconds of completed before an intact gel layer
with nearly all of the serum recovered in centrifugation, the free RBCs begin to forms, relatively few cells are entrapped
approximately 2 minutes. Further cen- settle and are completely settled (1 in the gel of a BD SST tube. Beyond 5
trifugation results in relatively small in- minute) before the gel first reaches the minutes, additional gel on the wall of
590 creases in serum volume. Although cell interface ( approximately 2 minutes) as the tube moves into position and thick-
counts were not performed on the super- shown in F1D. Therefore, the serum has ens the barrier, further compressing the
natant in these experiments, the data clarified before the gel moves to the clot. This subsequently increases serum
suggests that centrifugation of interface. The gel does not move imme- yield. On average, a complete, thick
completely clotted serum tubes can yield diately to the interface between the barrier is formed in 7 to 8 minutes.
relatively clean serum in approximately serum and the cells because it cannot The dynamics of cell and gel move-
2 to 3 minutes. Most manufacturers rec- move through the clot. The gel must ment in the BD SST tube illustrate the
ommend spinning serum tubes for 10 move around the clot and along the importance of the recommended handling

laboratorymedicine> october 2001> number 10> volume 32 ©

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conditions, but also indicate opportuni- sedimentation occurs, and fewer cells re- would provide an ideal scenario for effi-
ties for the manufacturer to improve lab main in the specimen. ciency and sample purity.
efficiency. Because a thick barrier is not In the BD PST tube, the gel moves to We have reported on the separation
formed for 7 to 8 minutes when cen- the plasma: cell interface shortly after of blood under recommended handling
trifuging at 1000g, it is recommended centrifugation begins or as soon as an in- and centrifugation conditions. Barrier
to spin for 10 minutes to ensure sample terface is created (within 30 seconds). As formation in gel tubes will vary with
stability and maximum serum yield. illustrated in F2D, the gel moves in paral- centrifuge types due to the angle of the
However, the serum clarifies in less lel with cell sedimentation, and the barrier tube carrier. Rates of barrier formation
than 2 minutes. Were the gel to move thickens as it compresses the cells. In- differ according to various ramp-up and
completely to the interface 2 minutes stead of flowing along the wall of the tube ramp-down accelerations, as well as
after centrifugation began, free cell sed- as in the BD SST tube, the gel moves centrifugation temperature. Other fac-
imentation would be concluded, cen- through the blood in discrete portions tors can also influence sedimentation
trifugal spin time could be abbreviated, until it reaches the interface. This results rates, eg, serum/plasma viscosity and
and a specimen would be obtained. Al- in faster barrier formation but entrapment cell density.
though the serum volume might not be of many more cells above and in the gel
maximized, as seen in F1D, most of the compared to a BD SST tube. A complete Summary
specimen would be available, and TAT barrier is formed in approximately 1 We have studied and detailed cell
would be shortened. minute, but it takes approximately 3 min- sedimentation and gel movement in
Although the inability of the gel to utes before the gel begins to clarify. Cells clotted and anticoagulated blood during
move completely to the interface at the continue to sediment through the gel with centrifugation of BD Vacutainer™
ideal time necessitates longer spin each successive minute of centrifugation. tubes using recommended handling
times, the delay does lead to benefits in Any cells remaining in the barrier after conditions. Using a strobe centrifuge
terms of serum quality. As mentioned, centrifugation have little clinical signifi- and video camera, we showed that the
visible cell presence within the gel cance, as there is no driving force to move dynamics of cell and gel movement are
layer is limited because the gel does not them. As mentioned above, low-density different for clotted and anticoagulated
begin to form a barrier until after cell and smaller cells (platelets and some blood. In BD SST tubes, the gel must
sedimentation is virtually complete. WBCs) remain in the plasma after cen- move around the clot. The gel flows
This is significant, as the results of our trifugation, yielding a somewhat more continuously along the tube wall, delay-
experiments on the dynamics of cell turbid supernatant than serum. The num- ing its arrival at the interface between
and gel movement in the BD PST tube ber and type of cells remaining in the su- the serum and cells. The benefits of this
will show in the next section. pernatant depend upon the patient’s delay are that the serum is clarified
hematologic profile. While the plasma prior to barrier formation, and few cells
Centrifugation of plasma tubes and from BD PST tubes contains fewer visible are entrapped in the gel, allowing for
BD PST tubes cells than that from lithium heparin tubes improved serum quality.
In a plasma tube without gel, cell without gel, reduced counts of low-den- In plasma tubes, cells sediment more
sedimentation follows a more linear rela- sity and smaller cells do remain in the slowly than in serum tubes due to several
tionship with time [F2B] and at a much supernatant (data not shown). factors. In BD PST tubes, the gel can
slower rate than clotted blood. As Plasma yield increases with longer move readily through the anticoagulated
centrifugation proceeds, the cells continue spin times until approximately 8 to 10 blood to reach the plasma: cell interface.
to settle, and more plasma is expressed. It minutes, when the cells are packed and Unlike the gel moving in a continuous
takes approximately 7 to 8 minutes for all final barrier thickness is achieved. Thus, flow in BD SST tubes, the gel in BD PST
of the plasma to be recovered in a it takes much longer to obtain the full tubes moves in discrete pieces. Because
heparinized tube under these centrifuga- volume of plasma in a BD PST tube the gel reaches the interface faster and
tion conditions. Therefore, while a serum compared to serum in a BD SST tube. travels through the blood, more cells are
tube without gel can produce The suggested centrifugation conditions trapped between the gel portions and con-
approximately 40% of the serum in 2 recommended by the manufacturer are centrate at the interface. Most of these
minutes, it takes nearly twice as long for a defined for optimal plasma yield and pu- cells sediment through the gel during the
heparinized sample to produce the same rity. However, there is clearly an opportu- remaining centrifugation period. 591
volume of plasma. While no cells are vis- nity for the manufacturer of plasma tubes, Reducing the overall TAT of report-
ible in the supernatant of clotted blood, as well as serum tubes, to help the labora- ing test results is a common clinical labo-
some low density and smaller cells remain torian with reducing TAT while maintain- ratory quality measure. Frequently,
visible in the plasma after centrifugation ing specimen quality. A barrier that can reducing the processing time is a method
for 10 minutes at 1000g. Because the clot move into position quickly, such as the to achieve shorter TAT. However, as
has a higher density and greater size than current gel, but that allows a pathway for demonstrated by our studies, specimen
free cells in anticoagulated blood, faster sedimentation throughout centrifugation, purity is dependent upon cell separation

