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DR MOONIS AHMAR CPEC as a game changer? twastkeabomiehel whan de US Assistant Satay of Ste a Cental and Sour AS, Alice ‘l,i er aka the Woodfow Wisat Cette for ‘Sehalrsin Washington, DC on Newettber 2 Tat ‘sed the china Pakistan Esnotic Coder CPEC) 353 dangerous ploy for Pasian case he net be Bir of thar mul illan dollar agship project wil nat be Inhunabaabutdesing, ‘edie ebutal Wels assem agalnst CPE care ‘nom the Chinese Ambassador sma, Yaoine, wo tenned her allegations devoid of fact and bse on gho- TafceaDd desifbed CPEC asa todel of wintwil cope ‘en Palisa’ eteign Minster stan Mato’ Qureshi Sd Faserl Minister fer Panning and Developmen Asad (Umar, alongwith te leader of pposin in the National Asse, shebbar Shani, alo denied Wels’ concems and termed CEC "game changer mutta beneficial for both debe tap when the tepayten of ans to Chinaweukt start Ineyears ume, ‘Wayanad hw is CPC a"win-win tua” fr Ching and Pakistan and twat extent wil theta countries mut ay bene rom eis sagsip projec despite concems express by the US? nats otonly Washington which as openly talked about the eses whieh Paks ‘Bcein the evee CPECs ale tits lngcalcoelsion, but Some oles in Pakistan ate also cil ofthe ate in hien CPSC will have adverse erionmental, cultural and ivesenrprjex nese ty ot ounecsng the Passan ‘mogeriing Pastas nastucte cua roa, highways, aiwaysand energy ptoducton.ForFakisan, (CPacappearedio be window or opperaniy provi lyme, and augment ts economy by aunctng Excise Economic Zones, Yer, wath the passe of ne, questions were raised abou CPEs natal impact, whe by 22, Pakistan wl be eqlted to epay lai soe on the (Chinese government and banks for eompletn ene, 38, ‘allway, orngeline ana motorway projec, "The Chinese Ambassador, ate ith CPEC media forum, oraz uty byte Cte bss in lansb Paistap-China tia, cared ta eter Was tete any ‘oration inthe CPECpojacs nor woald hs county make Pasta ep lust evas tin peso te dom aL ‘be quite danagin form Pakistan and China ifCPECis ade contfoverial with aleations depicting Pakistan asa Touerand china eet beneiay, (One needs tn rity anaiyse the pros and cons of PEC ‘paral te canter of sues wich ay jeopardise {Me Sino ak win-win cooperation. Mele ate te Major Ieates whieh exis CPE ad nt Nabe oes, Fis, foreign funded development sot te celution to akan’ economic predicament, China isa vd example of promoting delopment trough indigenousmeans. am $40, eh te Cammmanst Revtason tee plac, L379, ‘when China opened up fr te aula won, the Cites [Eades oct on social an turn dewopment with snsigenansosonee ait aa tly on eign sing. ‘The Sve suppor fr China — ints fomative pase (asa 9) — as witha oc diferetces betwee the ‘So communis countries deepened, Meteo, deenpment {china was me ucome oa plc of se-elanee, ara ‘work, modtion ad leadership. Unforeunately, Palsean, ‘See gta, as remained cepenseneon og duis ateaity an ay apples the case of CC, 1 ‘willbe delusional belle that ono dollars ct Chinese development, Alaris nr marinas asta det ‘os pays to Chilese oars whe it got une CEC, i ‘ues to an ort couttl tte Cras poteana other Isalations to Chinese anehoies, Thi the evil Pakistan all a ‘tres and traci wll sete roads and gtwaystult ‘det CDEC, te epioumetal and eclgsel uapnsous ‘willbe aisistous. Particularly Balchsan, which swura- ‘ie tovileneeon accoulto aves by Baloch naenaliss, (wilace double te eoubie because of te ernment Ixcards cause bythe Neary eae anspor ected tiesto China to Cvaar port and onan. The Fakta ‘overnmient hae land a dvsion oferty fre rode ecu to CPEc-eaed sts, pasa inthe ‘ole povinzs of Balchin {CPECwil not be agame changer because qualitative ‘ange inPakistats soci, economic and yotiea landscape ‘illnet occur with foes funded projects bat roa [Endorstp which san, none, wise ard vistenary, and ‘Huough indigenous eff forhuiman development. CPEC canbe acatajstin accelerating the process ot derelopmentin Pakistan burwiilertalny not beagahe-canger. ‘The writers former Dean Fact of Soil Selene, University of Karachi apd can beFeahed at aoe

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