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Module: Brand Management

Code: RLM 401

Name: Theresa Zanza

Reg Num: R171681B

Topic: You are a purpose driven brand, craft an implementable three-year personal
strategic plan to ensure your dream is a reality. Demonstrate the application of the
balanced wheel of life and SOSTAC plus 3M model.
My name is Theresa Zanza an undergraduate in the retail and logistics management at Midlands
State University, born on the 3rd of October 1997. I am daughter to the late Mr. IT Zanza and the
late Mrs. E Zanza, my family comes from Parirewa village in Domboshava. In earlier years I was
always looking up to my late parents, they were great educators and its through their guidance I
became a more focused woman that I am right now. I am mostly driven by the following
personal values:

 Love
 family
 Integrity
 determination
 uniqueness
 trustworthy

I am of Christian belief and understand that one needs God’s grace and mercies in the journey of
life but I also believe that the core values in me allows me to march fearlessly ahead with faith
until I achieve my goals, since life is never smooth many of us fall off when we come across .
but with determination, love and support from my family I can overcome any type of an obstacle

Mission statement

“To constantly be striving to become the best version of myself in being a successful personal
brand in my job, heathy and my relationship with friends and family

My mission statement comes is my powerful tool because it provides me with apathy for success
and it gives me permissions to say no to the things that are distractions. To respect the wisdom of
experience and to value integrity. My mission is for all of my actions to have the best of
intentions, honest, ethical, and true to what I believe.

Current situation

Currently I am in my final year at the Midlands State University studying towards my Bachelors
Honors in Retail and Logistics Management. I am running a very successful poultry business
back at home and hope to expand on it further. I am also networking with other likeminded
young entrepreneurs to continuously sharpen my business acumen.
My Objectives

These are my objectives

 Develop growth mindset

 Growing my network in the logistics management
 Pursue ongoing professional development by having registered in a recognized
professional body for example CIPS
 Aim to be financially stability by the age 30
 Set personal boundaries and letting go of toxic relationship
 Build and improve professional relationship
 Enrolled for a master’s program in business intelligence (MBI)

To achieve these objectives in life over the next few years I have come with different strategies
to ensure that the above objectives are achieved

 Register with professional body become a member and later on pursuing my master’s in
business intelligence
 Start extending the poultry business at home
 Take some rest and recreation time with family to refresh.
 Engaging with people who have growth mindset and acquire new skills and how they
have survived the unstable economic environment
 Attending different young business forum or conference in logistics so as grow my
networks with people who have growth mindset and innovative so as to maximize on
potential new opportunities
 Creating boundaries between my professional and my personal life that are strong yet
realistic so as tweak my work life balance and make time for family
 Surrounding myself with people who have positive midst who uplift, inspire and support
me to be the best version of myself
 Build resilience so as to cope with adversity and adapt when a situation doesn’t go the
way I expected and allow me to use my strengths to recover from challenges

My three years

My plan in the next three years is to set into motion events that will feed in into the greater life
goals I have set up for myself. For The first year I will have to build strategic networks with
people in business, these will help in future as part of my set objectives. My plan will involve but
not limited to:
 Extending poultry fowl runs so as to increase their carrying capacity from 1000 to 2500
and not only limiting to poultry that is broilers road runners and lays also explore new
opportunities in cattle rearing
 Registering with chattered institute of logistics become a member then later on consider
attaining a master’s in business intelligence
 I intend to look for formal employment to boost my finances which will go towards my
day to day activities.
 I also intend to start attending conferences and business lunch that dwell empowering
youth to become their own bosses
Associating with people with growth mindset so as to improve my personal development
and networking with young entrepreneurs in the poultry business and those who are
marketing online getting ideas on how they are doing it and those offering the door to
door delivery services
Engage with cattle rearing consultancy services and also visiting farmers who are into
cattle rearing so as to get the right information on the requirement for one to start cattle
rearing projects

For my second year I expect my finances to start stabilizing, holding all other factors constant.
The second year will see me continue with my studies and projects. I will also be taking time to
attend different training seminars to attain various skills in computer networking, graphic design
courses. These certificates will come in handy in later years. The second-year plan will be as

 Completed the registration with a charted institute of logistics

 Expand on my poultry projects building on previous experiences from the first year.
 Start an investment on the battle rearing as all the required resources that is the financial
resources thus by my second year, I should have raised enough capital to start the cattle
rearing project and also expansion of the poultry business
 In my second year I should have managed to start marketing meat and eggs online taking
advantage of information technology that is social media platforms such as whatsapp,
Facebook and emails
 I should have also attained the door to door delivery and customers may be able to order
online assured of the efficient and responsive delivery services
 End of my second year I should have expanded on the poultry business and an increase
on the number of cattle reared
 By the end of the year I will also have started my master’s degree in business intelligence
and a full member of charted institute of logistics. And start research on further studies.

The third year will see me move to consolidate the gains of the first two years. By working
smart, I assume I would have advanced in my place of employment, however if I am not
employed, I will be fully committed to the chicken and piggery project. My actions in the third
year will include but not limited to:

 Continue to invest more in the poultry business, moving to process, package and
distribute to other bigger retail outlets like TM pick pay
 By third year should have grown my business networking and maximizing on those to
ensure a success of the projects
 I should have increased my trade area not only focusing on supplying to local distribution
networks butcheries but also other large meat sellers such as Colcom
 I should have gained a competitive advantage by distributing on door to door and
packaging my meat to cater customers at different income levels
In my third year I should have achieved most of my objectives through networking with
other prominent , emerging young and old entrepreneurs and maximizing on
opportunities that other producers in cattle rearing and poultry have not taken into
consideration, the revenue generated will b able to support in the furthering my studies at
the masters levels

After those three years to evaluate if my plan is successful and to see to any required
adjustments, I will employ the following measures for control purposes:

 Compare objectives against all the results

 Evaluate financial records on project performance so a to measure the increase in sales
profitability and market share
 Check all academic certificates attained during the three years from the professional bod
and master’s degree
 Evaluating on personal development by embracing imperfections challenges faced and
how best did I solve the problem incurred
 To what extent did the letting go of toxic and negative. People and surrounding myself
with uplifting people who inspired and supported to being the best version of myself
helped in mindset growth and personal development.

When my strategic plan is complete my balanced wheel of life should potentially look like the

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