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2 a Civil Engineering Drawing i* year Civil Engineering goths ol gh 48 Ni m to f | Oh, ll IN a scanner by : mahmoud ashraf Earth Works) 4) Juedt rea he all 955 (Bed) 4e 1 gt8 1 wile (9839 Ae itl ala 2 (Berm) cUbssli -3 Ble Sag peut cle og (Bank) 543!) -5 edacell A tasted "As" 4a! 3h Somx70em Waste "As" Aah y's aul iy .50em*x35em Ss sl poy sg da gill Glee gee Get Zem Allen dss 0 mn —____, ZAGAZIO UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF ENGINEERING ‘VIL ENGINEERING DRAWING Scale) sel cslits 2 As gM Lage iB 8g ds Ha paey ol pall aaa ll Gale ayaa Gay scanner by : mahmoud ashraf a Civil Engineering Drawing 1" year Er ing. 1:50 pay alse Aa gt gle Teer Ugly Aeaaalt SOc JS cl lst Ln pity - Aas te 2em Uhl dali ob im dS Gt tills - (gl sah ple Seca d 2 x phaly ollanal! Lait cs pla als cpalsiiall Vigy baleilly — (em) 43h) 2 =e cudyls Salen 12100 aay oubsle Aa st le Doom Yphithy Masada ob 100m JS col Coabhall Ha pity Asst le Lem Wbliy dahil 8 1m dS old ils - gh Seal pl acl J x jially aanall sles] cya aly cubs Mig abaily - Cem) Sh Laat sli lates sbalsStal BOY go Gulia he pity PCOS MMRR HERRERO EEE 200 ay us! As gill le Lem Uplitiy Asati 4 2000m oS col ubiall Ha ny As sill le O.Serm Uti deste 8 Lin JS old epllillyy - coe an gle aan) 0.5 x shally otlanall asl co pia cyl 1igy Jalal - (em) 4a sul I epalse lala Heteeetaeoeseeseseennaeencnes scanner by : mahmoud ashraf & Civil Engineering Drawing 1* year Civil Engineering ag bybss 3 + (Elevation) gol) biel) £154) 4305 oy j = (Elevation) oli bial 6UG + [ant lhe alan x (agllh pb capaci il — da ttt Gi i geale Lut] +243 em Je 1:50 pats ebay papal 138 daBls pe la od h = (12-7)243 = 13 cm tol SLR (Ay) 4a lll ape gly =i 2em_ 33em Plane ‘ 2cm 13cm 40cm Fe ann Ao _g, Vem 2cem scanner by : mahmoud ashraf @) c gineering Drawing 1 year Civil Engineering penal aan) Se Ugslan copy At hay w(R) eal x asta bb = ile cil og pl) dallaalt 7 (Xs) Rapeall le all G9 Gl Barty (2:1) i (3:2 = 1.5:1) sl (s1) ab! bil 38 ab Gila! a0 89) bat ab'=(13-10)*2=6 m seeuseneanenensesscninesesuans stepaliall G4 x dszell Goi = (Berm) Clad yee -2 G18 OF gobey aS 13) cUbsuall Gaye slau! by alll (Go EG penta panel cena) 2 (Kell ly ye ath lle ds) Berm widtii (b) = (1-5-1)*(9.00-7.00) = fm scanner by : mahmoud ashraf Civil Engineering Drawing * year Civil Engineering AQNGN cll pally geal Ge 8 yy Legh pany ply 3, fo wat Do] Apts coh G9Sy plall OAH aatads Aya Milian ot C UiLaall gi Baris SON Hore ren Hebbian 6) scanner by : mahmoud ashraf WIPIAA [B01 mahmoud ashraf |p1912 scanner by titanie_shi ELEVATION — eh “LL a1.00) sn z owns t BANK (12.25) Z1 m t BED (00) Y {.