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ZONG 68) 0 Puvsics XI Novas Twe Scope Of Prvsics - Questions & ANSWERS Chapter # 01 Physics - XI Questions & Answers Qi: Ans: Q.2: Q3: Ans: > THE SCOPE OF PHYSICS : THE PHYSICAL SCIENCES? PracTiAlCeNTnE ‘What is science? Also write down the names of main branches of Science? DEFINITION OF SCIENCE: “Science is the name of identification, description, experimental investigation and theoretical explanation of natural phenomena” BRANCHES OF SCIENCI Subject science is classified into two main branches. > The Physical Sciences > The Biology Science Define Physical Sciences and Biological sciencé?, “It is concerned with the properties and behavior of non-living matter”. It is divided into “Physics, Astronomy and Chemistry”. ‘THE BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES: “tt deals with the living things. Itis divided into Botany and Zoology’. Give an account of different brariches of Physics? Physics is divided into sevetal branches such as: Atomic Physics. Nuclear Physies Plasma Physics Astro Physics Bio Physies Solid’State Physics Mv VV These are defined as follows: Atomic Physics: Itis concerned with the structure and propertis of atoms, Nuclear Physics: Itis concerned with the structure, properties and reaction between the nuclei of Atoms. Plasma Physics: It is concerned with the properties of highly ionized atoms forming in a mixture of bare nuclei and electron called ion plasma. Pagelt coe Puvsics XI Noves Twe Score OF Prvsics - QuesTions & ANsweRs Astro Physies: Itis concerned with the application of modem physics, to the problems of astronomy. Bio Physi Itis concerned with the application of physical methods and types of explanation to bio- physical systems and structures. Solid State Physics: Itis concerned with the properties of crystalline materials. Write down the names of some Muslim scientists? ‘The names of some Muslim scientists are given below: > Abu All Hasan Ibn - al - Haitham > AbBeruni > Yaqub Kindi > M. Bin Moosa Khawarzmi Dr. Abdul Salam Dr, Abdul Qadeer Khan Briefly describe the contribution of Muslim Scientists? ‘The contribution of Muslim scientists described as follows: Al-Khawarzmi: He was the founder of Analytical Algebra. His important achievement was the Hisab - ul - Jabr - wal - Mugabla. He also invented the term logarithm. Ibn - al - Haitham: He was a great Physielst, He wrote many books. His masterpiece work was the book named "Kitab ~Ul=Mianazir” on optics. He developed the laws of reflection and refraction. He also constructed pinhole camera Al—Razis He Wfoteljabout two hundred (200) original monographs, half of which pertained medicine. "Abu= Rehan Al - Beruni: He'was the most famous scholar of golden age of Islam. He wrote more than one hundred and fifty books on such subjects as Mathematics, Physics, History, Geography etc. He discussed the measurement of earth, the shape of earth, the movement of sun and moon. ‘One of his famous books was Qanoon - ul - Masoodi. He also determined the density of metals. Yaqoob Kindi: He worked on metrology, specific gravity and on tides, but his most important work was. done in the field of optics, especially on reflection of light. blogspot Puysics Xi Noves Twe Score OF Prvsics - QuesTioNs & ANSWERS Ibn -@ - Sina: He worked a lot in medicine. He also wrote Al - Shifa an Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Dr. Abdus Salam: He established International center for theoretical Physics at Trieste. He was awarded Noble prize in Physics in 1979 for his work on Grand Unification Theory (GUT). Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan: ~~ ZONG [a] (8) Puysics XI NoTes Twe SooPE OF Puvsics - QUESTIONS & ANSWERS Ibn - e - Sina: He worked a lot in medicine. He also wrote Al - Shifa an Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Dr. Abdus Salam: He established International center for theoretical Physics at Trieste. He was awarded Noble prize in Physics in 1979 for his work on Grand Unification Theory (GUT). Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan: He established nuclear research Laboratory at Kahuta, where a large numberiof Pakistani scientists are engaged in research work, in the field of nuclear Physi Q.6: What are different systems of units? Defined them? ‘Ans: SYSTEMS OF UNITS: There are different systems of units, which are defined as follows: ® MKS system (meter, Kg, second system) ¥ CGS system (cm, gm, second system) ® FPS system (ft, pound, second system) > Sl. Units (international system of Units) MAK. System: In M.KS system, the fundamental units.of length, mass and time are meter, kilogram and second respectively. C.G.S. System: In CGS system, the fundamentalpunits of length, mass and time are taken as centimeter, gram and second respectivély. F.P.S. System: In FPS system, theunit of force, length and time are chosen as the fundamental units. Init, the unit of mass is Werlved unit. The unit of force, length and time are pound, foot and second respectively: Sil. Ut ‘The, SHlunits are derived from the earlier M.K.S system. It was introduced in 1960 and is. Row in. use all over the world. The S.1. units unlike three basic units of the F.P.S, the C.G.S andthe M.K.S system comprise seven basic units. These are ‘Quantity S.1. Units Length Meter (m) Mass Kilogram (kg) [ Time ‘Second (s) Electric Current ‘Ampere (A) Temperature Kelvin (k) | ‘Amount of Substance Mole (mol) L Luminous Intensity Candela (ed) ‘acticalcentre,blogspot.cor Puysios XI Noves TWE SCOPE OF PHvsics ~ QUESTIONS & ANSWERS Q,7: What are Derived Unite? Deriveo UNITE: ‘The units of other Physical quantities derived from the fundamental units are known as. Derived units ‘Ans: Example: Puysios XI Noves Twe SCOPE OF Pivsics - QUESTIONS & ANSWERS ': What are Derived Unite? : DERIVED UNITE: The units of other Physical quantities derived from the fundamental units are known as. Derived units Example: > The unit of speed or velocity is m/s. > The unit of force is Newton. : What do you understand by dimension? : DIMENSIONS: Dimensions of a quantity represent the physical naturey6f)quantity. Dimensions of quantities can be expressed as some combination by dimension of fundamental quantities. Length, mass & time is taken as fundamentalyquantities. Dimensions of fundamental quantities are L, M & T respectively. Example: Quantity Dimensions ‘Area L ‘Acceleration we Force Mut Work MUT ForMOre.NoTeSs, Mcas, ONLINE Quizzes PRACTICALCENTRE.BLOGSPOT.COM Practical Centre (PC) Physics 1st Year Class Questions & Answers From The Scope Of Physics The Scope Of Physics Chapter List | Questions & Answers Scientific Reasons | MCQs | Online MCQs Chapter # 01 Physics - XI Scientific Reasons > SCOPE OF PHYSICS PracTGALCENTRE BLDGgp.cOM : What is physics? What are its main branches? : PHYSICS: ‘The branch of the physical sciences which deals with interaction of mattefiand energy and their relationship. It explains the natural phenomena with help of flandamehttal laws and principles. Main branches of physics are: Electronics, Bio-physics)) Nuclear physics, electrical physics, Plasma physics, etc. Name some of the household applications in your home which are based on the principle of physics? : Radio, Television, Telephone, Electric fansijWashihg’ Machine, Electric Iron, Bulb, Fluorescent Tube, Heater, Toaster, Grinder Refrigerator, Sewing Machine, Electric Bell ‘What type of natural phenomena could servelasalternative time standard? ; Any phenomenon that repeats itself canbe used as a measure of time: the measurement consists of counting the repetitions, ; Are the radians and steradian'the basic units of SI? : Are radians and steradians ate two supplementary basic units of SI. Radian is used for the plane angles andsteradian for solid angles. Express the following quantities using the prefixes? > 320100 m > 5x10 5s Tx 102 9 Using the prefixes are following: > 3 107! m = 0.3 x 10-9 = 0.3mm ¥ 5x 105 =50x10-° 50 us ¥ 72x10? g =72x 108g =72Kg For More Notes, Mcas, ONLINE QUIZZES PRACTICALCENTRE.BLOGSPOT.COM Practical Centre (PC) - Physics 1st Year Class Scientific Reasons From The Scope Of Physics The Scope Of Physics coe

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