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afb Designation: A 82-978 Standard Specification for FILE COPY ‘even Ascosten Ste Hohy a Transcranial “Sica SO Nes ae Steel Wire, Plain, for Concrete Reinforcement’ ‘Te tana i end ander the ied designation A 2: he muir Snel fllowing te cchgaten tease yer xg ‘ops ei th ae of revision the yut of ns revision Amur ln paritese ied the fer flat reagprval& sept pin (clout au oii chang eae he lst evs we eapcral ‘This rondo has ben approved jor us bi atone ofthe Deparment of Deon 1. Scape 1.1 This specification covers cold-drawn steel wire, as drawn or galvanized, to be used as such, or in fabricated form, for the reinforcement of concrete, in sizes not less than 2.03 mm (6.080 in.) nominal diameter. 1.2 Supplement SI describes high strength wire, which shall ve furnished when specifically ordered, It shall be permissible {fo furnish high strength wire in place of regular wire if mutually agreed to by the purchaser and the supplier. 1.3 The values stated in either inch-pound units or SI units are to be regarded us standanl. Within the text the inch-pound ums are showa in parentheses. The values stated in cach system are not exact equivalents; therefore, each system must bbe used independently of the other, Combining values may result in nenconformaace with the specification, 2, Referenced Documents 2.1 ASTI Standards: A185 Specification for Steel Welded Wire Fabric, Plain, for ‘Concrete Reinforcement” A310 Test Methods and Definitions for Mechanical Testing of Steel Products? AG41 Specliication for Zine-Coated Galvanized) Carbon Steel Wire* A700 Practices for Peckaging, Marking, and Loading Methods for Stoel Products for Domestic Shipment! 83 Practice for Verification and Classification of Exter- someiers® 22 US. Military Standards: MIL-STD-129 Marking for Shipment and Storage” ‘MIL-STD-163 Stee! Mill Products Preparation for Ship- ‘ment and Storage’ 23. US. Federal Standard: ‘Tas speciedon is under the jridicien of ASTM Camnies Act 0 Stel, Stainless Steck nd Reed Alloys ands the dies respoasliy of Subcommainee OLS cn Stel Relfercenent, Gureat edisce smpoted December 10, 1997. Published November 1938. ‘vigil pablshed ss A €2~21T. Lat previous edton A 8297 ¥ anna Book of ASTM Standards, Voi 01.08. 2 Aarasl Book of ASTM Sedaris, Val 01.03. ‘ Anraal Book of ASTM Sadar, Vol 0198 * Anraal Book of ASTM Stndarés, No 01.08, * Asmacl Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 05. " arsiate rom Sencardanton Documents Onde Dest Bid. 4, Sesion D, 700 Robbins Ave, Pilaepks, PA 1911-5004, Copy © ASTM, "a0Ser har De, Vet Canoes, PA OIRO, Leos Se Fed. Std. No. 123 Marking for Shipments (Civil Agencies)’ 24. Other Standard: ACI318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Con- cree! 3. Ordering Information 3.1 Orders for material to this specification should include the following informatic 3.1.1 Quantity (weight), 3.1.2 Name of material (cold-drawn steel wire for concrete ‘reinforcement, 3.1.3 Wire size number (See Section 8), 3:14 Packaging (see Section 15), and 3.15 ASTM designation and year of issue. 2.16 Specicl requirements, if any. (Ses Supplement SI.) Nove 1A typical onfesing description is 2= fotows: 100 000 1b coldsdraum steal mize for concrete reinforcement, Size No, WS in $00 secured coils, 19 ASTM 4A, Materials and Manufacture 41 The steel shall be made by one of the following processes: open-hearth, eleciric furnace, or basic-oxygen. 42 The wire shall be cold drawa from rods that have been ‘hot rolled from billets. 43 Unless otherwise specified, the wire shall be supplied uncoated. Waen specified as galvanized. it shall be galvanized at finish size. 5. Mechanical Property Requirements Sl Tension Tests 5.1 When tested as described in Test Methods and Defi- nitions A 370, the material, except as specified m 5.1.2, shall conform to the tensile property requirements in Table I based ‘on nominal area of wire, ‘5.1.2 The yield strength shall be determined as described in ‘Test Methods and Definitions A 370 at an extension of OS % of gage length. The manufacturer is not required to test for yield strength, but is responsible for supplying 2 product that will ‘meet the stipulated limit when tested in conformance with the provisions of 113, For determining the yield strength, use a Class B-l extensometer as described in Practice E83. The * svalbl frm American Caneret Tn, P.O, Bax 90%, Femingon Hil, 8333-30 COPYRIGHT 2000 Amencan Sooiety for Testng and Materials Intormation Handing Services, 2500 p Asa TABLE 1 Tension Test Requirements TABLES Bend Test Requirements “Teste aang min, rt (Pa) aay ‘Yld strong, mn, x (Mea). 70,(85) ton of eee i " 7 ater estng oer 100 al (50 WPal role song, tw rccton oF rea thal be rot iese an 25%, extensometer shotld be removed from the specimen after the yielé strength has been determined. 