—. oe ELAN 7 x z i" f L o Is t I scanner by : mahmoud ashraf Civil Engineering Drawing 1" year Civil Engineering oi gl! Gi INO. 2 scanner by : mahmoud ashraf Civil Engineering Drawing mm year Civil Engineering. EARTH SLOPES IN CANALS AND DRAINS SLOPE IN BED scanner by : mahmoud ashraf Civil Engineering Drawin 1* year Civil Engi SLOPE IN BERM Page 8 Required: a, Elevation b. Plan «RS. V. 4Ls.v. ca] scanner by : mahmoud ashraf ELEVATION TL. ai00) <= @ scanner by : mahmoud ashraf Civil Engineering Drawin, 1* year Civil Engineering ELEVATION scanner by : mahmoud ashraf Civil Engineering Dra SLOPE IN BANK @ scanner by : mahmoud ashraf Civil Engineering Drawing 1" year Civil Engineering opts lg Bi Nowa scanner by : mahmoud ashraf SLOPE IN BED AND BERM Lu. (20.00) Required: a, Elevation b. Plan RSV. ahs. Vv. scanner by : mahmoud ashraf ar Civil Engineerin, Engineering Drawin; SVATION ELE scanner by : mahmoud ashraf scanner by : mahmoud ashraf * year Civil Engineeri i oe _ scanner by : mahmoud ashraf ‘ivil Engineering Drawin I* year Civil Engineering ‘AST LE (on ur 00°9 scanner by : mahmoud ashraf Civil Engineering Drawin: 1 year Civil Engineering scanner by : mahmoud ashraf titanie_shipl912@ 1 year Civil Enginceri Civil Engineering Drawin; m 6.00 pl 912 6 scanner by : mahmoud ashraf titamic_shij il Engineering Drawin, scanner by : mahmoud ashraf Civil Engineering Drawing i" year Civil Engineering he Shall gguaal bk (9.80) 99 yf sapicia CAEN (2g se) df Shit PLAN fF X= yal did GAS ot Elevation py JAM Bd pb yd Raa ace yf yg pan pny ELEVATE AS (10.00) ese oe (9.35) C-¢ @ scanner by : mahmoud ashraf Engineering Drawin; * year Civil Engineering &] scanner by : mahmoud ashraf = 3 Civil Engineering Drawing 1" year Civil Engineering egite ggl gh Nowe, scanner by : mahmoud ashraf I Engineeri ig Drawing I* year Civil Engineering. Walls 4ih 54) ela! Z ih china) pt 13 = 40h (X) osctall Scale 1:50 “a ai Ss, Elevation projection aay CY projection : Elevation (X) dana aan projection 1 - Elevation ow scanner by : mahmoud ashraf Civil Engineering Drawin; 1* year Civil Engineering Page 23 1OP Pama ee ‘16 FOUNDATION 4 Si Asters Side view + Plam pay Styhs bilall _] op Dhaall -2 Ssotit 3 qilo.os) ‘ q\9.3e) Elevation 2 @ scanner by : mahmoud ashraf P.C. Footing 0.81 thickness & e 0.3m projection ELEVATION (5.50) (3.00) PLAN. 2 =. ae Le Civil Engineering Drawing 1" year Civil Engineering pits ol AB NOs 9 scanner by : mahmoud ashraf 1* year Civil Engineering Dvawin, Civil Engineerio Page 29-a —H-— 082, sco fal SF ree ad 0 | 0 GOT ont NOWLVASTS_ ‘scanner by : mahmoud ashraf @ I Engineering 3 ecring Drawing “go son | ee oT oT sto oso st dnt @yal pl 912 scanner by : mahmoud ashraf titamic_shij (5.00) 4.30) ELEVATION (6,00) 5 G xamner by : mahmoud ashraf J) titanie_shipl912@ ¥ 5. =. el ° Civil Engineering Drawing 1 year Civil Engineering gotta ol gV! AB LN] Or 7 3) scanner by : mahmoud ashraf Civil Engineering Drawin 1“ year Civil Engineering (Ard) ys = (Magoneary) Colt Bride) Ahemle Coles! phot — FH Bn, (Spey Peete} es (AR) cha Seriya lend) oe CAM rsth ye ou gpzuekl — sg, GRAN lh US Be ( Bone be) Suey et Ge i a 3 = Palette (WEEN OU Catet er se me Se (Orel ) ce bt _ (W) = 25538, Sb 64,2. gS EES Ses te RS SS enn pened a A + So a] [as | =) | scanner by : mahmoud ashraf Civil E Drawin 1* yoar Civil Rngincerh Civil Engineering Civil Engineering Drawing | 4 g E 3 5 2 z é é titamic_shij TITIAN SIH —_ EEE NOLLYAITA 23S 9-A Civil Engineering Drawin, 1* year Civil neering 90° Segmental Arch 2.0 m, Th=0.38m pring Level = (4.00) S 8 P.C Footing 0.75 m thickness & 0.3 m projection