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Standard content Learning standards
2.1 Linear motion 1. Describe the types of linear motion of objects:
i. stationary
ii. uniform velocity
iii. non-uniform velocity
2. Determine:
i. distance and displacement
ii. speed and velocity
iii. acceleration / deceleration
3. Solve the problem of linear motion using kinematic equations.
2.2 Linear Motion Graphs 1. Interpreting the type of movement of the graph:
i. displacement-time
ii. velocity-time
iii. acceleration-time
2. Analyzing the displacement-time graph to determine the distance, displacement
and velocity.
3. Analyzing the velocity-time graph to determine the distance, displacement,
velocity and acceleration.
4. Interpret and sketch:
i. displacement-time graph to velocity-time graph and vice versa
ii. velocity-time graph to graph acceleration-time and vice versa
5. Solve problems involving linear motion graphs.
2.3 Free Fall Motion 1. Explain with examples free fall motion and gravitational acceleration
2. Experiment to determine the value of gravitational acceleration.
3. Solve problems involving gravitational acceleration for any object in free fall.

2.4 Inertia 1. Explain the concept of inertia through example.

2. Experiment to determine the relationship between inertia and mass.
3. Justifying the effects of inertia in daily life.
2.5 Momentum 1. Explains momentum, p as a product of the mass, m, and velocity, v.
2. Applying the Principle of Conservation of Momentum in collision and explosion.

2.6 Force 1. Defines force as the rate of change of momentum.

2. Solve problems involving the equation F = ma.
2.7 Impulse and Impulsive 1. Communicate to explain impulse and impulsive force.
Force 2. Solve problems involving impulse and impulsive force.

2.8 Weight 1. Describe weight as the gravitational force that acts on an object,
W = mg.


2.1 Linear motion

Linear motion: Motion in a straight line
Distance Displacement
Shortest distance between the
Length of the route traveled
initial and final position in a
by an object
specific direction
Depending on the route taken Same value as shortest distance
objects between initial and final position
Scalar quantity Vector quantity

Two cyclists, Ali and Abu start from
the same place. The diagram shows
their positions after 60 seconds. Who
was riding the bicycle with a higher

Speed = Rate of change of distance Velocity = Rate of change of displacement

distance travelled displacement
= =
time taken time taken
𝑑 𝑠
v = v =
𝑡 𝑡

Based on the diagram below, who is moving with constant velocity? Who is moving with acceleration?

Acceleration = Rate of change of velocity

final velocity − initial velocity
time taken for change of velocity
a =


Ticker tape
1 tick: The interval between two consecutive points (0.02s)

- distance between dots are close to each other - distance between dots are far to each other
- low, uniform velocity - high, uniform velocity
- zero acceleration - zero acceleration

- the distance between the dots increase - the distance between the dots decrease
- velocity increases - velocity decrease
- acceleration = + ve - acceleration = - ve

The velocity of the ticker tape

Acceleration ticker tape


Linear motion equations

1 2
(no s) 1 (no a)
𝑣 = 𝑢 + 𝑎𝑡 𝑠= (𝑢 + 𝑣)𝑡
3 4
1 (no v) 𝑣 2 = 𝑢2 + 2𝑎𝑠 (no t)
𝑠 = 𝑢𝑡 + 𝑎𝑡 2

1. A car accelerates from 20ms-1
with acceleration 2 ms-2. What is
the velocity after 8 seconds?

2. A rocket moves from the velocity

2000ms-1 to 6000 ms-1 after
moving as far as 80km. Calculate
the time taken by the rocket.

3. An athlete is running at
maximum velocity from
stationary in 3 seconds. Distance
in 3 seconds is 24m. Calculate the
acceleration. (5.3ms-2)

4. After hitting the brakes, a driver

successfully reduces the velocity
from 20 ms-1 to 10ms-1 within
30m. Calculate deceleration.


