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Project Management Improvement

Project Status Report

October 15 – November 15, 2005

Project Dashboard Key: Green = on track Yellow = needs attention Red = significant problem

Schedule Budget Scope Quality Overall

. revised . . revised . . revised . . revised . strategy adjustments

Green Green Green Green Green

Project strategy changes are now complete and fully documented in the detailed Scope section below.
Phase 1 and Phase 2 target dates, budget, and scope have been adjusted to allow for these strategy changes.
All tasks and expenditures to date are in line with the revised target dates and budget.

The schedule for Phase 1, as adjusted in the October 15 th status report is firm and all tasks are on schedule,
with one exception: it has been determined that the Project Management Advisor tool to deliver the framework
via the Web can be completed for version 1.0 as part of Phase 1. The schedule for Phase 1 is adjusted below
to include completion of version 1.0 of the tool.

The schedule for Phase 2 has been adjusted to reflect Phase 2 strategy revisions. Updates to the table below
are shown in bold type.

Milestone/Task Start Date End Date Revised End % Complete

Phase 1 6/1/05 12/15/05 85%
Framework 6/1/05 11/1/05 12/15/05 95%
Tools 7/15/05 11/1/05 12/15/05 85%
Skills/Thinking 10/1/05 12/15/05 75%
Communication 10/1/05 12/15/05 75%
Phase 2 10/15/05 4/1/06 7/1/06
Strategy & Plan 10/15/05 n/a 11/15/05 100%
Review & Approval 11/15/05 n/a 12/15/05
Framework 1/1/06 n/a 7/1/06
Tools 1/1/06 n/a 7/1/06
Skills/Thinking 1/1/06 n/a 7/1/06
Communication 1/1/06 n/a 7/1/06

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Project Management Improvement
Project Status Report
October 15 – November 15, 2005

Detail (cont.)
The Phase 1 budget estimate is a revised estimate to include completion of the Framework, v1.0 review
and refinement and the full Project Management Advisor, V1.0 delivery tool development, previously
included in Phase 2. Phase 1 expenditures are within the budgeted amount.

The Phase 2 budget estimate is an adjusted estimate to reflect a revised rollout strategy based on
assessment of the Phase 1 content by the core team and the review team. This revised strategy indicated
in the scope below is approved by the project sponsor. The associated budget is approved by the project
sponsor and is ready for review by the Associate CIO. Updates to the table below are shown in bold type.

Line Item Current Baseline Actual to Date Estimate to Expected at End Variance
Fyy-yy Fyy-yy Complete Fyy-yy
(A) (B) (C) D = (B + C) E = (A - D)
Phase 1 $110,000 $103,000 $40,500 $143,500 ($33,500)
Phase 2 $100,000 -0- $143,000 $143,000 ($43,000)

Scope Adjustment
The Phase 1 scope is adjusted to include completion of the full Project Management Advisor, V1.0 delivery
tool development, previously included in Phase 2. Phase 2 scope is revised as follows:
 Include support for several pilot projects to vet Framework, v1.0
 Include full support of project management mentoring workshops
 Include continued communication with DoIT management and staff
 Include two intermediate releases of the Framework and the Project Management Advisor tool to
 Extensive templates and examples to support Framework, v1.0
 Basic documentation for Stage 1 – Conceive and Stage 5 – Close
 Detailed documentation for Change Management and Operational Integration and Support
 Glossary, tips, and other help in PMA
 Exclude detailed documentation for Issue Management, Risk Management, Strategic Alignment, which
are deferred to a later project phase.

Framework: All Phase 1 components of the project management framework, version 1.0 are completed
and in review.
Tools: Prototyping for the Project Management Advisor performance support tool is completed and full
implementation of version 1.0 is in progress.
Communications: Presentations are scheduled in November for the new Associate CIO, the Op Directors,
and the Network Services department.
Communications & Skill Development: The project management review team, comprised of 19 DoIT
project managers, met for a second time with the Project Management Task Force members on November
9th. Significant discussion and feedback is being compiled into an action plan. At the request of review
team members, an extra meeting will be scheduled in addition to the previously scheduled December 14 th
session to permit further discussion of remaining framework content. Additionally, presentations of project
directions, status, framework content, and a demonstration of the Project Manager Advisor delivery tool
were delivered to the Middleware group and to the e-Infrastructure team.

Example – Project Status Report v2.0 Page 2 of 3

Project Management Improvement
Project Status Report
October 15 – November 15, 2005

Detail (cont.)
The following issues are resolved:
 Phase 2 strategy change is completed and associated target dates and budget have been revised.
 The revised communication plan has been completed, approved, and disseminated.

Next Steps

 Review Phase 1 framework details

 Refine and publish Phase 1 framework details
 Complete development of framework support tool

Project Team Changes

Name Organization Role Note
Name4 DoIT - SEO Core Team member *Left the project – reassigned to
another project
Name8 DoIT - ADI Core Team member Role changed from core team
member to review team member

*In the process of recruiting a replacement.

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