PLAN scanner by : mahmoud ashraf Civil Engineering Drawing 1° year Civil Engineering 2.50), 1.75 o Se i) 6.50 SEC. ELEVATION scanner by : mahmoud ashraf @ Civil Enginecring Drawin: 1" year Civil Engineerin (3.00) 37(2.50) SEE] (1.751 Half Sec. S.V. A-B-C-D scanner by : mahmoud ashraf e4 C-O-a-A “A'S (995 TPH GrpSs Osos Orns scanner by : mahmoud ashraf we L* year Civil Engineeri Civil Engineering Drawin: titanie_shij 1* year Civil Engineerin, cL NV'Td SLOMV wyce'9 suo saddn ydaoxg WSO uopsafadwgg = ef PH --- 2 SOUS W Sey = Gunooy 9d (oop) = faa] Suudg WBE'O="EL “WH O'Z=S $s i | yauy FewaMBos 06 | scanner by : mahmoud ashraf ip1912 titamic_shij SEC. ELEVATION =) wit wi w Civil Engineering Drawing 1* year Civil ingineering 19.40" 8.00) Half Sec. $1V. A-B-C-D scanner by : mahmoud ashraf Ww Civil Engineering. Drawing 1% year Ci Engineering GO-d-d “A'S 08S JIPH GTHS CoS Oss) scanner by : mahmoud ashraf 12 Civil Engineering Drawing 1" year Civil Engineering opie Ah a No. 7 scanner by : mahmoud ashraf a | (ooi9h= tay tod a a | MBCO=WOTS esse meOe AV TONES 08 pcg guopepmneg Dd a a 2 | =e > 2 Z| ion Way (ogy& Page 40 BLO" tam Bh, ees Row o- | mv scanner by : mahmoud ashraf titamic_shij |p1912 Civil Engineering Drawint 1 year Civil Engineering Page 41 Ys oe euaraiveD a 6 coucnere N oo Pourearion ro 1m 2 Ba Pouhen Mw) Jou Haig & SEE) pape a Ach ee Tyee! ofl Se UR Pact ts scanner by : mahmoud ashraf Civil En, 1* year Civil Engineeris 2-Bhe Gon snare 11200! gos a a : 5 5 3 2 scanner by : mahmoud ashraf Bib t9.80) WALL AM RANGEMENT ‘Ehevedion AU) afte. 6) IAs) scanner by : mahmoud ashraf Civil Engineering Drawing I year Civil Engineering Cc ivil Engineering Drawing 1" year Civil Engineering (STEEL CONSTRUCTIONS) glen Cnet fj dasdieall Gletbill A ZB ot, Angle Plate L axbxt PL axbxt b A ZH h) : 4 Kt Channel c heb tpt, rt Z B _7-Beam hxb Wt, wD scanner by : mahmoud ashraf 1p gUab Jot Abts bt bt (OS oe Side View nal || Plate PL axbxt 1 q Channel si ube hb " c= = L - txt, {Z scanner by : mahmoud ashraf Engineering Drawin; 1* year Civil Engineering, 1 i h oT ! ' Elevation Side View 4 ' b eS ty L Tee Plan hob 1 txt, fa eg 5 u 2 =a 1 o ' pan Side View = L = : Plan wh t aes i 4 h h 1 1 Elevation Side View ) 4 I-Beam hxb txt, By scanner by : mahmoud ashraf Ci Drawin: ‘ivil Engineeri I-Beamso ulo.s} x99 Flange 31 Web Standard I-Beam Broad Flange I-Beam S.LB B.FLB 2 ea) date tla ahs blag Sdemx3Sem Wand "A," Aa} gi S0em*70cm aed "Ay" kag! gle pel haga any aay Hall ge gaan Ge lem Bleed a scanner by : mahmoud ashraf Civil Engineering Drawing 1* year Civit Engineering sfScate) aul utils 1 Res ys JB A 9 a gry yl a abe ae ay DO py oie Aa gl gle Lim Ueltis eaalall 3 10mm JS oi Gabsiall 1b i - As sll ple bom Webbie Sesehall 64 100mm oS cid ley - emir) As shlt gle ae ple cal 1.0 fall oLbanall SLY) ad pip elsiall Nags Jalal y — See ekee eee eteeteeeeEHereeEe ah le Tim Welty elt gd Simin US Goh els Hs le Ao gl gle Dem Uptiy Agate 3 1 00min US fh JR» - {am 4 318 gle Seth gle Joma § pay sland aaJY! Rend as cull gy ala y« esenne: 16) scanner by : mahmoud ashraf Civil Engineering Drawin, 1* year Civil Engineering