5.1.3 For matetial 19 be used in the fabrication of welded fabric, the tensile and vield strength properties shall conform to the requirements given in Table 2, based on nominal area ofthe 5.14 The matecial shall not exhibit a dedinite yield point as evidenced by a distinct drop of the beam or halt in the gage of the testing machine prior to reaching utimete tensile load. The purchaser may opt to eccopt this feature as suflcien! evidence of compliance withthe specified minimum Yield strength tests vered in 113, 5.2 Bend Test—The bend test specimen shall stand being bent at room temperature through 180° without cracking on the ‘ouiside of the beat portion, as prescribed in Table 3 $.3 Reduction of Area Test-—The reduction of area shall be determined as described in Test Methods and Definitions 4.370, and the wire shall conform to the reduction of aves sequirements in Table | and Table 2 6, Permissible Variation in Wire Diameter 6.1 The pecmissible variation in the diameter of the vise shall conform to the requirements given in Table 4. 6.2 The difference between the maximam and minimum diameters, as measured on any given cross section ofthe wire, shall be no more than the tolerances listed in Table 4 for the given wie size. 7, Workmanship, Finish, and Appearance 7.1. The wire shall be free of detrimental imperfections snd shall have a worksnaatike finish 7.2 Galvanized wire shall be produced as described in Specification A 641, regular coating. 7.3 Rost. surface seams, or sucfece iregularities shall not be 1 cause for rejection provided the requirements of 74 are met, ‘md the minimum dimensions and mechanical properties of 2 hand wire-brushed test specimen are not less than the tequire- ments of this specification. 7.4 Wire intended for welded fabri shall be sufficiently free cf must and crawing lubricant so as not to interfere with electric resistance welding 8, General Requirements 8.1 When wire for concrete reinforcement is ordered by size TABLE 2 Tension Test Requirements (Material for Welded Faaric) Sawie aie ‘ans wanSee Larcor wiz ae sigh win kPa) —*S I) 7 ees) iad seen rn, (MPa) 25 (0) 35 689) Retucson of ne an, 308 * “Fox mate tesing evet 100 Kt (690 MPa) fnslb srengh, fe reaacion ct ioe shallbe net ass an 25%. COPYRIGHT 2000 Amercan Society for Testhng and Metedals Information Handing Senices, 2000 oe Neer Bend Tost Wy and swaier Bond acinda pn be danse hal oa oa ‘darator ete spociran Coarse than W7 Bene around pn the ameter tate equal1o tice the darolr of be specinen TABLE 4 Permicsible Variation in Wire Diemater = Ee = ‘Nominal Oamot, Vaiaton Pus ‘Ste Nertbet em) ana Manus, mmm) Saale han Wi ‘der 0282 (6), ‘0008 (0.08) West 2, nek 0.252 (eae) wae ‘006 (0.165 (9.99) Omri wa. na vor 0.991 (289) to 0.008 (0.15) 205 (128), Oe wa cover 0.508128), 0008 (020) number, the relation between size number diameter, and ara shown in Table 5 and Table 6 shall apply. 9. Sampling 9.1 Test specimens for testing mechanical properties shall ‘e full wire sections and shall be obtained from ends of wire coils as drawn or as galvanized. The specimens shall be of Sufficient length to perform testing described in S.1 and 5. 92 Ifany test specimen exhibits obvious isolated imperfec- ‘ons not representative of the product, it may be discarded and another specimen substituted, 10. Number of Tests 10.1 One tension and one bend test shall be made from each, 9070 ke (10 tons) or less of each size of wire or fraction thereof ‘TABLE 5 Dimensionsl Requirements for Plain Wire—Si Units, ‘Wire Sizes She Norbert Nonind Dancbernm (a) Nonna neem) mas 250 (0.10) 5 (e008) sa 10 00 02142), s0 (0018) mv 13 $0 0.179) s5tace) hav 20 5.09 (0.197), Zao) sv 3s bo 220) 25100) naw 20. 620 oes) 301008) Maas 270 224) 35 (0s) ha e9 7.9 (0200) 40 (006) mwas 755 (0290) 45 (007) maw 50 809 (0315) so1ao7 849 0331) 50.085) £7 0333) 00083) 210 (0358) es(0101) 9.49 (0370) 70 (0.108) 104 (0337) so (0124) 1079 (0421) 5010133) 1.98 (0485) 00,0185) 120 485) 20 (0.188) 1299 (0508) 330 (0203) 1885 (0826) 220319) i222 (0757) 250/059) "Tis il roprecons a Hard matibaton ofthe ros reeahy avelabe siesin ‘he wold wi reniocconert dusty. Table Should be used npjects hat are ‘Sesiged taing St unis; Tole 6 shoud Se used on pajers desined ong Inerpound unt. Arse of wire stoud be ctacted win te most eficent and ‘any avalatie natal For producers. her we szs re aiacble and mary ‘anuecurers can prosice hen h bes Doon) reenens Jy a 82 TABLE 6 Dimensional Requiremente for Plain Wire—Inch-pound Unite, Wire Sizes ‘See Nabe Newel Dareurin faa) Nonna Aaa wos oso (203) 00s =) wie ort 3.15) 2012 7.75) wia cre B20) do (oa) we 0160 1208) 2.020 1260) w2s aire 42) 0.005 (18.13) w29 ‘oie eee) 0.085 41870) was c2it 525) 0.85 (225), we 220 15.74) 0.0 ts.) was 259 (6.07) 0.45 (2.08) We 0282 16.40) 0.50 (2.28) Woe 2 6 055 (5.48) we ozre (7.0) 9.060 (38.71) we 239 8.19) 2.80 61.5) wie c3e7 B07) 2,100 e852) wie O3s 6.) ogo (rae) we ote (10.72) a0 20:8) was ast (a8) ep (0825) was 47a (12.7) oto 1833) wes 08 (12.59) 9209 (12009) we ozs (13.48) 2m (tet) wa ssa (145) 0240 (15450) 2s bars (iaen, 2m (16770) wae 0297 (5.16) 260 (18080) wo 04818 (15.70) 0300 (18350) wat 0.28 (1535), (0310 200.00) was 0.357 (18.23) 2450 (25022) ‘Fitts labie reresers He Sea! aly avatable aaa me welded we ‘eislomenent naosty Ses unig ebpound uns. Areas of wre ahatd be chesiad win fhe most eficient ard realy avaliable maze fom setootrs Other wie aes are avaiable and mary manufacturers can protuce em A O001Ein® neers. in a lot, or a total of seven samples, whichever is less. A lot shall consist of all the coils of a single size offered for delivery at the same time. 11. Inspection 11.1. The inspector representing the purchaser shall have free entry, at all times while work on the contract of the purchaser is being performed, to all parts of the manufacturcs's works that concem the manufacture of the material ordered. 2 manufacurer shall afford the inspector all reasonable facilities to assure that the material is being fomished ia accondance with this specification. 11.2 Except for yield strength, all tests and inspection shall be made at the place of manufacture prior o shipment, unless otherwise specified. Such tests chal be so conducted as not to intzrefere unnecessarily with the operation of the works. 113 If the purchaser considers it desirable to determine compliance with the yield strength requirements in 5.1. yield strength tests may be made in a recognized laboratory, or their sepresentative may make the testa the mill If such tests do not interfere unnecessarily with the mill operations. L14 For U. S. Government Procurement Onl»—Except as othenvise specified in the contract, the contractor is responsible for the performance of all inspection and test requirements specified herein. Except as otherwise specified in the contract, the contractor may use his own or any other suitable facilities for the performance of the inspection ang test requirements specified herein, unless disapproved by the purchaser at the time of purchase. The purchaser shall have the right to pecform any of the inspections and tests at the same frequency as set COPYRIGHT 2009 Amencan Sosity for Testng and Materials Information Handing Services, 2000, ‘fomth in this specification where such inspections are deemed necessary to ensure that material conforms to prescribed requirements 32. Rejection 12.1 Material that shows detrimental imperfections subse- quent to its acceptance at the manufacuurer's works will be rejected, and the manutacturer shall be notified. 12.2 Failure of any of the test specimens to comply with the requirements of this specification shall constitute grounds for ‘ejection of the lot represented by the specimen. The lot may be -esubmtted for inspection by testing every coil for the property in which the specimen failed and sorting out nonconforming coils. 123 Any rejection based on tis made in accordance with the specification shall be reported to the manufacturer within a reasonable period of time. The material mast be adequately protected and correcily identified in order that the producer ‘may make a proper investigation, 13. Rehearing 13.1. Rejected materials shall be preserved for a pesiod of at least two weeks from the date of inspection, during which time the manafactarer may make claim fora rehearing and retesting. 14. Certification 14.1 When specified in the purchase order or contract, a producer's or supplier's corification shull be famished to the parchaser that the material was manufactured, sampled, tested, and inspected in accordance with this specification and has been found to meet the requirements. When specified in the parchase order or contract, « report of the test results shall be furnished. The centification shall include the specification ‘umber, year-date of issue, and revision letter, if any, 15, Packaging and Marking 15.1 The size ofthe wire, ASTM specification, and name or mark of the manufacturer shall be marked on a tag securely antached to each coil of wire 15.2 Unless otlervise specified, packaging, marking, and loading for shipment shall be in accordance with Practices A700 15.3 When specified in the contract or order, and for direct procurement by or direct shipment 10 the USS. goverumeat, ‘when Level As specified, preservation, packazing, and pack- ing shall be in accordance with the Level A requirement of MIL-STD-163 15.4 When specified in the comract or order, and for the

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