2.2 Linear Motion Graphs

displacement - time graph velocity - time graph acceleration – time graph

displacement - time (s-t) velocity - time (v-t)

gradient = velocity gradient = acceleration
area under the graph = n / a area under the graph = displacement @ distance


Analysis of displacement-time graph to determining distance, displacement and velocity

A car started its journey at point A. After 30 seconds, the car had reached point B. The car stops at point B for 10 seconds.
Then, the car turned around and arrived at the point A after 15 seconds. The car stopped at point A for 20 seconds. The car
then went on his way and get to the point C after 10 seconds.

Velocity from 0 to 30 s Velocity from 30 to 40 s

Velocity from 40 to 55 s Velocity from 55 to 75 s

Velocity from 75 to 85 s

Total distance Total displacement

Average speed Average velocity


Analysis of velocity-time graph to determine the distance, displacement, velocity and acceleration
A truck began its journey at point A. After 30 seconds, the truck got to the point B and has a speed of 20 ms-1. Truck then
moves with a velocity of 20 ms-1 for 10 seconds. Then, the truck increases its speed to reach 30 ms-1 in 15 seconds. After 10
seconds of moving with a velocity of 30 ms-1, the driver has pressed the brake, causing the truck to stop completely at C after
5 seconds. After stopping for 10 seconds, the driver turn the truck and drove toward the starting point of the journey. After
20 seconds, the velocity is 10 ms-1.

Acceleration from 0 to 30 s Acceleration from 30 to 40 s

Acceleration from 40 to 55 s Acceleration from 55 to 65 s

Acceleration from 65 to 70 s Acceleration from 70 to 80 s

Acceleration from 80 to 100 s

Total distance Total displacement


1. An object moves 50m in 10s with constant rate. Then it stops for 5s before returning back to its original position in 15s.

a. Sketch displacement-time graph b. Sketch velocity-time graph

2. Starting at point A, an object moves at a constant velocity for

10s towards point B and then stops for 10s at B. Then the object
returns back to its original position and reaches point A after 5s.
Then, it moves and reaches point C after 15s.
a. Sketch displacement-time graph b. Sketch velocity-time graph

3. An object moves from rest to 10ms-1 with constant acceleration in 10s. Then the object maintains the velocity for 5s. The
object continues to decelerate at constant rate to rest after 10s.

a. Sketch displacement-time graph b. Sketch velocity-time graph

c. Sketch acceleration-time graph


2.3 Free Fall Motion

Free fall: Motion of an object is affected by gravitational force (no other forces - air resistance, friction).
Gravitational acceleration, g = 9.81ms-2
* In calculation, when object falls down, value of g is positive (+), when object is thrown up, the value of g is negative (-).
in air in vacuum stroboscope

1. What is the acceleration of an object falling at free fall?

2. Sketch graphs below to represent the motion of an object falling in a vacuum.

a. Displacement-time graph b. Velocity-time graph

3. An object with mass 5kg falls in a vacuum tube. 4. An object with mass 10kg is thrown above with initial
Calculate its speed after 10s. speed 100ms-1. What is the time taken by the object to
reach its maximum height?


2.4 Inertia
Newton's First Law of Motion:
An object will remain at rest or move at uniform velocity unless acted upon by an external force.

Inertia: The tendency of an object to remain at rest, or if moving to continue its motion in a straight line at uniform
Inertia is affected by mass. The bigger the mass, the bigger the inertia.
(Experiment: plasticine and G-clamp)

Examples of inertia

1. Which of the following has the largest inertia? 2. Which of the following has the smallest inertia?
A. Physics textbook resting on a table A. A piece of paper on a table
B. A sleeping adult elephant B. A sleeping adult elephant
C. A kitten resting C. A kitten running around
D. A pen under a chair D. A child jumping on a trampoline

Minimizing the negative effects of inertia


2.5 Momentum
Momentum: Product of mass and velocity
p = momentum (kgms-1)
p=mxv m = mass (kg)
v = velocity (ms-1)


1. Which of the following has the largest momentum? 2. Which of the following has the smallest momentum?

A. Physics textbook resting on a table A. An athlete sprinting

A. A sleeping adult elephant B. A sleeping adult elephant
B. A kitten walking C. A kitten running around
C. A pen rolling under a chair D. A child jumping on a trampoline

3. An object with a mass of 5kg is moving with speed 2ms-1. 4. An object is moving with velocity 4ms-1. If its momentum
Calculate its momentum. is 20kgms-1, calculate its mass.