Elevation Side View : = Sj + Plan (6) scanner by : mahmoud ashraf titanie_ship19, Elevation Plan \= scanner by : mahmoud ashraf Civil Engineering Drawing 1 year Civil Engineering 2L 80x8 ‘ ee et Le 2509 —oe| Elevation scanner by : mahmoud ashraf titanic_ship19 NEO Civil Engineering Drawing 1* year Civil Engineering Part (2) STEEL CONST RUCTIONS No, 2 nner by : mahmoud ashraf Civil Engineering Drawin, * year Civil Engineerin: 1 220x98 450x170 8x12 | 16x24 220x98 Ly L 70x7 8x12 Side View Elevation 450x170 | 16x24 mn) Sec. Plan WY scanner by : mahmoud ashraf 1 year Civil Engineering | 1 220x938 | 8x12 | | I 220x98 2L 70x7 | x12 La | = Side View Sec. Plan scanner by : mahmoud ashraf Civil Engineering Drawin; 1* year Civil Engineering 20x98 400x155 7 8x2 | 14x22 - - — | ie et 400x195 Hee 8 x12 x = r vaca. ' \ [A + | | rr a Side View Elevation 20x98 8 x12 Plan eZ ‘scanner by : mahmoud ashraf Le Ate Civil Engineering Drawing I* year Civil Engineering Part (2) STEEL CONSTRUCTIONS No. 3 ngineering Drawing Mal apg 6x06 STE 8X08 Sb 8X08 STP 6X06 STZ uonBaaly [0% OF X55 Td —ey 8x08 Sb |p1912 scanner by : mahmoud ashraf titamic_shij U4 4Ls 80x8 ineering Drawing _ 1* year Civil Engineering 2Ls 90x9 Gusset 10 Elevation |—— PL 550x 440 x10 —=1 Co Se} za scanner by : mahmoud ashraf MAlA BPIS 00: $= -———00s ———_-} | Lx0L ST8 OIXOOI STP uoneaaly [00S X60 “Id —= f: -—oLy 7 -—e} LXOL ST8 OIXOOL STF 7 amnad STALL OSTXOST rae LxOL STS Of lessns tra Oscxose scanner by : mahmoud ashraf titamic_shij ayal pl 912 6 1* year Civil Engineering Side View scanner by : mahmoud ashraf 2Ls 90x9 Civil Engineering Drawing 2Ls 90x9 1* year Civil Engineering oe oh + 4Ls 80x8 550 r+ ft] Lt 4 [4Ls 80x8 Plan ++]4+ + 4+] 4++4 a” 4 440) -—_.| scanner by : mahmoud ashraf Civil Engineering Draw! 1“ year Civil Engineering 8Ls 70X7 4Ls 100x10 Ss ~ o wm wm 3 o a x & oo one tee Ss tS 2 SL " po [am PL scanner by : mahmoud ashraf Civit Engineering Drawing I year Civil Engineering 4Ls 100x10 8Ls 70x7 B.F.I 250x250 11x16 7 |~—__- gg —___>| Side View cS scanner by : mahmoud ashraf 300x125 2is Civil ig ering Drawing 1° year Civil Engineering 4Ls 7x7 2Ls 100x10 Side View 2Ls 100x10 Gusset 10 2Ls 100x10 oa Plan |+—— PL. 640x 56012. Elevation scanner by : mahmoud ashraf incering Drawing 1" year Civil Engineering 4Ls 100x1L0 Gusset 10 300x125 8 | { | | | | | ; ie as 640 S11 x16 PL, 640X 560X12 ——+] Elevation 21 scanner by : mahmoud ashraf Civil Engineering Drawing P year Civil Engineering 2Ls 100x10 tC 2< So ~~ wn — SP w o z | ay S 2 ; SX S > | cal = o es 4 I} (ae) scanner by : mahmoud ashraf a —— il _1* year Civil Engineering: OIXOOT STZ OL Jassnp rad" OIXOOT SIZ Civil Engineering Drawin: scanner by : mahmoud ashraf wk oS Civil Engineering Drawing 1* year Civil Engineering Part (2) STEEL CONSTRUCTIONS No. 4 i] Engineering 1 year Ci Civil Engineering Drawin; Frets Ssixo08 eld ‘995 8 X0b7 KOOP Tdz uONeAg|y MAL OPIS scanner by : mahmoud ashraf titamic_shij |p1912 eering Drawing woneaaly 8x08 IZ te x 8 XOPT X00h Td |p1912 scanner by : mahmoud ashraf titamic_shij a) 1* year Civi £ = £ a £ t 3 2 a e a 8X08 Te] | 31x06 ‘T MLA 2pIS — 7 