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BY JAWED NAQVI SS Kashmiris and Indian Muslims ‘No, ‘Maulana Faslur Rehman heads a faction of the Jamiat today. 1 gained anodding acquaintance with ‘the maulana when, for a reason difficult to fathom. at the time, he became a regular interlocutor with Indian journalists visiting Pakistan, The mavlana’s portly bearing and meres inughter had a ikeness Friar Tuck whose Robin Hood, albeit too briefly, Musharraf had become. A version of the English legend has the mone fording the river in Sherwood Forest with Robin Hood on his back when, in mid stream, for ne apparent reason, he hurled his friend into the freezing waters. That's more or less what the maulaina is sald to have done with Musharrat "in recent days, the cleric from the doctrinaire Deoband schoo! of Muslim theology has been rag- ing at Imran Khan, accusing the prime minister of insincerity towards the Kashmiri people facing Indian highhandedness since Aug S.The stances ‘double-edged. it Rehman has friends in high places with lian government. Besides, he has the entire ‘seeking his intervention fo iron things outwith Gen, ‘Musharraf Important Pakistani visitors from the left and liberal commer have not had the ease of access tothe prime minister's office in recent years as the maul- ana did. His equation with the Modi establishment {snot clear, but given the Indian prime minister's chummy relationship with che rulers of Saudi ‘Atabia—a common link between Rehman and the JUH— its not difficult to imagine an agreeable Drospect. ‘The fact that the maulana would routinely drive off to the Deoband seminary, not far from the Indian capital, following his official sojourns, sug gests link between the two stops, ‘That P. Chidambaram made a much-publicised visit to the sominary as home minister further indicates a Strong political interest between the Indian gov A recent JUH statement effectively endorsed the abrogation of Kashmir’s autonomy. cemment and the orthodox clerics of Deaband. And perhaps it also delivers a handy vote bank tht the Eerie contro. “There are Indian Muslim groups as well as non- ‘Muslims who harbour sympathy for the Kashrairi ‘people, but iis mostly with regard to their laim on Jemma and Kasheais autonomy within the Indian lrrangement. Such groups also speak up against perennially violated human rights endured by the ‘mainly Muslim people of the disputed area. To that {extent the JUH has stood withthe Kashmiri people, Dut only from the perspective that thelr interests ‘ere not separate from those of Indian Muslims. 1a 2010, during Congress rule there was a surge inndia's stand-off with Kashmiri Muslims, andthe JOH, a close crossborder comrade of Maulana Fazhir Rehman, did express its formulate symps- thy. A recent statement was, however, more asser- tive in its progovernment stance, effectively endorsing the abrogation of Kashmir’ autonomy. “itis our belief that the welfare of the people of ‘Kashmir lies in gotting intograted with India. The inimical forees and the neighbouring country are bent upon destroying Kashmir. The oppressed and beleaguered people of Kashmir are stuck between ‘opposing forces” the JUH argued, viewally adib- bingtheffical view onthe abrogation of Kashmir's ‘autonomy. “The JUH stands steadfastly for the ‘unity and integrity of the country and has accorded. it paramount importance. As such itcan never sup- port any separatist movement rather it considers ‘Such movements not only harmful for India but also forthe people of Kashmir” "The irony is stark. Both the JUH and itsPakistani ‘counterpart headed by Fazlur Rehman are or ‘should be at loggerheads on Kashmir. And they are also tethered to the Saudi establishment for inspi ‘ation and sustenance. However, Saudi Arabia has ‘Yeered close to the Indian stand and even felicy taved Modi with its highest civilian award, Imran Khan has chosen to swallow the disappointment land has signalled that it's business at wsual by ‘choosing toflyto the UN General Assembly session ‘New York on the Saudi crown prinee’s private plane. The Kashmiris must be watching the denove- meat with awe and trepidation "The JUH leverages Indian Muslim clearly’ rather selfserving relationship ‘any government of the day But this is also how the Hindu right prefers to project the equation. Addre- ‘sing the media in the aftermath of the derailed ‘Agra summit, then senior minister Jaswant Singh ‘obliquely “deseribed the link between Indian ‘Muslims and the Kesbrair issue, The gat of his com ‘ment was this: if India gives away Kashmir to com- ply with the twonation theory, should Indian ‘Muslims not be putin trains to Pakistan? ‘A different answer to the question came from a senior leader of the JammuandKeshini Liberation ‘Front in 1962. Javed Mir had dodged the security “dragnet when practically every Hurriyat leader ‘was put behind the bars. Tasked Miro comment on the demolition of the Babri Masjid in Ayodhya, ‘which had just taken place. He said he couldn't care {ess what became of it or the dispute, because itcon- ‘cerned Indian Muslims who had shown scant inter- st inthe struggles ofthe Kashmiris. ‘The wrtor is Dawn's conespondbnt in Doth

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