Public Comments For April 9th Meeting

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Commission Report

Commission Meeting Public Comment - April 9 2020

April 9, 2020 11:21 AM MDT

Public Comment

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Kathy Suarez roccoparks24@GMAIL.COM BATTERSEA Non-agenda Item N/A No

Kathy Suarez roccoparks24@GMAIL.COM BATTERSEA Non-agenda Item N/A No

Construction sites need to

be shut down. The workers
at the Courtyard hotel on
the corner of Bayshore and
Darwin in Coconut Grove
are daily congregating in
large groups in such a way
Julie Katz Tigertail Non-agenda Item No
that not only are they not
Avenue 214
practicing social distancing,
but they make it nearly
impossible for neighbors on
the block to pass to get
outside to exercise or walk

Michael March 3543 PLAZA FR.2 7185 AMEND Good morning, my name is No
ST CODE – CHAPTER Mike March, and I live at
23 – HISTORIC 3543 Plaza St. in the West
PRESERVATION Grove. I would like to
thank Commissioner
Manolo Reyes for
sponsoring the legislation
listed as FR 2, which
proposes what I consider to
be some positive changes
to the process of historical
designations in the City of
Miami. These positive
changes include providing
more advance notice of
board meetings and
hearings, and an increased
window period during which
designees may appeal. As
someone with a home on
Charles Avenue, I have
been affected by the
designation of my street as
a historic corridor. When
this designation happened,
I was not very well
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informed of the
implications to us as
individual homeowners.
There was no mailing sent
to us notifying that we
would lose many of our
options, effectively losing
the land value of our
properties. Because my
home, along with the
majority of the other
homes on my street, is
more than 50 years old, I
cannot receive a demolition
permit without getting
approval from the Historic
and Environmental
Preservation Board, or
HEPB. Because Charles
Avenue and its adjacent
streets on either side have
also been designated an
archeological conservation
zone, we also must pay for
additional surveys before
we build or put up a fence.
More recently my home
was also individually
designated historic, as part
of the Multiple Property
Designation of Wooden
Vernacular Homes. The
second time around, I was
more informed, thanks to
certified mailings from the
city. Thankfully I was able
to appeal this second
designation before the City
Commission, thanks to the
votes of Commissioners
Reyes, Carollo, Hardemon
and Gort, and also thanks
to Mayor Suarez who
waived the hefty appeal
and postage fees. But
effectively, I was already
designated historic, (due to
the street I am on), and I
still am. I love my old
wooden shotgun shacks
and have no plans to
demolish them, but like
any property owner, I
would prefer to be in
control of this decision.
Due to the previous
designation of my street, I
still am not. Maintaining
any home is a labor of
love, and it should not be
unknowingly forced upon
any homeowner. Please
support this legislation to
help property owners
become more informed
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and active during this

important process.

I am writing in support of
Item RE.5. I’ve had the
pleasure to know and work
with Cristina for many
years during her time
working in Miami-Dade
County and at the DDA.
Cristina is a hardworking
professional that believes
in the mission of the DDA,
to promote the economic
RE.5 7260 development and stability
APPOINT – of the downtown area. I
700 NW 1st
EXECUTIVE am confident that Cristina
Lievano- DIRECTOR OF will continue to work
Maria Suite 1620, Yes
Cruz THE MIAMI tirelessly to attract more
Miami, FL
DOWNTOWN businesses to the
DEVELOPMENT downtown area by working
AUTHORITY with all local stakeholders
to ensure that Miami is an
attractive place work and
to raise a family. You’re
vote in support of Cristina
Crespi as Executive
Director of the DDA is a
huge investment for the
future of the City of Miami
and I look forward to
working with her and her

RE.10 7337 API

Great program for our
Viviann Perkins community. Delighted No
Viviann Perkins V.P. CHNA

RE.10 7337 API

1150 North ALLOCATION – You should see the excised
West 49th LIBERTY CITY look on the children faces ,
Viviann Perkins No
Street, Mia. COMMUNITY to know they have a
FL 33127 REVITALIZATION Summer job.

To; Our hard working

RE.10 7337 API Commissioner's & Staff to
1150 North
ALLOCATION – Vote yes for our much
West 49th
LIBERTY CITY needed Youth Employment
Viviann Perkins Street No
COMMUNITY Program dollars to Liberty
Miami, FL
TRUST Revitalization Trust to Mrs.
Elaine Black and Staff. Y
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Dear Honorable
Commissioners, I write to
you in regards to item RE-
5, the appointment of
Christina Crespi as
Executive Director for the
DDA. I have had the
pleasure of knowing Ms.
Crespi for several years
during which I have seen
firsthand her dedication
and passion for the
advancement of Downtown
Miami. More recently, in
RE.5 7260 the past couple of weeks I
APPOINT – have also seen the swift
EXECUTIVE response from DDA to
DIRECTOR OF assist the restaurants and
Cristina Palomo Blvd #3909 No
THE MIAMI small businesses at this
Miami FL
DOWNTOWN time at which they need it
DEVELOPMENT most, and under her
AUTHORITY leadership this process has
been efficient and a real
testament to the
importance of this agency.
Her official appointment
will be a great success for
the residents and business
owners of Downtown.
Thank you, Cristina
Palomo Secretary of
Vizcayne North Tower
Bayfront Park Advisory
Board Member 244
Biscayne Blvd #3909
Miami FL 33132