© laboratorymedicine> october 2001> number 10> volume 32

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and gel movement (in a tube containing sult in a supernatant containing some Acknowledgement
gel). This is particularly true for cells. Some reductions in processing We wish to acknowledge Moushmi
plasma samples as cell sedimentation time of blood collection tubes can be Patel for her efforts in collecting the data.
takes much longer for anticoagulated made without compromising specimen BD, BD Logo, and Vacutainer, SST
blood than clotted blood. Although cell quality depending on the type of tube and PST trademarks are property of
sedimentation times, and thereby, cen- collected. Becton, Dickinson and Company.
trifugation times, can be shortened Gel tubes can significantly improve ©2001.
with serum tubes, clotting time is criti- serum/plasma purity by separating the
cal to obtaining a cell-free and fibrin- cells from the supernatant. The gel bar- 1.Winkelman J and Tanasijevic M. How RBCs move
free serum. Use of lithium heparin rier also permits primary tube sampling through thixotropic gels. Lab Med 1999;30:476-
tubes greatly reduces the total TAT, but without cellular contamination, thus 2. Cohen R. RBCs on the Move? [Letter] Lab Med
shortened centrifugation times may re- improving laboratory efficiency. 2000; 31:304.


laboratorymedicine> october 2001> number 10> volume 32 ©

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