Principle of conservation of momentum:

Total momentum before collision is equal to the total momentum after collision if no external forces is acting on it.

Conservation of momentum in collision and explosion

Collision Explosion
Total momentum before and after collision is equal Total momentum before and after explosion is zero

Types of collision


1. Write EC for elastic collision, IC for inelastic collision and EX for explosion for all the situations below.

2. An orange ball hits a green ball. Then they both move 3. An orange ball hits a green ball. Then they both move
separately in the same direction. Calculate speed of green separately in the same direction. Calculate speed of
ball after the collision. green ball after the collision.

4. An orange ball hits a green ball. Then they both move 5. An orange ball is attached to a green ball. After an
attached together in the same direction. Calculate speed explosion, they were separated and move in opposite
of green ball after the collision. direction. Calculate the speed of the green ball after


2.6 Force
Force: Rate of change of momentum
Force can change the shape and movement (direction @ speed) of an object
Newton's Second Law of Motion:
Rate of change of momentum is directly proportional to the force and acts in the direction of applied force.
F = force (kgms-2 @ Newton, N)
F=ma m = mass (kg)
(Newton 2)
a = acceleration (ms-2)
1 N force will move the object of 1 kg with an acceleration of 1 ms-2.
1. A student kicked a ball
with force 10N. If the ball
accelerates at 50ms-2,
calculate the mass of the

2. A box is pulled with a force of 10 N to achieve

acceleration of 2 ms-2. What is the mass of the

3. A stationary box is pulled by a force of 10 N to

reach a speed of 10 ms-1 within 5 seconds. What
is the mass of the box?

4. A 5kg stationary box is pulled with a force of 10

N to reach a speed of 10 ms-1. What is the
displacement of the box?


2.7 Impulse and Impulsive Force

Impulsive force = rate of change of momentum in a collision or
Impulse = change in momentum (kgms-1)
impact in a short period of time (N)
𝑚𝑣 − 𝑚𝑢
𝐹𝑡 = 𝑚𝑣 − 𝑚𝑢 𝐹=
Newton's Third Law of Motion:
For every action there is a reaction of equal magnitude but opposite direction.

1. Tennis ball and a lump of mud with the same mass of

0.06 kg are thrown onto a wall at a speed of 9 ms-1.
Mud sticks on the wall and the ball rebounds with a
velocity of 6 ms-1. Calculate the impulse of mud and
ball. (A: mud = 0.54Ns, ball = 0.90Ns)

2. A player who pushed a ball up that was passed to him

at a speed of 5 ms-1 in the opposite direction with a
speed of 20 ms-1. The mass of the ball is 0.36 kg.

a. Determine impulse of the ball. (9Ns)

b. If the force exerted on the balls is 300 N, how long
is the period of time the ball and the hands come
in contact? (0.03s)


Time, impulse and impulsive force

𝑚𝑣−𝑚𝑢 1
𝐹= 𝑡
 𝐹 𝛼 𝑡  t ↑, ↓ F Ft = mv - mu  t ↑, v ↑

Increase magnitude of impulse by follow through

Reducing impulsive forces by increasing time of impact.

Increasing impulsive forces by decreasing time of impact.

2.8 Weight
Strength of the gravitational field, g: force per unit mass due to gravity (g of Earth = 9.81 Nkg-1)
Weight: Gravitational force acting on an object
W = weight, N
W=mg m = mass, kg
g = gravitational acceleration, ms-2


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