My name is Samuel
Latimore, Professor and
President-Charles Hadley
Neighborhood Association.
On behalf of the Board of
Directors, and the residents
of the Liberty City
Community, we strongly
support, and recommend,
RE.10 7337 API
approval of this resolution.
This program will allow
samuel latimore these children the No
55th street COMMUNITY
opportunity to learn critical
work skills, life learning
strategies, and more
importantly, the
opportunity to earn income
needed to reduce the
impact of the current
National Emergency on
their family's already
strapped resources. Thank
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The morningside civic

association has voted to
RE.3 7307
support this resolution. We
ask that the commission
please approve this
570 NE GRANT –
Rachel Furst resolution and permit the No
57th street MORNINGSIDE
city manager to see if
these funds on behalf of
Morningside Park. Thank
you, Rachel Furst,
president MCA

I am writing in support of
Christina Crespi’s
confirmation as the DDA
executive director. I have
RE.5 7260 had the honor of working
APPOINT – with the DDA and have
EXECUTIVE seen Christina’s growth,
Brickell Bay
Graham DIRECTOR OF capabilities and leadership.
Suzanne Drive #2303 No
Gibson THE MIAMI Mrs Crespi is the “real
Miami, FL
DOWNTOWN deal” gets things
DEVELOPMENT accomplished and is what
AUTHORITY the downtown Miami area
needs at this time and for
its future. Thank you for
your time and please
everyone stay safe.

Good Morning Mr.

Chairman and
Commissioners, Hope you
are doing well during these
trying times. On behalf of
Florida East Coast
Industries and Brightline, I
would like to express our
support for Christina Crispi
as our DDA Executive
Director. Throughout her
RE.5 7260 time with the DDA she has
APPOINT – always been a natural
700 NW 1st
EXECUTIVE leader for our city, she
DIRECTOR OF works in a selfless manner
Jose Gonzalez #1620 Yes
THE MIAMI and is always ready to
Miami, Fl
DOWNTOWN jump into action on a
DEVELOPMENT variety of issues. Beyond
AUTHORITY her work ethic, she also
has a great vsion and
passion for the future of
downtown Miami. Now
more than ever we need to
have someone who will be
ready to take on the
challenge of getting things
done for our economic
recovery. Please support
her as our DDA Executive
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I’m writing in support of

RE.5 7260 Christina Crespi being
APPOINT – selected as the Executive
10 SW EXECUTIVE Director of DDA. In the
South River DIRECTOR OF past I’ve had the pleasure
Sonless Martin No
Dr. Miami, THE MIAMI of working alongside
FL 33130 DOWNTOWN Christina on numerous
DEVELOPMENT occasions. She’s very
AUTHORITY efficient and effective. I
highly recommend.

Christina Crespi is
definitely the right
candidate for this position.
To the downtown business
owner she has always
RE.5 7260
been receptive and very
helpful with any issues that
200 South I have had. She is always
Ernesto Plagata Biscayne friendly and open to fresh No
Blvd, 200 ideas in order to assist the
small business owner. She
is great at multitasking and
very organized. I am
astounded at the many
things that she can handle.
I wish her the best in her
new endeavor.
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Please read the following

into the record: Dear
Chairman Hardemon: We
hope this message find
you healthy and safer at
home. We applaud the
City’s efforts to continue to
conduct business within the
current social distancing
parameters. This
correspondence is sent on
behalf of Dade Heritage
Trust’s Board of Directors
regarding the April 9 City
Commission Meeting
Agenda item under First
Reading, FR.2 7185, which
proposes amendments to
Chapter 23, the City of
Miami’s Historic
Preservation Ordinance.
We respectfully request a
deferral of this item until a
more appropriate time
FR.2 7185 AMEND when adequate public
190 SE 12 CODE – CHAPTER commentary can be
Christine Rupp No
Terrace 23 – HISTORIC efficiently and effectively
PRESERVATION presented. These are
challenging and
unprecedented times in our
community, residents now
focused on issues of day to
day life. As an organization
committed to advocating
for the preservation of
Miami’s architectural,
environmental and cultural
heritage, Dade Heritage
Trust believes it is in the
Commission’s best
interest, as representatives
of the residents and
neighborhoods of Miami, to
assure adequate public
participation and necessary
research into the potential
impacts of these proposed
amendments. Thank you
for your consideration of
this request. Stay well.
Vinson Richter President,
Dade Heritage Trust

End of Report

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