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Cystic Fibrosis – Video

Cystic Fibrosis, is a genetic disorder which mainly affects the activity of the
lung. This disorder is passed, and spread by genes, and can be inherited by a
child whose parents possess the gene for Cystic Fibrosis. This disorder cause
mucus to accumulate in the airways of the lung and the alveoli, it can be fatal
and leads to various health issues. The body organs are not provided with
enough Oxygen dues to decrease in the area of the gas exchange surface in the
lungs due to mucus accumulation. This can cause problems in other body
organs as well, for example the pancreas, liver, kidneys, and intestine. Long-
term issues include difficulty breathing and coughing up mucus as a result of
frequent lung infections.

In the First Video, a girl suffering from this disorder explains to the audience,
her daily routine. The video was published in 2011, and by rough judgement, it
can be said that the girl is a teenager. Her treatments include: various different
kinds of antibiotics, each serving a different purpose. She has to consume 2
tablets, Ursodeoxycholic Acid, to prevent liver damage and Rennie pills, to help
with heartburn and indigestion. She takes these antibiotics to prevent mucus
accumulation in the liver which can further lead to problems with joints and
limbs and cause severe liver damage in the long term. She takes various
antibiotics to prevent infections. In the video she explains why a combination
of antibiotics is extremely important, since bacterial resistance by mutation
and variation is very likely if a single type of antibiotic is constantly taken in.
This is why her treatment includes a varied combination of antibiotics. Cystic
Fibrosis patients are much more susceptible to infections than normal people.
She takes 3 antibiotics, Clarithromycin, Doxycycline and Ciprofloxacin all
primarily helping to prevent respiratory tract infections. Furthermore, Holly’s
medical treatment also includes physiotherapy. She puts on a vest that is
connected to a vest. This vest is electronically operated and vibrates, which
can help to loosen up the accumulated mucus by shaking and vibrating it. This
method is a much more physical one than the bulk doses antibiotics that she
has to take in. Another major issue when suffering from cystic fibrosis is that
weight gain is extremely difficult, and Holly was forced to ingest a huge
amount of protein supplements, and control her diet by eating almost twice as
much as a normal human. After such vigorous and extensive treatment, Holly
knew at the back of her mind that all of this is only going to extend her life
span and keep her alive for a short while. She never had hope to grow up and
have a family of her own. Cystic Fibrosis is a disorder that can cause great
suffering to a human. An 18-year-old teenager should not have to go through
so much pain. I hope, that sooner or later, medical technology advances and
makes a breakthrough in finding a cure for this dreadful disease, and we can
make this world a better place for all. Holly has given me new perspective. I
have a new found respect for life.

Video 2 –
In this video, Claire Wineland, explains her life experience suffering by Cystic
Fibrosis. She is also 18 and talks from a more personal point of view about her
18 her experience rather than her treatments. She mentions various advances
in technology, and how at each new advancement in the field would take
place, her life expectancy would increase further by a few couple of years.
However, she uses various metaphors to explain, how life is like climbing a
mountain, and the huge snowball of Cystic Fibrosis is chasing her. Once Cystic
Fibrosis, the snowball of Cystic Fibrosis, catches up to her, she has to face her
inevitable death.
Claire starts the video by explaining how the disorder gets worse with age. As
she grows, her disorder keeps getting more and more harmful. Along with her
disease, her treatment also continues to get more complicated. Even after
leading such a rough life, Claire explains how it is important to never lose hope.
Claire explains why one must stay motivated and hopeful, even when it is
certain that they may die today or tomorrow or at any given point of time.
Moreover, Claire is a CF activist. She inspires others and gives them hope to
lead a better life. Claire runs her very own blog where she gives motivational
talks to other Cystic Fibrosis patients, and raises funds for other patients that
cannot afford medical treatment.
However, the inevitable approached, and unfortunately the snowball of cystic
fibrosis caught up to Claire. However, all is not lost, Claire’s blog is still
available and she continues to inspire thousands of other people by her well
written words. Claire has and will always inspire thousands of others. She has
not only inspired CF patients, but also many others, including me teaching me
a great lesson, to never lose hope. I now feel grateful for my happy life.

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