i j£iX6 jS8x0rZ 8 XOFZ XO0F dz scanner by : mahmoud ashraf titamic_shij |p1912 Civil Engineering Drawing 1* year Civil Engineering 400x155 2PL 400x 240x 8 Sec. Plan scanner by : mahmoud ashraf Civil Engineering Drawing 1* year Civil Engineering, S x 3 e a 2 splice PL 280 x180X8 a = PL 280X110x 10 & Ss s 2 wm = 2 3 3 3 = lz x s g|& & z & a = a a == — — z 2 > @ Z wm 3 3 ww scanner by : mahmoud ashraf Civil Engineering Drawing \ year Civil Engineering 2 splice PL 280 x 180X8 l. 280X 110x 10 . & s | 1 3 LL + > ! a la S Ss = = >< S @ se < S a = — oy | 7 a @) scanner by : mahmoud ashraf titamic_ship1912@ Civil Engineering Drawing 1 year Civil Engineering | PL 410Xx 160X 12 | & S 3 S 7 | —= | # S|& “ S @ scanner by : mahmoud ashraf Plan Civil Engineering Drawing 1* ycar Civil Engineering Drak (AV Patt (2) STEEL CONSTRUCTIONS Ne G 4 NV Side View als #0 | See. Plan nner by : mahmoud ashraf TOneASTy mahmoud ashraf wear x OLS STF ytage JZ scanner by titanie_shi 9ExbI | OFC = 'T Detxqoe! | 9IXOL OO! XO0E OLZ=T OLXOOL STP 1¢ pI lessny Z SSS OSt=1 OLXOOI STr OExbl doexoor 4 6X0L STr BEI 400x300 14x26 4Ls 100X10 300x 100 2c 10x16 280x120 a1 10x15 Side View | (3) scanner by : mahmoud ashraf OLX08 STr SIXOl OC1XO8 | 91x01 Got X00€ S1x0l ozmose © mahmoud ashraf |p1912 scanner by titanie_shi Civil Engineering Drawing 1* year Civil Engineering =), mh Part (2) STEEL CO wT RUCTIONS ‘OL XOZS KOBE Td M14 apIS mahmoud ashraf | scanner by titanie_shi OQ] Jessy OLXOOT TZ OL XO8Z x59 OL X0Z$ X081 ‘Td ZLX08 XO9T TZ O7x El SPIXO9E T scanner by : mahmoud ashraf titamic_shij @ | MATA OPIS OL xOL OOTXOOE M OL X0ZS KO8I Id OIX00T TZ | ima wer Ul | mt ozxel | | int | SPs | | wt 1 1 ! 1 1 i 1 i i— | | | I | — Mh @yal pl 912 6 scanner by : mahmoud ashraf titamic_shij 3 2L 100x10 2L 160x 80x12 S § ax 3 1 =o wr f+ + Wt ase + + | 3 | Q scanner by : mahmoud ashraf eld 325, i BxUSE KOSS TAP MAHA OPIS : mahmoud ashraf 2 z z 5 % @yal ply titanie_shi uoneaoyy OKOOL 1¢ L | trIKo9e OLX 08 X0ZI all I 8x0L 12 t OZXEL ! 1x01 : | ozixose i scanner by : mahmoud ashraf titamic_shij L 120x 80X10 Side View scanner by : mahmoud ashraf 4L 100 x10 Sec. Plan (3) scanner by : mahmoud ashraf ‘Civil Drawing ‘Mid-Term Exam 1 (12.5 degrees) 117112007 Qa) (4 degrees) Draw to Scale 1:50 a- The Left Side View? (2): (S degrees) Draw to Scale 1:50 a- See. Elevation? (3): (3.5 degrees) Draw to Scale 1:100 a- The Elevation? b- The Right Side View? scanner by : mahmoud ashraf ‘Zagzazig University Final Exam for First Year CivilEng. Civil Drawing Faculty of Engineering _ (60 degrees) Time: 3 hours Question No. (1): G5") Draw to Seale 1:50 the following: i Section Elevation. (13°) ii- Left Side View (10°) iii- Section B-B (10°) (3-00) Le leone. fae ting = Re ek acraie/ ical ors ican Bt tear iree 2 mrshgecee Paeprccs pea Rae aren ow ee Question No. (2): (25") Draw to Scale !:5 the following: i Section Plan (9 jie Side View (8° (8 ) ) iii- Section ¥-Y ) Good Luck Dr. EF-Sadek Heikal 137172008, scanner by : mahmoud ashraf scanner & modified & upload by Mahmoud Ashraf contact info titanic_ship1¢

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